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Bo Burnham Mar 2015
I like that thing you do with your tongue.
What do you call it?
Yeah, I dig it.
Autumn Rose Apr 2017
At dusk when the
moonflowers show their
faces to the silver stars.

At dawn when the
monflowers hide their
faces from the golden sun.

You will find me
under the shadow of the willows,
dreaming of him as he recites
verses of poetry to me.

Briano alliano performs on Jupiter

Hi dudes and dudettes
Welcome to my concert up here on Jupiter and it is time to have some fun and here is my first song for you called robbers and bandits

You see as I walk down the city streets
I see these robbers and bandits
Trying to take my money
Saying please please honey
Can I have your money
You see we are poor and
We have no place to call home at night
I said there is no need to rob me
I will give you $2 to $5 and I know that might not be enough
But I am just as hard done by as you in a way
The robbers and bandits said
To me we need your blood
And we need your money
I know you might not like that
But it is our only way
So just give us $3000 ok
If you don’t you will die
Personally I prefer to be positive
About how silly they are being
Trying to rob a Good Samaritan
Like me, you here about it on the news and you don’t think of it happening in real life
But I think it happened and I have to just sit back and say
Robbers and bandits had me again

The next song is push me to the limit
You see when I was young
I was really cool
I used to tease my dad
Who I thought was being conservative too
You see he came up to me and said
C’mon I will fight you I’ll fight you yeah I will
But he was trying to make me stand up for myself
And I thought mate I needed to put pride in myself
But I know dad didn’t mean to
As such but he pushed me to the limit oh shucks
I was just being a normal kid
Teasing my father and being rude
Dad hated what I was doing to him
He gave me medication to calm
Me down
It worked for a while but then
I completely lost it
When the drugs I was taking
Started to push me to the limit
I hated it I really did
But fighting the people that were trying to help me
Well, this wasn’t cool
So I decided to obsess about taking the meds, even if I got
Strange dillusions which I didn’t want I sat there watching
Family programs on tv
Because of the fact I have
No family of my own
It worked out ok till one day
The dollusions came and I did something bad and straight to the psych ward I went
You see the doctors were bad
And i thought they
Pushed me to the limit in an unusual way then my dad said to me just stay with your friends
And let them help you
But it was hard and I felt pretty ****, so I sang fly burgers loud and strong

The next song is I want to go to the movies
Oh I want to go to the movies
To see a movie that is cool
Like raising Arizona and beaches and ghostbusters
I felt pretty cool
Then I saw polar express and then I saw Arthur’s Christmas
And superman returns as well as goal yes that makes me feel so divine and if I don’t feel like going there I will watch movies on tv like Harry Potter da Kath and Kim code and pirates of
The carribean too
Yes they are all good movies
And yes I will enjoy them a lot
Drink a beer or a methane smoothie yeah oh yeah
These movies are great

What a song this next song is living next door to a party
You see we are trying to watch
Our shows on tv
When a great big loud speaker
Played music so loud
And the swearing, mate wasn’t quite as good we need to fix
The noise because it’s deafening and after that
The television played around
You see the computer chips
Were playing around
It is all because we all
Were living next door to a party
Listening to swearing and loud music and people swinging around and hanging up and hanging down and partying good yes we hang around outside pubs and yes we are cool but me I thought these people are in no club, and they have to be careful not to break anything, but they don’t care as they party loud and you find it hard to live next door to a party

That was a good song yes it’s groovy our next song is called mmmm donuts
Oh yeah I love my donuts
I feel like Homer Simpson
As I bring down my donuts
Yeah I love them they are nice
Mmmmm donuts mmmmmm donuts I love them I love them
Yes when I eat a donut
It melts in my mouth
I feel like a little sour ****
As I eat one down and then the other
I give the donut to my mother
What if she does the donut rap
And partied down
Up up up up and down down down
You see if you look like Homer Simpson you must say
Mmmmm donuts every single day
Mmmmm donuts every single day c’mon party the Homer Simpson way

Thank you Jupiter crowd and that was mmmmmm donuts the great song and now here is my waltzing Matilda
Once a jolly young dude
Partied from club to club
Dancing with all the girls in there
And after that we drank some taquila shots you’ll come a partying with Matilda oh yeah
I love a party really really partying I might not look it
But I am a social guy
I go to events to party down with the party dudes
Oh yeah
Then we got down to the great
Football club we watched the game and listened to the band
The music they played was cool and very very hip and the girls asked me to dance
I danced an unusual way everybody looked at me
Thinking I was a tad crazy
But I didn’t care because I am a party dude you’ll come a partying in the football club with me

Thank you dudes and dudettes and now here is a great song called this is *******
Ahh this is *******
Really really *******
The crap you are trying to tell me is driving me up the wall
I hate that crap I really do
So why do you want to play ******* to me
Ahh this is *******
Oh yeah this is *******
Watching ****** reality television which doesn’t mean a thing
Ahh this is *******
Really really *******
You see they play gridiron
And they play ice hockey
And yeah it is party time
I like partying and I like teasing
The conservos as they are doing their jobs
You see ahh they speak ******* total total *******
Ahh this is *******
It is total *******
Watching the crap they speak on sky news on win
You see it is right wing crap ya see
As the oldies sit there with their cup of tea
Yeah that is *******
Total utter *******
Yes ******* comes around
In their mouths every day
Yes they do
Ahh they speak *******
Complete and utter *******
And that is the truth
Or is it ahhhh *******
Thanks guys and gals and I want to say this enjoy Jupiter and I will see you when I come again.
I'm addicted

Something I can't cure
Simple and pure
To touch and watch it melt
How so good that felt
Warm, pleasing on my lips
In little strips it drips
Under the wrapping, so strapping
Its a victimless crime
In my prime, it feels sublime
In my mouth, moving all around
Tastes so good, need to lie down
Creamy center, nothing so delightful
Its beautiful, insightful
Delicious, begging for more
Just need another score
Addicted to the taste
Can't let it go to waste

I'm Addicted
If you think it's just about chocolate,
Then you're an angel.
Like me. :)
Donall Dempsey Mar 2017

God and I
at our favourite

little Chinese restaurant
where your name is

greeted with a smile
pleased to see us.

The restaurant orders for us.
It's easy...always the same.

Black bean sauce
the same old Mmmmmm!

God said: "You like the light?"
And without a second thought

changed the cold January evening
to a sunny June Sunday.

"I am lost in the robes
of all this light..."
I ventured.

God smiled.

"I am always partial
to a bit of Plath.

No big decisions
are made here.

God makes
the world

go away
abolishes Time.

It's just us.
Me and God

hanging out
small talk...chit chat.

Creator and createe
getting to know

one another

And "Mmmm...."
that black bean sauce.
Deshawn L Downs Oct 2014
Welcome to a world where people spit evil,
Like a freight train they disintegrate your soul,
Words etched into a brick wall like lies ripped into your heart
Change you
But don’t
Keep a shield of love and hope
Over your heart
Block out the haters
And you will never see the evils of mans hearts
zebra Jun 2018
when i want inspiration to write poetry
i watch a heaving tempest of kisses
they have a better flavor
than cooking shows

what's prettier than pretty pretty
in pigtails
shaking her delicious
derriere whipped Soufflé?

i'm kissing butter princess
witchy **** 
spread lickity splits
eating her
with a big wide **** eating grin
like an open face dagwood

whats more poetic than that hopeful glaring
Adonis's plumper in paradise
filling Cleopatra's slathered meringue?

ga-ga-ga-gag me, daddy
merciless, pa-leazze
fluttered big wet talking eyes
like pools of blue honey
getting it zigged zagged
hard against a redraw mouth
throttling fluted gullet
while eager throat gasps
a symphonic music of the spheres
in relentless staccato chokes
lovin her big devil **** splashing
all gym built wonder-boy
a litter of ****** and tongues
licking pig greedy
rapturous milkshake waterfalls

oooh big daddy
oh my ****** god
pillar of colossus
you Tunisian donut you
pierce me like a spoon
through summer guava

who screams like that eating lunch
but a half ate apricot?

better than a football game
I'd rather take her greek
more fun than math or small talk
preferable to a pat on the back at work
or a ridged procession at a funeral

oh beautiful dark fig
squatting crotch candy
bubbling tapioca ***
queen of
spun sugar **** 
all pyrotechnics
and fluttering sinews

if you asked most
do they watch ****
they'd grow smug like a senator
or punch you in the mouth
outwardly high-minded
refusing the blessing of a
video **** parade
of pirouetting vaginas
and glistening areolas
for the glory
of the secret ******* ceremony

the *** moralists
only good for a secret ******
living their lives
with passions submerged
and nothing to confess
except for guilty offerings
as they wander through dreamland shopping malls
wanting to know
Victorias ***** little secret
but not caressed
a mouthpiece for castrated dreams
*** adult
Butch Decatoria Feb 2016
                               Red rose and sweet prose,
                               Cyrano De Bergerac 's
                               Moonlit balcony.

                         Heart-shaped chocolates
                         Each a bite-sized "petite mort"
                         Lifetime on the hips.
eileen mcgreevy Feb 2010
Now then,(Clicks fingers and stretches out),,,I know you men out there will think i'm all cahoots,But i need to vent my feelings on the, ever, splendid, boot,There,s black boots white boots, really outta sight boots,Baby boots, Mummy boots, ever just so yummy boots,X boots, Y boots, black patent leather thigh boots,(MMMMMM)Flat boots, high boots, heels like a needles eye boots,Work boots, shopping boots, **** , real eye popping boots,Going to visit mum boots, feeling very glum boots,Welly boots, smelly boots," i'm just watching telly" boots,Car boots,"?" truck boots, "come on babe, let's ****" boots,All these boots and more would make a woman want to swear,But guys, you haven't heard me go on about our underwear!!!
Just a wee attempt at trying to help you guys understand the importance of boots!!  Copyright solely by eileen mcgreevy, irish maiden, wiked red witch 2010
jeremy wyatt Jan 2011
Campo Dorado, Blossom Hill,
Bardolino dark and still
Campo Viejo, Vino Tinto
and a nice wee glass to pour it into
computers make me drink my wine
logged on to friends and feeling fine
only drink when friends are there
otherwise I couldn't care......
trying to do poems in less than a minute, and failing. 6 seconds over, not counting extra comment time :o)
Oh my, ohhh MY
What is he doing to me
Electricity lighting up my body
Places throbbing like never before
Blushing profusely
Unable to speak except to say
Ahhhhh, mmmmms, oooooo, yessss!

Oh MY what is happening to me
His hands are like magic
Creating a world of pleasure
Unknown world to me
Having never felt anything like this
Oh no please don't let me embarass myself
Please let me resist his touch a little longer

Suddenly my body convulses
Fire shoots through my veins
I feel the nectar of my tight pleasure well flowing forth
Breathing stopped as eyes watch the white sparks behind them
Bucking to his touch
The ****** so total  and consuming
Nothing ordinary about this one

Yet He does not stop
His hands continue to move
Touching places that should not feel ******
mmmmmm,, ohh pleaseeee

Please what? He asks

Face turns crimson as I turn trying to hide it
Muscles drawn tautly
Fighting each stroke of my wet *****

Pleaseeee....don't        don't stop  I said

Nooo I meant to say please stop didn't  I?
What must he think of me at this point
I notice him moving but was unaware of what he was up to
Suddenly his face was breathing hot upon the dew lauden petals
Writhing beneath his arms that hold my hips still
His arms trap my legs as they are parted wide

Shaved lips soaked
The smell oh the smell
Seems strong to me but all I hear

MMmmmm woman you smell so sweet  He said
Like peaches and vanilla He breathed softly

Body struggles to get away
Pleasure pearl is hard and throbbing
Suddenly his mouth surrounds the hard nub
I feel his lips tighten as He pulls as He nips and *****

Mary Mother of God I cried
Unable to keep still
Hips swaying lifting up towards his hot beautiful mouth
Needing to feel more
Begging that He not stop

He continues as I feel the precious liquid flowing between the cheeks of my ***
He slowly slides ******* deep into that tight tunnel and begins to stroke the soft flesh part towards the top
MMMMmmms, mmmm ohhhhh yessss yesss sYEEEESSSS

I hear him chuckle as he hears my response
His words comforting as he tells me to let loose and not hold back
He suckles down ******* my now tender ****
******* massaging that ******
The something I was totally unprepared for

His finger slid deep into my ***
Bucking wildly
Screaming out as the ****** ripped through my body
Juices burst free of my tight tunnel soaking his fingers
Fingers digging deep into the bedspread

Panting as I can't breathe
The intensity so overwhelming tears fall from the corners of my eyes
He continues to pet and stroke me slowly
Bringing me down easily

I was gone for awhile
My brain was mush
Thighs quivered
Eyes closing

I did feel him remove his fingers
His tongue licking up the sweet taste of me
I felt him move up to lay beside me
Encircling me in his arms
His hands roaming over my hair

Every now and again my body would tremble
Jump then tremble again
Mind blown like never before
What just happened I wondered
I dare not ask
At this point I didn't care

Suddenly there was a clap of thunder
I woke up in a damp sweat
******! It was just a dream
I got up to go to the bathroom
Copius amounts of fluid drained down my thighs

Or was it a dream?
WRitten by Jennifer Humphrey  all rights reserved
Poetic T Nov 2014
"Once upon a time there was"
"Many moons ago"
"There was a dreamer"
Who wished with all her heart,
To find the gold at the rainbows end,
She would look for clouds
Her mother smiled.
"Are you still searching for that rainbows end"
"Pamela  your dreams are the clouds"
"Mummy a *** of gold I will find"
"For if you latch on to one"
"You will find yourself upon the other side""
Then one morning awoke to find a rainbow
Moving over her lawn,
On too, she had packed a case
Encase this time did come true,
She slid down the banister
Through the front door,
Just as it was fading
Hands did grab hold,
She was surrounded by colours
All were pure and bright, then with a
On her bottom she did land, surrounded
By beauty, plants the colours of the rainbow
"Blue leaves"
"Grass was orange"
Sky was all shades of the rainbow too,
A *** seen, gold did gleam,
Mouth wide open,
A violent fly flew in then out,
And she then quickly shut her mouth,
She was over the moon, the rainbow too,
She picked it up,
Lighter than she thought??
She picked one up
Put it too her mouth,
And bit,
It was squiggly in her mouth
Twice in two minutes,
She was
Did cascade from little eyes,
They came out
Colours of the rainbow
Which lightened her mood,
She wiped her tears looked once, twice
Then hands upon the rainbow,
And whoosh, she landed with a
On next doors cow,
Went the cow,
Went Pamela,
She ran with  a
As in the distance still hearing the angry
She ran to her house, opened the door,
With a fright her mum ran out,
"My baby are you all right"
"I found the rainbow"
"I found the ***"
"I found a land of colour,"
"But the treasure wasn't right"
All said with in one breathe,
Now breath my angel,
As mother did take a coin
Opened it carefully and with the tip
Of here finger tasted it,
So creamy, so light,
As she took her in the kitchen,
And the toaster minutes later
Spreading it evenly, and eaten was
The toast crust and all,
"Mummy may I try one"
Pamela said
"Magic words my honey bear"
"Please may I try one"
And with that the toast again
"My gosh mummy this tastes divine"
"You found a golden treasure that's for sure"
As they had toast each morning,
Opening a coin spreading it evenly,
"It was a taste to behold"
The treasure at the end of the rainbow,
Wasn't money, but I was something better
A taste that put a smile on faces
Every morning at *breakfast time.
Amor Loco Feb 2017
Exposed and bare
Standing there
Following your demands
Your treasured possession
Object of obsession
Waiting for your commands

A slave for my master
A beautiful disaster
Submissive, wanting to obey
Torment and tease or
Worship and please
I'm yours in every way

You start off slow,
From my head to my toes
Covering my body with kisses
Working wonders with your mouth
Lingering as your lips go south
"Mmmmmm you taste delicious"

My hands are bound behind my back
You give my *** a nice hard smack
Whispering in my ear "you're mine"
You place a blindfold over my eyes
Your fingers slip between my thighs
Oh god sir, I'm on cloud nine!

Your cat of nine tails across my ****,
"On your knees you ***** ****"
My eyes light up when he greets me
He's like a rock,
Your big, beautiful ****
I take him in my mouth completely

My tongue dances wildly
To put it mildly
He is glistening from my spit
Enclosed in my lips,
Your hands on my hips
You signal for me to quit

He's throbbing, she's aching
You make me start begging
"Please sir, I need him now!"
"Bend over and take him *****"
As you ******, I start to twitch
Oh. My. God. Sir. Wow!

"Please don't stop sir! Harder! Faster"
"Wait for it *****, *** with your master"
Exploding like dynamite, we succumb
To feelings of ******,
Our mutual fantasy,
Into pure oblivion
This is an explicit poem about the beauty and satisfaction in ****** affection. Inspired by a paradoxical relationship, something seemingly ***** that is so, so sweet.
ChawzzyScript May 2013
Mmmmmm......Good Morning Honey.........

Delightedly awakened by your lingual dexterity
Opening your mouth to engulf its fullness
******* and slurping, hastening its juices
From escaping and running down your chin.

Its tangy nectar making your fingers slick and sticky
A tighter grip you employ when it slips within your grasp
The sound you're making is so ******, the fullness of your lips, so enticing,

I do so love it when you eat sweet peaches in the morning!

Fancy a napkin?

Mohd Arshad Mar 2016
Don't expect
More than you give
If they will do the same
Nobody will receive
Notes (optional)
izzy w Dec 2011
mmm i should’ve
kissedyou at night
and mmm i shouldve
kissedyou in
th emorning

and i woke up
thinking about
it that’s all, you
and me under
my duvet, your
arm touching
my belly. i
remember in
the morning i
almost wanted you
to have morning
wood but there
was nothing and

i wanted to kiss you

we could be drunk and
wreckless with one
anothers hearts and
letsbe sober and hold
hands and giggle like
we dont know who
we should tell:
lets tell our best friend
lets tell nooone

teach me how to be happy
being silent, that magic

what do i want i don’t know
i don’t know you
i just want to kiss you

i think this poem
doesn’t matter
after the first
stanza because that’s
all i wanted to say;

i wrote a lot more
but it all means

i should’ve


at night



i shouldve


in th emorning
jeffrey conyers Dec 2013
So good, I just say mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Your kiss.

So good, I just say mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm more.
Your touch.

Like a deep passion for a certain desert you seek.
You come across to me in several similar ways.

So fine, I just say mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
No words are needed.
But if they were.
I just gladly repeat them.

Some connection is always met.
Whenever we are together.
I forget my dreams.
For being with you have brought them into existence.

This is how I know?
You are so fantastic, I just say mmmmmmmmmmm.
Oh, How I love you so much?
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
There are no words to describe how much
You mean to me,
You are beyond my world

There are no words to explain how much
I love you,
I have never loved like this before

There are no words to tell you how much
I miss you,
I feel a void the second we part ways

There are no words to express how much
I need you in my life,
The thought of a day without you causes me physical pain

There are no words to explain how beautiful
I think you are,
The world has no equal in my eyes

There are no words to describe how much
I want you,
You are the first person I think of when I open my eyes and the last person on my mind when I close them for the night

There are no words to describe how sweet you are,
I love watching you interact with others
It makes me smile

There are no words to describe how much
I lust for you,
I long for your touch, your kiss,
your smell, your sweetness

There are no words to explain how much
I see us together,
When I close my eyes I can see it
When I open them I can feel it

When I am with you I just know it

There are no words
Leah Rae May 2013
There Is A Reason ihop Is Open 24 Hours A Day.

It's Like A  MmMmMm. Pancakes!
Like A Mouth Watering & The Sound Of Fork Scraping Plate, Kind Of Morning, Isn't It?

Sunny Saturday Morning In April, With NPR Playing Over The Radio, And The Sound Of Bacon Sizzling, Kind Of Morning.

Take It From Me.
Watched A Heavy Hearted Seventeen Year Old Sister, Ask For Breakfast Ar Midnight, And The Hours Spent Talking Away Her Heart Ache With Mom Was Just A Side Effect Of The Full Stomach.

Stumble Into This.
With Bloodshot Eyes, And Ripped Up Jeans, 5am And Hung Over.
The Waitress Will Always Take Care Of You.
It's Like Her Duty, Along Side Taking Orders And Refilling Empty Coke Glasses, She'll Serve You
Chocolate Chip,
Strawberry Strung,
And Whip Cream Shaped Like A Smiley Face,
Without Any Questions Asked.

Pancakes Are The Breakfast Of Champions. So You Remember This. Your Fork And Knife Battle Weapon, Ready To Turn This 15 Minute Meal Into A Valiant Reawakening.
And Remember You Are King Today.  

Staff And Stone, And No One Can Destroy You.
Eat Up, And Be Strong.
I Dare You.
Lick Your Fingers, And Ask For Seconds.
This Is Life, And Asking For Another Helping Has Never Been A Bad Thing.

Bite Your Tongue, Drink Back This Moment. I'd Ask You To Taste It, If Your Mouths Weren't Already Full.

I Know, There Will Be Tequila &Wine; Bottles You'll Try To Drown Yourself In.
But I've Learned Something Sticky Sweet Seems To Heal The Broken Edges Just A Little Better.

Daddy Always Said There Was A Reason The Light On The 'Waffle House' Sign Never Went Out. A Warm Plate & A Smile Is Sometimes All You Need To Make A Place Home.

The Next Time You Get Offered Pancakes, Consider It A Token Of Appreciation.
Always Say Yes.
Even If You're Not Hungry.
Take A Bite. You Won't Regret It.
I Promise.
Claire Waters Oct 2013
it's so strange how fear strikes
gently at first, like morphine
it dribbles through you, you bottom out.

and then when you are dry and cracked
it soaks into you like gasoline to driftwood
the sound of the birds become dull
and then you panic about your panic
because the birds see everything and you need them
when the wild beasts come
need them to listen, so you can sit still and hum--mmmmmm
dear forest, can you block the taste out of my mouth
block the sound of talk radio voices whirring through the channels
pineal staticky as a black hole, so you say
vacuum packed emotions cemented in nothing
compressed trash dumped into the same landfill
and suddenly your cup runeth over with the poisoned caviar
and you ignored that ******* caveat when you were young
the bed you make you lay in it, you dug your grave and then fought them
all the way in, i guess that deserves another personality pathology

words and pictures and angels that george carlin doesn't believe in
but i don't mind i still mostly agree with him
except quietly poking that thought to the back of my mind
to recirculate and well i don't want to forget it in too much time
but angels, there are some things you can't describe to people
that eventually make sense, and some that make you stop
before you start because, you have to see quezacoatl to believe it
and i understood after all those nights of john darnielle
soft voice meant to carry, snakes, destruction, and ripe plums

there are some little devils and some little angels
they don't need a medium, just an invitation
a little thought, blind intention, unconscious manifestation
and only then can they live
hocus pocus **** whatever,
illuminati is distraction,
these aren't legends they are presently presence
essence and breathlessness and aristocrat embezzlement
i'm not worried about the devil
i'm worried about the people who crouch to his level
leveraging him on their shoulders
parasitic loaner, bankers thirsty to sell us
everyone's just looking at miley cyrus
welcome to america, this is a ******* mess
i might overnight some toy blocks by UPS to congress
if they learn to count 1 2 3 but in millions
perhaps it'll dawn on them how much ******* debt we're in

so some nights i let the crackle overwhelm
and sink into the consciousness
and let the shadows prowl around
because pajama sam keeps demanding
not to be afraid of the dark now, for my art, for my heart
there's a world in there and sometimes you have to fall
to know what's life when you come up for air and see
this show is so debonair i can barely bare to read the latest
it's all so plasmatic, phlegm and smoke and paper
burning cities, smoke and mirrors, moving more paper
the only way to act outside the script is to stop acting
and it's the roughest road to choose
but it'll be worth it when you can actually rest in peace without dues
reality isn't real is it, blue collar is another word for slave isn't it
9 - 5 is another expression for consume, a check goes in a box
but we assume it's fair work for pay
we are each a stock, worth about as much as a tea bag
to a party of executives in hot water

and the man outside keeps screaming
something evil is hidden in the depths of the news page
slipping through slack fingered open mouthed people
somehow we're still clueless in the information age
we see it, we read it, we feel it, helpless
we sit in our desk chairs and wonder what next
and the devil sits in our ears whispering don't worry
i know what you're expecting of me
i'm coming, if that is what you all collectively believe

i turn to quezacoatl and all he will murmur
what are you going to do about it
the collective has power
waiting for a fateful hour like
a wave puffing up it's chest
oppressed does not mean suppressed
and politics are liar language
money is bluffing to keep us thinking we're nothing
once you've seen what hides in the dark
the light glows brighter in comparison
keeps you safe in the early hours of morning
when you listen

we are the change
we are absolutely everything
you see there are problems in the world, but having patrick dunbar and greame thornes

previous life pattern, in my buddha cycle, like having thoughts of going out feeling like kids were playing games

with you, first of all, they will plant all these rats and feral cats and angry dogs, attempting to attack you

at every turn, and also back then when my place was messy, there were rats and dogs just walking in my

parents laundry, and it made me have problems cleaning my house, and i wondered why we saw rats and feral cats

and my cat muscles was also turning feral and i wanted to calm him down, and i started having my hooligans visions

coming when i went out, when i saw kids laughing or screaming in a drain in wanniassa, and this made me feel bad

i told the messiah about it, and he hated it as well, thinking, someone put the kids down there, and then i heard my

mate patrick, say, i am not mucking with the crazy person, because i was getting his clean mind giving me all sorts of delusions

making me feel, he was poisoning my mind with all these delusions like, muscles is the dingo that killed azaria, you see

i was battling my delusions, ya know, having a hard time, with a mate who hated what rupert murdoch was doing to this world

and i was wanting foxtel, but i seriously couldn’t afford, because rupert murdoch had the prices go too high, and when i had

foxtel, i remember i was in dilusion land, ya know, thinking i was getting a private jet to fly to the USA, to volunteer at a major league baseball match

and another thing too, i felt i was given USA TV, because, my delusions were putting the AFL, on the sunday night, and there was

a USAFL match, on there as well, and, i was having a great time doing volunteer work on the street, at the footy, i loved that, and i did

volunteer work at vinnies, i liked that, and i liked playing santa claus too, but i don’t do that now, i picked up all this ******* outside kingsley’s

and i got honoured for that, and i helped cook the meals at the rainbow, i loved that, but nowadays they turned it into a course, and i liked the

idea of giving the mentally ill people a good meal, and i worked at the softball field, in the 2003 masters games, and i cleared tables as well

as other jobs to do around there, i also worked at the kanga cup soccer, but i hated the last day, when they made us do crowd control, not my forte

and because my house was messy, my parents just went mmmm mmmmmm mmmmm, and this drove me crazy, i don’t want to miss out on opportunities

just because my house is untidy, i tried and cleaned my house, the best as i could, but i was hearing voices, you must help here, you must help there

you must help everywhere, the men will talk to me, if i helped people, and i loved when a man said to to me, your doing a good job, mate, and i liked

when men said, keeping busy, mate, and when i said yes, they said good, good, and when i said hello to dad, dad just did a sigh old hi, saying, i was only

like him if i cleaned my house, and yes, i know it’s important to clean my house, so i have a cleaner come Monday mornings, but, i wish there were opportunities

out there, where i can show off my novels to important people, i don’t want any cats anymore, one reason, i can’t look after a cat very well, and i could see lots of

rats and mice in my flat, and i am scared of rats and mice, because of the disease factor, and animals to me, i find, could send me to the psych ward

i know cleaning my house is important, and getting rid of rodents, is a way to clean, you see, lately i say, i got to help the poor, every time i see a poor man

give him money, cause i am not a rich *****, and i am not, and i spend money to try and give me things, i like computers, i was using the computer as a place

to display all my previous life and current life anger, but dad looked at my stories, as not very nice, but i was expressing where my anger is coming from

i want to have novels written and ideas pushed over to television, now i don’t want a cat anymore, or a dog or a mouse or a rat, i prefer to keep myself from

buying any sort of animal, because every time i am asked to do something,like take care of a cat, i go crazy, and i get cranky, cause i haven’t got a perfect life

because my parents have twisted m thoughts around in my head, if i had someone to live with, or moved to another city, with the same services, i will feel good

about myself, because i would still get the cleaning done as well have carers and i need a job, i need a job, i want to show people how to write their problems out of them

i hate being treated like a girl from bay watch, getting kidnapped by old good mates because they fucken agree with parents ruling over their kids and i don’t

because i am going to get what i want and i am not aiming too high,my stories are good enough and even this story, please leave me alone, i want the perfect life

i crave the perfect life, and as long as i don’t buy a cat, i am fine
As Kenya lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person she thought her life would never end like this.  Kenya's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.  It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.
Upset at the thought of being late for work Kenya floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic Kenya hoped she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of Funny Man.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't get stopped the police thought Kenya as she sped past the other drivers.  As Kenya pulled into the BNB Bank's parking lot she checked the time.
"It's 7:55am.  I made it within five minutes" said Kenya.
Kenya got out of her car and walked through the bank's glass doors.  As time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.  One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.  Mmmmmm yummy thought Kenya as she walked up to the tall light skinned man.
"Hello sir how may I help you?" asked Kenya as she eyed the man up and down.
"My name is Malik Maxwell.  I would like to open a checking and a savings account" answered the tall light skinned man.
"Mr. Maxwell please follow me to my office" said Kenya.
As Kenya and Malik sat in Kenya's office filling out papers Kenya made it up in here mind that she would get to know Malik on a personal level.
After a day's work Kenya got behind the wheel of her BMW and started he drive home.  On her way home Kenya called her best friend Jewel Stonewall.
"Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Kenya with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her cellphone.
"I'm doing great Kenya.  What's up?" answered Jewel as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.
"Are we still on for Saturday?" asked Kenya.
With a confused look on her face Jewel asked
"Is the day Friday already?"
"Yeah girl what day did you think it was?" responded Kenya.
"To tell you the truth Kenya I thought the day was Thursday" said Jewel.
"No Jewel it's Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon" said Kenya.
"You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Kenya" said Jewel.
"Ok bye Jewel" said Kenya.
Kenya Ayanna Night was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel Stonewall her childhood friend.

written by Keith Edward Baucum
Benchwarmer Feb 2018
Have you noticed my glow?
Not the glow upon my skin
or the glow of the reflective light
that bounces off of my car keys

The glow of glee
that glistens throughout my brown eyes
when I gaze at your beauty
as we hum our duet
that displays our affection
without words upon our tongues

It is nothing more
than a simple tune
like the sound one makes
when exposed to something enjoyable

Such as the presence of another
that lights a fire inside of me

Not a burning fire
but one that is dim
and enables me to feel warm

Just from a simple tune
c Jan 2019
I used to dance alone in my room
I’d spin the spun black under needle
And turn till my walls became one
I’d stretch my face in strain
And mimic pain in movement

I’d measure arms and hands to
The waver of the music
I cried in concaved chest and
Screamed in legs splitting air,
Laughed in fingers spreading wide
And collapsed to the beat’s final throe

I became a simulated symphony, and
So became each dance;
My afternoon secret
I’d forget words and
Mesh into mangled body melody

mmmmmm those hands droning guitar and
a distant voice
in verse,
drumming, drumming

My body curled around each syllable,
Both in question and answer

It was pain, yes
It was heartache
Yes, it was beautiful
But I soon realized
It was not mine

- c
Translating music into movement and interpreting the artist’s pain
Skyy Blu Nov 2013
I was thinking, as I sat here. Vanilla cream scent filling the room, rain drops sweetly kissing my window... Butterfly kisses--it's like strange but that's, how I see the rain. Soft music flowing in the back-ground; Sade... Makes me want to get down. Bring-out... the **** me, or maybe this is how it's suppose to be. I was thinking, Like the moon I rise for you; You set me like the sun, in the middle of Spring-time--- tender breezes easy... I unwind. Like a gazelle... Graceful, Wild, ****, Fast, and Free; Hot-as- Fire... turned-on, Yeah! That's we. Moving in and out of time, gentle- touches sweet as wine...or honey smooth as butter are your lips, rose pedals blossoms as you sway your hips. I was thinking about the taste of the nectar beneath your waist; hidden wild flowers calling out for April showers. Gently- Kissing the mouth of your gate, tongue moving slowly as passion escapes. Moans of pleasure,  waves of ecstasy, an you shower me with your rain; something not like the rain... on my window pane. I was thinking, Black-Rose standing strong , hard as the wind on a winter's night... I enter your garden now wet with rain, riding waves of passion-- you... screaming my name; as one we explode. A soothing release, Like after a war-mmmmmm.....Sweet peace. I was just thinking, must have gotten taken away but... I'm just remembering yesterday. Yeah! How sweetttttt!!! I was thinking.
GREEN Chapter One

As Kenya lie on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person she thought her life would never end like this.  Kenya tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent silthering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.  It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.
Upset at the thought of being late for work Kenya floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic Kenya hoped she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of Funny Man.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't get stopped by the police thought Kenya as she sped past the other drivers.  As Kenya pulled into the BNB Bank parking lot she checked the time.
"It's 7:55a.m.  I made it within five minutes."
Kenya got out of her car and walked through the bank's glass doors.
As time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.  One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.  Mmmmmm yummy thought Kenya as she walked up to the tall light skinned man.
"Hello sir how may I help you?" asked Kenya as she eyed the man up and down.
"My name is Malik Maxwell Williams.  I would like to open a checking and savings account" answered the tall light skinned man.
"Mr. Williams please follow me to my office."
As Kenya and Malik sat in Kenya's office filling out papers Kenya made it up in her mind that she would get to know Malik on a personal level.  After a days work Kenya got behind the wheel of her red BMW and started her drive home.  On her way home.  On her way home Kenya called her best friend Jewel Stonewall.
"Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Kenya with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her cellphone.
"I'm doing great Kenya.  What's up?" answered Jewel Stonewall as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.
"Are we still on for Saturday?"
With a confused look on her face Jewel asked
"Is the day Friday already?"
"Yeah girl what day did you think it was?"
"To tell you the truth Kenya I thought the day was Thursday."
"No Jewel it's Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon."
"You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Kenya."
"Ok by Jewel."
Kenya Ayanna Night was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel Stonewall her childhood friend.

Written by: Keith Edward Baucum
TreadingWater Oct 2015
You can't...really blame her; was fall
and, fell...Tripping along through
Clementine and Nin.,,,the sweet seduction
of...this stanza,...these words//yes,..{yes}
I feel it, too/two/to...
breaking;...with Ray and soaring with Zoe,...taking the
~There aren't many out
there who care so much about words~...she
so in my head...crash to my knees,...
the{oh ****}landing//that h u r t s
...but the rush,..the way down....the
weightlessness,...short eternal
flight.  Soaring// through space;
...heart beat.
time,... it's everything,..and it's have
a falling heart is to have...
Donall Dempsey Sep 2016

Schrödinger's cat
failed to see just what

all the fuss was

It was all such
a reductive absurdum.

The cat couldn't understand
collapsing wave functions

entanglement or whether

reality was really

to save its life.

It was aware of
one thing & one thing

. . .the diabolic device. . .

Cat in a metal box
with a Geiger counter

with a radioactive substance
blah blah de ****** blah

an atom decaying or something or
other &

releasing a hammer to smash
a phial of hydrocyanic acid.


"I do not like thee Dr. Fell!"
thought the cat.

It was a very literary cat.

So all this palaver
about a cat( me? how! )

being both dead or alive or
neither dead or alive or

. . .wot!

So this is to be my great

Welllll excuse me!
Say...doesn't the cat have his say?

So, I( clever cat that I am)
merely claw my way to the top &

disengage the device
by taking out the hammer.

So no cat was harmed
in the making of this

thought experiment.

It almost drove Schrödinger
out of his tiny little mind!

And he( hee hee )
never did discover

what ever
happened to his socks.

I forever stealing
one sock from a pair

from the open
washing machine.

Leaving him to ponder
just where socks go?

The other side of the Universe?
Oh come on's not

rocket science!

Now, to get back to
describing the behaviour of

a quantum entity.


"Naw....I still don't get it!"

"Say ya couldn't see yer way
to giving me a scratch...could ya?"

"Up a bit....upabit....yeah...yeah
. . .there...just...there!"
I have very few words to utter

Selfishness is destructive…

Selfishness is the core ignition of war…

Example world war….

That selfishness kind of love…


Has a tendecy of Love struck whip…
Leaves the heart with a longer lasting smile
Keep the heart satified till…

Very manipulative indeed
Indigenously it has claimed life of a handfull

Alot sactifised for it
Alot lost their soul to the Gream reaper for it
Alot don’t care about anything except for it…

It’s lovely…
It’s Love after all…
That selfishn kind of love…

It goes deeper and deeper
It leaves you in a galaxy of its own…
Its like the feeling of touching a star…

It gives you the benefit of doubt, that kind of 7 wonders….
It swings around with 6th senses…
It deceives the fortune tellers truth…

The words I love you that I may utter on your ear, especially unexpected in a right mood in a silent enviroment with that ****** expression of I mean it….

Taking your soul to the lost world….

Nothing can come between the two..

Let go, let free “NEVER” says the cheated heart…
Till death do us apart…

You must run as fast as you could if you come across those words “Til death do us apart” its like signing invisible contract that has a small print that says you try to break up you are death…

That selfishn kind of love has alot of clause…
The whole contract has being composed with “I love you” in BOLD the rest small print…

Good luck!

Its your choice…

Love exist…

Same as the selfish kind of love

Its Love…
As Olive Spectrum lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person she thought her life would never end like this.  Olive's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.
It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.
Upset at the thought of being late for work Olive floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic Olive hoped she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of Funny Man.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't get stopped by the police thought Olive as she sped past by the other drivers.  As Olive Spectrum pulled into the BNB Bank's parking lot she checked the time.  "It's 7:55am.  I made it within five minutes" said Olive.   Olive got out of her car and walked through the bank's glass doors.
As time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.   One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.  Mmmmmm yummy thought Olive as she walked up to the tall light skinned man.  "Hello sir how may I help you?" asked Olive as she eyed the man up and down.  "My name is Akurra Wings.  I would like to open a checking and a savings account" answered the tall light skinned man.  "Mr. Wings please follow me to my office" said Olive.  As Olive and Akurra sat in Olive's office filling out papers Olive made it up in her mind that she would get to know Akurra on a personal level.  
After a day's work Olive got behind the wheel of her BMW and started her drive home.  On her way home Olive called her best friend Jewel Stone Wall.  "Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Olive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her cellphone."  "I'm doing great Olive.  What's up?" answered Jewel Stone Wall as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.  "Are we still on for Saturday?" asked Olive.  With a confused look on her face Jewel asked "Is the day Friday already?"  "Yeah girl what day did you think it was?" responded Olive.  "To tell you the Truth Olive I thought the day was Thrusday" said Jewel.  "No Jewel it's Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon" said Olive.  "You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Olive" said Jewel.  "Ok bye Jewel" said Olive.  
Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel Stone Wall her childhood friend.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Gangster story
Epic Sep 2018
As Kenya lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person she thought her life would never end like this.  Kenya's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.  It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.  
Upset at the thought of being late for work Kenya floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic Kenya hoped she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of FunnyMan.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't stopped by the police thought Kenya as she past by the other drivers. As Kenya pulled into the BNB Bank's parking lot she checked the time.
"It's 7:55am.  I made it within five minutes" said Kenya.
Kenya got out of her car and walked through the bank's glass doors.  As time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.  One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.  Mmmmmm yummy thought Kenya as she walked up to the tall light skinned man.
"Hello sir how may I help you?" asked Kenya as she eyed the man up and down.
"My name is Malik Maxwell.  I would like to open a checking and a savings account" answered the tall light skinned man.
"Mr. Maxwell please follow me to my office" said Kenya.

As Kenya and Malik sat in Kenya's office filling out papers Kenya made it up in her mind that she would get to know Malik on a personal level.
After a day's work Kenya got behind the wheel of her BMW and started her drive home.  On her way home Kenya called her best friend Jewel Stonewall.
"Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Kenya with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her
"I'm doing great Kenya.  What's up?" asked Jewel as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.
"Are we still on for Saturday?" asked Kenya.
"Is the day Friday already" said Jewel.
"Yeah girl what day did you think it was?" responded Kenya.
"To tell you the truth Kenya I thought the day was Thursday" said Jewel.
"No Jewel it's Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon" said Kenya.
"You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Kenya" said Jewel.
"Ok bye Jewel" said Kenya.
Kenya Ayanna Night was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel Stonewall her childhood friend.

Written by Epic
A Tango Feb 2017
You’re like a coffee that sends a buzz
a kind of rush

As I take a sip,
I remember the time how you kept me awake
Oh, that steamy night with hot kisses…
like this freshly brewed coffee I have in hand

All day I could savor
the aroma and flavor
I love how it taste
Just like how I tasted you

**But like a coffee stain, you leave a mark
You left a spot here in my heart

— The End —