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Under a brilliantly chilled blue sky,
the dusky cedars grow in strength;
While the serenity of newly fallen snow,
glitters in the sunlight's timeless bend.

Lost in an echo of angel's footsteps,
I seek the dimmer sanctuary of shade;
Hiding my inner thoughts from open spaces,
as the winter's sun burns sharper than a blade.

I hear the ringing rhapsodies of cardinals red,
spreading their sweetest notes across the plains;
While resting in the ragged twisted treetops,
the munificence of music's charm remains.

My thoughts were once a clamoring onslaught,
of tormented memories from my current loss;
Yet now my heart's awakened to a paradise,
as I silently relinquish that ill-fated course.

With one deep breath I rise amid the ashes,
of restless slumber's curse which held me back;
But with this wondrous world in resolution,
the hunger and the thirst no longer last.
Toothache Sep 2019
Lightning striking through a nervous system,
Blood pumping facetious fire.
Whispers through my home, hauntings of trauma and dreams of the crucifix stand.
The flaming star of the avatar.
The predator and the prey, predetermined and praying.
Just another eternity until the monsoon departs, the season ended. From there the calm waves will carry me to shore.
The dark, restful, kiln, I am your dough, as I am your clay, a grateful panettone.
Mold me, endow me the drug, the decree, the great recipe of relinquishment.
I rejected asylum, I denounced Gehenna,
Cold blooded sunbathing in the radiant rays of the great bird's wings.
The boiling embrace of his soft feathered fire.
The brutal, unrelenting, chaotic, climactic, pull into the hot murky depths.
Scald me, lash me, revive me in death.
For I can wait no longer.
Living in fear of the Reaper is worse than The Harvest itself.
So come unto me my lord, my peace,
And engulf me in the ******* rest.
Pretty hot. Haha get it .a ha ha

i remember feeling myself slip away, like dropping in and out of sleep, a heavy current pulling my eyelids down, like sinking into a hot bath, thick murky darkness, black like you've never seen it. Speckles of light behind your eyes resemble the stars, as though you're peering through a black hole like a spyglass. Heavy cosmic bliss. Refuge. Home in the 5th dimension
Jeremy Bean Jun 2013
I'm not the man I used to be
who once fought diligently
its something I did not foresee

I think the fight has left me

Despite any guilty plea
this purpose lacks veracity
my cares become atrocities

I think the fight has left me

All this animosity
and endless hostility
I leave my weapon hand free

I think the fight has left me
Fah Feb 2015
Sometimes there is nothing to do, when all there is to do is wait.

Action would be overt
stepping on toes of brewing events.

When missed connections collide silently, the pieces fit somewhere else they'd rather be

Doing of nothing can seem daunting and wrong
like trying to open cans with toothpicks facing a starving crowd of 5 year olds

but when the recent turn of events has requested a movement
out of the fast lane,
to not comply would be foolish
something is germinating
hard work in the past is ruminating
and manifesting
a future.

The way we've shaped our habitat,
less than an instant seems too long.

It is a curious succession of feelings
when all there is to do is wait -

longing fades first,
to an epiphany of what is attachment
the new years celebration of relinquishment
a rising to the surface from the bottom of a body of water with eyes wide open
hands free of shopping bags or luggage
and a slightly confused sensation of nowhere

not longing
not not longing
Wake up it’s a beautiful morning,
like the infinity of a closed chain;
lists keep growing, brain-freeze again.
As long as there’s tomorrow, not today.

Succinct intentions imprinted by a hoot;
how can a sub-conscious refuge,
de-commission the projected truth?
A 24-hour religion, is that all it is?

So which way is it to be tomtom?
Intrepidation never failing,
or honour ‘the’ grand unveiling?
Side-step: back to back-warming Oracle.

Pride appoints a distilling of hidden stature;
forget the dentistry of a mounted gift,
sensitivity not deserving an emotional spendthrift.
No mentions of a game, but you have to play.

Rationalising the intensity of late;
surely that’s an impossibility of squirming feet?
Solution follows a tryst of the elite,
subjects must therefore be; for it to make sense.

Periodic patterns of revolving chrome-vanadium,
lends itself nicely to discontentment
and occasionally promotes relinquishment;
summer sun; does it matter?

Survival make-up – check.
Abrupt journey’s end; in your face.
An odyssey not started yet, offers no grace.
Relax, the God’s haven’t even begun their terror.

The bottom of a barely coping universe it might just be;
Curious are the similarities to sinking sand.
Submerge as you extend your hand?
Or do I just simply do nothing, and nothing happens?

Rat-out the analytical introspection monster;
For when you can see your own reflection in a black-hole;
A bonus penalty shot at life’s ultimate goal;
Then a neutered Neutron star is a good thing to be.
JK Cabresos Oct 2011
I am imprisoned by this contagious disease
Which rendered reluctance and anxieties;
Should I hang first myself upon with this
     velvet rope?
To find a distant place to forget my
     greatest lost.

No one has ever arrived in that rendezvous;
I have been entangled into this path
     I never knew,
And this world is not enough for their
'Tis better to banish the reality, than to see
     my imperfections.

I only have one second left to breathe,
Yet I am already dead before my death
For I have been years in this relinquishment,
In every remorseful day I have been awaken.

My name is never written on the stars
And words are the only weapons in this war,
Do I need to take the risk, to take the rest?
When I am already dead before my death.

I swam the unfathomable thoughts I heard
But still I do not understand my existence here,
Hence, even if I only have one second left
     to breathe,
I am already dead before my death.
© 2011
PJ Poesy Jun 2016
Jingoism at its very best is still zealotry, and anyone with good sense can tell you none of that is good. Where has good gone? Narrowness is boasting ethnocentricity. The mind game of villainous blame furthers unkind possibility. Worse yet, demise of soul, to tout a right to defend, assaults a riffling on pith and marrow with no sane sense of psyche to lend. Basically then, we are told to "blend."

I cannot.

I am fanatical. My colors must be seen. This weathering of dark storm has unbiased relinquishment that must convene, upon a rainbow. With all heart and soul, given to Orlando.
My deepest sympathies to all affected by the brutal massacre which took place at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
Cynthia Jean Oct 2016

open mind and relinquishment

courage to act upon it

cj 2016
Liam May 2013
At what point can I call myself a poet?

If I could fully articulate what and how I felt
  at the moment when I watched my mother
  slowly slip away from me and this world

If I could completely convey the oppressive sense of loss
  the helplessness, the hopelessness, the loneliness
  the shocking realization of irreversibility, the finality

If my words could make you feel the draining of my soul
  the relinquishment of having even an instant in the future
  when it seems that all is perfect in my world

If I could construct a phrase that could relate the emptiness
  behind the grief that comes with knowing that no longer would
  birthdays and holidays be wrapped in her joy and infectious spirit

If my poem could shout out to you the overwhelming regret
  that accompanies the inability to hold her, to kiss her, to say I'm sorry
  or to tell her just how very much I love her ever again

If I were truly able to do these things
  maybe then I could call myself a poet

                                 Happy Mother's Day, Mom
                                    I miss you & I love you!
                                            ****'s & ooo's
Fah Oct 2013
Ahhh,  but,
it's simple pleasures , that rejuvenate life's rough weather patches

and it's interesting how animosity turns from curiosity to real world , pilgrams
and biblical stories turned hindu prophecies and karmic debts paid in full .

of stories unwinding, to fantasies tidings -
tidal whirlpools of old age relinquishment
from trapped in butterfly effect
and conjoined twins of several natures

there seems to be no end to the twin connections -
but a very fine line between earth and heaven

a very fine tune between love and lust
a very fine sand dune's shapeful curve between trust and lack luster half hearted , half arsed apathy.

it seems that there are no more fruits in edens dens , then zen masters at hand to help us through the din try not to get those dijins in your ears but let them pass freely - knowing you are safe from fear.

everyone has their own soul mate
but some have mates

i  tell ya

this is set to be a pretty interesting venture ,
to discover and adventure
across plains of realization ,
with the wind of uncomplicated, honest , one love
as the sail
and i hail a taxi

to the next borderline and i know we'll be making it in time and style

and keepin it all holy
all the whilst

we walk on sacred ground

we walk on sacred ground

we are sacred ground.
This is a sereande to family , friends , lovers , and the loveless
the wonderers and the explores of new frontiers
and it is with my greatest hope that we will smile still :)

happy friday

Heavy Hearted Jul 2019
Caught between two worlds
It becomes harder to find your people.
the many nights are never spent
In ways worth all the while

still trapped within a life of glass and in a fragile world
The death of these pretty distractions is how my truth's unfurled.
The relinquishment of crude enticement
May halt this broken life
As I watch the moon and stars and rain
And try wielding virtues knife.

May I know you, true life,  someday,
& may my memories mindful; stay
In Brightest futures my hopes now lay,
As Henderson Avenue guides me away.

confuse my judgement sometimes I still do
too often reciting the prayer's haiku

And so the initial ideal world
That's leading onward out of range
Is where I direct myself now to
And Hope I truly make it
An interesting pain & A Mundane love
Sam Temple May 2015
dreaming demon screaming without reason
treasonous season fastidious and aromatic
blooming blossoms bursting from bosoms
new shoots shooting forth
life re-awakening with longer days
and warming temperatures –
civilized industrialization outclassed
by the low roar of larva taking flight
en masse wings flash and crops gasp
nature retaliating after its relinquishment
relegating mankind to extinguish the fires
of the long cold lockdown –
frolicking fawns free and fuzzy
boundless bounce in green alfalfa fields
white tipped hare tails leap and scurry
and Mrs. Coyote cleans kits absentmindedly
looking over flowing prairie grasses
for a mouse sized morsel –
Amanda W Dec 2017
Absolutely astonishing (and amusing) is the aftermath of this
Bonanza, beyond baptism. Blackened, broken and bleeding,
Corpses collapsed copiously, carelessly
Disrespected down to the depths of  their deaths, now dreaming,
Enticed, ever in eternity.
Funny is this funeral of fibs fabricated from unfaithfulness.
Ghosts gaining the Grave's grand greeting,
Happy to hoard the
Infested, incommensurable, inacceptable,
Jaded and jinxed,
Kind of kin who kept
Lies lingering, leading on their lover.
My mirror mentions memories,
Narratives knitted with needles
Obtaining obsessive obscurity,
Painted with pillars of impurity,
Querried by the quaint quadruped,
Reassured of rest and relinquishment.
Sorry now is the sayer but
Time ticks tactfully.
Ugly is the untruthful, of the utmost unimportance,
Vexed and vulnerable,
Without a widow in the world,
Xenon exemplifying,
Yellow bellied,
Anti-zenith czar.
rest in peace to my false memories
Zoe Feb 2012
troubles all around
clumping about
never leaving
people suffering
from their troubles
but time will give them freedom

troubles all around
the not so innocent people
from their mistakes
but time will let them go
let them learn
and be free

troubles all around
for everyone
we all get by
with the time given to us
to enjoy the freedom
the relinquishment
of troubles
It’s a delight to know the fear,
providing a loss of life. With
only the moon that wears
feathers from phoenix. Gold
drippings and arch of eternity.
Rebirth not from water, but of
soul selling to herself, in
innovation and originality. As
the others emulate. Starlight
allure, speaking languages
with humanities musings.
Waking the dead world, dropping
men to their knees as their
boyish behavior is pulled to the
front. Relinquishment of dogma,
as we all enter a new age.
As chanting songs in homage
to her. As no more tears to cry,
to what she avoided in the first
place, is attention from others,
pushing away romantic gestures,
conversing conversations, a
standard practice of life’s narrative.
David Barr May 2015
The action of a stiff-upper-lipped sophistication hinges upon a fornicators conception where the intensity of lyrical articulation blinds her unwitting recipient with a spellbinding embracement of non-reality.
It is an aristocratic relinquishment where two barrels emit their projections with wilful intent as they posture themselves side-by-side amidst this gothic oasis of shimmering puddles which reflect light against the darkness of our ontological ambivalence.
It goes without saying: duplication is grievous to the creativity of a searching soul.
As death has been birthed into our lives, it is important to pay homage to our predecessors who began the end with conception.
David Barr Feb 2016
The ancient future of a misbegotten conception is likened to a diametrically opposed depersonalisation of incarnate resilience, don’t you think?
Although the far reaching corners of the end resound her mystically alluring and pessimistic chords across galactical ponds of ecstatic connection which are currently unable to establish the depths of vocabulary; can we now consider the possibility of becoming mindful of our present moment of uncertain awareness, where forbidden dreams shed their lubricated skins in a mass ******* where consummated liberty is alleged to loose her bonds of socio-political confinement?
Nightfall has now dawned and cast her circle in this ignorant awakening of insulted intelligence.
Knowledge has perceptual degrees of boundless limitation, where regulation and relinquishment bow their soul in reverence to a spirit of learning beyond that which we have been taught, if this makes sense?
Jack Trainer Apr 2014
I am but a wanderer seeking refuge
Finding shelter in the arms of one cherished
But this sanctuary lacks congruency in my heart
Now, I acquiesce to hope and conviction

We mourn the loss of a child called love
With youthful enthusiasm it was encouraged
But if one loves the child more than the other
Love grows divisible and rebellious

The pain and anguish of the vanquished,
Need not to be in vain
All feel the sting of relinquishment
Soon, a fleeting memory

The soul intuits destiny’s detours
Like a mouse in a maze, we seek a prize
Worthy of the pursuit
But are we mindful of the past costs?
Rachel Brooke Nov 2015
Wishing she had chosen relinquishment of my life in the womb
An abomination to society
An accident of my mothers making
Inadequate in all areas of life
An embarrassment to my family
Acknowledged for my abstract ideas
But no acceptances for who I am
Everyone wants to change me
Animosity is a feeling that I feel upon entering a room
Why didn't she have an abortion
Instead choosing to vanquish my belief in myself.
Destroying my chances of a future
Worthless to her
Useless just another tool used for manipulation
Hypercritical words fall upon my ears
An idea of who I should be, but its not who I am
Preaching words out the bible but she doesn't follow it herself.
Jay G Feb 2016
She was my demon at night
My angel during the day light
My heart danced with desire
She was my mountain

There wasn't enough time
To revel upon your lips
To live in your green eyes
To remember your figure

By the candle light
And I don't think I'll ever find
That degree of insanity again
Where eyes blazed with passion

over the beauty
night, sunlight, and even

the simple beauty of oceans
mountains, glaciers and even
fields of blueberries
Quaked in your magnificence

the woman who made hurricanes
tornadoes, earthquakes
with unquestioning relinquishment
to the truly desired

our demons danced
our gods shook hands
our lips took shape
and my dark took it all
Diána Bósa Nov 2018
When the noise makes sense
and the malediction feels like a blessing;
the hunger turns into a fullness
as the defloration becomes efflorescence.

Only then will I know...

That relinquishment is just another offering,
that falling is just going upward;
the opposite is the way ahead to the straightforward.

Only then will I know,
by the true learning of loving you,
who I am.
Ahsan Shiekh Mar 2016
Approaches sure and silent
Taking hold of the soul
for some its peace and for many violent
And it is ghastly

The body loses its vigor
its effect being immediate
being a sudden trigger
to the relinquishment of vitality

Men are born to die
Immortality is an unattained virtue
Life is a transitory period, sigh
the benefits of which we must pursue

It’s a strange thing, demise
a sort of an unwelcome guest
appearing as an unpleasant surprise
not understood by even the wise

People who live life in glory & fame
sometimes face its vengeance
which comes sudden & unexpected
while the half-dead continue their existence

Causing grief & pain
it picks out victims at random
all efforts at its prevention go in vain
it kills as it pleases

Death liberates
yet is undesirable
because it separates
from the world

It is felt but not seen
till those few moments
when mortal breathes his last breath
glimpsing at the pale face of death
Mannat Arora Nov 2017
Running past the dark alley
With wind chasing behind
As my footsteps adorn the path.
Only music is, the pumping of my heart
Only sound is, fluttering of my eyes
Lungs are heavily breathing, after the loss of fake ties.
But then i pause,
I turn around to see the long road I've run,
I can see faces of fake people in darkness
Their faces are too eerie
'Cause of the misdeeds they've  done.
And the wind is chilling,
The warmth is now gone
But i smile to see I've  left it all.
And i turn around spread my arms
And it seems my first flight!
With the thundering sound of my footsteps,
Disappearance of plight.
With the sweet taste of freedom,
The relinquishment of worst
I soared and conquered the iternal peace that was gone
This was isolation,but indeed in the most peaceful form.
Tom Blake Mar 2016
There's an innocence within
I will never deny!
This child in me
Wants not cry.

I shouldn't need
To protest
I just want what's Best.

Pain and relinquishment
I never ask for.

The innocent child
My essential
Help Me
I really am.

Ran for years
So many tears
Tears of Joy
Tears of Sorrow

Everyone one of us
At a given moment

Then what?
Then where?
Donall Dempsey Mar 2018

In this house where I
a child grew      snow has entered
drifts where I have dreamed
plays inside(where once I watched
it fall outside)   in wonder.

(I KNOW...I KNOW!)  

Snow climbs the stair where
once I had head over heels
charged down to see it
begged like the child I was then
to go


Snow eager to see
me after such long ago
roams through room after
room...mindless now of time it
human now...I...the falling.


I watch Time grow old
see it fail to remembeer
what it should remem...
this house & I falling through
its fingers...lettting us go!


Language strolling down
memory lane...picking its fruit
laughter & sadness
growing from the same branches
tasting now



All my life I've been
saying 'NO! ' to YES & 'YES! '
to NO...knowing I
know nothing of everything
I should know...could know...but...don't.

Burlone Dec 2018
See my world
Caught in the blades
See my looks
Watch as it fades

Take notice of my wisdom
When silence is my decree
Over there with a stupid smile
Is where my voice use to be

See my strength
Being smeared beneath my clay feet
Struggling with limitations
asphyxiating in defeat

You invoke that in me
Every commitment, all done in vain
You invoke that in me
Holding myself at arms length
with this look of disdain

And yet another cold wind blows
Whisks away every contention
Right down to the last grain.

What will remain
As I grin and bear
Struggle to look young
while the mirror echoes my senescent face

And the relinquishment of my dreams
seems clearer
What might of been, what could of been...
It all gets lost in the mirror, behind the mirror
Onoma Dec 2024
colors of the undwelt, the violence of
letting go--read in the expression of flesh.
hidden away in garbage, forests, coffins--
right now.
as on this day dying so young.
the mourned as the mourner bore away--
to gradually put to light that moment again.
it feels as though spirits deplete nothingness to get at a moment that's
its own.
their powers of observation seem to command: look still, look still, look still!
if direction is traffic's singular will, &
motion is salvation--imagine if motion stops short of what has come to pass.
it would be as if spirits realized they were
breathing for no reason.
that there are far more delicate balances
held therein.
it's as if darkness becomes more of light than ever, & light becomes more of darkness than ever.
right when polarities are most distinct, they assume the other polarity through
*On Dec. 21, 2024 Winter Solstice.
Donall Dempsey Mar 2019

In this house where I
a child grew      snow has entered
drifts where I have dreamed
plays inside(where once I watched
it fall outside)   in wonder.

(I KNOW...I KNOW!)  

Snow climbs the stair where
once I had head over heels
charged down to see it
begged like the child I was then
to go


Snow eager to see
me after such long ago
roams through room after
room...mindless now of time it
human now...I...the falling.


I watch Time grow old
see it fail to remember
what it should remem...
this house & I falling through
its fingers...lettting us go!


Language strolling down
memory lane...picking its fruit
laughter & sadness
growing from the same branches
tasting now



All my life I've been
saying 'NO! ' to YES & 'YES! '
to NO...knowing I
know nothing of everything
I should know...could know...but...don't.

S R Jan 2020
I am older now,
I suppose that matters, but how?
I fought for time,
against my side,
buckled and battered was I,
for something no coin could buy.
I fought against the withering wick
as the light died down and candle burned quick.
I looked for solutions in mugs and spirits
but in return, gained nothing explicit.

And I lived so long in the kingdom of my mind,
begging for answers, begging for a time
when the blackened clouds didn't dry out my night
instead something else besides these strings bound so tight.
I bargained with my brain,
for relinquishment, even just a grain;
yet, crumbs for the mice
were all that were left for my price.
All that glitters is gold,
or at least so I'm told,
yet nothing golden lasts so long
or so I've been aware--Lord I beg that it's all wrong.
Yes, I'm older now,
I suppose that matters, but how;
I'm dubious, but your guess is as good as mine,
and I suppose there will be time.
Jing Apr 2021
The room was cold.
The muffling curtain shut out light at my window.
The air was thick, pungent of alienation.
I thought of my father who sat in silence.
He made me breakfast.
I thought of my mother who left the house in the morning
Before I woke up.
I thought of the child who came before me, an unknown face,
Dying in her belly,
And the woman who raised me with a never spoken grief
For a never born baby.
And I think of the child to come after me,
Existing in the non-existence inside my womb,
Their face,
A white daisy withered too early.
Oh Mother, I am so ashamed, Mother.
A crack in this mask has made me naked.
I searched and searched, and found nothing to cover me.

The world used to be not so big, I so small.
A whale used to sing to me from across the ocean,
Now I’m afraid I can no longer recognize its song,
Before it dies, and falls, and fades away.
So much void, so much sound,
The aloneness suddenly became deafening,
And in its wake I can no longer discern,
Had I loved an idea of a person that is no longer they?
Like art and literature,
A book, a song I love,
But with flesh and bones, a tangible face,
Vivacious, alive.
Divine Eros showed me his face behind the veil,
And whispered to me an unknown craving,
For earthly warmth, love, and companionship.

Do I hold a false tongue?
Am I silenced by the crushing waves,
The blank space?
Is it cynical to long for what you renounce,
And turn your head away at this image you see,
Staring back at you from the looking glass?
What is it that you saw,
That reflection,
A quest, a question, an enigma?
The body possesses more than my mind comprehends.
But do not take my relinquishment as cowardice,
No; I shall love, I must love!
The passerby carried a burning flower in his hands.
He told me beauty can grow from misery and pain,
From loving, from love,
That I shall present my wounds with valor and pride.

The room is cold.
The room engulfed me.
The room echoed my existence,
Bouncing off the white wall, the ceiling, and the window sill.
The room is cold and I shuddered,
As air started to flow through my nostrils.
The flesh under my fingers, however,
My skin, my blood, and my bones,
Soft and warm.
Onoma Feb 2020
in light of--

where nothing can


where the highest

praise accepts relinquishment.

to bring together things of its

selves under no roof.

where One Eye watches


where it can never

be startled open, even by

the greatest galactic Age.
Intersect ideas. You got this in the pocket.
8 ball kinda lyrics
Ain't been turned in to hard rock yet.
I get a rocket surge of clearance
When the ozone toxic.
Its ducking awesome.
I congratulate congruent folks.
But its always fiscaud that I have to talk with.
Never mind. Forever blind.
Not tragic though.
I know forgiveness.
I can out live this.
Remembering my misfit
Like I fit in after years of
Cruel indifference
Its a shift in
My forever existence
Entire condition
And relinquishment
From this prison
Like I finally feel free
And without stipulations
Shackles or conditions
That exist when I'm in prison
Dan Hess Oct 2021
I have squandered my soul again
I yearned for a tourniquet;
clutched my aching limbs 
as I bled out onto the floor,
onto myself

I’ve stolen fleeting things,
beget to me, lost to time
I have been conditioned to rot;
to survey eternity 
from behind the gate of the mind

I keep tricking myself
Surreptitious riddles, ghost of night
Resuscitating nothingness
regurgitating, heaving death

I keep deepening my desire to die
But I don't want to dissolve,
I want metamorphosis;
reintegration with the tapestry;
to begin dreaming, as an artist,
and paint my blood onto the canvas 
of the universe

My spirit leaves me
in unsanctimonious wanderings;
each time I flitter between
love and loss and longing

I would only ask:
let me cling to nothing,
understand without being crushed;
allow me relinquishment
Forgive me

— The End —