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A few things for themselves,
Convolvulus and coral,
Buzzards and live-moss,
Tiestas from the keys,
A few things for themselves,
Florida, venereal soil,
Disclose to the lover.

The dreadful sundry of this world,
The Cuban, Polodowsky,
The Mexican women,
The ***** undertaker
Killing the time between corpses
Fishing for crayfish...
****** of boorish births,

Swiftly in the nights,
In the porches of Key West,
Behind the bougainvilleas,
After the guitar is asleep,
Lasciviously as the wind,
You come tormenting,

When you might sit,
A scholar of darkness,
Sequestered over the sea,
Wearing a clear tiara
Of red and blue and red,
Sparkling, solitary, still,
In the high sea-shadow.

Donna, donna, dark,
Stooping in indigo gown
And cloudy constellations,
Conceal yourself or disclose
Fewest things to the lover--
A hand that bears a thick-leaved fruit,
A pungent bloom against your shade.
Queso Nov 2012
Man had wept
as he watched the fall of Lucifer,
not so much due to the tragedy itself,
rather than the cutting, crystalline
beauty of the Icarian descent

After the absence of three hundred years
since the forgotten burning of Magdeburg(1),
when the Devil had returned to Europe
from the smoldering ashes of
South Africa(2),
and Congo Free State(4),
the soft hills of Picardy were
embroidered in gold
with roses and clematises

And since our girl had been fed with naught
but the shimmering positivism of Auguste Comte
from a silver spoon manufactured in Manchester,
beneath the charmingly moorish face of a lover
and a Prada he wore
quilted with railway, nation-state,
Art nouveau, electricity,
and liberal democracy,
never in her wildest, most horrendous nightmares,
-one of which was mere few dozen Jews dying in pogroms-
could she possibly imagine
His robust fingers,
so caressingly wrapped around her neck and cheek,
concealing the bayonet claws
of mustard gas and industrialized massacres

A god whose name we only knew
and whose warmth we only read of,
had called for the blood sacrifice of utmost purity,
to be fed to its altars for the promises of salvation

As the Devil ravaged her body frozen as the Siberian gulags
and her soul smoking away to the chimneys of Auschwitz,
he raked his nail to her cheek seized by the throat,
lasciviously whispering,
‘Here, this,
This is the kiss of progress
You have thrown so warmly your arms around’

Ninety-eight years had passed
since that fatal kiss of a lovesome late June,
though the summer days had returned in Picardy,
roses and clematises
no longer bloom on her hills
except as tributes for silenced youth
which petals lay as a civilization’s tears
as shroud over a massive bomb-crater of La Boisselle(5)

And never again, could she fall in love,
notwithstanding all the lover’s whispers
of the rational organization of human society
or the ultimate liberation of the working class,
for in her heart have always lingered,
the shadow of the Devil
whose chilling warmth of the Lubyanka cells
and the fiery dearth of the crematoriums of Poland
we had shared as whole, consummate days of youth

For there lies a tragic aestheticism
in deflowering of a rose just about to bloom,
for one delirious sense of snapping off the stem,
we had burned away all ardor of love for a century

(2) Concentration camps were first used as means of civilian incarceration by the British against the Afrikaaners during the Second Boer War
Ally Van Amstel Jul 2018
Your eyes
are time capsules in my mind.
The memory of you there,
fingers lingering through my hair.
Begging me
to lock my lips with yours.
I posed from a distance,
sipping on my infidelity.
How it made its way
across your body
so meticulously,
imploring you to want me.
You asked,
but I didn't know what to say
so I just kissed you.
I still see you sometimes
in the peripherals of my mind,
though the contours of your face
are beginning to blur as they do
with any beautiful stranger.
I can't tell whether the image of us
is a painting or a picture:
something I've carefully constructed
or a moment merely manifested.
But I do know
that it was the blue in your eyes
and the white in my lie
that had me stay til dawn.
There is never nothing new
Just rearrange things

I don’t write poems
I just remove the extra words that are in the way

Hold on to the words like whispers and shadows and wings
Recklessly insert adjectives
Tie it all to your delusions of profundity

Dig down deep for pain
no matter how senseless
Pick at your emotional scabs

No one likes poetry
Constantly remind people of that
Tell them that you make it sound good to you and **** them
(Even though their ovation means everything)

Slip, dip and weave
With ambiguous wet dreams
Full lips and thick tongue
to an understanding
***** is much better than clean
Make it filthy
Soil it

Make it nostalgic
People need to be reassured that you were really ******* up as a kid
and that this poetry **** doesn’t just happen to people overnight

Make it esoteric
That way, when no one knows what the hell you are talking about,
you will have a good word to explain why

Say things that are so ill mannered that they are weighty
I will give you an example
“I’m not looking for a girl that is beautiful
I'm looking for one just barely ugly enough to **** me”

Incite large groups of people to *****

Get so personal that it gives people headaches

Expose yourself until everyone is embarrassed for you

Spew it all over the bar
In a drunken stupor
flaunt it lasciviously with your genitals
Pour yourself into reckless collisions
Drink from your soul until it rots your liver

Write until you want to **** yourself
then write about that

Make it as bitter as a Wal-mart associate
Make it so sweet she will swallow it all
before looking up at you with eyes like tiny puddles
To say, “that was beautiful”
(even though it was disgusting)

It should be raw
It should make you itch
It should be like rubbing up against it spreads it
It should be like VD

Make really long
Like it’s your *****
Make it really, really long
Like its my *****

Make it rhyme
I mean don’t

Don’t ever write another ******* poem
because I assure you
if I did not write it
than it must ****

and that is how poetry works

Michael L Sutter
The Jester came to see the King one day ,
“these fools are no good they are full of dancing’.

Then the following day a joker came up to the king ,
“; these fools are no good for they are full of laughing .

And we are no good for we sit and moan for the crown we stole
has been a stolen .
The ring we borrowed ,
the knowledge we shared ,
the love we cherished ,
Is as loose as a hang mans noose .

The jester stands on our walls we built ,
just to tell us we are fools .

The joker on our bed laughs tingles his bells as we lay asleeping .
The minstrels have all but left to go a Caroling ,
the love we cherished lies
as empty as the grains of wheat to sodden to eat ,
to sodden to sell .
Christ’s love hangs in art
ripped flesh a truth of love lost
lies in rock umugst our sands .

We head off to the streets with laughter one foot to the right ,
the other to the left ,
the joker stands in the middle .
One foot to the left ,
then to the right
and we all sing lasciviously ,
as the plagues acoming ,
and we go asinging ,
for its. acarolling time ,

and it dos’nt lead to heaven .

For now the wine tastes sweet ,
and the barrels are dry ,,

our heads are kinda dizzy ,
We ***** and puke ,
then **** and poo as we
hung draw and quarter our souls as O
the boils will rise by the morning. The joker jokes ,
the jester sings ,
and we held hands ,
round and round and round we went
and it did not lead to heaven.

#Gals. Come home my dears come home my loves ,
for we will cook you pottage in the morning
and they didn’t end in heaven.

Men reply and we’ll all be dead by the mor ..ning #

And the boils arrived in the morning
and they didn’t. lead to heaven.
Edna Sweetlove Aug 2015
This is one of Barry Hodges' most inspired memories.

  'Twas morning time in times of yore and I, bold Barry Hodges, stood outside my store, my giant vegetables on display for all to see, when lo and behold! a luxurious limousine drew up, and from the back there emerged a gorgeous form of voluptuous statuesque feminity.
  "My God!" I cried, it is that beauteous lady from *La Dolce Vita
, the wondrous Anita - and I gazed with joyous on her divine body, imagining it sprawled lasciviously in my bed, legs open as wide as a major road junction on the M1 motorway.
  "Excuse me", said she in that Italo-Swedish voice guaranteed to make any man wet himself copiously, "But I am a-lookink for a shop a-called 6B, and yet all I can-a-see is a Barry Hodges' the Master Geengrocer's, complete with a giant cucumber or two, which I 'av to say remind me of somet'ing tasty."
"Dearest lady, said I, you have come to the right place: 6B is the trading name of my sister enterprise: Barry Bodgers' Boil Bursting Beauty Bureau which is located upstairs, Barry Bodgers at your service, my dearest, most delightful Fru Ekberg."
"Shhhhhhhhh! I am een deesguise, not even dear Federico knows I am-a-here." And thus, assuring her of my utmost discretion, and forming a bond by saying that I too, the famous Geordie seducer, Barry Hodges, had indulged in a slight nomenclatural change in order to separate the two sides of my business interests, and in order to do a spot of money laundering on the side.  "But," I enquired, "How is it that you have need of the rather specialised medical services we offer, you who are so radiant and bella-bella?" She lowered her eyes seductively and promised to reveal her terrible secret.

As I ushered her up the stairs to the studio, my eyes on her ****-cheeks wiggling like two delectable beach ***** in a sack, she told me the sad tale of the immense boil which kept recurring on the middle of her back and which no amount of corrective surgery could fix.
"Aha!" I exclaimed, "Only Barry Bodgers, the world's greatest boil-sucker, can effect the cure for which you long, and I shall operate on you personally, not entrusting such a task to even the best of my boil-bursting minions." I added to myself, "Also I want to give you a good old bonking while we're at at."

Once we attained the privacy of my consulting room, I instructed her to strip off utterly so I might examine her, and I can tell you, dear reader, that her **** **** was a joy to behold. I too divested myself of my clobber, knowing that boil-******* can get a bit messy at the best of times. Jesus wept!, but the mighty boil betwixt her graceful shoulders revealed when de-plastered was a true horror, with a yellow tip as big as a Grade One Belgian Turnip. I explained that I would **** it out whilst I rogered her from the rear and that, when she felt her ****** on the way, she should scream out to that effect and I would then bite the core of the boil right out in a blaze of mutual ******* glory, before applying a dose of my exclusive Boil Preventative Cream, namely a handful of our conjoined love-juices extracted from her gaping ***** by hand a few seconds earlier.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" screamed the Swedish bombshell and with a mighty **** like an industrial Dyson FX334 on full power, I slurped and  razor-bit the boil, bursting it asunder, smothering my eager face in blood and putrid pus, thereby causing me to blow my *** as ne'er before. The green core of the boil emerged from its fleshly cavity with a deafening plop as we came together like a nuclear blast d'amour.

O, but only then, as my seminal outpourings soaked my jim-jams, did I awaken to discover yet another nocturnal emission. And, not unexpectedly, dear Nurse Nellie, having heard my cry of ecstasy, rushed in to my bedroom, head-shaking and tut-tutting as usual, as she knelt down and licked my tum-tum dry.
"Yum, yum" she murmured in her dulcet Northumbrian tones, "Ah've looked after three generation o' Hodges laddies, and I kin tell ye, your *****'s the tastiest of them all, ye bonnie wee man."
"Better than Grandad Charlie's?"
"Why aye, mon, yours is well creamier."
He left with the passing time
no farewells offered
no heartfelt backward glance
his footfalls ticking seconds
echoing in the Sunday parlours of the righteous he despised

He left with the passing time
no one mourned,no tears were shed
His sacred, bleeding heart
now but a tattooed image
on the chests of the dejected

He left with the passing time
on whispers of myths
and suspected tall tales
doubting his own truth
despising the lie of his creation

He left with the passing time
while pious mice sang of his glory
behind the battlements of faith
as the wars of the wicked raged in his name

He left with the passing time
while mothers wailed at shaken babes
and the disappeared sang from **** choked graves

He left with the passing time
as society shunned his brand
and drunken feet  danced lasciviously on his moral high ground

He left, with the passing time...
My rather drunken write from last night, not sure if I'll edit it, remove it or bin it all together. Not sure I like it at all. Please leave feedback if you will, it would be greatly appreciated.
Lynn Spear Aug 2010
Scattered mind flying high,
Giving birth to ten more world-solving notions...
Like going on missions to foreign lands,
Healing the sick, giving out potions

My mind, embedded near gyrus and sulcus, knows no rest
The best ideas barge forth, within them come serious tests
Haunted, undone, one thought forms another
And another and another, above and beyond
I wish I could gaze into a crystal ball
Or wave it all away with a magic wand

Yet they're trapped, the thoughts fight each other with fervor
None of them ever wins because there's truth to every 'fever'

I know little slumber, its consequences given me to reap
I cannot sleep, I have no strength to weep
So disorderly I climb the steep dune
Sit atop and let go, and become immune

To what do I warrant such delightful diversion,
Enormity arousing enchanting excursions,
Bourn on adventure trudging into the night
An avalanche of answers for each weak 'goodnight'

The theory behind the presumption
An outline forms consumption
And consumes what? A faded thought that fails its test?
Only to leave hundreds more revelations? No rest!

The war rages within and is only consoled with more battle
I turn my head to respond and I hear an invisible rattle

A cannon resounds a magnificent clamor
And in genius there is found no candid glamour
The price is extraordinary, tormenting, fermenting
My soul takes toll of the mind's whirred lamenting

The motor consistently constantly churns
And within my being a fire lasciviously burns
Creativity is born on many a morn
When the moon moves so many amore

My meaning lies moaning not within lovers' arms
The link of such depth, no thwarting ensues
And I, sadly cannot pick up on the cues
And hour by hour I pay my dark dues

For possessing a disorderly knowledge beyond the mundane
At times I have no respect for ignorance, and then I refrain

From retorting what seems to be sheer morbid stupidity
I then realize that the unaware have more rest
I am a constant prisoner to my own uncontrolled lucidity
Transcendence is put upon my sad heart to test

And failure engulfs, suspicion again born
Trusting, untrusting, entrusting again
Paranoia peeks its head above a curtain irreparably torn
For the ten hundredth time my aura's adorned

And even if rain was painted bright colors
It wouldn't cling to the cloth absorbing herewith
For madness knows no such thing as height or width
It splatters on the gift, not a bubbling brook
But in sinister alleys intertwining the nooks
On a hard ridge it washes up, smacks hard against boulders
How could anyone see, no matter how big the shoulders
The raging, enraging, the madness of me
Unending sadness enshrouds, any gladness does flee
And nothing could have ever prepared me for this…….
The churning and burning and turnings amiss
Few attain such enlightenment, wisdom embedded with nails
To hell one must go to stand upon the high trail

Though nails now roses, its hilarity rests in what it imposes
The madness with sadness, humor to darkness transposes

And that is no gift, or is it? Annoyance
Pervades me incessantly.  I harbor clairvoyance
Extrasensory perception, the mind's grand deception?
In visions come to pass, messages impasse protection

And I in a world I barely understand
But there I take root and thusly extend my hands
To a world I hideously, abhorrently reprimand
Its normalcy thrives on an uncaring and desolate land.
Of which I want no part…..

It's within me to embark on a new beginning
For nothing will stop my thoughts from spinning
There is little that encourages sanity for winning

I rev up my engines, my spirit the pilot
And resign myself to the insidious riot

Lynn Goldner Spear
Copyright 2007
Brycical Nov 2013
As the mind grows weary
in the plum void darkness
a hand twiddles and bends the
vibrations around your
body into a swirling
spiral, hazy lazy magic spinning
sound fog brushing and breezing
around your mind massaging your
brain and igniting a slow pulse
like an ember kissing a flame
in your chest as the warmth  winds
around your body like the ripple of
an opal Venus choral dropped in lava
lasciviously  lounging in your eyes
as if a phoenix sang an ode in the vast intersection
of time and space colliding together
to make a gravity that slowly compels you into the
wormhole of your self--
the door to many things and realms craving to be opened
if just to get some fresh, rain embraced air...
the smile says everything.

You're right, I agree.
We should sleep on the hammock by the howlite beach
and fall asleep as the indigo water lulls us to sleep.
frances lee Jul 2011
worn, well loved pages of books yearn for her touch
and the words themselves long for her tender gaze .
tea cups count the seconds until her lips are pressed to them
while firelight flares to lasciviously lick her skin at her passing.
clothes cling and caress like a lover when music moves her
light bends as the whole universe cleaves to her, and so do i.
The Wicca Man May 2013
I stare mesmerized at the dancing flames
cavorting like cheap ******
now red, now blue,
twisting and turning lasciviously,
each striving for my attention.

Occasional sparks flash and fizz
as each flame tries to o'er leap the next
until, exhausted, they are ****** back
into the charcoal darkness,
turning deep crimson,
hissing and spitting
like a cornered cat and
sinking still further into the blackened remains

Until all that is left
are the dying embers.
A W Bullen Aug 2016
What is it she whispers?
The brittle bleach decor rustles shy applause
half encumbered slumber wins
The aching World to part made play
Arcadian chapels hover in folds
That form in the fields of gathering grey

and still she whispers.

Damp calico dales murmur and shift
in the twist of a tremor.
A cold palm press upon temples that pulse
for the touch of another that passes
high over the way…

What is it, she whispers?

Witch-fingers lift at the filigree latches,
saltwater patches salivate free…..
beneath the list of chalking blinds
rim- shot eyes scour windswept causeways

Always searching,

Always waiting,
For some unknown.

And still she whispers...

On the surface easily gliding,
  are my hands. I keep on the table
  an ajar carton of cigarettes. Then slowly
  becoming in my pocket, taking form of a hand,
  a crumpled cinema ticket when straightened,
  ironed by plainsight, walks with lines, the end credits roll lasciviously like an estranged lover
   whose face I can almost touch.
  When let go of closure, air thins and I move
  secretly with fluency. This is how objects
  escape my grip.


  In front of the eatery, a transit.
  I had a dream once in a depthless sleep,
  a figure in stilts studded with guilt.
  The face next to me, disquieting the music
   of currencies, naked in sound as the truth shaved
   like a beast. The nearby tarmac resounds with
   another throng of absence. As a substitute
   for beings shackled to duty,
   the oncoming woman assumes theirs,
   borrows their faces of dreariness and ***** a thousand times like white sheets harassed by
   the wind through opened windows.


    Define space as a venue for collision.
    Say when a red-haired woman straddling
    a duffel bag and myself confused as a peripatetic.
    She ascribes her presence to my footing
    and from where she left off, I take form
    of her expired movement.
                     Found strangeness is that space
    is what happens when remembered. But hold no
    bearing and rear contrivance,
     trying to be bold by definition -- space solicits
     the in-betweenness and then transmutes
     an occurence,
             say the volatile shape of a hand when
    clutching and releasing, the fugitive manner of
    feet when avoiding puddles, the unsolicited
    reticence of a troubling question.


            A man carries a take away and is now
     amongst the populace, waiting under a shed,
     housing a familiar language. Home.
      But first, trivialized. Haggles with the cab driver,
    trying to transact a being angled towards home.
    They agree to a fault, money's perfume clinches  the fingers and is given to a calloused hand.
             Air once stale, is now succulent with the
      resonating memory of a child's excited laughter,
      and is now presumably waiting behind a gated
      home. Like the palm of the hand, the number
         of times the vehicle trundles within
     the nearby avenue is the force it enkindles
        with rest. He is home,
     unloosens his clothing. Like a fine specimen
          freed from a vitrine.
Mike Essig Mar 2016
When I get really decrepit,
I will wear mismatched clothes
on purpose; fill my pockets
with useless pennies; leer
lasciviously at girls far too
young; mutter arcane
wisdom to myself just loud
enough to hear but not to
understand; eat everything
that makes the health Nazis
cringe; smoke in inappropriate
places; get drunk in the
mornings if I so desire
and smoke *** in public.
It will be an ecstasy to
not give a rat's *** what
anyone thinks. My only
regret will be that I
did not start sooner.

Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A Poets quest.
An ABCDERIAN poetry form.
Avant couriers of final solutions
Battalions left fighting by the way
Condescending world powers twittering
Deeming all they say as gospel of the day
Everything under the sun or darkest shadows
Foolishly not admitting their own failings ever
Gathering hatred at each turn of every corner
Happy that their heads were in the sand.
Indiscriminating constant betwixt good n evil

Janissary exterminates all cause or principal
Knowing nothing of the true skill of judgement
Lasciviously take good from good for no good
Microlithic walls of stones to cover errors
Navigatiors using ancient charts for guidance
Outrageously heralding credit for the route
Perchance they knew no natural pathway
Quadrature at ninety between the sun n moon
Revived old Christian scruples long forgotten

Saviours ? Save all states from self destruction
Tablature of a tragic outcome hard to face.
Unequivocally tough on any creed or religion
Vededictory taken two thousand years to build
Wrapped indiscriminately up in just one missile
Xenelas now mankind from each world corner
Yea from peaceful pastures grazed for years
Zion heaping up evangelical dogma.
              Pray to God and let us learn.
Written by Philip.
December.  11th . 2018.
Think about a Poets quest from A to Z.
Mike Essig Jun 2015
as the wind
blown from afar,
you arouse
my insatiable
a gentle breeze
across bare skin,
naked desire flares.

KM Ramsey Aug 2015
some say home is where the heart is
to mean that
there is an immutable place
magnetically manipulating
and tearing out my heart
keeping it lashed lasciviously
to that cold concrete
and steaming thunderstorms
that warmed my childhood face
and wet my bare feet
running wild

i don't miss my home
though i balk at the definition
of a part of myself that
is irrevocably tangled up with
that place where i burned
and razed myself to the ground
leaving only shimmering coals
abandoned in a lost forest of pain

my heart has no connection to that place

except perhaps the inescapable
the dripping bloodlust for
my own destruction
flames licking my ankles
as i threw gasoline on the blaze

that place was the incarnation of my loneliness

the weighted blanket
wrapped around my shoulders
a beast of burden expected
to carry the anvil of my anxious thoughts
whose fiery white heat kept me up nights
Atlas supporting the earth on his back

that place was the Sisyphaen interminable task

why would my heart attach itself to that pain

i don't believe home is a place
a warmth of welcome upon
my return into its
loving arms that cradled my childhood
those arms are not my comfort
they are the blades that
shredded me to ribbons
left me bleeding on the ground
until i limped away
and swore i'd never return

my home must be just as much
of a vagabond as my
meandering soul
and yet the refuge in the storm
that i can run to when
the demons come knocking
to abduct me and
leave my corporeal vessel
with glazed eyes
an empty shell

i've tethered my heart to you
intertwined those secret places
into the great hall of your heart
trembling with the unavoidable fear
of opening those chained doors
and making that ephemeral place
establishing a connection with
my wandering emotion
seeking the warmth of
a crackling fire on the
brick hearth radiating the heat of
my trust in you
my might-be love that
crashes into the barrier of my teeth
racing up my throat like
the bulimic ***** i used to spew
into toilets along with
my shame

for me
home is wherever you are
if you carry in yours the hearts of those who love you.
letters to you i'll never send
A string plucked:
Soft, supple, pliant, auriferous,
Vibrations traveling in determined waves
Fill the chambers
Joyfully cascading down walls,
Ringing down halls,
The symphony crescendos and falls.
A string brushed:
Gasps, sings, tender, melodious,
Whispers traveling in hopeful skips
Dance on air
Lasciviously over-pleased
To be teased
And so subtly eased.
The string un-plucked:
Grows cold
Grows rusty
Wants for just one touch
Grows restless
Sits in silence
Oppressive silence
Until it snaps.
Inktober prompt: Shattered
Rules: Whatever comes out of the pen is the poem. No editing allowed.
Denis Barter Mar 2018
An Exercise in Alliterative Acrostics.

Ernie, ebulliently enthused,
But battered and bruised,
Understandably uneasy and upset.
Leaves lustful Larry, a ***** lad,
Lasciviously longing to live
Innocuously. Ivan, integratesvolves integrating
Every expeditious and essential
Needed necessities, necessary to negate  
Terrible teasing Thomas, to terminate

All appropriate and aggravating
Noisy Norman notes!  No negotiations can negate
Diabolical devilish deeds.  Determination dictates

Exuding excessive energy, exterminates and excoriates
Nasty native nonentities.  No naive niceties
Tackle tricky testy tasks, for tender tendencies,
Having hyperbole hopes, are hypothetically helpless
Unless usurpers unveil unsung university union
Sympathisers, seeking salvation, as sympathising.
Evangelists, exemplary and enthusiastic experts
Doctors, and dentists doggedly determine details definitely decide,

Ebullience and Enthusiasm exist!

Rhymer.  March 10th, 2018.
I walked among the garden, passing by where long ago you once planted daisies—how those buds once bloomed. I walked a-ways farther until I came to a hearth, torn asunder. Its warmth gone cold and gray. The air about the garden is murky and slick, and I can feel it hang low in the snood of the evening mist. Up ahead I see where the path narrows, and like a siren it lasciviously calls out to me. It lies barren beneath the wet winter wind that blows restive. I know that it knows the way not. The wind sets the tawny leaves to caper and dance this way and that. And laconically they cross atop the worn-out grass. The sun now set save for the trailing penumbras, that set ominous among the darkening clouds like floating tundras. I catch a chill and realize for the first that I am out here alone; among the ancient pillars in the shadowy garden that I have for so long known. Why is it that year after year I must return here, is it to visit you, set things straight, or is it to recover a thing I might have lost to the atavistic gait of chaos and time? I know not—it is not for me to know. But, out here among the spectral shadows I am returned to the primordial. The nonpareil decay of clay and dust.
Amy Greene Aug 2016
The moon self-eclipses,
hiding her battered old face
in stygian lunacy.
we bounce light in different directions
like prisms
hanging in the window of a curiosity shop.

In strobing shadows, we grin
dangling, drooling shrunken heads
on red strings of fate.

It hardly matters.
From a distance our oddities are almost...

You are welcome in my bubble,
room for two.
the dirty poet Dec 2018
consistency is defeat
going to work every day?
coming home?  every night?
my totality changes
every day and a half
i’m one slippery *******
so if and when i tumble out your window
it’ll be a nuclear event
molecules exploding
lasciviously recombining
promiscuously bonding with whatever
carnal stray matter catches my eye
by tomorrow morning
i’ll be snowing
all over the universe
Travis Green Nov 2022
I want you to put the heat on me
Make me blitzed and speechless
Make me dizzy and lit as ****
****** your thick thundering thugness
Deep in my guts, bust my hot stuff
Make me lust for your ultra-hunky roughness

Electrify my heart and soul
With your bright fiery spiciness
Make me moan super strong sounds
Of profound resounding erotica
With your seamless succulent intensity
Your screamingly dreamy masculinity
Your splendid and potent resplendency
Great and expansive engagingness

Your continuous and paramount delight
Makes me so hella spellbound
Polish my softness, solace my rich
And magnificent body
Shake your gargantuan striking snake
On my plump sumptuous cake

Let me watch your big hot marbles bounce
While you pounce on every ounce
Of my wonderfully gorgeous form
Caress my bedazzling back
Hold my glowing golden shoulders
Give me deep, long, and macho strokes

Shove your humongous seductive lusciousness
In and out of my sleek, ****, and wet portal
Of adventurous and boundless pleasure
As I gander into your crazily fascinating eyes
The sheer fervent hotness
Of your lovingly lustful lips

Badass beardalicious **** boy
So ******* rugged and extra cut
You make me so **** frenzied
Make my flaming hot bangers jounce wildly
Send me into stellar stimulating trances
Drive me deep into the beyond

With every phenomenal push-up that you do
I wanna feel you clutching, wooing, and
Stupefying my exciting divine world
Hunt down my hotness
Punish me, run your crunkness through me
Mesmerize my nicely curvy design

Cozy up to my homoness
Look lasciviously at my sweetness
Hot, raw, and enthralling Papi
I want you to make me holla
Every moment you bone
My blossoming boulevard
Travis Green Oct 2022
You are the only man that I love
That mesmerizes me in the most profound ways
Takes me by surprise, makes me hanker
For your indomitable hardness
Go ga ga for your grabby strapping rarity
The way your impassioned splashiness
Streams all over my pleasant silken invention

Ripped rocking star attraction
Mantastically cracking spectacularness
I dig your addictive finger-lickin’ exquisiteness
Your outstandingly delicious litness
Luscious, flawless, and jolly sauciness
Your hotness adds magically absorbing poison
To my mind, body, and soul

Make me yield to your irresistible
And formidable heat
Listen to your masterfully magical tone
The way you look lasciviously at me
Red-hot out-of-the-box machoness
I have an unsurpassed pash on
Your fantastically enrapturing attractiveness

You are a robust, roaring fire
Of powerful and towering seduction
Spicy priceless brightness
Too great to be ignored
Gripping heavy weight lifting slickness
Your wild, reckless delectableness
Makes me wanna be down
With your unbounded astoundingness

Lie close to your grandioseness
In your enhanced superheated mantuary
Where we fade into each other
Burn with dreamy, undiminished passion
Engulfed by your lushalicious muscle-bound thuggishness
Taste every stellar sector of your refreshingness
Drown in your high-profile spellbinding refinement
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Searching eyes shine blue,
looking through the sea
of never ending humanity
for the only you.

Luscious lips lick lasciviously,
salivating suddenly, sun shines
upon her glorious find,
she will fight tenaciously.

Holding her love close,
defending her righteous claim,
marking her territory visually,
so all others know.

With gripping soft hands,
and little kisses placed
upon lips and cheeks
in sight of others.
Travis Green Jul 2023
I wanna be with him
For hours on end
Feel him deep within me
Bang me, tame me
Slide deep into my mind’s frame

Make me feel the unrivaled power
Of his hard-hitting hurricane
Pulverize my backside
Put me on cloud nine
Manhandle my mounds

Bite into my rock-like points
Love me hard, *** me recklessly
Make me sweaty
Tongue my neck
Rub his nose against my shoulders

Be my wildest inviting dream
Conquer me, punish me
Pound me like a *******
Feel his macho **** head
Deep in my tight warehouse

Make my entire world
Swirl with unparalleled amorosity
Captivate my heart and soul
Slap the **** out of my ***
Tempt every inch of me

Hold on to him
In a frenzy of delight
So high on his enticingness
His smashing sensuality
My favorite radiant lover man

I am so tender toward his toughness
So hung up on the way he ***** me
Give me his thugness
Take my manhood
As I look lasciviously at him

Take command, fulfill my fantasies
Dive deep into my insides
Make my head spin
Make me beg for his top-shelf pleasure pumper
Again and again

Make my thighs shake
Grip my *** cheeks
Rail me, daddy
Rock me to the core
Explore me more

Tell me he needs me
Tell me he loves me
Tell me that our *** is bomb
Never cease when he gives it good to me
Please me with his rude hood wood

Rake his fingernails down my back
Bite me, delight me, overpower me
Pump his hung succulent gun
Shoot his massive yummy ***
All over my bouncy brown buns
Lawrence Hall Jan 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

            The ***, ***, ***-Obsessed Oklahoma Legislature

         Oklahoma Bill Would Ban Sending **** Selfies Unless You're
         Married (

The Geriatric Anti-*** League of Oklahoma
As sponsored by Senator Dusty Deevers
(And let the puns on “Dusty Deevers” bloom)
Want to save all prurient thoughts for themselves

The senator lasciviously lists the forbidden:
"****** ******* which is normal or perverted…
"lewd exhibition of the uncovered genitals
buttocks, or, if such person is female, the breast…”

That stapler in jiggly Jell-O
Had better guard its virtue in Oklahoma
Cf. The Junior Anti-*** League in Orwell’s *1984* and a gag in *The Office*
Against the window Webster heard drenched hormones gnawing and gnashing like he was in Israel again killing bad people in nursing homes. "I don't like the sound of that," young Marla moaned lasciviously as her hefty ******* ****** to and fro. "Look at me!" Clyde demanded. "Your ******* are wild and must be tamed or else we're all going to die!" No one knew what he meant by that. "Clyde, that is the weirdest thing in the world, what you said," youthful Brad Dillman muttered. "I agree," Big Nig Hopkins chimed in. "Alright, everybody CHILL! I'm going to release anti-hormone aerosols now to **** what's outside!" Doctor Hector O'Malley exclaimed while his big nuts oscillated to and fro in time with Marla's hefty *******. Finally, the drenched hormone monster was gone and everyone whipped out their ******* and ******. "I think we're going to make it!" Duke the pie stocker proclaimed authoritatively as the river rose to a critical flood stage that presented a new threat to these brave explorers.
Travis Green Jun 2023
His incredible majestical handsomeness
Makes me wetter than wet
Sweat more than ever
Pull up on his crash-hot macho block
Engage in a captivating conversation

Listen to the way he talks
How he draws me in closer
To his mega dope magneticness
With his entrancing eyes
So irresistibly kissable
So feelable and lickable
So beardiful and immesurable

I love the way he exhilarates me
Gazes at me, makes me ache for thee
Mantasize about his enchantingly towering manliness
Tall, eccentric, and photogenic
I fall under the spell of his authentic, energetic arrestingness
Hunger for him to grab my ***** buns

Rub my lovely scrumptious jugs
Pull me close to him
Kiss me on my neck
Peck me on my **** lips
Whisper ***** words in my ear

Put my hands in his pants
To feel his monster magic meat
His large, juicy berries
Make me drool as he looks lasciviously at me
Make me perspire as I get high
On his top-flight inviting desirableness

So lost in his hella bomb sauce
Longing to be chained together
To love him forever
Fall into his super strongly sculpted arms
Feel his pumped-up sun-kissed muscles

His skillfully glistening hands all over me
Compose his dopest poetry in my heart and soul
Make me rock to his philosophy
Make me jam to his romantic anthem
Make me float while I behold his smoking hot showiness

Thinking about how I never want him to leave me
How I need him, to breathe him
Into the depths of my submerged mind
Immersed in his treasured superb world
Of unmatchable assertive verve
Travis Green Sep 2023
He leads me on a drilling expedition
To his fantasy world
Where we take off our clothes
Engage in intense, sensual ******* together
Sexually stimulate me

Take me entirely
Devour me, shower me
In his fantastically magical invitingness
Lock lips, swap spit
Kiss and tease my private parts

Drive me out
Lick me out, check me out
Scour my sweetness
Worship me completely
Throat **** me
With his humongous ****

Taste it all over
Shove it in and out of my mouth
Pleasure the ****
Charm his heart
**** his big rocks

Pleasure and savor them
Call me his *** gun muncher
My number one untouchable stunner
My stunningly magnetic hunk
Stuff his love muscle deep in my throat

Cause me to choke
Bend me over, slam his monster hot dog
In and out of my chocolate-box naughty zone
Arouse my desire, tie me up
*** me up, leave me stunned

Hung up on him
***** deep in my chocolate sweets
With such handsome ruggedness
He makes me shudder uncontrollably
Crashes into me to the absolute limit

Presses his flesh against my velvety, smooth structure
Spanks my bodacious backside
Bangs me unceasingly
Lasciviously staring at me
With his enchanting shimmering brandy-brown eyes

A contagious smile that sways me
My attractive Don Juan, my sleek Romeo
He sends me into a high-energy trance
Filled to the brim of him
I can’t stop dwelling on him

Being closer and closer to him
Feeling him venture deeper
And deeper into my unseen world
Reach his highest degree of macho delight
Showered in his sticky ******* juice
Travis Green Jul 2021
He was the sexiest Daddy
I had ever been so close to before
A soul-stirring hotness
That made me desire
To succumb to his
Sensational creation

I was in bedazzling raptures
Deeply drunk off his infinite sublimity
How he looked lasciviously at me
Making me overemotional
With his nightly bright eyes
His seemly lips, his snazzy beard
So **** fantabulous and commanding to me
She hugs the life out of me,
Not in that second of passion
Before the moment of death
When an animal is chased
And grasped in lioness embrace.

She kisses the life out of me,
Not with mid-day sun lips
Which smoulder dangerously
Like a dampened forest fire
Lying in wait for that first shallow breath.

She loves the life out of me
Not with the garment of childlike innocence
Lasciviously cast aside by a woman in earnest.

And with all the emotion of someone
Glancing up at the station clock
Then turning a magazine page
On a deserted railway platform,
She scares the life out of me
When she says quite simply,
It is time for me to go.
Travis Green Jul 2023
I am so in love with his mad fat shaft
Strong chocolate hotness
Slick muscled flesh
I love how it hangs between high thick thighs
How his rock-hard appetizing crown attracts my attention

Makes me yearn to search into his firmness
Inch by inch, I sink into his masculinity
I delight in his bright rigid meat
Willing to please and seize him
Feel and tease him, give him my undivided attention

Grip it, lick it, insert it in my mouth
Let it head down south to my throat
Make me choke and float
Make me so hella spacey
With his tasty throbbing ramrod
Hijacking my face hole

Make me sweat as he manhandles me
With his heavy expressive muscles
Shackle, tackle me, make me so feverish
As he looks lasciviously at me
Face **** me hard and fast

Make it last forever
Give me sheer satisfaction
Sway me, take me, amaze me
Flood my system with his **** love
Expose me to his dopeness

Make me ***** as ****
As I lust for his hot stuff
Lose my mind, grip his tight behind
Sip on his delicious chiseled physique
Becoming blissed out and strung out
On his top-flight spellbinding hunkiness

He got me soaking wet
Treasuring his heavenly high-pressure flex
The way he makes me tingle
When my lips mingle
With his flaming hot **** stick

My ripped kissable whip
I love his heavy hanging *****
In my mouth, locked with my jaws
He divides and electrifies my mind
Ravishes and smashes my entireness

Got me so sweet on him,  down on my knees
To worship his Excalibur
Do anything and everything for him
Let him command my feminineness
Talk nasty to me, capture me

Carry me to his gangster gangbuster paradise
Tickle my taste buds, **** my mentality
Come to a highly energizing ******
And fill my mouth with loads
Of his creamy yummy *****
Travis Green Apr 2022
The thought of perusing your thugness
Makes me thirst after you excessively
Your sweet, tempting smell compels me
To surrender to you without hesitation
I crave for every ****** thing to occur with you
Your release of gripping explicit slang
Engulfed in your eclectic perpetual flame
When I linger upon you, I need your bulging
Brick-wall biceps and chest bonded to my body

I wish for your hard gorgeous muscles
To mesh with my flesh, discover a thrilling rhythm
In my vessel, lasciviously lick the treasured trail
Of your thick captivating beard
I sigh for your smoke, your dope glowing swagger
I feen for your steaminess to creep into my lungs
And keep me strung out and stupefied by your divineness
With your charming midnight black hair
Your delicate heavenly ears, your sublime eyes
Shining like a fecund field of immense collard greens
Enough magic coursing through your succulent chocolate form
Travis Green Dec 2021
I have never loved another
The way that I love you
Your body feels so soothing to stroke
Pulling you closer to me
Feel your head of pleasure
Treasure your tantalizing lips
So utterly consuming
Takes me deeper
Into your dancing dimension
Of unsurpassable dreams
Breathe in your smell of hypnotic musk
As the rush of lust takes over me
The more I look lasciviously at your ruggedness
The urgency of ******* you
To see your picturesque masterpiece
Donall Dempsey Feb 2024

a flock of nerds
grazing upon
the cocktail sausage table

she corrected herself
their spectacles flashing at her

all eyes were upon her
they licked their lips lasciviously
as if the one man

they sipped in synchronisation
their Adam's apples
bobbing up & down

she felt like a gazelle
amongst a pride
of rather skinny lions

he stood there
oozing caddishness
"Any port in a storm!" she smirked

she was aware of his
the hair on her arms bristling

"I say..." she said
"Is it true what people
make up about you?"

"All lies 'cept the true bits!"
he grinned
biting his moustache

the pack of nerds/bores
looked at her amazed
"Surely she. . .!"

ah but surely
she was
she laughed a little too loudly

their Adam's apples
reminded her of ballcocks
in flushing toilets

"Well, to be honest..."
he admitted mathematically
"90% true...10% lies!"

"...and so it was
I met your grandfather
and he became my chap!"

he always claimed
I tamed him with a smile
"...easy...easy as that..."

he was as delicious
as his reputation suggested
but I had the monopoly on him

a rather raffish looking
Raffles type
smiles salaciously in b&w

even the light
is growing old

we put his photo
back on the mantle piece
she always tells this story

we leave her
talking to his photo
as if it were real

she's always meeting him
for the first time
again and again

we drive away
the large nursing home
becoming smaller and smaller
Glenn McCrary Aug 2011
Within the luxury of her embrace, I felt safe

Fervidly her lips trailed down the surface of my neck

Ever so keenly detouring to meet the crease of mine

Without a hint of dubiety, a dazzling thrill voyaged

Throughout my physique, devouring me completely

She was a ravenous creature who wanted me to herself

Who was I to deny her the pleasure of her wildest fantasies?

Willingly I succumbed to her lasciviously exuberant desires

A seductive sphere of passion and lust dawned between us

Unveiling the myriad of secrets unbeknownst to my heart

— The End —