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Ston Poet Dec 2015
Uhh,..(I can't sleep3)..(I'm up,Yeah2)..Uhh, Yeah..(I can't sleep3)..I gotta stay grinding more yeah..Uhh..(no I can't sleep6)..I (can't sleep3), I gotta keep writing till I'm dead & gone,yeah..Aye..(I can't sleep6),can't sleep...I gotta keep working hard .Aye..(no I can't sleep3)..(I can't sleep3), (can't sleep.3).Imma keep rolling *** , sativa..Aye..(I can't sleep, no I can't sleep4)..,I gotta keep grinding yeah, some more..,.Uhh, Yeah..(I can't sleep3) (I can't sleep.3)
No I can't homie..yeah I'm doing the most, Yeah..,
/I (can't sleep2)/3.
(I can't sleep3)..Insomnia, Yeah,..(I can't sleep3)..I gotta lot of moves & money to make,& I'm in pursuit homie..I can't sleep..I'm up..Yeah

Ayo, I'm spitting this dope man listen up..Ayo yeah I'm spitting the truth my ***** so blast this **** loud..Uhh

I'm in my Trap man, rapping & packaging this hard to flood the streets wit, I'm investing in my tounge *****,..I'm slanging dope with communication, Yeah my language, ***** its a craft to do what I'm doing,.. I'm so good with writing raps..I should apply to Atlanta Art Institution, (I can't sleep2)..(I'm up2) I'm too focus, I'm so hungry, physically & mentally Yeah,..(I can't sleep2)..(I'm up2)..just like a crack fein chasing after its last high mane,..I'm tryna get higher, I'm so tired of rolling  ****** up, so I'm grinding, so I can have alot of dat funky stuff up in my brain, no I can't get enough of the funk my *****..Yeah,Yeah

I'm in full speed,.. I'm going so fast homie,.. Like a  NASCAR race mane, you demons better stay outta my way or yo *** will get raned over just like what Tony Stewart did to Kevin Ward..R.I.P homie, no disrespect to his family, I'm just saying don't mess wit me..because (I don't play3)..Naw mane..I'm bout what I say,..Noo..(I don't play3)..Imma grown *** man, no baby steps no more homie..Aye
(I can't sleep2)
I'm up (all day
(I can't sleep2)
I got money to take & make..noo
(I can't sleep
I got alot of moves (to make2)..No
(I can't sleep
I got alot of **** (to Bake..2)

Aye, I stay up 24/7..,I gottas to get it...I'm very impatient, I'm pushing my self to the limit, I'm pushing my self no peer pressure, **** who else gonna push me nobody else will man..Ayo
I'm inspiring the youth homie,Ayo..Im inspired by myself, mane I look in the mirror man, & be like (got ****
2)..You the truth Drew, Fo show..(Yeah4).., & I ain't cocky or conceited, my ***** I motivate myself..Yeah..Aye

(I can't sleep
3)..***** I'm up next..(Uhh2)..(Yeah2)..(I can't sleep2)..** I'm the best..(I can't sleep3)..***** I'm the man Yess..(I can't sleep2)..I'm up & writing hits *****,..(I can't sleep3)..,I'm grinding.. (I can't sleep3)..I'm  searching, tryna find where success lives..Yeah I'm hungry, like a lion..Aye..(I can't sleep3)..

Imma diamond, Im so fly man,..I'm so higher than anyone else,..yeah Im so unique, Ayo, Imma  g, Aye (I can't sleep3)..its so hard to get some rest like I lived (on the streets,3) Ayo, I'm tryna feed (my family3) mane,..I'm fighting for my family like John Q homie, I'm doing the impossible anybody could of done it tho, but these ****** just to ***** for the part so Im playing the role, Ayo, I'm staying true to myself always no matter what, I will never ever fold, I will never change for the fame, **** having  a fraudulent sound, forget a major label, nobody bossing me around, I'm commanding myself dawg..I'm in a position of authority no Cartman..Uhh, Imma young southern ***** wit a  Midwest Flow..,Aye, I roll up for depression, that's my medicine Yess..mane I ain't regreting nothing , I'm looking past all of the dumb **** I  ever did do, I'm growing stronger, like the Hulk , Im teaching myself control..but im still uncontrollable..Aye my rhymes make parents uncomfortable, **** it have your lil son trying dresses on, I did the best that I could do..I'm here to uplift you  & inspire, not take you to hell  dude..Uhh

(Don't try me
2)..*****, OFTR we camed from nothing now all we do is get stares , the people finally starting to notice what's real, man we was famous in our minds already, (confidence,)
when the doubters & haters thought of us as a bunch of lazy *** ******, we was winning even before they ever started to  take notice, Aye, we was winning even tho we  took alot of losses,..OFTR we prevail, Thank God for everything without him I would never had wrote this..Ayo
You gotta learn from the past mistakes,  move past them, & try to never make them again mane dawg, never take any breaks, keep practicing, untill you fall out, & lose consciousness..never give up, & never give in , Yeah you win some, Yeah you lose some, but your heart still beats, keep breathing.. (Go harder, Yeah2)..*****,.. Uhh

(I can't sleep
3)..,Naw (I can't sleep3)..Insomnia,.. Uhh, play this song over & over again if you  are feeling down, sad & depress ..I'll uplift ya..Uhh..,..I can't sleep

I can't sleep
I gotta stick to what I know.
I gotta stay on go..
Farzaneh Qaf Jul 2018
When the Sogdian king, lost his son
Across the river, hands in hands with step mom
Step mom told the king:
"Big cat fish ate him! King"
Crying to death
Regreting his wealth
No food many days
Tried many ways
Calling out for guards
Searching every yards
Paying the temples
Ignoring gambles
Bending to his knee
Praying to the sea
Asking for a sign
Hope to see a line
Old monk saw him sick
Told him: "go and pick
Best fishing hooks there
Try to saile the river
Find the Big Cat Fish
Get him to a dish
Cut his stomach
Imagine it's cake"
After all of it
Cat fish escaped it
Turning around the boat
Calling out : "You Goat!
You're wife killed your kid
So **** her! Indeed!"
King was deadly shocked
No mercy of God
Rage was his weapon
To **** this dragon....
" wish I was no king
Could have my son under my wing"
That's what Said the king.....
Karu Kapi is an old Sogdian Manichaeian story, which I made a poem of it, the original ancient text is in manual Sogdian book by prof.Zarshenas. Sodian were one of the middle/ancient Iranian tribes
They were known for trading goods over the silk road
They had sharp hats and they were mostly Buddhist and Manichaeian
Those days Turks were using Sogdian as language of commerce
Location: from nowaday Uzbekistan upto Xinjiang province of China
Farzaneh.Qaf,M.A Scholar of Historical Linguistics
Time is flying you are in my mind running

i am lying, waiting for you to come and take my hands maybe we can walk swaying like what we did last meeting

everyday i am praying
that you will be there at my door knocking
i will be smiling
you will come at me hugging

then maybe if no body's looking i'll be kissing cause your lips would be so seducing i would be tasting that eye candy would make me go flying
you are so tempting


i think im just day dreaming
but still hoping
and don't think i'm rapping
cause im just a man loving a woman so stunning and cunning
lwethu Dec 2013
I'm sitted down here
I'm sitted down here thinking
Of all the wrongs that could have
Been rights,thinking about all
The foolish things I made
Because of selfish reasoning

I'm sitted down here
Thinking of all the heart breaks and
Pain that I'v caused you
All the "this is too much" I've made
You feel.all the "he doesn't love me"
Iv made you feel

I'm sitted down here thinking
About the permanent scars that
Are marked in your heart,the wounds
And sores I'v caused you, the "I'm ok"
Iv made you feel.
I'm sitted down here
Thinking about all your insecurities
That were secure enough to make
You love me
All the pain that was hard enough
To make you smile and say
"I'm fine"
I'm sitted down here thinking
About all the lies iv told you only
Because my mentality was that
Time flies.
Thinking about all the "you just a ***"
Iv said to you but truth is
"You just an angel"

I'm sitted down here
Regreting all the things I'v said
And wishing I could just turn
Back time and make you realise
That you worth more than the
Pain you burry yourself in,
More than your secure insecurities
More than your perfect heart and
More than your clean soul,and
Beautiful face
Eleanor May 2016
Longing to express it
Not to suffer and suppress it
But you tell me I can't
you tell me it's easier
You tell me it helps
I tell you it kills me.

Regreting my expectance
Receiving no acceptance
And you tell me I can't
you can't stand to hear it
I can't hold it in
I can't turn off my emotion

Decaying so painfully slow
Dead and so horribly alone
You tell me I can't
You say you need a break
That's it's better if you do
And I can't stay awake

Already lost in my asleep
Burried so far in the deep
And you tell me I can't
makes everything worse
Tearing me apart
How do u think this helps!

Maybe it will benefit you
You think it will benefit me too
You tell me I can't tho!
And I'm lost in this storm
Of endless torture
Forever so numb

In the end when you come back
I'll be the same and not on track
Because you tell me I cant..
I've held it in for so long
It's killed me so slowly
Nothing but dust
Cameryn Micheal Nov 2014
Surrounded by emotions,
That I can't sort into good or bad
Surrounded by stress,
That I can weigh in importance.

Surrounded by guilt,
I can't tell if is illogical or not,
Surrounded by shadows
That I can't tell are real or not.

If this is what it feels like to be crazy,
Then I long to be just troubled,
And if Im considered normal,
I shudder at the thought of insanity.

I walk through life regreting every word
Every look
Every touch
every whisper
eVerY BoUGhT of InSANIty
And trying to reasure myself I do fine,
When everything screams at me
You messed up again!

So I'm sorry to the people who stay near me and fake a smile,
As I annoy you to no ends
But you can't say anything because you pity me,
And you have to deal with me always tagging along
As you pray I take the hint.

Please tell me when I annoy you,
I promise I won't be angry,
And if I am its not at you.
Because everytime I'm angry,
I'm just yelling at myself.
Natalie V Mar 2013
Don't you dare to say you love me , liar , liar I'll slap your heart out until you're true.
You made me write out of anger.
I got too close , you make me get too into it, you pull me closer to push me away.
I might try to fix it once , I warned you about my character but you didn't listen.

You took a bet on breaking my heart too bad I figure out and always wear a shell upon my heart: you'll never get there fool , No one can hurt me; I thought i told you , I thought you felt my icy hug.

If there's a promise I can make is that you'll come back regreting what you lost therefore you replace it with something that couldn't be compare with what you had.

Go ahead , go with her but don't come back , You don't have me and never had; I need nothing from no one, I dont need your paunding cheating heart because no one breaks mine.
Jared Sacramento Dec 2011
Lost in me my spirit of song
My staff unused and empty
The night is lonely, the day is long
My tongue, tied, does prevent me
Regreting days of unwritten phrase
Our way had long inspired me
A love betrayed, a heart razed
Hubris, with haste, had fell me.
Bianca Reyes Nov 2015
My heart skips a beat at the sound of your heavenly moan
As my lips attach to the particular spot on your neck that I own

Your warm breath, tinged on my ear through our conversation
Causing in the pit of my stomach, a deep and fluterry sensation

The rhythm of our bodies set by the rise and fall of your breathing
In this moment, an immense amount of love for you I am feeling

Oh the sweet scent of your being clouded my senses as i breathe you in deep
It all felt so real, it aroused me from my sleep

The cold that seeped from reality, the warmth of my dream it broke
Regreting the moment I ever awoke

With your white silky sheets, my face I cover
Squeeze my eyes shut, in hopes that the dream I may recover
And regain the presence of the only one who will ever truly matter
Little tweek to see if it flows
A time in life will come
When breast milk will cease
And maturity begins to increase
When you will fight a fight and make up before the night
When your young age will show innocence
When your body starts showing Adolescence

A time in life will come
When you want to enjoy the sweet things of being young
You are strong
And your hormones are taking your decisions
When you become stupid
Due to the love of cupid
When you see the right track
But **** the world
You want to enjoy the wrong things
the right things seems so terrible

A time will come
When you are forty
Maybe still single
Used, dumped, hurting and regreting

A time will come
When you count your mistakes
And there is not a single blessing

A time will come
When wrinkles will replace your dimples
When that beautiful bubbling breast
Will become a lonely desert

A time will come
When life becomes vanity

A time will come when you cant even see the sun again
Or hear the rain...

Joey Percival Ikechukwu
Michael McBride Jan 2012
Used and abused.
Broken and scarred.
Battered and bashed.
Remains of your,
deceit and lies,
from behind my back.
I'm sick of it,
done with that.
I'm moving on,
and not turning round;
Not again.
I gave you your chances
but u keep goin back.
I tried to work,
this whole mess out.
But now I see.
It's clear to me.
You want him,
or him.
But whoever it may be
I can see,
That its clearly not me.
but u keep pretending
that u want me
im done with your lies
im done with you
i thought we could work this out
but as ive had time
to think about it
its not worth it
not worth my time
ill get through this
and in the end you'll
be the one regreting it.
Burn I say. I scream.
As i cast myself aside.
Turning my back on my feelings
And such worthless sense of pride.
My feet shake the earth.
My hands bash bone.
Slaughtering them and all.
Skulls shattered on stone.
The blood paints the walls
The sky and the land.
And i do not stop
This rampage thats at hand...

And when i retire
Myself resting on the pile
Of everyone I knew
For the longest while..
I laugh till I cry
Tears stream from my eyes

Regreting nothing.
Im done...
It's been 3 months
And I don't even come close to regreting any of it.
You've been so good to me.
You've blessed me beyond measure
And I hope I do the same for you
I never want to loose you
Without you I would only be half of who I could be because with you I am all that I could ever need to be.
I love who you are
I love how you feel
I love how you look
Everything about you is so perfect
You're flawless in my eyes
Dallas Allen Apr 2013
One thing scares me, it is not guns or knives
Not even ravoneous vampires or demons or
Everything normal people fear

Fear, is not something that applied to me until i got you
Every fear i have now revovles
Around me losing you
Regreting this fear i do not, i will not lose you......will i?
William Buttke Jun 2017
the broken boy lays awake in bed
unable to control the thoughts in his head
he lies helpless, defenseless, and hopeless thoughts push deep. desolation relentless

the weight of the world is to much to bare
emotional muscles struggling, begin to tear
he asks for help, some sort of way out
he wails he pleads , heart filled with doubt

the broken boy lays awake in bed
the same old thoughts stirring in his head
he is stuck. unable to move. full of dread
the more he thinks, the more its fed.

the strain of his glutonish sarrow is unreal
he knows the mental scars will never heal
they are forever there embedded in his heart
until the day he escapes this toil, sweet depart

the broken boy lays struggling in bed.
the thoughts that **** him ringing in his head
"you are worthless. un lovable. and repulsive"
the urge to end it becoming more impulsive

he can no longer take it he wants to end it all
the broken boy gives up and begins to fall
into a deeper darker place than the one before
images running through his head, ****** gore

the broken boy stands on end, razors in hand
trying to hold back the urge, but thoughts command
he is scared, and ready to escape this reality
the razor slides across his wrist, and he takes a knee

he is dying. the blood loss is too much to flee regreting his decision he screams out why me
he begins to bawl his blood and tears blend
forms a pool of lost hope, unable to mend
the broken boy lays cold and dead. no more pain. 
no more smiles, no more friends, nothing at all
no more running through leaves during fall
he ended his pain. but also ended his joy
that is the sad song. about the broken boy.
Jessica Jul 2013
I see trough the window
A gray sky and clouds
I felt empty
Like missing a part of my life
I realize...
I miss you from my life

Your laugh
Your smile
The way you kiss me
And wraped me with your warmth hug

If we could have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time and rewind

I promise I will never leave you again
Just with you forever

My life is like a blank paper
Writen by your beautiful memories
That become a part of me
And when you're gone
A part of my life also gone with you

But I know it's too late to fix
It's no use regreting the past
Only ruining my future
Inspired by a song ;3
abs Jun 2015
I wish I could open that door right infront of me
and see a shinning sunlight
that will guide me and help me
towards a better light.

I wish I coulp open my eyes
and see clearly how beautiful
the world have been,
and that it has always been.

I wish I could open my mind
and tell myself something inspiring
to stop regreting
all those times of running away.

I wish I could open tommorow and see the future,
so I could reassure myself,
that even if I couldn't turn back time,
everything will be alright.

I wish I could open my heart easily
the way it did when it was you,
so I could take a step forward
and live a leap of faith.
gunika bhayana Feb 2015
M happy at this moment
The changed mood
With a feeling of expressing whatever i want
It's been so long i guess
I have never felt like what i m feeling now
It's feels so gud being happy
For a change not regreting the things
I really wish i could hold on to this moment forever
I have no idea what's gonna come next to me
N i really don't care
because i m happy at this moment
I would have been wrong at many points
But i really want to know where
I want u to guide me the way
The way to be on a right path
Like u r doing right now
Jsst wait a bit
Be the same
Lemme capture the moment
It may flash off
But the memories won't
I m luving it :D
Jsst the way it's been now..
#happy #the change #lyking it #jsst want to capture the moment
I can see through your eyes,
The flavor of the death,
Regreting the ultimatum,
Fear of the judge.

Your corpse is new with stories buried,
Used in anatomy classes with your body opened,
I can see your liver, lungs and other organs,
Touched with white gloves.

You became an object,
All your life forgotten,
Everything faded.
This ideia came from a brazilian fictional book in which a medicine student decide to investigate life of those corpses studied in anatomy classes.
*Forgive me if I made mistakes, my English isn't very good
the Nov 2017
a heart shaped pool of warmth and affection
love between the lines of separated embers
singularity of a young paramour in love
with an illusive apparition of deceased gal

self-hate embraces her body like a flame
atop the candle made of contrite paraffin
of grief, odium and disgrace in one person
as the wax was slowly melting, she dissipated

but the lover never stopped loving his dame
knowing there are no places to visit anymore
he stayed where he lives, smiling upon future
knowing that his maiden is living a happy life

howbeit the girl shuts down, missing the point
a self-hateful black hole trying to **** itself
unluckily going nowhere, regreting for everything
they have ever done to people and themselves
marc rios Oct 2018
Today I am bold
I'm not wearing PRIDE, EGO, and SELFISHNESS, but I am wearing and holding LIES
Lies that keeps a certain batch to stay together with love and friendship . Lies that makes me guilty of knowing it can hurt somebody's feeling. Lies that may soon rapture and burst that could explode someone's temper
I don't want to hold these lies which is why I try to fix things with my knowledge and observations. I need to keep and hold them until I can persuade both to realize what they're doing destroys something.

Days have passed with all the same aura and sides. But still I was, believing and staying positive about what I'm doing, until something hit me. The truth hit me hard! I just realized that i already knew the truth I was just denying and regreting it. Suddenly I felt tired, maybe I was tired of linking them but not getting any connections, or maybe I'm not just good enough in attaching.Maybe it's time to LET GO?
C Sep 2020
Waves are full of ashes,
Soul and grays,
Are all trap in the blue.

Wishing to go to heaven,
Reaching the sky as possible,
As the waves ascend its vibrate.

Others have lost faith,
While others are still hoping,
Hesitating to fight another round.

Regreting they were thrown in sea,
That were thrown by their families,
Yet they are clueless to the life in between.

Others that doesn't lose faith,
Was been helped by the waves.

To these people's desire,
Was to yearn and to aim,
To go to the heaven up above.
That is what I always thought about the waves.
Camille Jun 20
The light blinds my sight, moarning and regreting I sigh
The peaceful hatred between us escalated, my silence kills you and me inside
The way I spoke in silence made you feel unappreciated
Slowly and steadily, I tried to reach you out, but I couldn't.
The way I can't help you kills me inside.

— The End —