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P for Poems Jun 2015
it's been 2 months,
you never called me once,
i wondered where you were bro,
I missed you so much though,
tbh I thought you left me for good,
and joined them in the hood.
But I was happy when I returned
and the thoughts in my mind began to burn,
You came back to me again,
once again you were my freind.
sorry should I say bro
im glad you didn't let go.
andy fardell Apr 2016
How could I not smile
For the sun shone
Leaving raptuous heat upon my spine
Blinding dazzles fell upon my yellowing eyes
Inside me only darkness lives

It bleeds it's coldness into my thought's
Washes it's bleakened wishes over my mind

My old freind had returned
The letter was a warm invitation  and a perfect getaway I needed to lay low after are  brief rise to cult status i had partaken of the
rewards of semi obscurity and had a few angry fathers searching for me.

The big apple it called to me like a stripper apon a pole demanding thats all you got is ones you cheap *******?
My true sidkick  like robin to batman just less gay and good looking.

Met me at the station  Amigo how the hell are you now were's the bar?
Drinks on you right?
Cause when your a semi celeb slash rockstar of hello why the **** should i pay.
Why should women be the only ones to walk into a bar with three dollars  in there purse and get rip roaring drunk.
Besides if i was a chick id be a **** *****.

The stage was set the bar was filled with strange sounding people
all asking my well know  brother in madness who tha  ***** this *******.
****** good man im not just any ******* im Gonzo.

Beer on another mans tab always tasted better   just remember ******
im not putting out   well unless  you ask me niceley  or pay  me
like that rich old lady used to who  also was missing her leg.

yes what memeories id slip her a mickey  rearrange her  clothes and after she woke  up tell her what a wild night we had yes i know
true romance.


We began are quest like any other  seeing how much ***** we could
hold  till  normal people began to make sense.
I work everyday busting my freakin ***  still it aint enough Gonz.
The angry little italian man who's wallet i had borrowed said beside me.
Hey a girls gotta eat.
Dear lord man you mean you actully have to go back everyday hey is this a gold card   your worse than my wife freakin ***.
Sir you are a charmer  what angry little people  lived here.

Bill lets hit the ******* im in need of culture  and some naked women amigo  come on im  drinks are on Vinny who gives a ****.

After bill  dipped into his life savings to pay the tab we hopped
a cab headed for Manhattan  to the place  of great myths and wonder
it called to great men from arond the world to bask in its beauty.

No not the statue of the giggantic woman  with a torch although i wondred  as i stood below her ****** why cant she be wearing a mini skirt.
You gotta love a big girl  she was such a tease.

No as i stood  tears meeting my bloodshot eyes
befor the mecca  the big apple and the home  of legends and playground to the *****.

Hey get the **** outta the street *******.
It"s Gonzo  man ****** how many times do i need to repeat myself.
Scores a ******* to the rich  a fools paradise **** Disneyland.
Ive been on spacemountian most my life anyways.

As through the doors we were met by a scene of true
art much like the Mona Lisa  if she were a stripper named candice cane  in red high heels hanging from a stripper  pole.

the drinks flowed  the lap dances were well you get the point.
I realized my two drink minimum freind was a little how should i say it poetically.
******* wasted.

As he tried  to give a stripper named honey a lap dance  
never mind him ladies he's my  ******* brother.
In a plan of true drunken genius i explained he was sick and
his last wish was for his older brother to hookup with
some   hot  strippers to have  ahh  some  after hours activities  
Who's ***** bingo.
how i love  bango I mean bingo.

Tears welled up in there eyes  thank god they didnt question why my little brother was 58.
Hey there strippers  and if they  were all going to college  then
this would be a ******* library  not a high  dollar  titie bar.

Librarians with there hair up short tight skirts and glasses
i swear you get busted for  having a little alone time on a public
computer   in that over rated book store for a second time and everyone  flips ****.
Society is so judgemental  but that's another story  
and court case   away.

The plastic fake boobie women had fallin for it.
So like drunken ninjas in a fog of  dellusion and wild turkey we made are last exit to brooklyn.
Hey  Gonz why do these chicks keep asking how much longer do i have.
Smacking my friend swiftly in the head had drawn the attention
of the strippers away from counting there tips and comparing there fake breast.

He's got brain dammage sometimes you have to hit em in the  
head to get him unstuck  ****** just look at the poor *******
he thinks he's not sick  oh dam life i need a cuddle girls.
Bill hold the camera.

We hit my friend's apartment like tourist slipping across the boarder grabing and  consuming great amounts of ***** and some sort of white powder  must have been for allergies.

Like squirrels  on acid  running down the interstate we were  
half nuts by the time that big orange ball thats causes me to wear sunglases did appear.

The ladies who names i cant recall  but honestly who gives a ****.
were passed out in bed Bill  in the fish tank  
calling himself captian nimmo  at this point led me to belive just maybe he had  a little  to much  but theres  many pitfalls on the road to Gonzo pacman.

Few men had the liver  or insanity of your's truely.
so after i talked my  tripping amigo off the frige.
Reassuring him its okay   amigo   thats what women look like naked.

I assure you  just cause they broke theres off doesnt mean they'll do the same to yours.
****** son why have a computer if not to look at **** and read long rants by insane people who call themself Gonzo?

After are long disscussion   about good touch bad touch and happy endings  we were off  again.

                                                 Ground Zero

                                        Silence And Respect

Standing there there was a shared  moment.
And a pain any soul could feel.
It wasnt about race or religion  it was about people
we all lost that day.
John Patrick Robbins stood beside a brother without a word
said as it spoke a million feeling's to the soul.

                           No one ever truley leaves there.

At the bus station a few cocktails behind us me and the kiddster
parted slightly hung over   and strung out smelling of reckless abandon
and strippers and wild turkey.

Apon the bus sitting by the window and some large man.
Who reaked of sardines  and  resembled a  cerial ******.
yes ladies he's single  and will probaly **** ya.
Wonder why he has a hard time getting dates?

As Bill waved goobye to his demented  brother from his own planet.
I waved back saying hey amigo  is this your debit card hell no worries
i'll keep  good care of it and reward myself.

As the bus left the station  my semi ******* friend chasing behind
yelling Gonzo i'll get you for this you freakin *******.
Kidster  that hurt i yelled but not as much as it's gonna hurt you bank account cheers.

That guy in black is ******  you  better watch out he's probaly connected.
No worries my funny smelling oversized friend
so am i replied.
I have the internet as well.

Bound for parts unknown Gonzo  made many stops
and if not for legal reason's  id share most of them.
Yes as i sat apon the beach  after taking a little side trip to Florida.
Drink in hand lost in deep thought's for which i cant remember.
Reflecting apon my time in the big apple.
And my friend the Kiddster
A toast to my friend.
Hope you like the post card  and the three week vacation
i treated myself to.

Sorry about the whole life savings thing but
who needs to retire in there 80's  work will keep you young girlfriend.

Cheers your slightly insane friend Gonzo.
As in most my writes  this is based on a slightly sober true story
except  for the stealing his credit cards  cause that would be a admission of guilt  and stealing is wrong of course i mean.

Stay crazy Forever Gonzo

And oh yes my friends Billy the  Kiddster is also on hello and if you liked the thirty year old ******  then check out the well really ******* older one.
And Bill no need to thank me  you know i always got your  back  and your pin number.   Fin  amigo
andy fardell Jan 2012
I knew that this would happen
but put it out my mind
I even gave a warning
a madness wasnt wise
yet still you took the cake
and let it turn your soul
the weirdness took your night away
and lost your freind from old
it made me so so mad inside
I really was to pop
but yes i have control these days
so let it all just drop
a shame that we did end this way
I really cannot tell
the cake has got to stop my freind
or god will be your hell
Adesina Temidayo Dec 2019
I know this relationship is new, 
Your character i know a few, ‎
I'm an introvert, how do i relate with you, ‎
Truth is we barely meet, but in my dream all i see is you, ‎
When you're around why do i feel this chill, ‎
Then when you leave, in my head its slide show of you, 

Several theories,  but i find it hard to accommodate,‎
The fact that i am in love again,‎
This love ******* i'm scared to participate,
Paralysis of d mind, m feeling numb again,

As i stand there, stiff like a statue, ‎
I couldn't help, but stare through mid-air, thinking about you‎
Your eyes ,  your smile‎
Would they really mind if your words were lie??
I know m scared to look you in d eye,

Because my broad chest couldn't stand the fire, That burns thru,‎
The desire, am scared of being accustomed to, ‎
Wondering how, because you wandering around in my mind has become a custom too, ‎
And if i migrate illegally into your heart, will i get arrested by the customs too,
And get kicked back to that junction where i became friends with you,‎
Sometimes i wonder, do you feel the same way I do?

When you hear my name, Does it twitch your brain,‎
When you see a girl around me, do you go in rage,‎
Do you laugh�, like a ****** when you read my text,
or smile like a fool, when you're alone in the room, going through your phone reading our messages.
How do you feel if you don't see me a day, ‎
Also do you hold on to your phone � 
if my promised call was delayed??‎
And hope every text or calls you received comes from me, ‎
Did you ever wish i'll b d one to buy you that diamond ring �, ‎
Few Years later. We hold hands and sing lullaby for our kids,‎
When you look me in d eye, do i send a chill through your spine,?

Wait let me explain, while staring at you, i see these spark in your eyes,
Or did that only happen in my brain‎, No maybe it was my mind,‎
But I am always willing to sit and talk to you every minute I get,‎
Let the night come, while we watch the stars, if i see one shooting,  i'll be quick to make a wish,  that the night never ends, ‎
Or request for hours longer than 24 so we can have more time to spend,

Hold hands and gist about our future,
Swears my heart is in love,‎
But my brains asking me questions, are you sure??
What if, she wants to lure,
You in, take waht she wants n leave you num‎b‎,

Like she injected paralysis in your soul, ‎
You feel dejected, because your missing rib just broke your bone,‎
Oh,  m confused , my thoughts just profuse, ‎
What if she's not in love n don't feel what i feel?‎
Or probably she's lost in lust of my biceps and physique,‎
What if all she wants is just a taste of my ****?‎
So  scared babe,  permit me if i cause any delay to ask you out.‎
Am just afraid you might say, lets just b friends i don't want your feelings bro. ‎
And then you'll walk me back to that FRIEND ZONE i tried to escape, so please tell me how do i cope??‎
#disoriented #confused #demented #unclear #hazzy #foggy #bewildered
Don't let us fight anymore,
no,my best friend;agree for once:
because together we can defeat.
turn faces, and leave a never ending
trail of broken hearts in our tracks?
Our friendship will overpower,
so never fear, because I am hear,
I can fix that broken spot,
what is hurt will be mended,
because I am hear for you to trust
when evrything is tough
I am hear Im going through it
when times flys by and takes its toll.
when you ask: when? or what is?
oh, when you find him, yes that special one
I will comfort your insecurites,
beccause, LOVE!
you are pretty, you are buetiful
if you need a helping hand I'll be there,
so lets forget and forgive,
let it all fall in place,
because if life is a puzzle ill fit next to you,
becuase when the going gets tough,
you need a friend to keep you going
and to eat icecream with

from your dear friend
ive been fighting with one of my best friends i wrote this poem as a note for her
Lorraine day Nov 2013
Affliction her addiction
Her thoughts held no restriction

She stumbled through her life blind
Leaving all who loved

No more harm
No more pain
Will never hear her voice again

The blade she sought as her best freind

Took her life in the end ........
In memory of my friend who lived in an isolated world of self destruction if only she could have seen herself like I saw her- loved herself as I loved her     /. Realising her talent creativity and beauty/.  If only.
AnolikeAkau Jul 2015
I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend from the start. I should have put down the phone and put in the effort to talk to you. I'm sorry you took me to another state for two weeks and it didn't seem like I was paying any attention to you. I did pay attention to you but when I did you were upset with me. I'm sorry that I was so scared of losing her that I nearly lost you. I'm sorry that while I was there it didn't seem like I was having fun because I was on the phone all the time. I really did enjoy being there with you and I'm very happy I got to spend your 18th birthday with. I guess  I just wanna say sorry because I let a relationship get in the way of our friendship and I know it was wrong. Most of all I'm sorry that I'm too scared to apologize to you and that I wrote it here instead.
And now
Thank you, thank you for giving me experiences and adventure that I can't have on the island I grew up on. Thank you for being one if my best friends throughout the years we've known each other and putting up with my crap. Thank you for understanding that this other person made me happier than I have been since you've known me. Thank you for being there to comfort me when all I did was cry because I couldn't figure out which boy I had a crush on and thank you for doing it again when the boy I had a crush on couldn't go to prom with me. Thank you for giving me more than one second chance to prove to you that I wanted to stay in your life.
I'm such a coward
Dennis Scherle Jan 2014
u want more emotion, maybe im just tourchered to the point im just going through the motions praying out there i find a potion to let me relax, maybe stop the wise cracks about how im fat or how minimal the cash is i stack. or maybe the fact when i cut open my vain i just see black no crimson blood just black oozing from the cracks as if my tanned skin is a stone statue starting to crumble under the weight of self loathing. the fact of deep down id rather be a better person but it bugs me i cant afford the fancy clothing, even in our society how we hype up to the idea then it comes to play and no one seems to stay like whatever happened to kony we live amungst phoneys saying their better only to better their pride and maybe to impress a futer bride collecting money only green in there eyes envious of those that accumulate wealth but seem to be blind to those who have nothing pushin it off to someone who has more to give now tell me again wat gives u a greater right to live over the young women even children forced into *** but u need to spend ur check on a fancy rolex because ur life is complex now im not saying im better though i have been gifted with my life but in my heart i still cry everynight because were on borrowed time ive seen people distroy themselves in hate a freind in grade 9 became addicted to******* now shooting ****** in his vein his leather jacked stained skin n bones calling on the phone for his next fix my mom with her slit wrists pretending i dont exist  now is that enough emotion for u after all im still just a kid.
Johnny Zhivago Jun 2013
Alarm at 9:30, wake up at 8:30, stretch in bed, go downstairs to kitchen, make omelette, give a quater to a freind, eat the rest, alarm goes off, cycle in to uni, shuffle the word order of an essay, print it, muck around, go to the bar, glance at a man giggling to himself, smoke a dovetail, go back in, slice an orange, eat it then, go through, the print out, crossing ****, out, Daniel walks up, hey hows it going, fast talking scurry walking you know what i mean man, he starts up, ive heard this one before... i havent drunk for 3 years, now i just smoke ****, cos i always smoke it,  got a girlfriend? I had a girlfriend, she was my best friend, then she went crazy though, made me insany, i said to her listen:
im thirty its simple you with me or no?
You stay or you go? Is that simple or no?
This was a while ago, she said i dunno, i felt mad as mud, and i came to the bar, just human beings, and there was my girl, with a korean! I smiled in surprise, he switched up the convo, you had a girl, well did you like her?
I stopped him right there, im going for a ****, dont mean to diss,
ok he said bye,
and walked through the door,
of him we'll say no more.
I got to the ******, a sense of achievement, sense of a glorified victory for me, i fumbled my fly, which was hooked with a paperclip, which was bent round the button, to stop from fly diving, and as this was happening my eyesight went whitey i tingled my fingers, i staggered aboutey, my foots were a-wobbling inside of my shoe, my knees were a-jiving to knee-jiggler tune, i flopped on my bag on the back of my back, twitched and i break-danced until my foot tore loose, and suddenly a boot, an invisible boot, and invisible foot, and invisible man, kicked me my jaw, and back snapped my neck, left me there sprawled. cripped by pain, blinded by white, starved of control, but over at last, i hobbled back out, morosely sat down, high brows of eyes, did you goosey gander, oh my Amanda, he looked like a mortal
when he went in
but then he came out
limping with sin
that boy was me, i met with a girl, and cycled back home, certain my tendons, were torn off the bone, i told her i fainted in the toilet and fought with an invisible man, she said can you be normal for once and tell me wagwan, why were you painting the toilet, and who was the man, i told her again that i fainted not painted, and she looked confused. i lost my essay, and im wearing glasses and your saying nothing, except nonsense and nothing, i told her id noticed her glasses but had seen no essay, as she let me go she kissed me but i asked for a hug, a hugs more important if youre stuck in the mud, i went to my house and told all my flatfriends the truth, why my foot hurts and my disturbance of duelling that man, they acted surprised and then went to bed, i made i some tea, and then spent the rest of the night smoking down my confusion.
Healing gently but still some weak patches

it rained then shone then hailed then snowed
and she'd forgot her coat
and it poured on her throat
later passed the day
and we cycled back northways
carlights lamps and moon hit your face
smiling with your long as a boot-face
hail-bones sparkly white as toothpaste
england is a sock and we live in a bootlace

her 'guy' lived with her
so she came round early arva-,
i accidentally injected her
with a deadly kind of larvae.
she went to a farmer-cist
to get an antidote,
a little white little pea that
went floating down her throat.
merrily merrily merrily merrily,
right under the belly
it knocked the nest out from the tree
and stamp the eggs to jelly

mama pigeon was away
magpie made jelly-egg
stampy stampy crush crush
heavy evil mag-leg
Robyn Dec 2013
Reasons Why You're The Best and I Love You
1. You introduced me to Streetlight, Be Your Own Pet, Squirrel Nut Zippers and dozens of others
2. You checked me out so hard you ran into a car
3. You brought Chisomo into my life. He stole my heart.
4. Introducing me to Jim and Timmy. They're knuckleheads and I love em.
5. Accepting my guitar player fetish and yet still limited knowledge of guitars
6. You're a guitar player
7. Your hoodies. They make you so warm and cuddly and I love stealing em
8. Your smell. That probably sounds creepy but you always smell sooooooo awesome and it's one many things about that just makes me feel better
9. Your dorky little smile. It's just a little crooked but it's huge and adorable. Everytime I kiss you, it shows up on your face and you look a little dazed and intoxicated
10. You're so smart. It's ******* awesome
11. You love Thai food, and it's silly but it makes me happy, cause it's my favorite food
12. Always being so happy. I mean, I know you get sad sometimes but I'm almost always sad, so your optimism is kinda . . . really nice.
13. Dupont Teflon
14. Being freinds with Lexi. She's my best freind and you're my other half so I really need you two to get along
15. Loving 80's movies and chick flicks
16. That little thing you do with your eyes, where you'll look at me and they'll get really wide and then get smaller again
17. I love your handwriting, it's silly, sue me
18. For buying me a copy of Looking for Alaska just cause you knew I was 132nd on the list for it at the library
19. Loving me even though I'm an "I love you" ****
20. Liking when I act like an idiot
21. Being an idiot with me
22 Waiting months to become my boyfriend and sticking with it when no one else did
23. Introducing me to Rocky Horror
24. Understanding my introverted-ness
25. Accepting my struggle with depression
26. Writing me a beautiful poem and kissing me in Jenning's Park
27. Considering a real future with me
28. Those times when you kiss my forehead, or my cheeks, or my nose or my hand. I LOVE every single one
29. Sending me pictures because they make me so freakin happy
30. Coming to my concert and sitting through your least favorite genres of music just to see me
31. Encouraging me to write
32. Not judging me too harshly beause I used to make really bad decisions
33. You **** at video games just as much as I do
34. Nerd Ropes
35. For kissing me when I was sick even though you knew you would and did get sick too
36. Wanting to make me happy and not understand that you already and always do
37. Trying really really hard to like Doctor Who, just for me
38. Loving to read just as much as I do
39. Wanting to help me sleep because you know I hardly can
40. Holding my face or head when you kiss me
41. Telling me you love me everyday
42. Loving me at all
43. Waiting **** patiently while I slowly add more things to this list, because there will be many, many more
Dj Oct 2018
although the years have now come and gone,
one thing i have never ceased to stumble apon,
was the extent to your personality; a touch of savage with
a heavenly grace,
while most boys would stop at the simple beauty of your face.

i may have choose wrong to attempt to stay away,
but ive always admired you beyond great dismay,
although my last hope of love with you may have far past expired,
with these drugs my broken heart and soul may be rewired,

but as long you may remain happy,
i must avoid all chance of getting sappy,
and every day that my mind may pass my own self regret,
for the lack of my actions in being a clueless boy; my mind shall
be forced to accept the unspeakable debt,

time after time it appeared to be only you reaching out your hand,
to your power i could not make words i found it hard too so much as stand,

and perhaps one day, i will once again, find the willpower to live,
thats so far lost; i may as well be a inmate ;in for life and bleeding out stuck with a shiv,

but then and only then my fire may reignite
finally past this existence, maybe even a delight

but until then ill keep up my smile,
cause i know apon a moments gaze; we both know its been awhile,

but can you really blame me; for years straight
after i only wanted our unhealthy love to wait

you treated me like i was nothing not even real, every time i tried ; or at least thats how you made it feel,
up until you decided to date my best friend now your both over there...

until i regain my emotional strength i may disassociate n pretend to not so much as care.
and i refuse to even acknowledge your attempt to openly declare,
about my lack of presence unaware,
that my dreams of you have  just been those mistaken but of nightmares,

from the image of forever chasing you down the halls,
as all im left with is a false fading sense of hope ;awhile i move on to success and building up my protective walls,

even though i knew my chase would never come to a fair end,
but given all my assets; im still mainly heartbroken that once apon a time i lost such an amazing best freind....
Tyrel Kriger Oct 2016
Last time
Was something beautifle
Lay on the earth
Trees shooting up
Cathedral windows in the branches
That soft sweet summer air
Shade of green
Smell of soil
Slipping through like an hour glass
Close my eyes
It will last forever
Take it in
It will die with me
the day I go home
All this will die with me
And it is mine

My eyes
My synapse
Fluxuateing waves of truth
Blue skies and winter storms
Summer rain frosty pink dawns
Never shared

They are my single point
pointalism of my frame rate reference
Streatched for my survival
And for my happiness

I am here
I am now
I am going
I will end
And others will start

Loves lost in flame
Loves forged in ice
All of this is mine
And no one else can ever have it
No matter how long they studied
No matter how long they tried.

I am now
And nothing can be replicated.
Nothing can be replaced
KISS Sep 2016
When your freind
" you should cry all night "
And then I cry all night because
I thought she was my freind
And she betrayed me
By making fun of me
True story of me and a ***** who I  thought was my freind (( sorry for language ))
Zainab Ibrahim Oct 2020
Hello old friend,
It's been a while,
My dearest freind
I've missed you so.

I've missed the joy,
The emptiness and dark.

I've missed the agony,
The feeling of not knowing who I am.
Ayussh Srivastav Apr 2016
Rising from the ashes you spread your wings to fly,
Reaching now for these final dreams,beleif will never die.
Beautiful,glorious and sacrificing self for renewal,
You have it all the bird for eternal.

Dreams are now your destiny,
Reach with all you might.
Don't be afraid,you're a powerful infernus
Ablaze and in full light,
Cause you have the wings of fire.

Take the heart, travel the sky,
Fly and shine, be strong and powerful,
Cause you hav the wings of fire.

Leave the pain behind,
Be joyous my freind,
Cause yesterday was past,
And today's the present.

My dear freind,
You are not empty,
You are filled with melody,creativity,harmony and light,
Cause you hav the winhs of fire.

The things that you write express your beleif,
Each line shows a purpose,
Each line has a heart,
Each line is claw ripping you sadness apart,
Each line shows the phoenix inside you.

Listen to your dreams that call to you,
When you're on your own.
Dreams will help your hand and lift you,
Dreams will be the star of of your heart
Let them light your path.
These are the wings of fire
That are never dying! Never dying! Never dying!
Jake muler Jul 2015
This goes for all who are picking on my now ex girlfriend please for me stop messing with her like serious you guys are lamos thank you much your freind Jake kesstler muler
Got people bullying my ex girl and making profiles to spy on her and whatever else than talking to her as such like she is someone else yeah well how bout you all write me personally there are lots of lies being spread on here some know better but some are plainly psychotic as me and others do see there are alot of fakes here with fake profiles but you wanna say she's fake now you will have to put up with my **** not going to let this fly you got issue with her you are a gonner to me and as her ex man I can tell you she's far from fake your the  fake one's, funny how you all can say she's fake yet wit no proof to back up your ******* other than someone me and my ex and few others know are spreading this lie its OK karma is a *****, also you all lost an amazing poet in this place because I can't even get hold of him because I know he's hurt from someone talking behind his back like others are doing to my ex so if you wanna be safe stop being a bullshitter and spreading lies for those who are lying themselves  and for people saying she's got another profile half of you have other profiles so before you point your hypocrite fingers point them back in own eye socket didint wanna do this but one of you already made good friend leave here due from your **** talking behind his back now don't wanna see ex girl friend leave will be hott if you do that so kindly back off
Thank you
Peculiar Nov 2019
When i am within your presence i feel completed
Perhaps due to meeting in a previous life?
For the connection we have i cannot comprehend,
As to how similar you and i are...

Thus, as we delve into conversations
Thy inner vibrations that seep into my aura radiate outwards,
Allowing the both of us to reach limitless possibilities
To the Tides with it!
Thee lets down the bridges thy has built within to free these vibrations
But note,
O' friend or foe? Nay! This is not a declaration of romanticism
But rather a note of what i observe of our friendship?
For the innocent jokes, slight smiles and full cries have the biggest impact!
O' do ye not see?

Hence, i ask of you one thing!
To have patience with such a being like me for i am only human,
To grow with me as we both develop into reality,
To remember the feeling you have whenever we see each other.

Dear friend or foe?
When we distance i feel incomplete
Perhaps due to you passing away in a previous life and leaving me behind?
For the connection we had creeps upon me within the night,
Reminding me as to how similar you and i once were
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I walked along the beach one day
and found a rusty lamp
I picked it up and rubbed it off
to wipe away the damp

And suddenly this little man
fell out upon the floor
looked up and started cursing me
"what the hell d'you do that for?!"

So I apologised and picked him up
'fore he got eaten by a fish
and in return said to me
for that you've earned a wish

I wished something that's not for me
but for a freind who's lucks been poor
and so impressed was the little man
he said for that you can have one more

So I wished again for someone else
who's lot is worse than mine
and again the little fellow
repeated his last line

But this time round my wish was such
that it would also do me good
A little more self serving
and a bit less Robin Hood

But again he told me I'd get one more
and I felt a bit confused
Is there going to come a time
when my turns have all be used

He said to me he didn't know
but things could be much worse
One fella left him on the ground
for that he got a curse.

His curse was to live in a lantern
and float from shore to shore
until he finally found someone
Who was rich but also poor

Then he asked me for twenty bucks
I told him ten was all I had
but he was welcome to it anyway
if it helped I would be glad

So he took my ten and hailed a cab
that just happened to be driving past
with a squeal of tires and a puff of smoke
they both took off really fast

I tried to dismiss it from my mind
as a weird daydream at best
But then when I got home
at my door, was a little wooden chest

The note on the box said well done you
you truly are mankinds friend
This token of our appreciation
means you'll never be poor again

I've still got the chest here somewhere
and the level seems never to drop
but I have pretty much all I need
so there's gold right up to the top.
Middy Jun 2018
So I was having a-a-a
Thing where you...
Oh! A conversation! Yes!
So I was having a conversation.
With... Brown haired....
Ah yes my freind.
Well ex freind.
She saw me stuttering and buffering
Like an old computer
So as the conversation went on
It was abandoned
As by the time I got my sentence right
The bell rang for class
And she vanished into a sea
Of people
Talking L O U D L Y
And I was lost in the crowd
But what do I expect
Since I get lost in my own conversations?
My life when I process information or try to make myself say something. I hate socialising for too long or my processing gets worse
summer May 2016
i don't get it,
every time i you,
i just want to smile,
i try not to stare,
because it's rude,
but i just want to look at you.

i don't want things to change,
our friendship,
it almost did at one stage,
i'm sorry for that,
from now on i will only give off the vibe i want to be friends,
i will tell you and everyone else i just want to be your friend,

even if it kills me inside when we're not talking,
when i see you with another girl,
having fun,
it kills me to know that you don't like me that way,
and there's nothing i can do,
but i like you anyway.

so now i guess,
is the time to tell you i like you,
more than a friend,
but it doesn't matter anyway,
because you still prefer her,
over me any day.
Something Simple Jan 2015
You couldn't help her
It's not your fault she wasn't meant for this
She didn't mean to hurt you
Didn't intend to do you harm

You tried hard to be there
Through the storms and the seasons
The deaths and the births
But you were always static
Easily tuned out

She said she had to find out for sure
Didn't say goodbye, left trinkets on the doorstep
She didn't even knock before going
Desperate for a change she said

It's not your fault she left
Not because you weren't there
You were when you could
No one could've asked so much of you

You tried until you failed again
Years passed and you're still not good at this
People change too quickly to grab hold of
Couldn't hold her back if you tried too

People are always leaving
You knew this before you were born
Your sister lost herself in the woods
Your Mama stopped the emptiness with a train

Surely it wasn't on purpse they fled
Just a chance you were passed along hands
Played with and loved, safe until you weren't
A throw away kind of freind

She was everything
The light on the blades of grass in the morning
The moves and swirls of sunshine
Your world defined in a coat of gold

You had no one
A steady stream of faces that were gone with the tide
No one was ever tied to you
Always you to them, bound with thread

She became a boulder to hold
Carry with you in your pocket
An anchor with a beating heart
Keeping you tethered in this life

It's not your fault she's gone like autumn leaves
That everyone's been clammering to escape
The world and you too
They're just tired of this place

Don't cry for those that went
They're happier without you to take up space
You were just a bug to be squashed
An inchworm who couldn't crawl

Trouble happens around corners
You couldn't see it brewing in the distance
Didn't do anything to keep them safe
They choose their paths away

You'll just need to live again
Paint a smile across your face to hide the fear
Cover up the scars and scratches
Remake your world withought her

You'll be alright in the end
Though the grass might dance above your head when it all ends
There's those who've made do with less
You should feel blessed at one more lifeless day

And in the end you were just
A **** growing in the flowers
A bad seed that strangled all you held dear
Leftover when the leaving starts

But it's not your fault
Oh my dear it's not your fault
You can't be what you are not
This was never about you sweet heart

It's not your fault and neither is she
Tyrel Kriger Sep 2016
When nobody is looking
She moves with ghostly grace
Haunting the house she still lives in
Phantom of her own soul

Breaker of her own mirror
Shes picking up the pieces
One shard at a time
Making them fit, making it right

When I look away, away she glides
To perch herself high on the cliffs
Wind playing with her hair
Her face tense In beautiful contemplation

Then the colours she can't define
Seep from her mind
And paint the rock around her
She stairs at the water below, the mountains above

It is a great sight
A beautifle struggle
It all unfold and work out
I know it will
Lorraine day Nov 2013
He sat alone looked blank and stared
Unaware that someone cared

I watched him look at people go by
Then a teardrop fell from his eye

I wondered then
What I should do
I was also a stranger he never knew

Didn't want to infringe upon his space
But he looked up and stared me in the face

I smiled at him
Kindness in my eyes
He then smiled back
To my surprise

I asked if he'd like to join me then
No longer a stranger
He's now my freind

An opportunity by chance
Arose just by a tender glance
Kaley Dec 2016
High from above..
where no body sees..
Once lived a snow flake..
as happy as could be..

Freed from the vapor
from where it was held..
It jumped out for joy..
To see the whole world..

Dident know where it would go..
Dident know what it would see..

So the little snow flake
tryed to fly in the means..
It soured through the sky..
It was Ever so in Delight..

The faster that it flew
it gained more speed..
Was shivering so cold..
started to miss not being free..

All it wanted to do
was find a good home..

Watching all the people down below..

So the little snow flake
Felt a chill in the sky..
There goes the wind..
Direction say goodbye..

Fighting with struggle
it blew it away..
The little snow flake
eager to play..
Raced with intensity
to land on the ground..

Then the little snow flake..
Flew till it stopped..

Landed on a hand of a kid who was thought.. to be the most weak.. but really.. was made strong...

That little snowflake died in belief..
It would make freinds on the ground where it would proceed..

Then that little snowflake melted
In the kids hands.. the little kid sawbefore the snowflake was dead..

It melted an soaked the palm of a kid..
Suddently it was magic an glowed like a beam...

What that little snowflake dident know was it was wished on like a star..
Cause that snow flake wanted a freind..
An the kid.. was that snowflakes wish..

An the little kid suddently believed their was hope.. that little kid was stronger.. had a freind in something so cold..
Justin Sep 2013
Im sick
Of hiding behind the fence
Of normality
When you get down to reality
Everyone is either slightly closer
To either
Which are you!?
Go by inspirations?
Impire yourself to become an inspiration
And to make other ******* weaklings
to kiss you *** to try to get tips out of you
Amd when that day comes
You simply give them the same tips i gave you
Until the day youre inspired to inspire
The person you are today will ALWAYS know more therefore be wiser THEREFORE be better and closer to perfection than the person you were yesterday
Show people you can
Show people you would
Amd show people you could
So you say to yourself
I will redeem
Redeem i shall
and redeem YOU WILL!
I promise you my fellow freind
Everyone who stood by your redemption
Will love the new you
And everone who left
Will miss the new you
Do NOT invite them back

Robyn Jun 2013
I have a friend named Forgiveness
Who doesn't feel forgiven
I have a freind named Almighty
Who's never felt more weak
I have a friend named Loyalty
Who doesn't seem to trust me
I have a friend named Flighty
Who doesn't lift her feet
Bowedbranches Jul 2017
Squeezing out water droplets
Just before bed
I'm reminded of what I miss
The definition of what I called "freind"
Was changed eternally

I ran out of work manic,
Raced to the tatoo shop
And got what I had wanted for so long
A fish fossil right there on my forearm
Coverings for angry cuts
I went home and cleaned it, runned it down with lotion
And I'm reminded of this familiar sting

Flashbacks hit
And I was 14 again
Sitting on the porch with you nursing my wounds
My arms were swollen and sore
Sliced from top to bottom
And you were the only soul I told
You wrapped me up in bandages
And showed me yours
You said "see we're both ******* up!"

8 years later I lie on a mattress in a living room floor
Punched in the gut by the thought of you
And how you could take your own life also took my best freind

Emptiness has this warm subtle sting and I'd rather feel pain than nothing
But it's not self destruction anymore, it's therapy

And it makes me feel close to you.
This one isn't necessarily my style but I'm trying this honesty thing where I feel something intensely then write it down no editing, no working ******* it just getting it out of my head and onto the page.
Justin Aug 2013
Hello my fellow freind
Lets go
Lets go to a world were things make sense and YOU control that bubble called "reality" in which we live in
Continue sinning and singing as if everything is allright
and it will be allright just how its right to love the night
We dark souls are just the yang in which ying reflects her perfection in
So before you doubt this world i invite you to is real,  take a chance and explore
with me dont let the Brightness blind you
just hold my hoove and trust
as i do too
i will guide you

Allie Dotson Aug 2018
It's unfair
to me and to you
to everyone that has cared and was unaware
and to who had a dare
to loved me more
more then just a freind
I understand its unjust
but as you lean in close
my heart doesnt reach out
it dosnt speed up
when you hold me close
and so I flee
when you call me dear
understanding I beg you be
I'm still waiting to like you
as you start to love me
I'm sorry my heart doesn't beat
it never has and I fear it never will
The butterflys in my stomach
must be in their cocoons
my lungs must be in good condition
for I never have trouble breathing
and my heart must be dead
because I never feel it beating
I remember when I first met you,
you were so excited to meet me,
as I was you.
The way you could fill me love,
and joy,
and fun,
it was only you Isabella,
that would show up at the best of times,
and always make me beam with joy from just your presence.
For you I would do anything to make sure I made you as happy,
as you made me.
I'd even go out of my way to make your favorite meal,
just to get a few more of your kisses,
because you being that joyful,
gives me the best delight.
You'd lie with me all night,
just because you knew I wanted to be next to you,
and you were always the best one for cuddling.
When I had to move,
you could not come with me,
and I regret it,
but I can't take it back now,
I just hope you were as happy in your last moments,
as you were in your best moments.
I'll always remmeber you Isabella,
as you are forever apart of me,
but you had a long and good life,
and I know you can rest forever more,
not having any more cares,
or anything else ever bother you again.
Even though you're a black lab,
there is no one else that I've been that close with,
and even though some people think you're just a dog,
you will forever be my best companion.
My best freind died today,
and I'm just happy I got to know you,
but I will be mourning a while longer,
before the pain starts to fade.
I wrote this for someone else.
andy fardell Mar 2011
Twas 1942 my fathers day was due
he came upon this earth a babies brand new birth
they said he wouldn make it without his daddys blood
and thats what made him special ..a special kind of love

Twas 1966 my birthday ..a blessing in disguise
could only all have happened.. with my fathers fatherly love
i came upon this earth and caused a scarey stir
another babies breath a breathing from the air

Twas 1997 my son did come about ..was born to be so special
with that i have no doubt
so luck should have our family that i can give some thanks
cos tomorow was his birthday my dad my true best freind
aviisevil May 2014
***, why do you have to speak like that?

It's not about who I am, you piece of worthless ****, why don't you understand?
I am basically undestructible, invincible  sexier version of Superman, and I don't got no moral ******' codes to keep me from beating your ugly *** up all over the I-don't-give-a-**** wonder land
But I know you'll take a stand, your every failed attempt is killin' me, are you ******' kidding me, you know how it'll turn out for you, oh danm!
Now I gotta' explain it to you, that annihilating you is a part of my ******' plan and you can take all of my '**** yous' , call the poetry protection people and try to sue, but i'll **** even harder than a ******' rock band, it's all your ******' fault, you pull the trigger and out comes a '****'- BAM, I know you're not a fan, but lemme ask you, what's your age my sweet gran, I know I include you too often,but why aren't you in a coffin, why do you keep poppin around, stoppin me from talkin about my feelings, you ******' *****, imma introduce you to my lil' freind, brings-you-the-end-uncle sam and he'll **** out all the oil, leave you to boil, in the sand, I hope you understand, this is important, and i'll say a '****' again, for no reason, have a short attention span, can't you see a ******* gettin' a ***** on my hand, I wonder how long will it be stayin and so, you were sayin' ?

Why do you cuss so much, *******?

I ain't gonna' feed you no crap, you have my '**** yous' and I just want 'em back, I swear I won't even set a trap, to count how many knives you have on your back, go ahead spill the blood, embrace the dirt, be the first to stab, just then don't stop me, when I start to blab, go mad, be bad, and be the contender, in line for your hardest slap, being a repeated offender, I tell you, it's the most fun i ever had, it's not the vocabulary that I lack, it's just every time I read about your ******' butterflies and sun-light I go mad, so you take your stuff, all of it, all of your hatin' and waitin' for takin' a jibe at the next '****' and stuff it all inside your bag, go ahead be on your way, now, ******' pack, or I swear they'll find your corpse, in the parking lot, where you sacrificed the young folks, and covered all their '*******' tracks, and i'll wait here for you, plannin' my next ******' attack, I know all these cussing and abusing has made you sad, but why don't you just ignore me, does it turns you on, when I shoot one after one '****' in the sack, do you really think putting your food out in the open  makes sense in a bachelor pad , I know my metaphors aren't funny, but it'll make a very sick man somewhere crack, and when everything's been said and done, i'll leave ****** karma to kick you in your hypocrite ***, there I said it, '*******' I swear this one's the last, for it may seem i'm just a punk for usin' it but you're confusin' ****, and there goes the answer to your question you just asked.

Notes (optional)
andy fardell Oct 2011
a life in circles is how we move
breath of lefe inhaled - expeled
one the begining the other some end
a life in circles natures freind

round and round it all comes clear
a life in circles with nothing to fear
some are small and perfectly round
some are bigger -shapes unfound

only us can shape its size
all we need is is chance in life
perfectly formed -large and proud
a life a circle- so profound
STALAH Feb 2013
rose14195 Jul 2014
I think im fat on some level even thoguth i know im not

I never understand myself

I lie so much I dont know what is true

I hate hurting people but everything i do seems to have a negative affect on someone I love

I hate disapointing people

I love when people disapoint me

I think suicide is selfish
and i hate that i have tried it 4 times

I wish I could be perfect for everyone
Even if i lose myself

I wish I could let someone else live my life while i just disapear

I fall in love with to many people I lose

I push away all of my freinds so they dont push away me

When I was younger i use to hit my legs with hammers so i wouldnt have to run track so i could stay home and help my mom (Why my knees always hurt)

I dont want people to care about me

And yet all I want to do is know you care

I want my father to hurt me so bad I'm not recognizable
Then I will finally feel the hurt I have wanted to feel my whole life

I forgot how to cry

When I was younger my best freind died of cancer

I use to be able to think of somethign sad and cry on demand

I just want someone to **** me

I day dream about murdering, hooking up, and ****** almost every one I see at random moments and I cant controll it.
Max Apr 2017
I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes
I don't know why I wake up and cry
There are dreams I have that remind me of you
I am nothing without you
I don't know what to do
You would always protect me
Now I'm on my own
Now that I am without you
I'm all alone
You were my cousin and my only freind
But I know one day I'll see you again.

Because death comes to all
That's a natural thing
But yours came too early

Your life ended at only 14
But I'm strong
Because you'd want me to be

— The End —