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Sharina Saad Jun 2013
Heard a beeping sound
Followed by A very old Frank Sinatra’s song
My classmates’ heads turned
Who’s phone? who’s phone?
Less chaotic when the teacher glared
Everybody put their heads down
And checked their sophisticated mobile phones
Once again...
When the teacher wasn’t looking..
Mobile phones roamed in a dull classroom
Updating facebook status,
Uploading candid photos of a snoring friend
Copy pasting assignment
Text messaging and gossiping about their stern looking teacher
In the name of advanced technology
Mobile smartphones create the impossibles...
Beyond the blackboard and the four walls of the classroom
O o Frank Sinatra’s song again...
And everybody started looking...
The teacher grabbed her mobile phone
Tried to switch it off....
When students could own smartphones..
Who needs NOKIA from the old time zone....?

~ Sharina~
should have thrown my cellphone into the deep sea...
Samuel Sep 2012
And who can describe the drive
that leads teachers to teach and
dreamers to reach for their

I'm reaching, don't
stop teaching me the impossible
never taken for granted (you've got a
heart so big)

my weakness is not that which might
seem to take eleven years or longer, I
revere you and in reverence might
falter a time or two with the noblest
of intentions

and always the pictures I've shared through
words like hugs guiding me, granting
purpose and definition to each struggle
and success, leading alongside cliffs
watched out for to the end that is the
present and the start that is a future

God help me, I cannot imagine
the newness without you, let this
bumbling wordfall, this clatter of
heart assure, soothe

for I am real as the
bones of the oak, as the
glow of a fire on
timeless sand

and just as solid and
just as warm, let me
show you
And what does this one feel like?
Jade --
Stone of the side,
The antagonized

Side of green Adam, I
Smile, cross-legged,

Shifting my clarities.
So valuable!
How the sun polishes this shoulder!

And should
The moon, my
Indefatigable cousin

Rise, with her cancerous pallors,
Dragging trees --
Little bushy polyps,

Little nets,
My visibilities hide.
I gleam like a mirror.

At this facet the bridegroom arrives
Lord of the mirrors!
It is himself he guides

In among these silk
Screens, these rustling appurtenances.
I breathe, and the mouth

Veil stirs its curtain
My eye
Veil is

A concatenation of rainbows.
I am his.
Even in his

Absence, I
Revolve in my
Sheath of impossibles,

Priceless and quiet
Among these parrakeets, macaws!
O chatterers

Attendants of the eyelash!
I shall unloose
One feather, like the peacock.

Attendants of the lip!
I shall unloose
One note

The chandelier
Of air that all day flies

Its crystals
A million ignorants.

And at his next step
I shall unloose

I shall unloose --
From the small jeweled
Doll he guards like a heart --

The lioness,
The shriek in the bath,
The cloak of holes.
solenn fresnay Nov 2012
A six heures trente- neuf ce matin le grand sourire et un peu trop de blush sur la joue gauche
J'ai senti qu'entre nous deux un léger décalage dans les pratiques professionnelles il y avait
Je n'ai pas su déterminer quel nombre exact de cuillères à café je devais mettre pour l'équivalent d'une cafetière pleine
J'en ai mis six
Il n'en fallait que deux
A midi moins deux minutes nous n'avions toujours pas fini nos toilettes
Il ne restait plus une goutte d'eau, juste des amas de mousse anti-cancer qui s'entassaient là à même le sol, noyés par des milliards de fourmis portant sur leurs dos trop courts des litres de caillots de sang
Le pire c'est le cancer de la vessie, on dirait de la porcelaine, j'osais à peine vous toucher, vous m'excusez?
En attendant le prochain voyage pour la planète cancer j'ai tartiné mon pain de confiture de groseilles, ou était-ce de la prune ?
Peu importe, je ne me sentais pas très bien et je voulais boire le sang de ma propre mère en prenant soin de m'étouffer avec ses quelques caillots restants, en hommage à ses quelques non-dits d'une vie plus que passée et depuis longtemps oubliée
Comme dans la cour d'école, vous ne m'avez pas choisi et j'ai senti que mes jambes me lâchaient
J'ai dit "encombré", vous m'avez corrigée et ouvrez les guillemets, je cite: "Pas encombré, mais dyspnéique, cela s'appelle de la dyspnée"
Je me suis appuyée contre le mur, vous ai simplement souri et tout n'allait pas trop bien avec mon blush en surdosage
Les mots étaient là coincés au travers de ma glotte, impossibles à sortir, je ne vous trouvais plus, vous ai simplement servi un café dans une petite tasse en ayant au préalable pensé y cracher toute ma morve dedans
Putain, j'ai rien pu dire du tout jusqu'au yaourt aux fruits rouges
Mes seules paroles formulées ne furent pas prises au sérieux et mon salaire ne fut plus qu’une avalanche de vers de terre en pente descendante
Comme un tel visage dépoussiéré et quelques centimètres d'un seul poumon à la surface de vos quatre-vingt trois printemps
Mais que nous reste-t-il donc à vivre ?
La tumeur est là bien visible et vous empêche de parler, presque, de respirer
Vous perdez la tête
Nous perdons la tête
Mais qu'avez-vous donc fait pour mériter telle souffrance?
Chaque nuit le même rêve d'un père que je tue de mes propres mains bouffées par la vermine
De là je l'entends geindre et ses draps sont tachés de sang mais je continue de courir
Je cours encore
Je cours toujours
Je ne sais faire que ça, courir
Je vais m'évanouir
Bon Dieu que je déteste les gens.

Mes cheveux me démangeaient alors dès la sortie des classes je suis allée m'acheter de la compote à la cerise et sur le chemin du retour mes cheveux continuaient à me démanger je les ai donc déposés bien délicatement au fond du caniveau de la rue Edgar Quinet
Je suis nulle, je suis nouille et je travaille à Convention
Et à Convention, vous faites quoi?
Dans le théâtre, je travaille dans le théâtre
Il s'appelle Boris et en fait c'est pas ça du tout
Il n'y avait pas de chauffage chez moi et la femme n'était pas enceinte
Je n'ai jamais rien compris au fonctionnement propre d'un miroir et j'ai mes derniers textes qui attendent d'être classés ainsi que la syntaxe à rafraîchir
Appelez-moi comme vous voulez et arrachez moi toutes mes dents, peu m’importe
J'ai le poste de télévision qui dérive sur la droite
Laissez-moi finir mon chapitre et surtout ne dites à personne ce que je vous ai dit
Oubliez l’écrivaine qui écrit comme elle respire
Je ne fais que torcher des culs comme on emballe des endives, le monde tourne à l'envers, le bateau coule, c'est la crise, non l'escroquerie pardon, te souviens-tu du jour où tu as rêvé...
Prendre un paquebot à l'amiante et t'envoler pour la planète Néant
N'oubliez jamais que peut-être demain matin de votre lit vous ne pourrez plus parler car durant une nuit sans fin votre tête rongée par la culpabilité aura été tranchée
Je sens je pisse encore du sang et ma vie n'est plus qu'un cargo à la dérive
Baissez donc le rideau et laissez-moi, vous m'avez assez emmerdé pour aujourd'hui.


Je l'ai vraiment tué ?


Je ne sais plus
Alors j'ai avalé les derniers débris de glace
Il respirait encore quand je suis partie
J'ai chié dans mon jean troué aux deux genoux et j'ai simplement continué de courir.
Dez Mar 2020
Over coffee I saw the world
Over coffee I saw troubles
Over coffee I saw secrets unfurled
Over coffee I saw the impossibles

Over coffee the day broke
Over coffee the day did pass
Over coffee the day moved the slowpoke
Over coffee the day was forecast

Over coffee one can think
Over coffee one can work
Over coffee one can drink
Over coffee one can make artwork

Over coffee I made love
Over coffee I made a kiss
Over coffee I made a paper dove
Over coffee I made this
So many things to do
And no better way to do them
Then with a cup of coffee in your hand
Emma Mar 2014
Who would have thought,
of impossible things?
have there not been the possible things?
and those who are impossible
well they're obviously possible
so why do we say it's impossible?

we are told breathing water is impossible,
but fish show it's possible
And people say others are impossible
well tell their parents that
because I'mpossible
so in this world of the possible impossible
we must decide if we are possible
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2024
Killing Mary Poppins
with a spoonful of sugar,
the sugar from the medicine
on the other side of town,
the town called Silent Hedges
And A Bit Of Fluff.

Only a display model,
her name is Marmalade;
skin white like the moon,
she wears her ****** stranger dress;
one of her sisters is dying,
the other never lived;
God is a far off concept,
the fuchsia colored ball on
an overhead power grid
points her way to salvation.

Morning became something else:
bright decline,
cold things start to burn,
tragic saxophone
among the beckoning,
everything's a symptom:
tax exiles, imperialists,
girls talking nitrous
--mouths full of soil,
Virginia Reel around the fountain
ready to buy up impossibles
as the dominoes fall.

Memory is a chemical
to the girl who cried champagne,
like ceiling stars
during the prodigal summer,
she played the game
on all fours,
and found a drawer
full of quarantine polaroids,
some with blood in her mouth,
others, of rain on her birthday.

Marry, and love thy Flavia, for she
Hath all things whereby others beautious be,
For, though her eyes be small, her mouth is great,
Though they be ivory, yet her teeth be jet,
Though they be dim, yet she is light enough,
And though her harsh hair fall, her skin is rough;
What though her cheeks be yellow, her hair’s red;
Give her thine, and she hath a maidenhead.
These things are beauty’s elements, where these
Meet in one, that one must, as perfect, please.
If red and white and each good quality
Be in thy *****, ne’er ask where it doth lie.
In buying things perfumed, we ask if there
Be musk and amber in it, but not where.
Though all her parts be not in th’ usual place,
She hath yet an anagram of a good face.
If we might put the letters but one way,
In the lean dearth of words, what could we say?
When by the Gamut some Musicians make
A perfect song, others will undertake,
By the same Gamut changed, to equal it.
Things simply good can never be unfit.
She’s fair as any, if all be like her,
And if none be, then she is singular.
All love is wonder; if we justly do
Account her wonderful, why not lovely too?
Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies;
Choose this face, changed by no deformities.
Women are all like angels; the fair be
Like those which fell to worse; but such as thee,
Like to good angels, nothing can impair:
’Tis less grief to be foul than t’ have been fair.
For one night’s revels, silk and gold we choose,
But, in long journeys, cloth and leather use.
Beauty is barren oft; best husbands say,
There is best land where there is foulest way.
Oh what a sovereign plaster will she be,
If thy past sins have taught thee jealousy!
Here needs no spies, nor eunuchs; her commit
Safe to thy foes; yea, to a Marmosit.
When Belgia’s cities the round countries drown,
That ***** foulness guards, and arms the town:
So doth her face guard her; and so, for thee,
Which, forced by business, absent oft must be,
She, whose face, like clouds, turns the day to night;
Who, mightier than the sea, makes Moors seem white;
Who, though seven years she in the stews had laid,
A Nunnery durst receive, and think a maid;
And though in childbed’s labour she did lie,
Midwives would swear ’twere but a tympany;
Whom, if she accuse herself, I credit less
Than witches, which impossibles confess;
Whom dildoes, bedstaves, and her velvet glass
Would be as loath to touch as Joseph was:
One like none, and liked of none, fittest were,
For, things in fashion every man will wear.
Sharina Saad Jul 2013
When I think of the impossibles only
Options of Possibilities are there
Only waiting for me to see
Only wanting me to gather my strength
and courage...
Only seeking me to think deeper.. wiser...
to make the impossibles possibles...
The question is...
Do I dare to take the risk? going the extra mild?
These questions keep bugging my head
Found out!
My biggest obstacle is myself...
Sharina Saad Jan 2015
Love makes me cry
a thousand times or more
But true love
does crazy things
like loving someone
for a thousand years or more
even though ...
one could only live
up to 50........

Love makes me cry
Living in ruins
Eternity in dreams
Making impossibles possible
How could it be?
Sofia Von Oct 2014
Evangelical butterflies
purchase time to fly
their minds curve ball at the human race
for petty ideals lame of path,
save disaster

Drugs mellow and hype the sky; old burnout dun aged
and with feverous tremors flickers its scopic windpipe and dares
its arteries to burst
Some of us
Don't turn back to look the other way

Past's gravity propels off beat feet
rooted in the grit of grief and mich-matched silks
spewing dislodged disco *****
All at once
manic with aphrodisiacal aspirations you now know
another chance to take along the way
Pic-pockited, you gain no tangible trophy
But a gambled heart wins the lottery...
and a side of salted pain

Admiral protagonists seize the remote and chase
the impossibles to the frayed frames of the earth
Worth your while
are the delinquencies,
on the rocks arguments,
and perhaps a billion setting suns to share with your son's
untainted pool of innocence
To what end
Would you call a failure?
Kinda ******... but it was fun to write!
kenye Jun 2013
The wise words taken for granted
The writing on the walls of the establishment. 

Just when we want to burn it all down
Just when we realize how small we are

The sky opens up
My third eye's opening
Channeling the guardian angel
In the little black dress

A silver sliver 
among the dazzling dynamo of night
waning away illumination
before the dark moon of my mind

I hear her voice resonating whispers
On the astral plane of miscarried ghosts
I'm humming along


To help build me out of the cavities
Behind the teeth
I'm faking a smile in front of

Trying to climb without the rope
Out of the prison pit of existence

To salvage the creations
I snuffed out
Before the light became them
Abortions of ideas
Survived by hope and curiosity

Where will this take me now?
I feel a hand grab mine

Her wisdom crawls up my spine
Setting my mind on fire
I am the new illumination

Reality in focus
Turning my impossibles
Into I'mpossibilities
This is the final phase of the triple Goddess series based on Robert Grave's The White Goddess. Check out ")" "O"
DAVID Aug 2016
silence the everlasting
fire, and the thirst of
your skin,  well satisfed.

never doubtfull,  your eyes
shine of placer, desire, and
complete satisfaction.

humdty in my pelvis, the
silky and sour shine, in the
lap of this gratefull  and loved

and for a minute,
just in that moment, im
complete, serene, loved, wanted,
a full beast, serened and thankfull

the sorrow, the pain, and fouling acts,
and the brutal theft, are just bumps,
overcomed, erased with the humidity
of your ***.

doubtfull is the one, that  
has not loved, her lie is a heavy
cross, dark, fatal, deadly, her soul
will never love beneath the divine

in return, your eyes, truth,
love and venture, loving an
impossible, but loving even so,
stertores of your  loved and
kissed ******.

penetrated, softly and ferouciously,
are the echo of the fire, crashing the
sea, making life, steam, watering the
earth, generating the trofhic cicle,
of life, fire and water, steam of life,
passion between two beasts,
beautiful and loved.

your honney and your
desire, WILD, intense,
evergreene,  are vitals,
for a beast of montecristo,

that just drags, harm and pain,
of betrayal, every cut, every  scratch,
every stabing, made of me, the strong man
that y am.

unbreakcable, and living, loving impossibles
destroying the lies, ending the weakness
of  layars, full of hate,  and envy,
for losing  that, holding our

after that, and for their weakness
montecristo is the winner, a beast
with a heart, learning to love, the possible
and the impossible, to dissapear in the other,
rapped in her ligth, and her beauty,

the evil and weak of the mondego girls,
only speed up, their catastrophy,
y stand alone before their mistakes, and their
lies and anathems, turn against them,
truth clean the waters, and the fire make the
steam, that generates life, makng a full cicle.

so, threw desire, and mutual passion,
impossible happens, in the name of life,
and love, the desire quimera, could never erase
the time we touch, dispise the difference
full and wild.

generating steam, making life,
roaring, *******, groaning, and
in my mind and in yours, the same
desire, the overwelming truth, our truth,
and the incompresible lie, vain, the
echoes of the false, and ther infectious lies,
corrupting wath was always life.

the false notion of love, and their
acomplisses, with her conning, and the
not aceptacion, vain or insane,
dark, crazy and
this one's for the ladies. is not the engine is the choices, just that and aceptation , ] all mi love for the ones with aceptation and a clean heart.[
Delaney Marie Oct 2013
That’s how long I will love you.
365 times 365 times 365,
the years fly with you.
Longing for the thoughts I have when I lie with you.
Thoughts of all the possibilities while the impossibles
are turned upside-down just from the way you look at me.
Stare into my eyes as I invade your soul.
Bodies become singular while on the quest for more.
more passion, more pleasure, more laughs, more of what’s next.
I promise to be worth all the time you invest.
Worth the past, worth the stress, worth all of the problems not addressed.
Such a beautiful promise,
absolute perfection to say, then I woke up
and realized our forever ended yesterday.
Kem-Ann Sep 2017
One day our stars will collide
Hearts will combine
Souls will soon intertwine

I'll be the reason why you no longer hold back
and you'll be to mine

You'll have me as your match,
will give you eyes that shine

I'd be the moon,
illuminates you every single night

You'd be the home,
considers to have in every sight

I'd be the only voice you want to hear
the only soul you don't want to share

You'll be the why behind these happy eyes
I'll be the answer why you no longer hear the word goodbye

Our hearts will soon meet
Destiny will give us time to greet

Your passion will hug mine
the way our heart beats in rhyme

Someday these two different worlds
will soon be one
So please be patient if both souls have not yet
been seen together around

Like how fate tells us to believe in impossibles
do allow yourself for I'll allow mine, too

but as for now, let's continue giving every piece of our hearts
and let time crossed each of our paths

-kem ann
One day, Someday, time will come, we both find each others arms
Harmony Jan 2017
written November 27th, 2016

"Minds wandering across laterals


Intangible thoughts of processes

I am overwhelmed

I can't think of these impossibles, imaginable

And I gotta say

I feel pretty ******

Creativity crosses my mind as minds shout their processes

Time is running out

We must act smart

We must act fast"
sayona Jan 2014
i didn't know the true definition of writing
or that i happened to be good at it
until about 693 days ago
when my teacher asked us
to write an essay
on what we knew about best
and the only words that i could create
from my trembling fingertips
was words of torment
and aching endeavors
i didn't know that i liked poetry
until about 462 days ago
when i found an old book
lying in the corner of my friend's room
and picked it up and started reading it
                Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,

                  Listen to the DON’TS

                  Listen to the SHOULDN’TS

                  The IMPOSSIBLES, the WON’TS

                   Listen to the NEVER HAVES

                   Then listen close to me—

                    Anything can happen, child,

                    ANYTHING can be

i didn't know that poetry was my outlet
until about 498 days ago
when you slipped in between
the spaces of my fingers like water
and no longer looked at me
like you craved my presence
and ached for my lips
i didn't know that i was in love with poetry
until it held me in its hands
and grieved along side me
when no one else would
is this okay? i fell like it's not..
the italics is a poem by Shel Silverstein. ♥
Simpleton Feb 2015
Helplessly prostrated
A head hung in defeat
Heart filled with unspoken requests
Like taboos too scared to be let out into the open
Lest one expects too much
Wishes and desires
Dreams and miracles
All the impossibles
And more than I could deserve
Oh Lord
This life longs to go home
Slowly and painfully weaved destiny
With ditches that were filled in
Bit by bit
Your remembrance like a soft breeze
Caressing soothing
Floating distressed dishevelled
Disappointments away
And really now I see
I believe
In reasons and purpose
And the best You wanted for me
I feel the mercy of thick skin
No more sensitive cry myself to sleep
No shocks or hidden surprises
I've been at my lowest
Now nothing fazes me
Patiently slowly
I feel a drizzle
The rain of light
And I feel myself float towards You
Drown me in Your mercy
Set aflame the desire to seek Your approval
Your Love is an empty kind of full
Everything slips through these fingers like soft silky grains of sand
But I know the desert is mine
And this world offers a life of craving to feel full
But empty is all we really get
I am a free slave of my own submission
Srujani Sep 2022
Looks silly but
it's like the posts and videos
we like on social media.

we think once we pass through it,
it goes away
but only few are aware of the fact
that all the liked stuff are stored in a place.

we were just the same.
though we like and left,
we always had
a tender memories of each other.

where if we wanted,
we can always go back
just start from the "end"
and go through each other's
changes eventually too.

it almost feel impossible to the world
and they say their words.
But again nobody but us know
how they are nothing more than just words.
because only we know
how many impossibles we broke.

we are always
one step away from each other,
looking for anyone's world
to collapse
so that it makes us
completely enter into another.

But at this point of time
I'm afraid that
we will get needy
and destroy it ourselves
to make an excuse

just to say
"I'm enchanted to be with you."
Gorba May 2023
I don’t know most things
Having been infected by a virus called ignorance
From the very moment I came into existence
Wreaking havoc on my direct surroundings
Borrowing the names of family, friends, acquaintances
Fellow contenders for defeating the exact same disease

Too often transitory symptoms manifest themselves
Reminding me I’m not cured, and probably never will be
Despite these books accumulating on those familiar shelves
Obvious solution to our shared tragedy
Namely, being aware of our known unknowns
And unbothered by the gaping hole formed by our unknown unknowns
Sparing our master contraption practicing under the alias “black box”
From debilitating pains, the need for detox

Depicting a situation that appears as gloomy
I realize there are still reasons to be happy
One is that my evident individual ignorance
Actually, vanishes into our collective knowledge
That modestly admitting my shortcomings acts as penance
Granting me what could be considered as a privilege

As I, as we, may and should always learn
Allowing our innate curiosity to indefinitely churn
Helping us endlessly push the bounds of technology
Making ancient dreams a reality
Past miracles a present triviality
Former impossibles a current maybe.
Shemika C Apr 2014
Let me take you to a place no one has ever gone before.
  A place where I escape in my own fantasies...
  Let's take this ride and drift off to where the imaginary impossibles become a reality of possibilities...
  Tell me your fantasies...

-Shemika C.
À Stéphane Mallarmé

Il parle italien avec un accent russe.

Il dit : « Chère, il serait précieux que je fusse

Riche, et seul, tout demain et tout après-demain.

Mais riche à paver d'or monnayé le chemin

De l'Enfer, et si seul qu'il vous va falloir prendre

Sur vous de m'oublier jusqu'à ne plus entendre

Parler de moi sans vous dire de bonne foi :

Qu'est-ce que ce monsieur Félice ? Il vend de quoi ? »

Cela s'adresse à la plus blanche des comtesses.

Hélas ! toute grandeurs, toutes délicatesses,

Cœur d'or, comme l'on dit, âme de diamant,

Riche, belle, un mari magnifique et charmant

Qui lui réalisait toute chose rêvée,

Adorée, adorable, une Heureuse, la Fée,

La Reine, aussi la Sainte, elle était tout cela,

Elle avait tout cela.

Cet homme vint, vola

Son cœur, son âme, en fit sa maîtresse et sa chose

Et ce que la voilà dans ce doux peignoir rose

Avec ses cheveux d'or épars comme du feu,

Assise, et ses grands yeux d'azur tristes un peu.

Ce fut une banale et terrible aventure

Elle quitta de nuit l'hôtel. Une voiture

Attendait. Lui dedans. Ils restèrent six mois

Sans que personne sût où ni comment. Parfois

On les disait partis à toujours. Le scandale

Fut affreux. Cette allure était par trop brutale

Aussi pour que le monde ainsi mis au défi

N'eût pas frémi d'une ire énorme et poursuivi

De ses langues les plus agiles l'insensée.

Elle, que lui faisait ? Toute à cette pensée,

Lui, rien que lui, longtemps avant qu'elle s'enfuît,

Ayant réalisé son avoir (sept ou huit

Millions en billets de mille qu'on liasse

Ne pèsent pas beaucoup et tiennent peu de place.)

Elle avait tassé tout dans un coffret mignon

Et le jour du départ, lorsque son compagnon

Dont du rhum bu de trop rendait la voix plus tendre

L'interrogea sur ce colis qu'il voyait pendre

À son bras qui se lasse, elle répondit : « Ça

C'est notre bourse. »

Ô tout ce qui se dépensa !

Il n'avait rien que sa beauté problématique

(D'autant pire) et que cet esprit dont il se pique

Et dont nous parlerons, comme de sa beauté,

Quand il faudra... Mais quel bourreau d'argent ! Prêté,

Gagné, volé ! Car il volait à sa manière,

Excessive, partant respectable en dernière

Analyse, et d'ailleurs respectée, et c'était

Prodigieux la vie énorme qu'il menait

Quand au bout de six mois ils revinrent.

Le coffre

Aux millions (dont plus que quatre) est là qui s'offre

À sa main. Et pourtant cette fois - une fois

N'est pas coutume - il a gargarisé sa voix

Et remplacé son geste ordinaire de prendre

Sans demander, par ce que nous venons d'entendre.

Elle s'étonne avec douceur et dit : « Prends tout

Si tu veux. »

Il prend tout et sort.

Un mauvais goût

Qui n'avait de pareil que sa désinvolture

Semblait pétrir le fond même de sa nature,

Et dans ses moindres mots, dans ses moindres clins d'yeux,

Faisait luire et vibrer comme un charme odieux.

Ses cheveux noirs étaient trop bouclés pour un homme,

Ses yeux très grands, tout verts, luisaient comme à Sodome.

Dans sa voix claire et lente un serpent s'avançait,

Et sa tenue était de celles que l'on sait :

Du vernis, du velours, trop de linge, et des bagues.

D'antécédents, il en avait de vraiment vagues

Ou pour mieux dire, pas. Il parut un beau soir,

L'autre hiver, à Paris, sans qu'aucun pût savoir

D'où venait ce petit monsieur, fort bien du reste

Dans son genre et dans son outrecuidance leste.

Il fit rage, eut des duels célèbres et causa

Des morts de femmes par amour dont on causa.

Comment il vint à bout de la chère comtesse,

Par quel philtre ce gnome insuffisant qui laisse

Une odeur de cheval et de femme après lui

A-t-il fait d'elle cette fille d'aujourd'hui ?

Ah, ça, c'est le secret perpétuel que berce

Le sang des dames dans son plus joli commerce,

À moins que ce ne soit celui du Diable aussi.

Toujours est-il que quand le tour eut réussi

Ce fut du propre !

Absent souvent trois jours sur quatre,

Il rentrait ivre, assez lâche et vil pour la battre,

Et quand il voulait bien rester près d'elle un peu,

Il la martyrisait, en manière de jeu,

Par l'étalage de doctrines impossibles.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Mia, je ne suis pas d'entre les irascibles,

Je suis le doux par excellence, mais, tenez,

Ça m'exaspère, et je le dis à votre nez,

Quand je vous vois l'œil blanc et la lèvre pincée,

Avec je ne sais quoi d'étroit dans la pensée

Parce que je reviens un peu soûl quelquefois.

Vraiment, en seriez-vous à croire que je bois

Pour boire, pour licher, comme vous autres chattes,

Avec vos vins sucrés dans vos verres à pattes

Et que l'Ivrogne est une forme du Gourmand ?

Alors l'instinct qui vous dit ça ment plaisamment

Et d'y prêter l'oreille un instant, quel dommage !

Dites, dans un bon Dieu de bois est-ce l'image

Que vous voyez et vers qui vos vœux vont monter ?

L'Eucharistie est-elle un pain à cacheter

Pur et simple, et l'amant d'une femme, si j'ose

Parler ainsi consiste-t-il en cette chose

Unique d'un monsieur qui n'est pas son mari

Et se voit de ce chef tout spécial chéri ?

Ah, si je bois c'est pour me soûler, non pour boire.

Être soûl, vous ne savez pas quelle victoire

C'est qu'on remporte sur la vie, et quel don c'est !

On oublie, on revoit, on ignore et l'on sait ;

C'est des mystères pleins d'aperçus, c'est du rêve

Qui n'a jamais eu de naissance et ne s'achève

Pas, et ne se meut pas dans l'essence d'ici ;

C'est une espèce d'autre vie en raccourci,

Un espoir actuel, un regret qui « rapplique »,

Que sais-je encore ? Et quant à la rumeur publique,

Au préjugé qui hue un homme dans ce cas,

C'est hideux, parce que bête, et je ne plains pas

Ceux ou celles qu'il bat à travers son extase,

Ô que nenni !

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

« Voyons, l'amour, c'est une phrase

Sous un mot, - avouez, un écoute-s'il-pleut,

Un calembour dont un chacun prend ce qu'il veut,

Un peu de plaisir fin, beaucoup de grosse joie

Selon le plus ou moins de moyens qu'il emploie,

Ou pour mieux dire, au gré de son tempérament,

Mais, entre nous, le temps qu'on y perd ! Et comment !

Vrai, c'est honteux que des personnes sérieuses

Comme nous deux, avec ces vertus précieuses

Que nous avons, du cœur, de l'esprit, - de l'argent,

Dans un siècle que l'on peut dire intelligent

Aillent !... »

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Ainsi de suite, et sa fade ironie

N'épargnait rien de rien dans sa blague infinie.

Elle écoutait le tout avec les yeux baissés

Des cœurs aimants à qui tous torts sont effacés,

Hélas !

L'après-demain et le demain se passent.

Il rentre et dit : « Altro ! Que voulez-vous que fassent

Quatre pauvres petits millions contre un sort ?

Ruinés, ruinés, je vous dis ! C'est la mort

Dans l'âme que je vous le dis. »

Elle frissonne

Un peu, mais sait que c'est arrivé.

- « Ça, personne,

« Même vous, diletta, ne me croit assez sot

Pour demeurer ici dedans le temps d'un saut

De puce. »

Elle pâlit très fort et frémit presque,

Et dit : « Va, je sais tout. » - « Alors c'est trop grotesque

Et vous jouez là sans atouts avec le feu.

- « Qui dit non ? » - « Mais je suis spécial à ce jeu. »

- « Mais si je veux, exclame-t-elle, être damnée ? »

- « C'est différent, arrange ainsi ta destinée,

« Moi, je sors. » « Avec moi ! » - « Je ne puis aujourd'hui. »

Il a disparu sans autre trace de lui

Qu'une odeur de soufre et qu'un aigre éclat de rire.

Elle tire un petit couteau.

Le temps de luire

Et la lame est entrée à deux lignes du cœur.

Le temps de dire, en renfonçant l'acier vainqueur :

« À toi, je t'aime ! » et la justice la recense.

Elle ne savait pas que l'Enfer c'est l'absence.
cosmic nova Aug 2015
Listen to the mustn'ts child
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the shouldn'ts
the impossibles,the won'ts
Listen to the never haves
Then listen close to me
Anything can happen child
Anything can be

-*shel silverstein
this isn't mine just kinda inspirational
Skaidrum Nov 2019
⁠—March 24th, 2019:

I told my happiness that I wanted it home at 11pm tonight;
it stumbled in at 3am drunk;
except it wasn't happiness at all actually,
it was anxiety that ****** grief one too many times
it was the ugly truth staring me in the face
daring me to change.

I've cried over one too many skeletons in my closet
in between the winter sweaters and lingere
I can't decide what to do with myself half the time.

I have this gaping hole in my chest
and I've been trying to fill it with alcohol
like my father does
still does
will continue to do
except it isn't working so why are both of us trying.
solutions are like old dogs
you can't teach new tricks

and it's finally spring time and the rain
has dealt poker faces and smeared makeup tears
and I just want the blackjack joke to end
when will the tsunamis be here

and yet now for the first time in a long time I know what it's like
dealing with losing somebody that you haven't really lost
just he's having fun somewhere else
without you
and you aren't.
a tough pill to swallow
more like a harder bullet to bite

there's too much
too much too much too much
sickness bubbling inside of me and every word
that attempts to comfort me.

maybe I'm not drunk texting anyone
but maybe just ******* maybe
I'm drunk writing because honestly?
the wordsmith within has died and come back to life
and it's out of practice but not out of mind and I
haven't come to terms with that yet.

I have laid in bed all day and now I will lay in bed all night
wondering which is the best way to silence the swarm of bees that constantly produce chaos like honey in my pretty little head cause;
nothing makes sense like it used to
like it used to

asking for help these days feels like a punishment because
I have this undying thirst for constant attention or validation and
it's worse than cancer
the symptoms are raging
the doctors don't know what cure could fit into these veins
and nurses can't stomach the dark and ugly memories beneath my skin
only once centimeter down.

"to be, or not to be"
is such a silly thought strung up with fictional mourning
but somehow we make them flesh because Shakespeare seemed to get it,
he seemed to be able to wrap his head around all of the nonsense and translate it into a language we could comprehend
how does one do that
take the impossibles and make them

cause one day the earth is going to hear me
roar, whisper,
electrecute the heavens---
I will speak for the masses
and I will speak for myself.

And this world,
will rest in perfectly in my palm
like eggs in a nest
that the universe set an alarm for.

⁠—an ode to my loneliness on a silver platter,
and all the wounds beneath.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Tulip Chowdhury Jul 2016
why disappoint me?
I don't know why
dear Dreams,
in day or night
you're hopeless, impossible,
at times insane too,
don't play cruel jokes
do you?
I wonder though
if that is because,
possibles are impossibles
in my real life,
so you adjusted
in coming with dreams
of impossible things?
Butch Decatoria Mar 2017
There a strangeness in witnessing
The orient comely tours these western shores
The America of purple majesty's fruitful plains
Odd to watch them spill across the cities
Snapping pictures of our structures
(Chit chat Ching a ling-ling judgingly)
A secret in their tongues' tintinabulations,
Snapshot instagrams snapchat "*******!"
Get a load of that!
Even through the concrete
Between the unforgiving stone
American Daisies grow

The country of Impossibles...
(Perhaps that's why they take so many photos,
It all seems unreal, or maybe
Each is a puzzle piece
To gather Intel of what will not stay...)
Guess it's up to you and time to tell
It can go either way,
Still, it's strange to witness
All such business -- tourists here
Srishti Bajoria Oct 2017
Unceasing and tireless, the mind whirrs
Amidst the present, adrift in deliberation

Engulfed, in the abyss of the surreal
Devouring in it’s void, the vestiges of the real

Conjuring up impossibles, it satiates it’s desires
A rye of gratification, even merely in illusion

And sometimes else, it drowns in fears
Of unfounded origins, and willful conclusions

And sometimes other, it weaves the yarn
Of the unfamiliar strands of the yet to come

As turbulent as the gusts of the northern peaks
As fickle as a feather in a wind that blows

Lost in a labyrinth of what distracts and detours
Astray in the momentary, temporizing what counts

I remain, in ponder, and in ire and in irk
Alas, a slave, to this whimsical lord
you vowed winning impossibles in spite of  thinking  you stuck in unimportants!
you vowed winning impossibles in spite of  thinking  you stuck in unimportants!
The more impossibles I carry
No matter how much or long
Romance is the saviour!
I want to write about the way the stars swallowed with matter the emptiness
and how the moons began to orbit the planets and how the planets became
silent floating dreamers
witnessing a red giant’s combustion
the ardent way a life burns bright in the midst of such a universe as our
all inevitably traveling towards extinguishment

It is today I want to write about all the possible impossibles that brought me here
I sitting on an orbiting rock
my chest rising and falling with bones just below flesh and arteries pumping rivers of red blood through me
Safana Jun 2020
Did you see how

Plants give birth a baby ones
Creatural asexually multiplied
Sea elephant fly in the water
Monkeys dive into oceans
Mountains and rocks spoken
Oceans and seas crying
Sky broken into tears
Stars glimpsed at moon
Impossibles making possibles
Did you see

— The End —