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vivian cloudy Aug 2017
I have been
on this rubberband for days

I keep pulling
and stretching it

I quickly release it
until I hear it

It hit me quite hard
up against my wrist

The minutes and seconds
are raking again
The strands of my hair
on the ground

I feel

Or even worse


Like a shallow river
in the street
After several days of rainfall
I'm an overbanking creek

I flood the town

As if I were the ocean but
there was never
any depth
There was never
any substance
to this interest

Because I
Never felt important

And so I lie flat
on my bed
Until I let

Do open heart surgery
It makes a mess of me

And then it stitches me up

Necessity has the teeth of a dog

But I let it burn through
And in my own dissonance
I mother significance

Swarming out of my chest
Until the rubberband breaks
Gwen Pimentel May 2015
A slow and gradual movement or change from one place, condition, etc. to another
The ******* feeling in the world
It’s like, were still friends but we’re transitioning into acquaintances,
maybe even strangers in the near future
Daily conversations start to get rusty
And every word said feels like so much effort
Real talk, becomes small talk, and soon, maybe even no talk
Maybe we’ve just exhausted the list of things to talk about
And you know everything you wanted to know about me and I know everything I wanted to know about you
Or maybe you’ve reached your word limit or something, I don’t really know

But what most people don’t know about drifting is that
Drifting can be a one sided process
Like I’m here freaking out about our friendship and how we haven’t talked in days
And you're just there, probably not even noticing that we haven’t had a single conversation
If our friendship was a group work
I’d be that person doing everything, trying to fix things, putting so much effort
And you’re the one who seenzones the facebook group chat
It’s like we were on boats and suddenly a current rips us apart and if you just pull me in your boat everything will be okay
But no, the current is pulling me away from you and I am using all my strength to paddle back to you
And you don’t even notice and you even find the time to take a swim
Our friendship was a rubberband
You were holding one end, I was holding the other,
The rubberband stretched as the friendship grew, it got tighter and tighter
and suddenly, you decided that rubber bands weren't cool so you let go and i got slapped in the face by our friendship
It’s like wanting to chase you, but not wanting to chase you
Because it can come off as clingy
It’s like wanting to talk to you but I don’t
because I don’t want to disturb you
and that ***** cos you're the only one I want to talk to
but I'm probably not the one you want to talk to
so I just scratch the idea out of my head
and think of another way to talk to the person I once had endless conversations with

the hardest part in drifting is deciding what to do
should I let go?
Because they say that drifting is just a sign from God that you’ve learned everything you can from that person, right
And if I do let you go and we’re meant to stay friends aren’t we eventually going to find our way back to each other?
Or should I hold on, on this one-sided stretched rubberband of ours
and try to fix something that might not even be broken in your eyes
Esme Venegas Apr 2014
You keep pulling
Never knowing my limits
Until I snap!
Kairee F Nov 2013
Pin my arms to their furthest range,
so they’ll forever outstretch to everyone else.
Strum me unendingly. Listen to the hum.
I always do what’s asked.
I can’t wait for the day my insides tear
to the point of steady separation.
Then maybe they’ll stop pulling at me,
and I can tug at my own heart strings.
david badgerow Dec 2011
the mockingbird is four yards in front of me.
it is 5:47pm.
it is just barely December,
but already my heart has frozen.
i am no longer able to turn the great wheel of the stars.
i am but a fragile stem on a withered rose.
the old grandfather of winter has come to live in my heart.
night has wearied my bones.

the mockingbird is perched low on a cushion of oak moss.
he is taunting his feathers the way mockingbirds do.
he is basking in the sun.
he is wearing a beautiful coat of indulgence.
he is twitching his tail and quickly bobbing his neck.
he is deflecting and dodging and eating flies out of the air.

i decided to take aim.
i have no rhyme or reason.
i have a slingshot.
i flex the rubberband once for tension and twice for luck.
the bird sees no evil intent in me, nor i in it.
i place a single devil's eye marble into a warm leather home.

mr. mockingbird is surely mocking me.
this one's pure observation.
Robyn Feb 2013
7:43 AM - Period 1 - Symphonic Band
I hid behind a bank of instrument nooks, each beaten, worn and termite chewed to ruddy brown and grey colors. Doors of old supply cabinets with peeling, plastic, paper coverings squeaked in a draft that no one could find. I kept my backpack against the trumpet section, just around the corner from the door, where no one could see me. Class started eight minutes ago, but Mr. Rants was gone as usual, and our student substitute Nick, was not not here yet. I unhooked the metal clasp on my Fossil backpack, searching around in the front backpack for my gum. I popped it in my mouth and bit down. Crack! Stale.
In a side pocket I found a tube of mascara I had shoved haphazardly in due to my rush from the house this morning. I untwisted the cap and wiped the tip of the brush on the rim, looking for a reflective surface. In the cubby directly in front of me was a trumpet case and a harmon mute. A shiny harmon mute. I stared at my warped reflection in the surface and laughed at myself. I thought "Only a real musician would do her makeup using a trumpet mute." I stabbed myself in the face leaving a long streak of gooey black on my nose. "******" I whispered and licked my finger to wipe it off. I laughed again, my hand still at my face. "This is one of those significant moments" I realized. "I'm not sure why though."

2. 4:21 PM - After School  - Way Home From Orthodontist Appointment
She stroked my hand, which was flat against my leg. "Sorry honey, just because I am a little disappointed because of what happened doesn't mean that." I was silent, staring straight through the windsheild. She sighed and pulled her hand away. I fiddled with a rubberband, my legs crossed beneath me in the passenger seat. I was hurt; I thought we were done talking about this. Hadn't she forgiven me? Like it mattered. Telling her was the right thing and there's nothing more I can do. Light Gives Heat by Jars of Clay came on the radio and as I looked through the rain, repeatedly punching my window, I felt something well up inside me. The feeling that actors must get in dramatic movie scenes. Closing my eyes, I imagined I was in a movie. That it was about me, that I would win whatever I wanted in the end and that I was clever and beautiful. "This is a significant moment" I thought. "But not like this morning, not at all."
I looked over at her, she was expresionless, tapping her finger gently on the steering wheel.
"Maybe I'll post something about this on HelloPoetry later." I thought.
Christina Murphy Jul 2012
like the flap of butterfly wings,
and softer, smaller, thinner things.
golden shimmer blackened rings,
the tips of your limbs fluttering,
landed weightlessly on my skin.

tickling to my bone glowing hot,
you whispered in my ear, the *****,
hairs at end by winds collapse,
revealing secrets, treasure maps,
weak rubberband encircling snaps.

the spot was marked by sweat to graze
the endless fields of goosebumps raise
an image of a butterfly, it plays,
and whisked into my range of hair.

when i can smell the sound it makes,
and feel its taste in stomach aches.
the butterfly of the body shakes.
into its home, my heart, it takes.
and wraps in black my golden shimmer veins.

your breath the breeze that brought the butterfly's
wings to form to speckles of your eyes.
and lashes batting winked into the skies,
and kissing cheeks and spaces between thighs,
to make goosebump mountains to scale.

when you feel the flap of butterfly wings,
in your bones valley, in blood springs,
into your ear a hush, whisper, the insect sings,
and pulls you in by golden harp strings,
wrapped in black in ropes and rings.
a melody in passion, it begins.
Mateuš Conrad May 2020
listening to metric - clone (2012)...
sipping a whiskey...
pretending to smoke a cigarette
with an unlit cigarette in hand...
the feel and the texture...
the scent of unlit tobacco,...

and then it's... contemplating...
british and "british"...
              and the caves... and... speaking
a language lacerated...
loan words...
   music of corvus corax... katrinka...
i would never...
listening to such music...
attire myself as: bwitish...
              the prefix will do...
                         like... those anglo-saxons...
but less specific...
because: you'd have to also call them:
          or quasi...
                        i'm not being
specific either... an anglo-slav i am...
a patchwork of guesses...
         serb? croat? slovenian?
       the yugoslav? ukranian?
           russian? czech? slovak?
                    i've just been listening to
some videos of nostalgia...
from the natives circa 1978 and...
nik nak paddy... old man... something...

to associated with the british...
to be british...
  do you suppose... there's a turk these days...
that would associate himself
as... an ottoman?
         i wonder...
         maybe the concept of empire being...
domino... connected by land...
and not scattered like the greek diaspora /

           the empire of roman?
weird... isn't it? to be surrounding a massive
salt pond...
            while the constant chance of having
your back turned...
seemingly protecting this salt pond...
yes... sea...

- i found the stare of love at first today:
but i was numb to it...
deer eyes of an indian girl -
darkened / riddled by the equator...
while i was... picking three kings of chillies...
some fresh coriander...
cumin powder... kashmiri powder...
and black cumin seeds...

    - i saw eyes and i also saw two
nuggets of charcaol...
   my knees left nothing of the sort of iritation
fo drop everything and swim
against the current like a salmon...

- come mid-thirties and...
   i'm starting to feel comfortable...
with the solo-project... the dodo-project...
looking for signs of: waking up
to what could have been an abortion...
or a genocide into a tissue, flushed down
the toilet: the horror of being circumcised...
without jewish or muslim...
social structures...
         it could be much worse... i could have
been circumcised...
i could have been born with
both a ****** and a strap-on *****:
seeking the ****** st. of tic-tac-toe and
a skipping rope of:
  that i have kissed a man...
that i have gorged on a *******'s
****** like a wrath and love of god...
that suckling to the **** didn't
pose a problem: got choc tinged teeth
and bitter-corn in between...
oh i'm pretty sure she wasn't in love
with me:
             a wry smile while i didn't
speak the "proper" native...

mongrel soul retaining a weird question
about who's who and who's a token
postcard on loan from...
lost from former forged empires...

on my way back home...
   i was... once upon a time...
that sort of guy... loitering... waiting...
making waiting... a ritual...
worth smoking a cigarette...
patience is a religion that's not invested
in peace to all: for all...
     first comes first...

nearing the magic number 35...
it's very sensible of me to state:
it's quiet impossible for me to share a bed...
with anything or anyone except
my shadow...
considering how when i expose
my shadow to sunlight...
mindless shadow pretends to have
eyes... when it crawls into my head
at night: when i sleep...
and tells the alternative story of
the day...

    to be wedded and with children...
one would most certainly need to be coupled
with prospects in one's early 20s...
after the mid-20s... well...
the boat's about to sail...
the solo- / dodo-project is...
  a bit like... with writing being concerned...
one's hope for a career in...
    a chemistry lab...
or the selfless-acts of hippocrates' students...

all very well to love children...
but... ******* them up...
never really becoming that...
nobel prize winning psychologists
with a break-through...
when the whittle cherbus... gremlins...
kritters arrive...
an over-zealous cat meowing / moaning
about curfew is one of those spin-offs
of madness...
talk to me about a babe crying...

- and yes... some people shouldn't drink...
their genetic disposition: ah ah...
their individual metabolism...
they never conjure up the amphetamine
(metaphor) ***** from the lullaby
zombied-out death-cult of sedation...
- and these same people shouldn't pick
up smoking a ritual tobacco stick...
even i venture to call it:
a bullet to the head...

  how is it... to become... selfless?
when... one... has become...
self-realized... past the groan of:
the facts... aged 25 and your brain
should stop... window-shopping
function suffixes... no?

i had an idea for a glove...
with a rubber-band...
to... restrict... the natural laziness
of the hand when walking...
but because i drink and only jargon
poor poetics...
in rage i ripped the rubberband
off my arm... lost to history:
lost to the void...
oh i know how that it feels...
would it have been of use...
i guess not...
     a bright idea in a bucket
of maggots and maggot ****...
is... about as much worth as...
a screwdriver is to a forest of nails...
chisel... n'est ce pas...
i was... asking: grit teeth...
soul... clenching... bizarre objects
of gradations of sharpening...
the obvious square-headed axe...
      a whole rainbow of objects...
perhaps a scalpel is the last resort...

i smile because: i've turned angry into
who doesn't have the monopoly on violence:
well... i also do not have the monopoly
on c.c.t.v. -
   little help from coming from
under the iron curtain...
the local seem to be... all ah...
oh so detached... missing las vegas cousins
if i could only allow you...
to allow myself... to fathom...
the maldives of my mind...
a drag of a cigarette... a bottle of whiskey
35cl... you start the bets...
who's about to...
      find prison in solipsism...
solipsism as a mental illness...
as an altruism: as a atheism as a...
genius maddy: spezial neds: youz callz
'em... quivering folk?
what'z that phra-phra-puccino?
    autist-spec:   ah yes! those rare breeds!
i was one misunderstood for one of them...
i took the insult to the grave...
well... i took it to her grave...
by the god of the hebrews and by the mythology
of cain... from siberia came the huns...
the turks... the slavs and the mongols...
only germans ever came from
they skipped the toll of sanskrit:
the birth of writing...
why? it became complicated...
when beijing was founded...
but sure... a replica tux of skeleton came out
out... fringe kenya and landed in: old delhi...
as many consonants if not more:
down to the core: with the spices...
the unfortunate indians of north
the somewhat fortunate indians
of: south america...
brazil: post-racial mecca...
argentinian beef and...
                             myths of nazis
living to old age...
                 no... oh no... i will not die...
first comes ol' lizzie then comes
my sodden sorry ***...
envelope of a missing postage stamp
of a world: we've been to the moon...
via new york and the leviathan london...
where's afghanistan cave fighting...
the pashtun women of... glorifying
copper and cinnamon / cumin and coriander
ash... and beauty...
how doesn't it sound:
the day the music died:
we sang dirges in the dark...
                 bye bye: may-pole luck with
christ: the advent of...
the crucifix is hanging... ornament piece...
but the... iron maiden isn't...
           it's enough to identify a god...
it's quiet another matter...
to torture him... and... sorry...
but if i were to be crucified...
   sooner me and the comfort of hands...
outstretched... than... hands-tied...
pushed onto a pole: to impale...
lost advent of etymology: slav...
and the lost "e" of paul...
to remind... the crucifix... well...
            to impale...
                       looks like...
the crucifix is missing limbs... it would take...
days... the arms that would be
flapping... agitating an imitation
of a swan breaking into flight...
the two lungs... imitating drowning...
while hanging... extended...
     to crucify... hardly: the affair of...
being... impaled...
perhaps joking: slav(e) gave the clue...
germans: whether orthodox
anglo-ßaß - celtic mingling...
    germs... who's eating what... "leftover"
etymological clues...
we can play this game... forever...
it's hardly the hebrew the original:
indu- prefix of... roaming... or not...
guise them up as the exodus as the fomer
lands of Jagiełło...
the battle of Hastings: blip...
             who am i... but at least in england...
i can speak the language
like some conrad of masovia:
readied to sell the "lesser creatures"
for the... encouraged...
integration to the *****: kneel...
of the baltic pruß...
who weren't... coddled...
the welsh weren't coddled...
they were "told" to... brighten their
day to day... expand...
fathom the easily accessed seas:
who owned the monopoly of
the baltic sea: as if it were
the bosphorus...
beside... the danes?
expansion of: ****** come together
with a ******: breathing
h. p. lovecraftian h'america...
loot maine and call it... start:
bittersweet apartheid...
not me: i'm still half of Vilno...
and the most remote aspect of L'viv...
no... crusader songs... no crusades: per se!

i used to play video games...
i became... more fascinated
with the romance of: a lost year...
that the school re(a)d... it wasn't in any
fathom of an iota of red:
or a synonym in burgundy:
for the worth of the burgundians:
leftovers of the angevins...
that richard the lionheart
found a love for england...
the island... an abhorring testimony
of youth and no solance...
that old age never found him:
akin to: the needle never found
the mystery of the haystack...

i am not! lithuanian!
common practice of exodus polacks...
slav and "e" dribbling...
      like the germanic peoples:
who aren't lingua franca revisions...

    ⰏⰑⰣ     ⰔⰑⰂⰑ...

lingering "blame"... darwinism via
the default...
the monkey skeleton left africa...
arrived in india.. left a schism...
some went to хины
             some went to:         чeнa..

   anglican via: the great mother siberia...
is a mother...
beside the zenith advent of: mother...
muffer: af-af-rye-c'ah'cah!
******* twins to mind the rhodes!

the skeleton left africa...
   but... the hindu morphed the genesis...
a second time... into writing...
what... phonetic encoding...
beside... the primodial...
   hieroglyphics... from africa... would have...
ever... arrived at our...
emoji internet advent... door-step of
extending democracy / demographics...

the wheel and the square also
left africa with the skeleton:
the arithmetic of bones and muhammad...
but the triangle settled in greece
and became pythagoras...
and the letter: Δ....

    the inter-racial violence of north
h'america... is not... beside the wery bwitish
advent of ****-stan... as... imaginary
loitering of a border: coming to survive
with Belfast-Kashmir...
           that's making priority of...
the written word...
over the skeleton jump-start...
              and the emoji... and... grafitti...
clue out of africa...
never met... the sub-continent of india...
or... the chinese ideograms...
or sanskrit...
but... ******... *** and bounty...
the mongols never made...
crimea... their capital...
hastings was forever a washington's
survival guide...
       that theatre gave the birth
of lincoln and... whitman was...
everything any other poet: including
homer and dante always dreamed of...
that europeans invited themselves
toward: finding h'america in a can
of sardines...
and that the h'americans believed
they found europe... in kent or essex...
or... in books...
or... in loitering... or being...
allowed to be obnoxiously loud...

            like that **** would still stink:
100 years from now...
but yes... the libido of a genghis khan...
i trace my libido to:
how i imitate the people who
check their blood pressure when i *******...
i... genocide my... fractions into
the moloch couldron that's:
beside... the prayers of a...
        tele-evalngelical church of praises!
h'america is nothing new...
it's just better: regarding...
what remains... a solid old.
Travis Green Jul 2022
His treasured unmeasured temple is
Where I want to be, where I want to cling to
Sheathed in his remarkable rock-solid arms
Feel his effervescent incandescent frequency
Streaming with mine, his doperrifically
Unremitting energy lingering in my innerness
Tempting brown delight, my crowned sound station
Emanating with scintillating captivatingness

I crave his toxic narcotic taste
Every part of his astonishing top-quality body
He is what drenches my attention
With supereminent sensuous dreams
Makes me breathe deeper than ever
Makes me believe that we can be fused forever
A profoundly resounding playground is
Where I pine to reside, alive in his brightness

Feel his striking top-flight wildness
Glide in my sweet nectarous vessel
My fantasy rubberband man
He commands and entrances
My unimaginably radiant land
Hypnotic sun-warmed stunner
My rich and mighty warrior
I hanker for thugacetic magnetic ***
Dangerously divine encounters

Devour me like a highly succulent flounder
Enmesh me in his aggressive, masculine hold
Console me in his glorious bad boy flow
Make me gleam like serene supreme Venus
Like 20-inch rims on a candy red Cadillac
Take a sip of my incomparable lushtacular galaxy
Bask in his crashing platinum attraction
A Simillacrum Jun 2018
So I had a moment you
might call a ******* slip and fall
I smudged the lines of respect drawn
for elders and the old blood but
if you thought about it for a second
with discarded pride perhaps
you would apologize for hurting me
and ask of me questions til you understand but
no. It's more important you assert that you're
right. If you want to pretend nothing happened
I'll do you one still better yet, I'll pretend
you don't exist.
Anig Muh Jun 2016
I just want everyone to be happy, why can't I be?
My head hurts,
as my heart parts from my body,
is this what's left of me?

Detached numbness I feel,
is this the calm before the storm?
How will I go on,
without your presence as the norm?

I am a rubberband,
pulled tightly by those who care for me.
I bend and pull in knots,
when will I snap completely?
Inevitable, but I socialize my way into solitude,
mournful of my own attitude.

You're such a good person,
it's my fault
it is my fault.
I never wanted you locked up in a vault,
though I'm now safe
from your preying on my insecurities,
my mind is still busy and full of formalities.

Everyone thinks I'm better off waging war,
but I just wanted peace.
Still, you needed to be gone,
you weren't even on my lease.
The feelings still shake me that I cannot release,
Regret and Remorse
Your love a drug highway,
I GPS'd the course.
Driving forever,
The love ran out,
I searched and I pleaded
but there's no fuel about.

Don't ever forget that I care,
even if to you it seems wrong.
One Day I'll convince you,
in Rhyme, and in Song.

I will remind you,
it wasn't farewell, but goodbye.
When I told you I loved you,
it was never a lie.

I still just want everyone to be happy, why can't I?
anthony Jul 2022
once a rubberband
stretched beyond capacity
now a bungee cord
John May 2012
The barren wasteland
Of my warped mind
Held by a rubberband
Made of space and time
Nothign gets in, nothing gets out
Jack Savage Sep 2013
Soft mountain springs.
Rushed river flow.
Fish flounder down stream.
Birds chase fish.

Grace, dives on a string.
Through water's skin.
Rubberband back.
Heartbeats in flight.

Thriving for landing.
Scrape the tree.
One meal today.
For another's escape.
Sebastian VL Mar 2017
No song from future, ***, wayne
Can describe this feelin' and or pain
From the beginning till the end **** got stained.
Like a scar it won't go away

Stayin' up all night like it's nothin'
Maybe I try to show off that im bluffin'.
Or exaggerate the fact I'm hurtin'
On the corner wet as hell but lowkey dryin'
Messed up, mad man, tarzan
Confused like tape on a rubberband
Can't sleep without thinking of back then
When I hugged, kissed dreamed about you or just holding your hand.

Pillow cases they show all the real faces
The ones when you can't sleep during different phases.
Of the night, and in the morning you can tell all the traces.
From all those signs down there it amazes.

Probably don't won't or ever just care
But this was not intended for you to be a dare.
And I am stuck looking for an exit that is not ever there.
Yet my feels still strong **** I hope you still care.

Probably act tough to be buff
But inside I am hollow like a cracked up oeuf
And the real me Aint what you see but from the stuff
The lil dam stuff from the times I was still happy and with a bust.

Probably this won't make sense.
For you because I may delete this soon.
But if there were a word to describe everything I there is right now..
I'd say immense.
Please like, comment and share. Thanks
Redshift Feb 2013
tell yourself you're ok.
before you realize
you aren't.

for once
i wish i had more time
before my next class
i wish i had forever
wrapped up
like a rubberband ball
i wish i could unravel it
and disappear.
wichitarick Aug 2017

Started with pennies gathering dandelions from here to the horizon
lincoln heads exchanged for licorice  and a bad case of sunburn......

Soon fall will be making it's call,gently landing, billowing and lining curbs and fence rows.
For a few counted as a blessing for the neighbors and friends that would rather pay a young man to do their raking .

Daily read is an addictive need ,getting out that fresh news is not just a muse ,so a lot of rolling held down with a rubberband ,new bike a new route , Once a month collections left me with a lot more clout.

Some farm boys born into it others just dropped at the gate,rows that grow and sunbleached blisters soon to be their fate. Bales to buck  or the need to ****  those crops that are used to feed. Piece work pay not much reason to stay.

Once only a happy thought for the new munchies that were bought ,soon those plates would be my new fate,hot wet & busy from the starting gate,regular pay & food of the day left many reasons to stay,kitchen camaraderie helping to nurture a future.

Boys and their shovels bonded like Lassie without getting sassie ,cooling air brings more flakes ,daily rituals measured & treasured unless they lay on a pathway or roof
piling high brings a sigh, met with manic pressure,pay increasing by the weight, gold awaits as you clear those gates.

Hurry up and wait but still stand straight,little sleep, lots to clean ,Haze grey and underway,mechanical monkeys maintain fast flyers,give it all,life or death play it out until your last breath.

Hard trails tell lots of tales ,mostly dollars marked by sweat, spent quick but  with little regret,Heavy metal ways marking days,calloused ,corroded smoothness eroded,
but clean , polish a few layers of paint makes for a quick sale.

Settling in, picket fence with no chagrin,time card stamped life revamped,to travail with no avail  ,endless hours all devoured ,no gain without pain gladly paying penance for our sliver of pie,Anchor & chain bring great weight, left with none when it is done.

Started a race already ahead several steps ahead of the pace,taking it all in anything to produce a grin,rising never to find a prize,suddenly crash & burn at every turn,burning bridges missing mates, finally awakened to an open gate honesty with myself lifted all the weight.

Due date time to wait,no choice for pink or blue, advice in the air now even strangers seem to care,instant true love ,positive protection will be their recollection,daily reaching for the teaching to make that simple glow grow.

So as we roll on all we can ask is a new dawn ,learning to live with what we gave, Hopefully blessed with lessons learned in hindsight ,may the light shine on us even at night bringing bounty to all stages of life.
Maybe a slice of life ,labor and callouses ,was harder to condense or not ramble to much:)  But tried to present something in a different style . Many thoughts here.  I appreciate your reading. your thoughts are helpful. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
robin Jun 2016
tear the hair out of your roots
out of
the soil
sitting atop your head
as to not rip any of the veins
that are so intricately packed together
inside your
rubberband ball

you must slowly unravel
to get
sunprincess Mar 2018
One of the world's wealthiest
persons on the planet
And if wealth is translated
into power
then certainly one of the
most powerful
Mark Zuckerberg
creator of a huge popular website
known as Facebook
spun a simple idea
from a class Yearbook
or so in my imagination
Yet, this priceless idea
is an elastic rubberband
stretching around the world
uniting everyone
into a Huge Happy Family
with no privacy
This once in a lifetime idea
is pouring gazillions of cha-ching
upon Zuckerberg's head
and leaves many wondering,
will he begin considering
using his cha-ching
to become the next Superhero
and save the world
doing everything in his power
to stop diseases, monsters
and slow this ever growing
homeless population
in America,
Will he?
Catch me in the clouds fighting my demons.
My sword slices nice and easy.
I marvel at the sweet nectar that leaks from my enemies.
No man nor woman is better at harming me than me. Such is life I suppose.
You and me.  One in the same.
We're alot alike you know, soft and maybe a little too nice.

Don't compare me to you.
I know where that's gotten me, time will tell where it'll get you.
Pain suits me well, I take it in stride and bounce back like a rubberband. You spin around and yield to your vices.
Now that we've separated, I see it.
You're nothing like me brother, and you never will be.
Osvaldo Palomino Jan 2017
The fragility that lingers around the relations one has is baffling
Noticing how the so called strong connection you have with another is inherently weak
It lacks strength when compared to a wet piece of paper
It lacks the elasticity found in a rubberband
And when it is shattered
It lacks the feeling of loss that can only be found in heartbreaks

It is the budding rose
Who's life is cut short
By the very roots
That once helped it grow so
deanena tierney Dec 2024
In those deep, deep clutches of the heart
Where every pain is held
And covered with others over the years
All wrapped up together
Every injury, dismissal, loss, and rejection
Disappointment, abandonment, cast off, and failure
How could a heart even grow under all that?
kel Nov 2024
crayons in hands
and stickers on face
with a cute headband
as i decorate my camera case

i miss those days

a pen in hand
and pimples on face
with a rubberband
as i speed up my pace
to finish studying

that's me now
Alex Yao Jan 9
the further i stretch
the more painful the retraction
and the more brittle the substrate
it feels too late for
discipline and temperance
to slow this roll
it needs to break
Zaria Maynez Apr 2020
Did you tare up that note? I will never know if you did but I know that I did. 

As I re-read my poem The Note I noticed that I still feel the same. I still feel unwanted, ugly, stuipd, fat. And I see that I have started cutting again.

The Aftermath is hard. Your parents now turn into siblings, your siblings now turn into family, and your family turns into the internet.

"I can't do this anymore!" You keep thinking everytime you look at the aftermath. The aftermath of tarring up that note.

Everyone now knows that you are Depressed, restless, and have lot of Moodiness. Everyone sees you struggling and they want to help.

Truth is they don't know how to help. They don't understand what's next after the aftermath.

Your family starts talking in private. You listen threw your bedroom door and here things you and I should never have to hear.

Have you heard what I have heard?

Are we really all in this together? Or do we just hear that, read that, and think that. But then nothing happens.

I am here right now to tell you that the aftermath *****. Your mother threatens to drag you to the hospital into the Mental Ward.

You get told that your being insane. That your acting insane. So you look to people online. They comfort you and tell you to use a rubberband to help with the self harm.

Welp guess what your mother takes that from you too. You see, the You's, I's, and We's turn out to be just another word on your screen.

But it's true we can all do this. We can beat depression. I will never know what you chose. I don't know what I have chose. All I know if that even thou I wanna write another Note. A note no one should read nor write. I don't.

We can make it past the Aftermath. Just hold on a little longer. Yea,

The Aftermath *****

Oh well.. You can do it. I can do it. We can do it.

[Author] - I never thought that I would make another poem to go along with this one so I hope you enjoyed. All of this infromation from this poem and the first one is true in my mind. I hope you choose life. I know I have....At least for now.
Rayven Rae Aug 2018
melt into the sun, the infinite glow and breathe
penetrate: filter the soul’s contours
and grasp
all that is holy and that which believes it is

dance in the infamy of a thousand giggles, a thousand *******
caress slowly and hold close the eyes of a lover
and surrender to your greatest fears
betray the demons, dance with butterflies

find the place inside where hidden lies
desire and indulge in chocolate covered kisses

sing songs of peppermint songs of rubberband questions
why is she smiling and fall breathless
making love to life to god
to all that is holy within;


surrender guilt into cotton candy, skeletons and
sink into mint cookies, ******* moments
palm trees sunflowers and dante’s inferno
the hell of a thousand lies and conquer the night

worship stars swirls rocky road ice cream smile
twirl up up down in laugh breathe sing holy holy holy
pray surrender demons and questions


give into ginsburg captured on that last day that last morning\
desert songs cholla and speak their names to the sky
the night chris nate take back your stars
perched granite sacred rainbows and forgive
fill love into crevices bend shape hold


breathe a thousand roses splashed into the sky
swallow grains granules lick and ingest strength
heal heal conquer and give
trust the skeletons trust the fall trust the touch
of a donut-flavored tongue and whisper i love
to hear your laugh words small words
big words words of accusation words of love
words words words

loose yourself fall into another and let your universe
turn upside down shake time
mock lies delve into the abyss

embrace falling stars fallen souls fall slowly
sink into strawberries sticky with ***
lawnchairs and graveyards

find beauty in everything in every vaginal opening
and give life yourself and seashells
to that last morning

surrender to the soul’s embrace melt away
the flesh of yesterday and rebuild forests

find forever in teardrops lovers in strangers
the matrix of the possessed centaur and wrap icy fingers
melt fire and give into yourself


pray to the moonlight earthworms dasies
pray prayers of solace prayers of death
of intangible misgivings and of all things holy

and melt
fall away
i love you
could words
prove anything

my nose

through the open window
the mean boys throw snowballs
hitting me in the head
the teachers

this dunce hat tilted
the rubberband holding it on
has pressurised my vessel

turning 180 degrees
my thumbs straight out
all fingers crooked
middle ones

flames start
from my fingertips
teachers mouth open wide
everybody's mouths

is this what you wanted
well is it
is this

when we burn
your breath
could words prove


Let me caress your mind
Relax to unwind
Engage in selfless, bliss of intellectual abyss,
Cerebrum explodes into galactic stars, infinite in touch, surrounded by Mars
Let me show you the words to say
Explicitly, play with tongue, tied, tunes of verses we shall use
Let me hold you tight, until our bodies unite, catch on fire in a bubbly desire to render our true identity only to ourselves
For we know the truth lies in,  hot baked apple pies made with love from our ancestors dried cries
Let us shower our children, being great is only a half step away from the graveyard nearby they play and old schools of books once learned ,burned
Let us make peace, in all the land, that stretches like a rubberband, constantly reminding us of what lies ahead of that gloried doctrine sold to those already dead
Travis Green May 2023
I wanna belong to him
All the days of my life
Lost in his litness and slickness
His hella wicked sweetness
Bury my face in his delectable treasure chest

Caress every inch of his manliness
******* his dope mondo *****
Until I am floating on air
Big brown danglers that catch my eye
Smell his freshness and majesticness

My luscious, robust *******
Love me right, **** me tonight
****** into my passion flower
Break down my inner walls
Show me that he is the boss

I wanna see him call all the shots
Rock my mad hot rearguard
Please and seize my property
Pin me against the wall
Hit it, freak it, spit in it

Make me ***** more and more
Allure me with his hard and long arms
His broad chocolate pecs
The way he arrests me
When he flexes his sexiness

Got me calling him Zaddy
As he captures every fraction of me
My rubberband pleasure man
My sexually stimulating Samson
My indubitable pulchritudinous muse

I fuse to every part of him
Savor his groovy groomed grandiosity
How he strikes a match to my manhole
Light me up like no other
Look into my wide inviting eyes

Make me feel the raging fire inside his entireness
As he shoots his steaming silken ***** into my innerness
Pulls me closer to him, holds me tightly
Kisses me impassionedly, has me so soft on
His badass jacked masculineness
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
i own
a bed...

          but i rather...

sleep on...

a hardened...


          that there's
an excuse
for a three-some:

soak of two stags...
and two: and a third....

glory hole:

hell-spew: nue-spawn
of the loitering:

third ***** of lesotho...
this... diatribe prince...
blank pawn- and panther...
spawn... best: retort:

a time when racial differences:
where a last:
difference binding
incremental loitering...

          the rancid "quid"....
my most adhered to...
          my loot and loitering...
skim-reading of erasmus...

the last salvaged barber shopping...
that sort of trim...
that rhapsody in...
*******... debunking measures...
spawn: en vogue...
belitteling meausures...
facing the *****-bank...
basics... and new world conquering...
this great... unfamiliar past
of the bleach panther...

       chain-locket and a mirror of
about 4 children later...
some variation of first towed along
"love"... my love my love...
the last lesson...
the first at arrived at grievance...
a bismarck: my last loaded:
sq. hope for a miser:
and some... variation...
a hello... a hello... a hello...

                  as best: heaved...
the last... a remnants of...
                        this a wording...
lost: to the autobiography...
of the U-boat captive...
or the panzer-tank... captive...

                confiscating the captives...
of the lesser man...
of the lesser man...
     confiscating the captives...
for all the time in the world...
and all the world...
was... this... time... most... limiting!
Travis Green Aug 2022
You are grippingly glistening and sickalicious
Mean supreme muscleman
Your entrancingly sensational ambiance
Has me aching for your intoxicating captivation
Flavored fragrant rubberband man

I sink deep into your mad crash-hot galaxy
I feel my way with my delicate kinetic hands
Across your sumptuous sunflower skin
Your sleek, robust chest, kissable sea lion brown *******
Strapping shoulders like an athletic, defensive linebacker

Rigid rounded neck, smooth southern arms
Your invincible and seamless stupendousness overpowers me
You capture me with your incomparability
Exhilarate my nerves, cause surmounting palpitations
As your fingers feel and squeeze my creamy
And steezy chocolate bombers

Lose yourself in my incandescent treasure land
Relish your PinkGlow Pineapple tongue
Flickering on my ebullient feminine flesh
Kiss me, mister slick chopper
Fuel my gayness, cruise whichever way
That you wish to as your hunkiness hungrily stuns me
Deepens within me, whispers wet hotness to me
Appeases me on this magical moonlit adventure
Tom Shields Aug 2020
Elongated, I've long waited, to be off the scale since I've been weighted, predestined arousal, I hitched my string to an anvil, I was mentally ill-fated, suited, sunshine beaming down when the radiant light of a message hit my phone, endorphins like a jazz blues saxophone, chemically polluted, a rubberband gun, I snap on my own, land off somewhere alone, wind me up and shoot it, recall and fall flat on my face straight from orbit in a hotel in outer space plant through the dinner table in time to join hands for grace, I burned up with cabin fever on re-entry, I've gone plum stir crazy, somebody let me out of this place!

Every word a poet uses should have meaning in the body of their poem, I just broke through the window in the fourth wall, set off the alarm, stumbling through the darkness in my home, trying to be quite so no one suspects, but my foot is wearing the skullcap of a garden gnome, while I'm rifling through the fridge drinking alka seltzer, my head kills but my mouth just gathers foam, hold on, I surveyed the view of the lake and lack of a fireplace, living room, kitchen, and outdoors landscape, for my sanity's sake, what I saw portrayed was all alarming and auspiciously fake, how many broken scramblings through paradise can one mouth on legs make?

This is not real reality, it's a placebo for those who are being phased out, meditative foresight and hindsight are afforded their luxury, they sit comfortably, eyes bloodshot fixed on TV while the rats around them scurry to assure their streaming services and first world marvels of electricity are seemingly self-maintained in a hurry, your muzzles and blue collars soaked with worry, this nauseating, intoxicating, hypnotizing paralysis is a product of a dream-selling industry, the commercialism sweeps the Lynchian faults under the rug and collects the filth in its dustpan with a flurry, it's not living, it's dying slowly, rest assuredly, I have never aspired or admired, been inspired or desired an upper middle class castle handed to me from my family, the reason being one of three, responsible legacy, it will forever weigh on me, and I will be guilty should an empire be something I ever see, no, living does not happen here, but it is my house, and I will man my station until I stand the last retiree, even then, inheritance and ignorance are a tunnel and tunnel vision, treading on my head with their dance of misery, all the best intentions are all that matters when they are borne of love from the two over one of three, if nothing else I'll board up the windows and serve you honorably, with no anger, only hope at heart for peace eternally

That's what you get when your life is given away and you have to pay, suddenly an equation occurs, you're lucky if it's long enough to buy into by more than the day, and all the compromise and anguish to say: I am done, I give up, I have to quit and take the best life for us that I can get, I'm sorry son, I've been all shut up, for years I was barricaded from you and I never let myself through it, but now we're here, and as we go on every year, I hope you and I can grow near, because we've had our struggles, but I've always loved you dear, as time goes on, now I hear, your barricade is growing, you are growing, my chance to be with my family is slowly going, I was a good man, you think I was the best, but I made mistakes, did what good I can, didn't pass every test, caused some heartaches, I will pass on knowing you were more like me than you should ever be,

an antiquated patriot who bought into peace of mind

sold in America

and handed it down

I wish I was more like you, is that bad?
I don't care, there's so much more good I could do,
if I could just tell you I love you, and I always will, both my mom and dad.
please read and enjoy
i don't know what to feel
skipping through varied presentations
from unmatchedly detached
to being suspended in world-bending self realization

jumping realities
like seats on a bus
the one where i mattered
others i wane to discuss

trying to find meaning
where there may be none
assumptions are the extension
of problems i can't outrun

even in my dreams
i'm turning on the spit
no repose from settling finalities
mulling us over until we're but its and bits

but i'm still breathing
but i'm still bleeding
day after day
belonging is fleeting

maybe i'll rubberband into a new normal
or maybe i'll snap trying
all i know is i can't just be here doing nothing
it almost feels like dying

i don't know what to feel
it's foolish to speak out of frustration
but the lonelier i am, the scarier it gets
is it wrong to hope i'm not invisible in my devastation

my fairweather friends are calling
i'll just let the phone ring and ring and ring
i'm too tired to be Me™
when everything is not what it seems
  genuity don't mean a thing
  did it ever really
  was it nothing more than pity
  off to make some other history
     would you claim this as a victory
     are my questions falling worthlesssly on deaf ears
     i never want to see you again
     and i wish you were here

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— The End —