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Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa’s brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th’ Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
And chiefly thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples th’ upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for thou know’st; thou from the first
Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread,
Dove-like sat’st brooding on the vast Abyss,
And mad’st it pregnant: what in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.
  Say first—for Heaven hides nothing from thy view,
Nor the deep tract of Hell—say first what cause
Moved our grand parents, in that happy state,
Favoured of Heaven so highly, to fall off
From their Creator, and transgress his will
For one restraint, lords of the World besides.
Who first seduced them to that foul revolt?
  Th’ infernal Serpent; he it was whose guile,
Stirred up with envy and revenge, deceived
The mother of mankind, what time his pride
Had cast him out from Heaven, with all his host
Of rebel Angels, by whose aid, aspiring
To set himself in glory above his peers,
He trusted to have equalled the Most High,
If he opposed, and with ambitious aim
Against the throne and monarchy of God,
Raised impious war in Heaven and battle proud,
With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power
Hurled headlong flaming from th’ ethereal sky,
With hideous ruin and combustion, down
To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
In adamantine chains and penal fire,
Who durst defy th’ Omnipotent to arms.
  Nine times the space that measures day and night
To mortal men, he, with his horrid crew,
Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf,
Confounded, though immortal. But his doom
Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him: round he throws his baleful eyes,
That witnessed huge affliction and dismay,
Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate.
At once, as far as Angels ken, he views
The dismal situation waste and wild.
A dungeon horrible, on all sides round,
As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames
No light; but rather darkness visible
Served only to discover sights of woe,
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all, but torture without end
Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed
With ever-burning sulphur unconsumed.
Such place Eternal Justice has prepared
For those rebellious; here their prison ordained
In utter darkness, and their portion set,
As far removed from God and light of Heaven
As from the centre thrice to th’ utmost pole.
Oh how unlike the place from whence they fell!
There the companions of his fall, o’erwhelmed
With floods and whirlwinds of tempestuous fire,
He soon discerns; and, weltering by his side,
One next himself in power, and next in crime,
Long after known in Palestine, and named
Beelzebub. To whom th’ Arch-Enemy,
And thence in Heaven called Satan, with bold words
Breaking the horrid silence, thus began:—
  “If thou beest he—but O how fallen! how changed
From him who, in the happy realms of light
Clothed with transcendent brightness, didst outshine
Myriads, though bright!—if he whom mutual league,
United thoughts and counsels, equal hope
And hazard in the glorious enterprise
Joined with me once, now misery hath joined
In equal ruin; into what pit thou seest
From what height fallen: so much the stronger proved
He with his thunder; and till then who knew
The force of those dire arms? Yet not for those,
Nor what the potent Victor in his rage
Can else inflict, do I repent, or change,
Though changed in outward lustre, that fixed mind,
And high disdain from sense of injured merit,
That with the Mightiest raised me to contend,
And to the fierce contentions brought along
Innumerable force of Spirits armed,
That durst dislike his reign, and, me preferring,
His utmost power with adverse power opposed
In dubious battle on the plains of Heaven,
And shook his throne. What though the field be lost?
All is not lost—the unconquerable will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That glory never shall his wrath or might
Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace
With suppliant knee, and deify his power
Who, from the terror of this arm, so late
Doubted his empire—that were low indeed;
That were an ignominy and shame beneath
This downfall; since, by fate, the strength of Gods,
And this empyreal sybstance, cannot fail;
Since, through experience of this great event,
In arms not worse, in foresight much advanced,
We may with more successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal war,
Irreconcilable to our grand Foe,
Who now triumphs, and in th’ excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the tyranny of Heaven.”
  So spake th’ apostate Angel, though in pain,
Vaunting aloud, but racked with deep despair;
And him thus answered soon his bold compeer:—
  “O Prince, O Chief of many throned Powers
That led th’ embattled Seraphim to war
Under thy conduct, and, in dreadful deeds
Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual King,
And put to proof his high supremacy,
Whether upheld by strength, or chance, or fate,
Too well I see and rue the dire event
That, with sad overthrow and foul defeat,
Hath lost us Heaven, and all this mighty host
In horrible destruction laid thus low,
As far as Gods and heavenly Essences
Can perish: for the mind and spirit remains
Invincible, and vigour soon returns,
Though all our glory extinct, and happy state
Here swallowed up in endless misery.
But what if he our Conqueror (whom I now
Of force believe almighty, since no less
Than such could have o’erpowered such force as ours)
Have left us this our spirit and strength entire,
Strongly to suffer and support our pains,
That we may so suffice his vengeful ire,
Or do him mightier service as his thralls
By right of war, whate’er his business be,
Here in the heart of Hell to work in fire,
Or do his errands in the gloomy Deep?
What can it the avail though yet we feel
Strength undiminished, or eternal being
To undergo eternal punishment?”
  Whereto with speedy words th’ Arch-Fiend replied:—
“Fallen Cherub, to be weak is miserable,
Doing or suffering: but of this be sure—
To do aught good never will be our task,
But ever to do ill our sole delight,
As being the contrary to his high will
Whom we resist. If then his providence
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end,
And out of good still to find means of evil;
Which ofttimes may succeed so as perhaps
Shall grieve him, if I fail not, and disturb
His inmost counsels from their destined aim.
But see! the angry Victor hath recalled
His ministers of vengeance and pursuit
Back to the gates of Heaven: the sulphurous hail,
Shot after us in storm, o’erblown hath laid
The fiery surge that from the precipice
Of Heaven received us falling; and the thunder,
Winged with red lightning and impetuous rage,
Perhaps hath spent his shafts, and ceases now
To bellow through the vast and boundless Deep.
Let us not slip th’ occasion, whether scorn
Or satiate fury yield it from our Foe.
Seest thou yon dreary plain, forlorn and wild,
The seat of desolation, void of light,
Save what the glimmering of these livid flames
Casts pale and dreadful? Thither let us tend
From off the tossing of these fiery waves;
There rest, if any rest can harbour there;
And, re-assembling our afflicted powers,
Consult how we may henceforth most offend
Our enemy, our own loss how repair,
How overcome this dire calamity,
What reinforcement we may gain from hope,
If not, what resolution from despair.”
  Thus Satan, talking to his nearest mate,
With head uplift above the wave, and eyes
That sparkling blazed; his other parts besides
Prone on the flood, extended long and large,
Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge
As whom the fables name of monstrous size,
Titanian or Earth-born, that warred on Jove,
Briareos or Typhon, whom the den
By ancient Tarsus held, or that sea-beast
Leviathan, which God of all his works
Created hugest that swim th’ ocean-stream.
Him, haply slumbering on the Norway foam,
The pilot of some small night-foundered skiff,
Deeming some island, oft, as ****** tell,
With fixed anchor in his scaly rind,
Moors by his side under the lee, while night
Invests the sea, and wished morn delays.
So stretched out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay,
Chained on the burning lake; nor ever thence
Had risen, or heaved his head, but that the will
And high permission of all-ruling Heaven
Left him at large to his own dark designs,
That with reiterated crimes he might
Heap on himself damnation, while he sought
Evil to others, and enraged might see
How all his malice served but to bring forth
Infinite goodness, grace, and mercy, shewn
On Man by him seduced, but on himself
Treble confusion, wrath, and vengeance poured.
  Forthwith upright he rears from off the pool
His mighty stature; on each hand the flames
Driven backward ***** their pointing spires, and,rolled
In billows, leave i’ th’ midst a horrid vale.
Then with expanded wings he steers his flight
Aloft, incumbent on the dusky air,
That felt unusual weight; till on dry land
He lights—if it were land that ever burned
With solid, as the lake with liquid fire,
And such appeared in hue as when the force
Of subterranean wind transprots a hill
Torn from Pelorus, or the shattered side
Of thundering Etna, whose combustible
And fuelled entrails, thence conceiving fire,
Sublimed with mineral fury, aid the winds,
And leave a singed bottom all involved
With stench and smoke. Such resting found the sole
Of unblest feet. Him followed his next mate;
Both glorying to have scaped the Stygian flood
As gods, and by their own recovered strength,
Not by the sufferance of supernal Power.
  “Is this the region, this the soil, the clime,”
Said then the lost Archangel, “this the seat
That we must change for Heaven?—this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is sovereign can dispose and bid
What shall be right: farthest from him is best
Whom reason hath equalled, force hath made supreme
Above his equals. Farewell, happy fields,
Where joy for ever dwells! Hail, horrors! hail,
Infernal world! and thou, profoundest Hell,
Receive thy new possessor—one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th’ Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reigh secure; and, in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th’ associates and co-partners of our loss,
Lie thus astonished on th’ oblivious pool,
And call them not to share with us their part
In this unhappy mansion, or once more
With rallied arms to try what may be yet
Regained in Heaven, or what more lost in Hell?”
  So Satan spake; and him Beelzebub
Thus answered:—”Leader of those armies bright
Which, but th’ Omnipotent, none could have foiled!
If once they hear that voice, their liveliest pledge
Of hope in fears and dangers—heard so oft
In worst extremes, and on the perilous edge
Of battle, when it raged, in all assaults
Their surest signal—they will soon resume
New courage and revive, though now they lie
Grovelling and prostrate on yon lake of fire,
As we erewhile, astounded and amazed;
No wonder, fallen such a pernicious height!”
  He scare had ceased when the superior Fiend
Was moving toward the shore; his ponderous shield,
Ethereal temper, massy, large, and round,
Behind him cast. The broad circumference
Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb
Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views
At evening, from the top of Fesole,
Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands,
Rivers, or mountains, in her spotty globe.
His spear—to equal which the tallest pine
Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast
Of some great ammiral, were but a wand—
He walked with, to support uneasy steps
Over the burning marl, not like those steps
On Heaven’s azure; and the torrid clime
Smote on him sore besides, vaulted with fire.
Nathless he so endured, till on the beach
Of that inflamed sea he stood, and called
His legions—Angel Forms, who lay entranced
Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks
In Vallombrosa, where th’ Etrurian shades
High over-arched embower; or scattered sedge
Afloat, when with fierce winds Orion armed
Hath vexed the Red-Sea coast, whose waves o’erthrew
Busiris and his Memphian chivalry,
While with perfidious hatred they pursued
The sojourners of Goshen, who beheld
From the safe shore their floating carcases
And broken chariot-wheels. So thick bestrown,
Abject and lost, lay these, covering the flood,
Under amazement of their hideous change.
He called so loud that all the hollow deep
Of Hell resounded:—”Princes, Potentates,
Warriors, the Flower of Heaven—once yours; now lost,
If such astonishment as this can seize
Eternal Spirits! Or have ye chosen this place
After the toil of battle to repose
Your wearied virtue, for the ease you find
To slumber here, as in the vales of Heaven?
Or in this abject posture have ye sworn
To adore the Conqueror, who now beholds
Cherub and Seraph rolling in the flood
With scattered arms and ensigns, till anon
His swift pursuers from Heaven-gates discern
Th’ advantage, and, descending, tread us down
Thus drooping, or with linked thunderbolts
Transfix us to the bottom of this gulf?
Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen!”
  They heard, and were abashed, and up they sprung
Upon the wing, as when men wont to watch
On duty, sleeping found by whom they dread,
Rouse and bestir themselves ere well awake.
Nor did they not perceive the evil plight
In which they were, or the fierce pains not feel;
Yet to their General’s voice they soon obeyed
Innumerable. As when the potent rod
Of Amram’s son, in Egypt’s evil day,
Waved round the coast, up-called a pitchy cloud
Of locusts, warping on the eastern wind,
That o’er the realm of impious Pharaoh hung
Like Night, and darkened all the land of Nile;
So numberless were those bad Angels seen
Hovering on wing under the cope of Hell,
‘Twixt upper, nether, and surrounding fires;
Till, as a signal given, th’ uplifted spear
Of their great Sultan waving to direct
Their course, in even balance down they light
On the firm brimstone, and fill all the plain:
A multitude like which the populous North
Poured never from her frozen ***** to pass
Rhene or the Danaw, when her barbarous sons
Came like a deluge on the South, and spread
Beneath Gibraltar to the Libyan sands.
Forthwith, form every squadron and each band,
The heads and leaders thither haste where stood
Their great Commander—godlike Shapes, and Forms
Excelling human; princely Dignities;
And Powers that erst in Heaven sat on thrones,
Though on their names in Heavenly records now
Be no memorial, blotted out and rased
By their rebellion from the Books of Life.
Nor had they yet among the sons of Eve
Got them new names, till, wandering o’er the earth,
Through God’s high sufferance for the trial of man,
By falsities and lies the greatest part
Of mankind they corrupted to forsake
God their Creator, and th’ invisible
Glory of him that made them to transform
Oft to the image of a brute, adorned
With gay religions full of pomp and gold,
And devils to adore for deities:
Then were they known to men by various names,
And various idols through the heathen world.
  Say, Muse, their names then known, who first, who last,
Roused fr
Emily Pidduck Sep 2014
whish whish* is the sound of a suffering
the sound of blood as it squirts
the most exquisite and horrendous fountain
loaded with a despairing call
a siren's ring
because it stings the depths of  the heart
to the very end, from the dreadful start
whish whish is the sound of suffering
the sound of wheels turning
because there was an exit before, there always is
most often it's more than I'm willing to give
whish whish is the sound of suffering
it is the sound of those crying
there is pleading, wailing, sighing
'fore the fates bring forth dying
and there is death in life, thoughts, wisdom, courage
it comes with age, but time's the liveliest gift received
we are deceived if we think we turn each page
whish whish is the sound of a suffering
it's the sound of what's missed
if we had asked before
we mightn't be adorned with the weight
the burden, the baggage, the fate
the mystery is missing
there's hissing in the past
those last faulty choices have played with our cast
maybe I'll make it better later
Tiana May 2022
I'm frozen,
And I can see your spirit fade away
The liveliest shimmers of all I've seen,
And I can't do anything;

My heart burning,
Trying to melt my surrounding ice
giving a last try
to catch your glimmers,

Then it gave up
Because it apprehended to be late,
So struggle breathed out;

Then I don't know how long I slept
Maybe hoping to see you in my dreams,

Where we'll go to that street
where we always wanted to be
My rosy flush and your musing gaze
As the wind swept past the starry horizon
with the sparks of pure amaze;

The sweet scent of that blossoming love
I still remember
I watched it go away with my heart surrendered;

I'm an icy embody;

Witnessing only the passing times,
without hope;

Who could've thought that not getting over means
there's no hope?

Not that I see miles away;
Even if I try to
These icy flakes blocking my way,
I'm too cold to be resurrected now;
Djs May 2013
It’s the third of April and I was there
Sitting still, wondering
Observing the lifeless environment that surrounds me
And I simply couldn’t help but think
How did it all come to this
And why

It was exactly a year ago, during April, too
A blossoming sense of the beginning of new life
Little did I know
There was something even more beautiful than the flowers and trees
Something more serene than the feeling of crisp air and bright yellow sunlight
Little did I know that such a lively season
Was above, beyond, and even better than the liveliest things combined

Within three months after, it was mid July
And by then things only got more astounding
“Breath taking”, even
I’ve come to known this cheerful atmosphere’s smiles
Laughs, and confidence, and everything that makes it the amazing familiarity within me
And it was charming and it was lovable
Just like the warm breeze and chilly nights
What a wonderful thing to learn true happiness from the happiest surrounding itself
At this point all it ever was, was everything but sorrowful

Oh and November rolled around
And as leaves started to hit the bottom
Trees started to give up, and flowers started to disappear
So did it
So did it
This vicinity, of all the happiest vibes
The sweet turned to bitter
Just as the blossoms turned to gloom
It fell into a million little pieces
And all they could do was shatter it even more
And all they could blame was itself
All they could judge was nothing but the setting
And the thing that was once like sunshine
Turned into ice cold
Who would’ve guessed
That the happy atmosphere they once knew
Was this dark hole ******* itself into it
And who would’ve guessed
That the strongest, too, break

It was February and
It was the most similar thing to an incomplete train of thought
It was February
And everything was completely gone
The fragrance of what were once the roses
The scenery of what were once the moving lakes
The warmth of all the components of happiness
Its warmth
They were gone too
Too soon, and too fast

And now it’s the fourth of April
I’m still here I’m still rationalizing
I’m still thinking over
Onto why
Why am I the only one left
Is it really fair to leave me the same
Just when everything else had changed

I joined this site last year in March
and have found many voices since
that kindly welcomed what I wrote
with ‘likes’ and comments
even messages

thank you, my friends

I was a short-time member of some other sites
and from my past experience I have to say
that hp is the liveliest of all I’ve visited

even if there at times are posts that sound mean-spirited
and the occasional invasions of silly trolls
    make you aware that on the internet nothing is safe
    from the shenanigans of some frustrated idiots

in sum
    and in comparison with other sites
given its size and its diversity
hp is doing fairly well

to keep exchange of voices and ideas
    benevolent advice    constructive criticism
    helpful encouragement of younger members
    and sometimes simply kind remarks
alive    and spread the urge of writing poetry
    that helps us to articulate our loves and fears

to keep alive this spirit of creative art
is  our formidable work in progress
in which we all should lovingly play our part
AB Sep 2014
I first saw you as an impression
But the more I stared,
the more enraptured I became
wandering deep within your textures
the way an artist stares far beyond his favorite painting,
desperate to find its purpose
yet you were a untimely masterpiece,
that I could never come close to dream of painting

Speechless as I gazed upon your complexion
I could see your soul bleed through the paper
how deep I could feel myself falling in love
with every single emotion you made me feel
I hoped that with each meaningful glance,
I would discover every mystery you had kept secret
underneath every blemish you had disguised so well
an imperfect, yet beautiful painting you were
that glowed with the liveliest of colors...

Art had never felt so real.
K Balachandran Oct 2012
Everyday as I cross this road, here
you pass me flashing a sunny smile,
its magic, touches my being
changing  this colorless life awhile.
At the broad display wall, a casual glance, I'd cast
and think"Such a smile would look nice over there"

Today, a miracle touched my heart with its feather,
your face in its liveliest best, on posters,
are displayed  on the same wall I fantasied.
*The caption proclaimed:"She is the next big star"
This  jaywalker never would see you hereafter.
Marian Nov 2012
We'll go to the meadows, where the cowslips do grow,
And buttercups, looking as yellow as gold;
And daisies and violets begining to blow;
For it is a most beautiful sight to behold.

The little bee humming about them is seen,
The butterfly merrily dances along;
The grasshopper chirps in the hedges so green,
And the linnet is singing his liveliest song.

The birds and the insects are happy and gay,
The beasts of the field they are glad and rejoice,
And we will be thankful to God every day,
And praise His great name in a loftier voice.

He made the green meadows, He planted the flowers.
He sent His bright sun in the heavens to blaze;
He created these wonderful bodies of ours,
And as long as we live we will sing of His praise.

Jane and Ann Taylor
Sleepy Dori Aug 2024
In Cooks, Rarotonga
An oasis protected by coral reefs
in the vast blue ocean.
Open, outstanding, yet not everyone
can approach
Only those few who know the drill.

In Manawatāwhi,
Maomao —
are names given to fishes
And Bottlenose dolphins play.

Even the strongest cannot endure the storm
The mourning mother
never sees his son again
Lying alone on the shallow white sand
He becomes a piece of nature’s artefact.

And the sorrow of loss
is only remembered
by those who echoed.
— inspired by Our Big Blue Backyard Season 3
Travis Green Oct 2021
As a homosexual man
I found the brightest
And liveliest poems in him
On every page that I penned
I felt incredible fervidness
Imbued in my mind
Every line so seamlessly defined
Drawing attention to his flirtatious
And vivacious eyes, full brown lips
So remarkably sweet and glittery
I could kiss him in every stanza
That was immaculately fashioned
See the iridescent and jazzy rainbow
Appear above his hypnotic presence
Euphoric metaphors at the shore
Of his enormous world
Sublime similes that endlessly
Sparkled across the pages
Where my adoration filled
His flesh and bone
Being so drawn to a straight man
That had the greatest amount
Of swagger that I had
Ever seen in a man
fleuroses Jan 2016
Are you waiting for a boy to give you flowers?
It's risky when you allow a stranger to control your happiness

Boys have flowers to give, but not to you
All of their flowers are wilting and dead

They use this as a tactic for pleasure
Adoration in exchange for ***

But you know that already…

You are worth flowers
You are worth the liveliest and the brightest

So don't be sad when you are left with none
No one wants dead flowers anyway
EmilyDidero May 2014
High school is like the snow,
Everyone knows it all- they've seen the places I've walked
They know whenever I fall

They'll watch my tracks and judge- of where I'll go with life
They'll see the ****** snow and wonder "Where's the knife?"

So they'll gather up their friends, and find a story to tell
Saying "She wanted to die that night"
When in reality she's battling a cancer fight

And a few steps past the blood, they'll see jagged foot prints
Thinking now "She's gone crazy"
When in reality she was dancing because her life was too short to become lazy

And the prints will stay with her forever, because the snow never lies
The story could be different you just need a non-judgmental set of eyes

Now they follow her steps to a hospital bed
Watching the liveliest girl appear dead

And nobody knew she was fighting this cancer
Nobody asked
They only knew what the tracks told
And from there they judged because they were foolish enough to believe something from the heart of cold
Blood On The Tracks**

It spoke in rhythmic transgressions, lifted from the dotted line. It held. It fell.

Polka dots made up of tiny horizontal lines, intersecting with vertical peers.

Overindulging on the semblance of fact, just to seem like they’d grown up a bit.

Self-engrossing indoctrinations to be preached out and blown over…for the rabble it was.

“When something’s not right, it’s wrong.”

Wide-eyed on sleep craved incognizance. It had all gone on too long.

They tried to force their hand, critiquing structure through the veil of a cabaret roused in the liveliest of their rooms.

Stormy shores swept to sea lit calm as the doorframe shook.

Set for a strut, intent on curbing this freshly acquired sensationalism.

Gravity logs its presence through rain dropped conviction…a steam engine sounds off in the distance...finality.
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2019
In my city
Things get the liveliest after dark.
A song in itself, with lowered vocals.
The kind of song you put on & just drive to.
The kind of song you hold your head up to.
Whether night or day.
In my city
The buildings & bridges like to dress up.
Coming to life at night.
Some smoke cigarettes.
Blowing O rings to the clouds.
Some wear their necklaces made of light.
Draped in gray and beige, pants to match.
In my city
You can find the everlasting lyrics
on just about every corner.
A song in itself, with lowered vocals
Blared loud
a city of rhythm & blues
Travis Green Oct 2020
When I stared into your eyes, I felt like
you were guiding me away to another place
in time, taking me down to the monumental
streams within your existence, making me beam
and brighten like the sunlight setting in its skylight
dynasty.  You were the softest sounds of sweet
desires rising high inside my soul, smelling like
spice and paradise, a luxuriant land romancing me
eternally, in the liveliest lights of the night.
Shibu Varkey Dec 2016
Cascades of velvety black hair
tumble and swirl down
to encircle the liveliest face ever
and like rivulets flow down the neck.
Almond eyes with radiance
that sparkle and twinkle all time.
Red lips like a bow waiting
to shape the mirthiest laughter ever,
adorned with pearls in perfect symmetry.
you are a poetry in beauty
and a symphony of grace,
sculpted beyond any imagination
David Betten Oct 2016
            It is the year One-Reed, and on this date
            Lord Quetzalcoatl, from this earthly throne,
            Long, long ago departed for the East,
            And on One-Reed it’s known he will return.

            One-Reed: It is a fatal year for kings.
            Our scriptures teach that when a murderous streak
            Finds black Tezcatlipoca, lord of chaos,
            On year One-Crocodile, he hunts our elders,
            One-Jaguar or One-Deer, he claims our children.
            But if he strikes on ominous One-Reed,
            Death swoops for princes.

MOTECUHZOMA                             On that jolly note,
            I open business for this syndicate,
            Myself presiding. All may find their seats.
            Now Tlacaelel, venerable friend,
            What progress on the state’s scholastic front?
            When last we met, the annals of our past
            Were deemed due for aesthetic overhaul.

            Lords, as you know, our eldest histories
            Have painted base and barbarous accounts
            Of our bewildered, wandering origins
            As meek and muddy natives, which- though true-
            Do not keep pace with our notorious present.
            Those earth-born tracts have all been commandeered
            And each one cast to char in heaping bonfires.
            Ah, what a purifying blaze that was!
            The inks of black and reds were rarefied
            To sheets of flame and wells of fluid coals.
            Now is our culture cleansed of heresies!
            So far from mourning that scholastic loss,
            The rabble whooped, and, singing rowdy reels,
            Made merry at that bedtime barbecue.
            And now, to re-devise those lowly annals,
            I move that we enlist our liveliest dreamers
            To craft extravagant and stately archives
            And claim the pedigree that we deserve.
            For what are histories but wrangling theses,
            Or dogma, but the darlings of a moment?
            So on this same authentic evidence,
            Let’s breed imaginary ancestors-
            Or ***** their deeds out- with a flourished pen.
Umi Jul 2020
An imagined realm within an ordinary room,
Envisioned to be cut off from all of the outside world,
As long as the doors and windows are closed,
In such regard, no word is to be spoken,
No emotions ever to be felt for the sake of that dream,
No, such impure things are to stay out,
In order to protect the heart, in order to protect ones mind,
So one may relax, in this void,
Where even the liveliest flower
Shall burn.

~ Umi
Back in the home and I'm soaked through the skin to the bone, my teeth such as they are are by far the liveliest thing about me, chattering away as if this isn't a krap day.

She is there to take my chill and her will is stronger than mine.

Once upon a very late time ago when the snow lay thick and flick knives were the currency and I never imagined in my wildest and I have very wild dreams that she would be the one to tame me.
we never got to the end, the story full of twists and turns has many filters that run through it,
she knew it and I know it now.

And if the clock strikes at all when I'm banging my head against a solid brick wall it never strikes me,
she sees to that.
Travis Green Dec 2020
Dear Travis,

I hope you never go back to your past and relive every moment that almost broke you apart.  I hope you stay the course and continue working towards your goals in life.  You have been through so much and look at how you still rise, how you gain strength by your inspiring quotes every day.  You have leveled up and now have a different outlook on the world.  You have chosen to welcome self-love, self-care, and enlightenment into your soul.  

You aren’t concerned about who walks in and out of your life anymore. You can carry your own self and smile wherever life takes you.  Since you have changed and stepped into the light, you have lost friends that you thought would always be there.  But you were too good for them, and they couldn’t see a good thing standing in front of them.  Let them go. They will be the ones who miss out on a great opportunity.  You are powerful without them. You are enough.

You are poetically treasured.  Just look at the way you create such breathtaking poetry, how you allow your mind to jump in time and bring out the liveliest diction.  Endless similes and metaphors are spinning in your soul.  You are a wave of alliteration bursting with innumerable dreams.  You are a magnificent art of hypnotic inventions, poetically treasured, unapologetically dope, and overflowing with soul.

You are a gust passion with fire in your eyes, a colorful rainbow that grows brighter in the sunlight skies of celestial desires, a gay man, a feminine man living in your truthfulness, a flowery man addicted
to charming, strong, and suave men.  Gorgeous men inspire you to write the most beautiful lines of poetry.  You can’t deny how you feel in the presence of handsome men.  You don’t need to hide your sexuality.  For that is a side of you that makes you undeniably unique.  And although people criticize you for your gay lifestyle, you still choose to walk in your authenticity.  I’m very thankful that you don’t hide all the raw parts of yourself.  Those are the most precious things that deserve to be seen by the world.  Never be afraid to show your true self.  You are the source of life, everything that is right, a carefree heart that is a star, a countryman that shines like the brightest diamonds in the daylight.
Travis Green Jan 2023
I long to sojourn in your swirling
Soul-stirring world of immersing
And shimmering grandeur
Cherish your unattackable crashing majesty
Your warm, charming hotness

Collapse into your smashing and thrashing masculineness
My head pressed tightly against your broad-toned pecs
Nothing else matters when I am in your gravity
When you grip my whip
And kiss my rich silken lips
When you engulf my lush, seductive voluptuosity

Light up my subliminal self
Capture me like the fiercest bloodthirsty criminal
Exclusive elusive hoodness
Delicious magnificent slickness
The keenest and coolest wheeler and dealer

You bring me the highest liveliest delight
Elevate and satiate my sensations
Penetrate the depths of my inner space
Travel through the titillating trails of my gayness
Enamor me like crazy
Manipulate me, take me, permeate me
With ******, red-hot thoughts

Let me get with your chillin’ libidinous litness
Splash out on my sassiness
Love me more than ever
Let me float through your headspace
In the throes of your strapping revolutionary mantuary
Travis Green Feb 2023
When I am within your reach, I can’t speak
Your splashy masculine heat does it for me
Your confident prominent suavity
Has me at a loss for words
The way you swagger around
With your groove thing drives me insane

You stand so tall and unconquerably macho
Beardtastic, mantastic, and thugtastic
With legit street fashion that dazzles me to the core
My smooth well-groomed ruler
You capture a thousand and one magical dreams
You melt my homosexualness

When you flex your majesticness
So authentic and radiant
The brightest, liveliest sunshine
That lights up my entire world
You permeate my space
With your quintessential poetic greatness

I wanna  hold on to you and never let go
Feel our bodies harmonize with one another
With sinfully steaming fervent kisses
My hands trail up and down
Your fine-featured glistening physique
Make love to me infinitely

Explore and scorch every part of me
Grasp and ravish my gaytasticness
Allow me to rise high in your lush luscious paradise
Embed your delectable Daddy sauce
In the sensual limits of my vault
Escape sparked the San Quentin Six into venturing a mock of game
aboard baited *** planes, **** salty licks to bleached rock of blame
that discredits amplified modulation over high-volt shock of shame
to knock men in head-long falls through a hair-tressed lock of lame
what diverts itself and avoids mediocrity decorating a walk of fame
'cause the yeast that lets crap rise, rises up the high-rising yeast ****
as it engages ***-end-production goals of our U.N.'s 666 beast third
while flora ****-shoved pushes eastward a slower-flappin' feast bird
mechanized to turn the liveliest northern Iraqi into a deceased Kurd
to be denigrated by renegade steers from a previously-released herd
that obey commandin' blither in the form of a together-pieced word
given by ol' Plum Island ****-ups whereat cats stung & bees purred
Travis Green Jun 2022
Come to me
My bright
Sublime lover boy
Let me feel
Your stellarly
Sensual lips
Your full
Distinctive beard
So peerlessly

Brown eyes
I am so soft
On your marvelocity

Your hotness
Thrills through
My inner world
You take ownership
Of my property
You give me
The sweetest
And liveliest

Encased in
Your fragrant
Flamboyant maze
Of sweet
And vivid dreams
Such ecstatic
Splashy passionateness

You wrap me
In your warm
Fond machoness
Where I am
Highly vulnerable
To your phenomenal
Travis Green Feb 2023
I yearn to traverse in his steamy heat
Of top-notch ardent dreams
Feel the power of his masculinity
Intensify deep within me
Merge me with his firm immersive spectacularness

Surrender to his eternal world
Of lecherous persuasive compellingness
My attractive tattoed smash
The most flawless flamboyant lover boy
That allures me more and more

So super smooth and seductive
So sensually supereminent and transcendent
The brightest, liveliest sauce dog
That has me delirious with happiness
Drunk on his sweet juicy beauteousness

So stunningly hunkalicious
So characterful and flavorful
He rules and soothes my heart and soul
Has me so madly attracted
To his first-class crash-hot splashiness

My favorite, fascinating hobby to exalt in
To dream of him thrusting his bang-up robust thuggishness
In my lush love tunnel
To luxuriate in his ingratiating fragrance
To swim in his enticing man-sized oceans
Of adorned lurid royalty

In his wondrously bare and muscular arms
Is where my homoness belongs
Where he charms me on and on
Makes me swallow every drop
Of his all-conquering disarming hotness
Travis Green May 2022
In the magical and irresistible night
I want to clasp his lean, resplendent body
Call him my remarkably tall, enthusiastic, and strapping mulatto
Pure, succulent, and hunky honey hotness
I relish his fresh flowing dopeness
His engrossing and exciting sultriness

Swirl in his paradise of hot steaming passion
Taste his exotic and powerful aphrodisiac
Shining like the brightest and liveliest dawn
Exquisitely tranquil, inviting, and triumphant
A sweet breezy seductiveness
He lures me into juicy sweet dreams of him
In an endless time and space where we embrace
Where we lay beside each other

Feel the utter romance deepening between you and me
Within the extremes of supreme frenzied sensations
Sexually stimulating movements that exhilarate us
I feel how his sweet musical fingers climb on my back
How his tongue travels down my spine
And truly glorious and luscious ***
Such a remarkable radiant rarity
Makes me his flawless, harmonious masterpiece

He pours his ****** elixir of ecstasy into my vessel
He makes me burn ardently like
I am in a sweltering wanton sauna
Trapped in his wave of amorous delectations
He takes me on a fascinating and never-ending quest
Where incredible sensual sweat drizzles down
My soft ebony neck and big voluptuous *******

His tender thrilling kisses move passionately on my thighs
And dreamy tingling legs, rub my supple bare feet
How he enthralls my whole universe
Infinitely and seamlessly exquisite and unique
Deep dreamy debonairness, impossibly hot suaveness
Matchless passionate dapperness
Fantastically fierce and unconquerable
Let me become lost in his grand slamming
And expansive volcanic ecstasy
Travis Green Nov 2021
He tastes sweet
As a succulent Oreo
Dream Extreme Cheesecake
As an astonishing Dulce De Leche
Caramel Cheesecake
A salaciously gratifying dream
So full of supreme pleasures
Fascinating flavors
Sheer, revered hotness
He is in my mind
He is my fresh abiding charm
He is where I traverse
To find the brightest
And liveliest magic
In ardently affectionate nature
Travis Green Nov 2020
You are my morning light shimmering in the sunshine,
covered in rare diamonds and pearls, wearing the perfect
gear for summer walks in the park, like a butterfly
you land on my gentle hands, a serene innocence,
a smooth soul of poetry penning its best lines and rhymes
on my skin, glistening like city lights at night.

You feel so peaceful like touching green leaves
in the spring, like summer dreams you bring to me
the liveliest smiles and rides, a loving fragrance
that I can’t deny, a delicate gem and seashell,
a priceless artifact attracting my attention,
not to mention this amazing dimension
that you reside in, how you steal me away
to places that feel so chill and real.
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is paradise when I behold his shining champagne brown eyes
When I think about the glorious route to his heart
To marvel at how he sparkles, how he devours me with his electricity
I know he is a seamless splendorous gem
He changes my word in the brightest and liveliest ways
I yearn for him to swagger in my world

Put his love spell on me, **** me into his sensuality
I want to stroke his sturdily sculpted frame
Roam my fingers along his lush assertive arms and shoulders
Taste his captivating self-made chest
His lickable masculine armpits, cling to his dreamy manly hips
I crave to be the starlight in his sight
The sheer sweetness he needs to breathe completely

Suffuse him with all the love that blossoms in nature
Pull a stellar star out of the luminous limitless sky
To make him shine extra bright, to enhance his dreams
Bring him the bright celestial moonlight to make his masculinity
Rise like electric amorous flames in the night

— The End —