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st64 Feb 2014
I ran up six flights of stairs
to my small furnished room  
opened the window
and began throwing out
those things most important in life.

First to go, Truth, squealing like a fink:
"Don't! I'll tell awful things about you!"
"Oh yeah? Well, I've nothing to hide ... OUT!"

Then went God, glowering & whimpering in amazement:  
"It's not my fault! I'm not the cause of it all!"

Then Love, cooing bribes: "You'll never know impotency!  
All the girls on Vogue covers, all yours!"
I pushed her fat *** out and screamed:
"You always end up a ******!"

I picked up Faith, Hope, Charity
all three clinging together:
"Without us you'll surely die!"
"With you I'm going nuts! Goodbye!"

Then Beauty ... ah, Beauty—
As I led her to the window
I told her: "You I loved best in life
... but you're a killer; Beauty kills!"  

Not really meaning to drop her
I immediately ran downstairs
getting there just in time to catch her  
"You saved me!" she cried
I put her down and told her: "Move on."

Went back up those six flights
went to the money
there was no money to throw out.

The only thing left in the room was Death  
hiding beneath the kitchen sink:
"I'm not real!" It cried
"I'm just a rumor spread by life ... "  

Laughing I threw it out, kitchen sink and all  
and suddenly realized Humor
was all that was left—

All I could do with Humor was to say:  
"Out the window with the window!"
Gregory Corso (1930–2001)

Gregory Corso was a key member of the Beat movement, a group of convention-breaking writers who were credited with sparking much of the social and political change that transformed the United States in the 1960s. Corso's spontaneous, insightful, and inspirational verse once prompted fellow Beat poet Allen Ginsberg to describe him as an "awakener of youth." Although Corso enjoyed his greatest level of popularity during the 1960s and 1970s, he continued to influence contemporary readers and critics late into the twentieth century. Writing in the American Book Review, Dennis Barone remarked that Corso's 1989 volume of new and selected poems was a sign that "despite doubt, uncertainty, the American way, death all around, Gregory Corso will continue, and I am glad he will."

Born in 1930 to teenaged parents who separated a year after his birth, Corso spent his early childhood in foster homes and orphanages. At the age of eleven, he went to live with his natural father, who had remarried. A troubled youth, Corso repeatedly ran away and was eventually sent to a boys' home. One year later he was caught selling a stolen radio and was forced to testify in court against the dealer who purchased the illegal merchandise. While he was held as a material witness in the trial, the twelve-year-old boy spent several months in prison where, as he wrote in a biographical sketch for The New American Poetry, the other prisoners "abused me terribly, and I was indeed like an angel then because when they stole my food and beat me up and threw *** in my cell, I . . . would come out and tell them my beautiful dream about a floating girl who landed before a deep pit and just stared." He later spent three months under observation at Bellevue Hospital.

When Corso was sixteen, he returned to jail to serve a three-year sentence for theft. There he read widely in the classics, including Fyodor Dostoevsky, Stendahl, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Thomas Chatterton, and Christopher Marlowe. After his release in 1950, he worked as a laborer in New York City, a newspaper reporter in Los Angeles, and a sailor on a boat to Africa and South America. It was in New York City that he first met Ginsberg, the Beat poet with whom he was most closely associated. The pair met in a Greenwich Village bar in 1950 while Corso was working on his first poems. Until then he had read only traditional poetry, and Ginsberg introduced him to contemporary, experimental work. Within a few years Corso was writing in long, Whitmanesque lines similar to those Ginsberg had developed in his own work. The surreal word combinations that began to appear in Ginsberg's work about the same time may in turn suggest Corso's reciprocal influence.

Corso once explained his use of rhythm and meter in an interview with Gavin Selerie for Riverside Interviews: "My music is built in—it's already natural. I don't play with the meter." In other words, Corso believes the meter must arise naturally from the poet's voice; it is never consciously chosen.

Corso shaped his poems from 1970 to 1974 into a book he planned to call Who Am I—Who I Am, but the manuscript was stolen, and there were no other copies. Aside from chapbooks and a few miscellaneous publications, he did not issue other work until 1981 when Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit appeared. Shorter than any of his major books since Gasoline, it contains several critically acclaimed poems, many of them written in clipped, almost prosaic lines more reminiscent of William Carlos Williams than of Whitman. "Return" deals with barren times in which there had been no poems but also asserts that the poet can now write again and that "the past is my future." The new poems, however, are generally more subdued than the earlier ones, though there are surreal flights, as in "The Whole Mess . . . Almost," in which the poet cleans his apartment of Truth, God, Beauty, Death, and essentially everything but Humor.
Chintan Shelat Mar 2012
"The Nymphs are departed"
says Elliot,

the nymphs are departed,
so, all the barbers dumped their tools into the lake out of the village,
because all men will grow beard,
the homosexuality of the high ends of the streets,
is stuck to the heel of that transgender like a dust,

you can not shake your head if you have combed your hair neatly,
and your impotency is revealed,
you reach to the tree running, and fall like a chestnut,
your hands are still blue from the act of last night,
there is no question that you will be accused,

for the name sake there are some shovering forests,
at the every rough turn of the streets,
you can only enter with your grown beard,
there is only one riddle to solve,
"why did the nymphs depart?"
SassyJ Oct 2016
The melody of the strings of life*
a substitution for the institution
take my arm, let it reach a far
in creativity and sensitivity
beats bouncing the zombies
from the graves of impotency
created by mundane manipulation
mutilations of the happiness we long
as we capture the tides of everyday

The harmony of the universal love
screaming with a tantalizing mission
a remission from the decay of the society
sugar coated with lengthy dices of lies
then iced with laces of illusionary secretions
tis' me who embrace the skin you wear
as we seek a new phase of revolution
solutions that are delusional and waking
*rising through ever dense curved valley
For HP Dystopia .... my utopia. Thanks for reaching to me, you lifted my soul and spirit intensively. You have seriously mused me in a deep way ;-)

My utopia is very talented.... check out the lovely pen on

Thanks for the new mantra my utopia
" I never going to kneel no way.......I got my own to truth to swallow,  I have got my own path to follow,I won't be manipulated, mind controlled and inundated, I will seek the revelation, make my life a celebration,  I will be the change I am seeking, manifest the word I am speaking, I  refuse to be imprisoned, I will make my own decisions.... I will never be a pawn... I will never slave away"
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
It's not that I can't do it
Its just that I can't KEEP ON doin it
Whatever "it" may be
I'm consistently inconsistent you see
Maybe cause I was born to be free
But that choice always seems
to wind up in apathy
I just can't keep it up
If I was a man then surely
I'd be suffering from impotency
This has been my struggle in life for quite some time, I'm at a loss at how to change it tbh, maybe I should take a leaf out of the book of Nike and "just do it"
JP Sep 2017
Villain are always
Heroes are always

Villains being
Heroes being

Villains are emotional
Heroes are calm and dead

Villains live longer
Hero life are always tragedy

Villains moves faster in life
Heroes moves slower calling mindful

Villains live in glamourise bungalow
Heroes live in so called pathetic hut

Villains death is injury
Heroes injury is death

Villains buys on full cash
Heroes buys on instalment

Villains enjoy beautiful girls calling him flirt
Heroes enjoy the impotency called gentleman

At last
Villains killed by heroes
Heroes are killed by villains kins
The rigor morgasm
last bus to spasmville
will you rise to the occasion,take a ride,go on vacation or will you fail,sails up,head down,sink or swim,win out or drown?
These thoughts are what occur to me,when thinking somewhat morbidly about what age may do to me,and when or if it happens, will I see, or feel the loss of my virility,it really bothers me,it never did before,but then I'm almost at three score,(I'm talking years)
when fears of that impotency may be more important than what I think of as my potency,and I ask the lord libido to show me some high rise clemency and let me be the man I think I am.

Fevers of the mind when the motions of the body blind, slow,
you know,
but you don't say,
you love me anyway
I love you
sometimes and sometimes at times I come through,making love with you,counting calendars,dates and we are the best of mates,lovers too.sometimes you love me sometimes coming through,but always love me making love with you.

We may be old and often told that all is past,
and then we smile and kiss,
cast off our wrinkled skin and dive in to swim in each others winning ways,making it,sometimes at odd times of the days or nights and lights off or on,
and if this goes the way we think it should
I would not complain.

There comes a time sometimes when we have to read between the lines and tell the Doctor on prescription about the failures of *******.
I ***** a monument, to this my plea,
let the lord libido be kind to me.
Men can be such babies and so shy when it comes to talking about their own bodies and yet have no such qualms talking  about the female form and their bodies..I don't care,we get old and things drop off,when they do..See the Doctor.
Guy Random Apr 2011
Simple is the story of hard earned money;
Hard to earn hard to spend;

Single penny is worth and respected;
Fight within continues, spend it or save it;

Earn, when u have nothing;
But yes problems accompany;

Giving doesn't mean much, if you have much;
Giving, when u are having little;

Smile covering the helpless forlorn impotency;
Even smile hiding the difficulty of spending;

Parents choose comfort of child over there need;
Sacrifice not because its responsibility;

Finding satisfaction in giving;
It’s known to be utmost;

I witnessed that smile on a worker;
Offering tea when you barely earn to eat

I witnessed that smile on a father;
Those muddy legs told me real cost of college fees;

I witnessed that smile on a customer;
Confirming billion times before paying off;

Increment in bus fare by 20 rs made a huge difference;
How I throw 20 bucks on a soft drink;

I wonder why I don’t think like this;
How can I feel sad for inadequate money?

How man gets satisfy in cheap cloths and food;
Here i think i wear a signature instead of Strauss;

Simple is the story of hard earned money;
Hard to earn hard to spend;

your reactions are highly appreciated

can follow this on blogs-
Devin Lawrence May 2016
Have you ever fallen in love?

I once did,
sitting on top of a sand dune
under the lights
of the Fourth of July.

                                         The water below
                                         cast the reflection of beautiful chandeliers
                                         bursting with color,
                                         and as timeless as sand,
                                         and yet my eyes were elsewhere -
                                         capturing something unlike I'd ever seen.

Have you ever fallen in love?

I once did,
laying on a couch as I held her,
she turned to me and smiled;
the chandeliers were bold and raucous
as they decorated the sky of my mind,
and the stars twinkled in the depths of her eyes -

                                        that memory since faded with time.

Have you ever fallen in love?

I once did,
the pen in my hand
gave birth to words and worlds
made from my reflection
like they were my children -
and I had always feared

                                               I created places I'd never seen,
                                               but they were as real as sand,
                                               and for a moment,
                                               I felt like God:
                                               watching from above
                                               as my creations began to breathe.

Have you ever fallen in love?

I once did,
living on a page of black and white,
if I was God,
she was an angel,
and the song from her trumpet
reminded me of the chandeliers
I thought were lost in time.

Have you ever fallen in love?

I don't know if I ever have,
but what I have is something
that gives me a reason to be;

                                                 Something beautiful
                                                 and intricate
                                                 like a chandelier
                                                 whose glass was once
                                                 nothing more
                                                 than countless grains of sand.
I'm open to other title ideas, and by open I mean please give me ideas
Lucius Furius Dec 2021
"Janice, I sat next to you in Latin.
We were sophomores.
You were a cheerleader
but smart too.
The excitement was unbearable
(Cicero; the shape of your sweater . . . ).
I asked you to play tennis."
"You did never."
"Yes, I did."
"I suppose I didn't want to get sweaty."
"So then you would have gone with me to a movie?"
"No, I doubt it. . . . I was a brat."
"You were divine.
I wrote a poem for you in Latin."
"Lynda, we met at The Three Penny Opera.
You were an usher.
I was a college student; you were in high school."
"Yes, a 'townie'."
"I put my arm around you.
I stroked your hair.
When I tried to kiss you on the forehead our noses collided."
"I was expecting a lip kiss."
"It was a powerful attraction,
but it wouldn't have worked."
"No, we could have made great love,
but it wouldn't have lasted."
"Gina, you lived on that 'hippie farm'
at the edge of town.
I was the 'knowing elder',
the one who'd worked on a real farm.
You were so high-energy, so alluring.
Guys flocked to you:
William and Michael; Davy, back home;
sexually involved with all of them."
"Not Michael really."
"You seduced me--
I think you wanted to make William jealous--
not that I was unwilling. . . .
I was, however, impotent."
"I wanted adventure and, yes, I suppose I did want to make
       William jealous."
"Our intimacy awakened me.
I realized what I'd been missing.
Your rejection was devastating."
"I didn't mean to hurt you.
I didn't know you were so fragile."
"Carla, I loved you in your apartment.
It was all softness and warmth;
**** carpet, soft bed,
Carole King on the stereo. . . .
We slept together, showered together."
"I really listened to Carole King?"
"Your parents were divorcing.
You didn't have time for a relationship."
"I don't think I was ready."
"Just as I was overcoming my impotency. . . ."
"Sarah, I loved you on a camping trip.
We kissed at dusk in the Great Smoky Mountains."
"I remember."
"I felt so connected--
physically, intellectually, emotionally.
You smiled with your whole face, with your whole being.
I wanted to be with you steadily.
You said it wouldn't work.
I guess you were right:
I couldn't love someone who couldn't love me completely.
When we parted,
I cried uncontrollably."
I remember."
Hear Lucius/Jerry read the poem: .
This poem is part of the Scraps of Faith collection of poems ( )
Franswa Hackett Sep 2010
Long ago I dreamt of mountains,
I dreamt of finding bliss,
I lay alone now, unfulfilled
I sleep in slime and ****.

I travelled far, and left my home
In search of light and revelation,
But neither the road, nor the sky
Could sanctify my demons.

I sought to pray atop the spire
Where the clouds and mountains meet,
Though restoration of lost fire,
Is a mere idealistic dream.

I've had women, but never known love
For my impotency defines,
I bore not the mind nor matter
To obtain what could have been mine.

Bitterness, sweet bitterness
I make love to my cigarettes,
They keep me warm on coldest nights
When I am drowning in Solipsis.

In cinema, man is changed by journeys
But fictions are not always so,
For some wounds are beyond healing,
And I race now towards Thanatos.
Drawing blinds across our eyes
we are blinded to the beauty
trapped inside.
sideways,all ways and
in days of darkness we cannot see
and blinded as we are
we'll be
forever bound by that impotency of being in, yet still without,being a part of,yet still not seeing
this humble being begs to let the light in,get the blinds pulled,cull the nights that **** him,nights no longer thrill him or will him to deliver goddesses to altar tables.

Beds and fables
stories now, but I am still unable to forget,
more than millstones 'round my neck and iron ***** placed on my ankles designed to slow me down,
Oh how it rankles.

Time was,
life was younger and in that hungering I ate my fill and how the darkness of the night did thrill me so
to and fro.
A see saw ride
a fairground slide to my demise and somewhere now,behind the blinds inside and written on the signposts,hosts to my dependence on
the days long gone
where I had shone my light,
there sits a frightened child with wild abandoned thought, untamed adventures I have sought and fought against society
but now I'll be
the child that waits within for me.
Surely in the distant future historians will find our civilization
Appalling, destructive, gluttony,
Receipts of items that once fulfilled our temporal desires will fill earth
creating a toxic compost for life
To nourish upon
They'll blame us for the decay
And devolution of man
They'll duly note our fascination
With stimulants and violent trends
And most of all, they'll be unable
To comprehend our impotency
our hubris our clemency
They'll construct theories
That moor our cultural malaise
To each recrudescence of tyranny

In essence they will despise our very nature.
Not out of contempt but out of fear that they too will fall
prey to the plague.
Canyon Read Jul 2015
I could write about anything
and no one would stop and think.
Everything's been said before.
Rephrased and repositioned
to the point of impotency.
jeffrey robin Aug 2011
and the songs fade but a saintly poet or two
wanders streets and alley looking for who ever is here
here where the lovers met the gods and the maidens
are free and lovely and good

i remember seeing you there!

the hours are corrupt and the leaders we worship are corrupting
evil greed-encrusted alien scoundrels as we all know!

and so?

and so!!!!!!!!


we are the song incarnate!
we are the utter epitome of pure god love and light!
we are the source of the only power still truly alive!

we are NOT
the politically correct automatons that they'd have us be!
the ******* robotic ditto-headed monstrosities of vote giving
impotency called "patriotic christian americana"


we are simply "what you hear
when we choose to speak"

we are simply "what we do in accordance
with what we need"


we are what is known

we are always together

this we realize
Here, all the words in the world,
they are no good to me,
more or less, they are useless,
that much is plain to see.  

These barren syllables mock me,
scorn at my delight,
profundity and beauty desert me,
in mouldering hours of night.

Here the gravity of my world,
certainty in despondency,
what a tall and terrible load,
the language of impotency.
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
sado-masochism is not a rigid term,
it can easily be flipped
onto its head
and become maso-sadism...
at least masochists
and sadists have evolved
and can differentiate
while at the same time
    an antonym grey area
of pain, and pleasure...
              who exprience
a non-differentiated-integral
apathy breeds no pathology...
with atheism there is no god;
apathy breeds no pathology...
apathy and the wild beast,
unlike the *******
who you could cage,
unlike the sadist
who you could cage...
   a psychopath and the blank,
canvas, the liar detector
and the murmuring fizz of
static flatline...
the pleasure in pain inflicted,
countered by the moral
pain experienced by
an individual, adhering
to "the" collective,
sado-masochists are bugs...
a maso-sadist
mingles with the psychopath
on the ground of:
the 99% materialistic certainty,
torture by: the pathology
of the existence of a soul,
per se...
           a sado-******* doesn't
possess the inversion of
              which might be done
unto them...
                the ridicule surrounding
the mea culpa mantra
  of: hurting others translates
as also hurting yourself
falls on death ears...
a maso-sadist, enjoys
the pain inflicted...
because the sadism he sees
is attired in the subtlety
of non-physicality...
the only theatre where moral
conundrums take place...
moral pain, guilt...
           immobility of social
             personal guilt...
sado-masochists are pathetic
in that... they are trivial...
in their cul d sac mentality...
who, if the roles be reversed...
cannot play the role
of the *******...
      but, like the sadism allows...
the helpless, victim...
first comes the Eden
of self-inflicted pain,
or rather, allowing it from the other...
only once this threshold is
filled to the brim...
comes the theatrical
shunning of memory...
leaving the grotesque
   mechanisation of imagination
take over.
    unless you haven't been
in hospital, cheery,
watching the moral banquet
take place, watching intact
bodies, but tortured souls
ever so briefly,  by a void
of where thinking ought to
be fixed...
is a pleasure from pain...
   and a sadism...
    of watching people...
self-impose torture on themselves...
with nothing but a chance
predicament of an object...
           that, in their mind,
will never be a subject
to counter their objectness...
a wholly staged industrialised
                because you will bypass that,
without ushering in ridicule,
next time you go to the supermarket,
and read a cashier's name tag?
      subtle sadism in a *******'s
            the helpless Samaritan...
a sleeping good-willingness...
                        much more...
to see in someone an inability to help,
a frozen immediacy of
potential mingled with impotency...
like I said, sado-masochists
are leeches, cockroaches...
who needs torture and primitive
tools to exhume screaming...
when you can peer into
the elaborate torture of
a murmuring soul?
Overwhelmed Jan 2012
what a shame that
I’ll never truly be
able to capture the
beauty of our own

not in words,
not in pictures,
not in motions

but I see it

oh I see it

and it haunts me

just how beautiful
everything is

everything is unique
and interesting in so
many ways

everything has its
way and everything
has its purpose

everything is as they are
and I as I look out the window
and witness all of existence
I weep at my insignificance,
at my impotency in the
face of this marvel.

But Christ!

*how lucky we are to be
As my life gets so complex, I slowly massage my neck. I scratch my head knowing I’m truly dead. I can't begin to express my loneliness.  I can sit here in my room contemplating my doom.  This cloud of gloom won't pass me by. Alas, I don't know why.

You were a last reach at humanity. I guessed at the decision and got such a calamity.  All I wanted was a friend. Instead I lost all hope in the end of sanity.

As I felt my head leave my neck, you bagged my air and said what the heck; you tried your best, a feeble attempt, at a molesting order. I said look over your shoulder, a sky so blue and clear it removed the tears from my eyes as I said goodbye.

You so coldly left my body in such a disarrayed exposed to all on that horrible day.  In the back seat of a car, white in color, I always knew it would be a brother.  One with no sense of others only a frustration unto himself his impotency and broken mind has caused my death before it's time.

There is only one thing left to do as I cruse toward the judgment land. I'll ask god to forgive you.  As you walk this life, just remember your fall from grace and try to make a vow to always protect instead of ****,  To hold dear and get out of your own way make it clear you were to let go and to stay clear.

To learn and live, find another, begin again. Just remember your vow remains till time will end.  Your death could be eternal over and over again.  Through the non ending flames of his judgment, fear lives long, but forgiveness wins.
Shekhinah En Ka Mitt(C)                                                                3/30/09
jeffrey robin Jul 2011
all the dear day long you are
here but hidden

seeming semblance
of forgotten order

turned by political forces into caricature
and demonized until even you yourself belief
in the very nature of your impotency

we are the crown of creation!

why are we groveling within the darkest hour possible!?

why does our LOVE songs and stories
seem so immature and lacking any
true sense of vitality?


then, at least
i can tell that you still are here
Feeling Real Jun 2014
Designated *****
Tastes and wasted time
Waking up bored enough
To jump off a building
Listening to forty
Years of life and love
I share mine of nil
I've had my fill
Of nonsense for today
Iced-over managing me
Lied obscene moderating
Miniscule matters
Multiplied by how much I dread
The amplification
Arduous impotency
Marked on inadequately
Silence as the fall completes
Damian Murphy Feb 2018
One who reasserts power constantly
Shows strong signs of weakness, impotency!
Though they may deny it vigorously,
Perhaps protest a little too loudly?
Definition of Impotence: noun
1.the condition or quality of being impotent; weakness.
2. Obsolete. lack of self-restraint.
Aaron LaLux Feb 2017
It’s Too Hot To Not ‘Be Coolman’

Our Elders are passing,
the eldest of our trees have fallen,
the Earth is burning up,
but our world “leaders” are still stalling,

it’s too hot now to not be cool man,
the sun is out and there’s no place to find shade,
the Devil has been crowned king,
I guess this is how atrocities are made,

Trump has become president,
the Free World is no longer free,
see now even when you go out into nature,
the National Park system requires you pay a fee,

no place to run no place to flee,
no solid ground to stand on no water to refresh our roots,
so the ground begins to crack the roots begin to dry out,
and the Ultimate Light of Knowledge is replaced by shady half-truths,

the greediest men have one,
and they’re singing the Earth’s death sentence with pen strokes,
gag orders and monetary starvation for all environmental organizations,
it’s getting hotter every day but instead of putting out the fire the flames are just stoked,

this is not a joke,
though I wish it was,
the Evil is out of control,
with an appetite for destruction and a thirst for blood,

conquering land and continuing pipelines,
substituting ****** impotency with devilish dominance,
Keystone as been restarted and Dakota Access is going ahead,
as Donald revokes and repeals any and every good thing Obama ever did,

the sickness is,
the ignorance is,

cultures that were once preserved,
and we made this bed of earth we must now sleep 6 feet deep in,
because honestly everyone gets what they deserve,

we didn’t vote for our “leaders”,
but we also have done nothing,
except witness as Greed defeats us,

no Jesus just false prophets,
just end it already,
in 2016 I voted for a massive Comet,

no comment,
if you question any of this,
because I’m not interested in arguing,
with ignorant hypocrites,

such as our Elders see what we do,
and they weep for all of us,
but their tears are not felt,

their cries are not heard,
because if a tree falls in the forest,
and no one is around to hear it,
does it make a sound?

The wind doesn’t blow like it used to,
and the sun doesn’t shine the same,
and yeah everyone’s wearing a uniform,
but honestly this is anything but a game,

this is war,
and in war everyone loses,
please what we really need is unconditional peace,
what we really need is what a truce is,

but these pleas seem useless,
because the eldest of our trees are still falling,
the Earth is burning up,
but our world “leaders” are still stalling…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Jonny Peterson Dec 2014
things swings tuck eventually finger dead ******* new forget beneath middle sweet
gasoline clucking ****** mph roadkill kong impotency god-**** 66 hear dis-array pre-payed skeletal embed colorful momentum ultimate donkey deer screeches unknowingly realization grounds wrinkle irony misleading formation golf clenching telemarketeers structure thoughts fall place beauty grow pray smell coming arm repeat broken ear art restless beat lost yell concrete know like want breath hold hands tangled way ****** long truth comes mind sand rest heavens smashed known yellow tire scales spoke toy says road hell linger swinging takes caught purpose stretch unforgiving chest embrace mud wind rock bunch shell curse birds tar lines glance ankles.
copy and paste from buzz words
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
who the hell needs to see the taj mahal, if you can slurp a spoonful of rosol? rosol? chicken soup... well... a chicken poached in water, with spices, with leak, with carrot, with parsley, with garlic... no, not your typical english version of custard-like creamy chicken soup & china bound invitation of sweet-corn... clear soup... see-through... a chicken poached.... parsley, carrot, leek... all that jazz.

what becomes apparent, is that:
only what is left, undisturbed,
uninterrupted - provides the "proper"
quanta of interpretation...
for all things
disturbed and interrupted
only serve one purpose:
the media...
   pop culture...
for if *quanta
exist in science,
then a qualis concept must
exist in the humanities...
    they are chiral, mind you...
the latter are multi-facet diamond
  take the electron,
in private it's a particle,
but in a public realm? a wave...
humans have an almost
infinite number of mirrors
within their grounding of "reality"...
you can see newton in an apple
as you can see newton in gravity,
unless of course you later see einstein
in the revisionist mirrior...
what god is the gateway "drug"
to this man in every, thing,
in mirror, reflecting?
         hardly a vanity project...
like the son of magneto that is
quicksilver isn't a demigod...
          oh qualis does exist...
well, if quantum does,
and the subjectivity / objectivity exists,
why can't it exist, to salvage,
to raise the titanic scrap-heap from
the sea-bed?
      what's so bad about subjectivity?!
tell me! enlighten me!
         i can't find a single reason to
obstruct the two "lesser" sciences
that chemistry and biology are...
in the end, physics is becomes
a fascination about flirting with flicking
stones... of bottle caps filled with play-dough
along the route of tic tac toe (misnomer) -
for the game played by girls drawing grids
with chalk on a pavement,
and imitating a one-legged dance of
bunny hop...
   still: the romance lies within chemistry,
and arrogance in biology,
  certainly the hippocrates' practice
is elevated, to a status of "theory" of biology...
i might have to rephrase that:
qualis becomes qualii or qualia -
      and given the humanistic invitation
to the concept: it's hard to ask for
a mathematical representation...
   you can't measure what you have
to experience in the realm of a "solipsistic"
     yes, only particulars:
  and only one universal: the
               ex hominem ad hominem one...
come, on!
    humanism has to begin to compete
with science! it can't just ***-lick science
and give it a theological standard of self-belief
and overriding self-interest, coupled
with an atheistic arrogance!
i can't allow that to happen...
it makes current literature stale,
       too predictable, and a very long wait
from a certain author to compose
a follow-up novel...
           i will not glorify science!
esp., given that in the anglophonic sphere:
science is master and all other "typos"
  of that entitlement, e.g. overlord, king, god.
science is too
pretentious, + too presumptuous;
mind you, i like the people making toothpaste,
and the guys making perfumes...
   the guys incubating food for an extended
longevity on the supermarket shelf...
   but when the "intellectual" arguments
come along, a sort of "group mentality"?
   atheists and these "public" science intellectuals?
for some reason: they become really
                      of course there's still
a persistent argument to respect them,
  what i've just said isn't exactly original,
it originates in the 19th century with a certain
                    i've found that only the german
philosophers have a ethno-centricity about them,
whether in the realm of critique, or applause...
all other ethnic groups seem to either
avoid this concept, or embody it with an
unconscious effort that's represented by
a large population (the chinese / the blue indians)...
   but only the germans managed
to invoke the idea of ethnicity in their thinking...
but what they're doing now is
almost a 2nd holocaust;
          ah, a return:
the qualii / qualia / quality?
   in comparison with quanta?
   let's just say it compares like so:
   the lesser known quantity of quality -
the best known particular -
  the best known unknown -
      the best known unpredictable suggestion,
the potential within the potency of a
                                 claimed impotency;
what? science became ridiculous with
    its string-theory and sub-atomic particles...
can't humanism: or the coherent use of language
have its clown moment of turning itself
into a ridiculous assertiveness, for the worth
of pomp, per se?
                    of course it can!
and it should!
                    atheists aren't exactly the best
supporters of humanism (the rite of a man
to express his inherent flaws, and manage pride
of such flaws: simultaneously) -
for humanism is just that:
   a phobic/philic affiliation with both man's flaws
and his ingenious, intuitive, ingenuity.
If God could decide either this way or that we could all slide off the counter and into the vat or reside in a paradise irrespective of all our vice.

Decisions are impossible for the incapable the permanently impotent, impossible to circumvent and if God had meant anything to his son why would he have done what he done?
His son was our one and only chance to escape from the devil and the devil of a fate that would be,
I see the importance of an important message for me,
decipher at his will and I will or will not which depends on what mankind has on man's mind, but to find out I've got to at his will or mine uncover the secrets of the secret of time.

If given a clue I could do it
but that would be cheating.
when you're beating on me permanently and the impotency strikes at me, I never fight back with you
through the mirror we see you and me in reverse, I'm beating on you and for me that's much worse,
if God could decide why doesn't he decide to smash all the glass or is that covered in the phrase, 'all thing must pass'?

These are the follies I bear
to ask here and there for a pardon,
it's ******* me
almost an impossibility and I always see
Sunday in the stars.
Jonny Peterson Nov 2014
the formation of truth.
the unforgiving grounds on which we were brew.
the crystal in the sand before the shell.
the card up your sleeve that is the ultimate "*******"
foretold beneath serpent scales, invisible while well spoke,
you unwillingly embrace your new colorful toy, your new found hell clenching every wrinkle while impotency screeches.

like it or not it is the essence of "All"

the sweet something whispered into your ear.
the sweet something of things you don't want to hear.

the things we long to forget.
the things that linger and have purpose and unknowingly embed.
the ******* creepy snail that eventually shows itself beneath the mud.
the ******* ****** that takes a lifetime and once it comes you will never forget.
irsorai Jan 2017
Here we go again...*                                   
 With this feeling; this emptiness.

I'd rather be violently shaken by screaming voices,
loud bangs and unwanted windy touches
than this impotency.

But here we go again...                          
       Waiting for the impossible.
Copyright © irsorai
31/01/2017 - 4:40am
jeffrey robin Jun 2015
( excerpted from ----


                                                              ­    Author ----- ANONYMOUS


The most basic feature of great poetry is its use of CONTRAST


For example - for something to have a certain quality

It's absence must have the severest OPPOSITE   quality

The absence of the one you love

Must be reason  for extreme hatred

Or the love seems shallow


Having  a friend must be blown up into

True eternal joy !

The absence of this feeling must be portrayed as


( and you must portray yourself as BROKEN !


as now a ******* INSANE IDIOT !

or have your work shrunken unto impotency


You must describe your love as

1000 super novas !

Exploding majestically

In the heartland of your *****

Your ***** becoming

The Vision of the universe

The appearance of god himself !

Here to illuminate the human race  !


And the PAIN !

The excrutiating  pain

In love 's absence

The life denying loneliness

The razor blades

The exalted scars !

Of body
Mind &
                                 Soul !



                                         ( contrast )


The ACCEPTED , trendy sort of poetry


The REJECTS ! - wallowing in wisdom

And compassion

( these flairs MUST be avoided )

Think only of


love / hate

Joy / pain

worthy / worthless


And you too

Will become


( like ME )
The Ragged Poet Apr 2019
I see their silhouettes
Melt far into the horizon.
Their untimely dance
Knows no bounds,
No digresses
Continuing forward
With no pauses.

The nymphs have departed
And their feet do not hurt
Nor do they ever stop.
They walk right through me
Like the season’s of a year,

Like yesterday’s trees
That are naked today
With a shivering hope
For tomorrow’s new embrace.

Shadows loom amidst silences
Drenched with fever and sweat.
Stupefying moments of unbeing
Confirm impotency’s pending threat.

The nymphs have departed,
But their laughter malingers
As it creeps through tiny holes
And then the ears of some wretched

Like me, feigning to sleep,
While a bustling pageantry on the street
Slithers across from under my feet.
It’s almost nine, now I must set my eyes to weep.
jeffrey robin Jun 2015

                   /    \


the old man -- walks his dog

No ! Wait !
                                      It's just a young boy


His one Eye is the Sun
                                   His other Eye the Moon        ( for sure )


The girl is walking cross the field                      

//       //

        An illusion ?
                      Or real ?

( some illusions are real )


Death ?

( some realities are illusions )


what really ARE our               " options "
                 here ?


do we know just WHERE we are ?


REVOLUTION is not a         SONG !

( or is it ? )

Does she cut herself just to feel ...... ( pain ? )


She slices the life from the Human Race

She slices a Scar into god 's face


The old man walks his dog

( no --- it's just a boy )


It's you or me


We can wallow in impotency


We can be what we are


There is a Power

It is ours

There is a Power

ONLY ours
JP Jan 2017
Reading fairytale
an adventure of fantasy
Magic lamp
Flying carpet
Invisible dress
Strange weapon......
Whether these are born out of
impotency of a man
to enjoy the power of the world
Without requisite skill....
JP Jul 2024
Your tears
Your fears.

Your love
Your weakness.

Your leader
Your impotency.

Your job
Your label.

Your anger
Your animal.

Your wealth
Your burden.

Your brave
Your mask

Your silence
Your let-go.

Your smile
Your rationality.

Your respect
Your revenge.

Your influences
Your phallus.

Your country
Your wall...
JP Jan 2017
a state of impotency
temporarily happen
in between our life..
Jeffrey Robin Aug 2016



we yield all true Sovereignty


See us

Creeping thru dead shadows


( still seeking praise for superficial visions of love ! )

Amid dying children

And their Unfathomable Pain !


or a


I see you there



In the anguish of your impotency

JP May 2017
some people
always urge for success,
money and fame
an awareness
Is they carrying some kind
of impotency and
uses these success to
cover up...

— The End —