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Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: So Aziel what's your plan with Frank?
Aziel: Well he is going to help me destroy the Order Of The Silver Knights and in return I shall help him get the Witch who cursed the Forest Of Whispers.
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Well I'll give you some valuable information who your looking for is Bethilda N. Lement. She is a very powerful Witch who with her Elemental Plowness is able to obtain what she wants.
Aziel: Well well the Old Hag still holds the grip over the Forest doesn't she
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Indeed she isn't someone to take lightly now she is well rounded and knows how to fight. She controls The Tavern Of Doom Dragons. In her possession are 3 fully grown Dragons. Blair the Oldest Dragon Claire The Mother Dragon and Aurora the youngest one of them three.
Blair the Black Dragon Claire The White Dragon and Aurora the Stone/Lighting Dragon. Many have meet their doom entering in her territory Cyclop Human and Vampire Alike.
Aziel: I don't have anything to fear.


Bethilda Lement: Adreanna I want you to learn more about my Dragons start training with Aurora but be cautious she may be only three years old but she is powerful and robust. Lement screeches then Aurora hovers over the Mountain Of Shen* where the Tavern Of Doom Dragons is located. Adrianna Develve places a strong spell in the Dragon Aurora she finally succumbs to her authority.
Adrianna and Aurora go take down the Golem Of Steel  in the Hidden Ruins Of Odom.* The Golem stands 15 ft high weighs 2,500 pounds. Holding a crest of an almost impenetrable diamond in the middle of his chest. Emanating from the Crystal comes all his power and it's his only weak spot. Then Aurora and Adrianna make an impressionable entrance to the ruins and attack the Golem head on. Golem Of Steel: Here stands the infamous Adrianna Develve...well isn't  this a surprise.  I see that you have grown some and are able to maintain your powers well to face me. I know what you want you want the Crystal in my chest...that will be over my dead body. Audon's Crystal* is powerful enough to consume 1000 Well Trained Witches therefore young Witch you don't scare me. Now as for that Dragon well ... perhaps you stand a chance after all.  Adrianna Develve: I usually don't pick fights with powerful DemiGods like yourself but I  am in desperate need for your Crystal. Therefore, you will hand it over or I'll take it by force.  Golem Of Steel:  Good Luck.
Aurora shields herself with Stone Armor and goes head on collision with the Golem. He dodges the attack and  counterattacks with a strong fist to the  Dragons body and knocks Aurora down cracking part of her Stone Armor. The young female Dragon counterattacks with a powerful lighting blast hitting The Steel Golem in the right shoulder injuring him. Develve attacks with a powerful mind blast knocking down the Golem Of Steel on it's back. The Golem Of Steel bleeds blue blood out of his shoulder blade and runs full force towards Adrianna Develve.  She  dashes the attack and counterattacks  with a Shadow Ball attack hitting him in the chest and expanding all over its body. It's a possession Ninjutsu technique making him practically paralyzed for about 2 minutes till he breaks free from the technique but sustains a considerable amount of damage. Adrianna Develve seeing that the Golem Of Steel is showing a sign of weakness she takes advantage to try to inflict him with a spear of lighting into the chest impairing him and he bleeds out the mouth but as the last resolution The Golem Of Steel punches the Audon Crystal shattering it into 5 individual pieces him losing his life in the process however what he didn't know is that Adrianna Develve collected all the pieces however there was a violent explosion at the site shattering huge boulders of steel and inflicting Aurora gravely. Adrianna Develve  hurries and performs a powerful healing spell leaving her drained of all power. Adrianna Develve hurries to get out of the ruins because they are crumbling down. She manages to recover Aurora briefly from there they fly to The Tavern Of Doom Dragons Of Doom Dragons right when she pulls in with Aurora who is injured from the boulders hitting her body and face at high velocity even the Rock Armor was perforated. The Dragon lands barely with Adrianna Develve who gets the Wrath of Granny Bethilda N. Lement. Aurora breathing heavily and bleeding out the mouth slipping in and out of consciousness ...Adrianna Develve barely getting off the Dragon.
Bethilda Lement: What the hell  happened to Aurora she is in really bad shape. Adrianna your completely drained I see you did good by healing her however, she must rest for about 3-4 days now and fully recover from that gruesome fight with that **** Golem Of Steel. Adrianna are you Ok darling? Go get some rest I see you used the forbidden technique of Soul Healing Transfer. Well now you'll live 12 years less thanks to your little sharede. Develve I am thankful that you saved my Dragon from dying but hell consequences are quite dire.
Develve: Here Granny Lement I got Audon's Diamond however it's shattered in 5 separate pieces.
Bethilda N. Lement:  Let me guess the Golem Of Steel did not want this to fall under the wrong hands for it is a powerful relic. Smart move buying time however, useless due to the fact that we got the diamond under our possession. Adrianna we are going to search the Master Forger Of Relics* who can aid us recover this valuable relic to it's original state. It's said that he resides in one of the headquarters of the Order however, he has worked with Witches, Pagans and Nacromancers before so am sure that as long as we provide the right monetary value to repair the relic he'll work for us.
Develve: Why don't we just kidnap him and make him do the work or he pays with his life?
Lement:  Good objective it may have to work that way for us.
Develve: Im aware that the Cyclop population in the Village Of Chalekathan are not taking your threats seriously well ElderLord Gromm has not paid his fee from allowing them to live and not be consumed by the curse itself.
Lement: By killing him we can set an example of what can happen to them if they don't cooperate with our cause.
Develve: It dangerous though he is a strong Leader with lots of powerful influences. Plus he is a highly skilled Witch Doctor/Shaman able to manipulate the forces of nature. Known to use 3 Godly Deities Aikune Chalekathan & Eion. Aikune the cherubim of the Northern Side Of Heaven. Chalekathan the Spirit God embodiment of The Forest Of Whispers and last but not least Eion the mythical creature with an Eagle face 6 wings and the body of a Lion. Embuted with heavenly essence making him a very formidable foe.
Develve:  We will take care of our responsibilities soon but our primary mission is to talk Ayeiton Balderoux III* the Master Forger Of Relics.
: Whoa had no idea he was The Kings kin.
Lement: Indeed he is now go and lay your head and recover some energy because we need to practice your magical plowness.
Adrianna heads towards the Guest Room.

~Meanwhile in The Forest Of Whispers~
Frank Deltoro gets introduced to Gromm ElderLord Of Chalekathan by Jhino.  He also introduces Navarro Castleworth who is pleased to meet the famous Elder.
Gromm: Hello young man I am the protector of this village which has sustained numerous attacks by Lement's Dragons. Develve also partook enthusiastically with her Grandmother in attacking innocent hard working Cyclops. Making them slaves of the Curse which drives them mad and homicidal attacking friends brothers and family so we had to do the inevitable put them down.
Nevertheless, I pray to Deynave Dion High Saint/Priestess Queen Of All Shamanism to protect the lost souls of them Cyclops who fought the curse till the very end but unfortunately lost the fight and in turn lost their lives.
Frank: My condolences to your friends ElderLord Gromm.Am sure they in a better place now at least not suffering. However, I have a personal matter to score with Lement. She kidnapped and murdered my only daughter 10 years ago she was a...his voice gets trembly and he lightly clears his the same time a solid solo tear drops from his only Eye symbolizing a Fathers great pain and suffering from such an atrocious act." Gromm regains his composure. I got a personal score to settle with Mrs.Lement due to the fact that she took a piece of my heart and soul she killed my daughter. Develve played her part in the kidnapping of my baby girl 10 years ago she would be 18 years old today if Shaila Dair Sultran were alive...her appointed time to be brutally killed by my hand is coming...Bethilda N. Lement has been suppressing her powers for the last 300 years I believe she has some sort of powerful anti-chi barrier put up extending tremendous lengths so even if she is active in The Forest Of Whispers we wouldn't know how to tell due to this **** barrier.
Frank: So your bloodline comes from the Ancient times from the powerful Cyclop Of Royal Priests/Witch Doctors family Sultran.
"A gentle wind blows and Aziel telepathically communicates with Frank.  Aziel: Frank, be careful where you thread I been informed that Lement's Grand-Daughter Adrianna Develve recently gathered Audon's Crystal a powerful diamond known to give its user Bending Steel abilities and higher sustainability. Adrianna Develve has plans to use the Crystal to fully cover the Forest Of Whispers covering every inch of Forest with the Curse which drives all living creatures with a conscious mad totally subseptable to their influence.
However, to you those must be terrible news so my question been in Chalekathan Village for 1 hr and a half you have 5.3 hrs till daylight removing the Darkness powers you currently control.
Frank: I am aware of this Aziel don't worry I'll take care of business.
Aziel: Keep an eye out Navarro I don't  trust him I don't know what intentions he he is part  of that shady Tower Of Frejoird but perhaps you can use his hatred towards the Order Of The Silver Knights. He can maybe be a reliable source. Be careful Frank.

~Meanwhile in Aziel Castle~
Isis: Well...Aziel aren't  you such a concerned individual...I didn't  know you had a soft spot towards mere humans.
Aziel: I usually don't...but Frank is different from the rest. He is courageous trustworthy and he put his life at risk by helping me regain all my vampiric power. I am in much debt to having second thoughts on your plans to **** him after he completes his assignments that we have agreed upon. If he makes it out alive after all this...he at least deserves a reward and to live.
Isis: Chuckles at Aziel Aziel looks at the Empress with great focus.
Isis: C'mon I'll just have some fun with Frank I wasn't planning to ****** him.
Aziel: I'll  think about it now leave me be I got couple of things I need to take care of.
Isis: Fine Darling I'll  leave you be. You know you are the handsomest of all the brothers you have.
Aziel: Well now Isis you flirting with me...I doubt you'll want my erected tool up your stash. Don't you remember am a Vampire?
Isis: I'm aware of that. Adventure sounds fun plus I never had *** with a hot vampire like yourself.
Isis: Well Doll that is going to be some other time I am working against the clock right now.
Isis: Fine you *****...I'll leave. However, keep in mind that Im watching you closely. Plus remember I still keep contact with DarkLord for soon your Father will be back in this plane of reality.
Aziel: So I have heard.
Isis: Well I have found some juicy
Information about Uriels wereabouts he is in a Modern Castle in America. Amelia St and Cross. Residency 106. He is a huge celebrity in Russia and Germany. Keeps his bloodlust at check with fresh blood always for him to self medicate. Looking only 19 years old he is quite the chick magnet though not my taste his Gothic Progressive Horror Rock made him quite famous. Got 5 albums however kept his personal life well hidden from his fans. Many fake and supportive accounts claiming to know the real Uriel Governale. Though no one truly knows he is a vampire for certain. I know because I searched the private records and found out that he belongs to a High Ranking Secret Society known as Maximillion Vampire Clan. Which performs innocent human babies to be given as a sacrifice towards Baphomet and Azmodeus* 2 Of the Demon Lords of Hell. Your brother belongs to this hidden organization that operates in the Shadows but their latest project is to revive your Father the Progenitor most infamous VampireLord of all time. Dracula! Humanity will cease to exist if he were to be revived. All they need is a vial of blood from all of the current 8 saints and they have their eye on Saint Lauren Glennwald from the Eastern Side of Germany from a small rural community town known as Hertzentmort. She currently 25 years old is on a mission to collect Papal papers for the Order for you know they are closely tied to the papalcy. However, she got body guards that are Elite Knights with very powerful Anti-Witch spells and very accurate at pinpointing weak points in any battle with powerful Witches. So going alone isn't very advisable.<br>
Aziel: I greatly appreciate your information I'll take a look on what my little brother is looking to do. I'll take care of him. Don't you worry I'll be seeing you later. <br>
Isis: Alright..."She steps towards Aziel and rubs his chest and reward is waiting for me...and looks down his pants" <br>
Aziel:  Now your tempting me to destroy that *****... but here this is what you'll get "he shows her his ****"<br>
Isis: Mmmm I can't wait baby...well that's a massive apparatus you got in there just hiding.<br>
Aziel: Hahaha...right. Soon enough I'll be all yours to play with. No leave me.<br>
Isis transforms to a cloud of dark myst and leaves the premises of the Castle.<br>
~Meanwhile in Uriel's Castle~<br>
The Maximillion Vampire Club had a secret meeting in the Uriel's Castle. There where many prestigious and famous guests there and so was the Highest Ranking Vampire of the Club Maximillion Virgil Vann himself. Inside the Castle where also uninvited guests from The Order Of The Silver Knights pretending to be Vampires. His name Michael Neil Stalwart & his partner Aalyaah Black. Both of them infiltrated the party somehow the Order Of The Silver Knights caught wind of shady operations in the occult club and decided to check it out. Michael & Aalyaah belong to Stealth/Infiltration part of the Order known as The Dark Ones
. Even the last 5 remaining Dark Priests from the Cathedral Of Skylor* where 13 years ago Baphomet was revived and mortalized to walk upon humans granting favors for a price. Ultimately the price Demon Lords require of humans is their souls to consume them and become more powerful. This 5 Dark Priests where very important in the ceremony taking place because tonight at 3 a.m. they will unify their powers to revive Azmodeus. They were successful on bringing back Baphomet back to life so they are trying to revive another Demon Lord. In Baphomet's revival they used 666 unborn fetuses with 6 babies 3 male and 3 female all born under the sign of Capricorn and all must be 3 months premature. With this requirements met...Baphomet was revived to this plane of existence, however since he was violent and still hellbent from transitioning from the hellish plane to a mortal one he killed and consumed 3 Dark Priests in the process of fully coming to his senses and being able to recognize them and thank them for what they done. Baphomet promised that he would aid them 5 Dark Priests revive all 13 Demon Lords and in turn 2 Of the 5 remaining Dark Priests must sacrifice themselves to the Demon Lords for the strongest remaining 3 get a extraordinary reward.
Antino Art Feb 2018
South Florida
if you were a body part,
you’d be an armpit.

You’d be a bulged vein
on the side of a forehead
forever locked in a scowl
behind sunglasses.

You speak the language of horns
middle name, finger
blood type, combustible

You're a melting ***
that's boiled over the lid
sweating salt water at the brows
eyes red as the brake lights
in the maddening brightness,
you’re torrential daylight
heating nerves like greenhouse gasses
waiting for a reason to explode.

You’re a tropical motilov cocktail
no one can afford
2 parts anger, 1 part stupidity
full of yourself in a souvenir glass with a toothpick umbrella
You're all image

You’re all talk: the curse words
breaking out the mouths
of the angry line mob at Starbucks in the morning
You’re the indifferent silence
in the arena at the Heat games leaving early,
showing up late
due to the distance
from Brickell to Hialeah,
West Palm to Pompano
the gap between the entitled and the under-paid
a skyline of condos in a third world country
You’ve always been foreign to me.

You’re winterless, no chill
you attract only hurricanes
and tourists,
shoving anything that isn’t profitable
out of the way like post-storm debris
into the backyards of the Liberty City projects,
onto a landfill off the side of the Turnpike
Hide it beneath Bermuda grass,
line it with palm trees
if only conceal your cold blooded nature:
I see you.
You are overrun with iguanas,
blood-******* mosquitos
hot-headed New York drivers
not afraid to get hit

You get yours, Soflo
and you'll go as low
as the flat roofs of your duplexes
and the wages that can barely pay the rent to get it
latitude as attitude
temper as temperature
if you were a body part
I swear you’re an *******

south of the brain, one hour
in all directions,
I’d find you.
You’d impose your way
onto my flight to the Philippines,
to Seattle, to Raleigh
You’d follow me like excess baggage,
like gravity,
bringing me back when asked where I'm from:

That area north of Miami, I’d say
(the suburbs, but whatever, we are hard in our own way)
I'd show you off on their map
like some badge of grit,
certificate of aggression
I know how to break a sweat
walk brisk, drive evasive
ride storms in my sleep
I know you, I’d say,
“He’s a friend of mine.”
and I’d watch them light up
and remember
the postcards you've sent them
of the sunrise,
welcoming brown immigrants
onto white sand beaches
You were foreign to us
yet raised us as your own
in the furnace of your summers
iron on iron, the forger striking
softness into swords
built for survival
I'm made of you

my South Floridian temper
cools down
in your ocean breeze

if you were a body part,
you'd be a part of me
a socked foot in an And1 sandal
pressed to the gas pedal
as my drive takes me north
of your borders, far from home

I see you
in the rear view mirror,
like a sports car on the exit ramp
the color of the sun.
I SAY that Roger Casement
Did what he had to do.
He died upon the gallows,
But that is nothing new.

Afraid they might be beaten
Before the bench of Time,
They turned a trick by forgery
And blackened his good name.

A perjurer stood ready
To prove their forgery true;
They gave it out to all the world,
And that is something new;

For Spring Rice had to whisper it,
Being their Ambassador,
And then the speakers got it
And writers by the score.

Come Tom and ****, come all the troop
That cried it far and wide,
Come from the forger and his desk,
Desert the perjurer's side;

Come speak your bit in public
That some amends be made
To this most gallant gentleman
That is in quicklime laid.
Adrian Supetran Mar 2018
Lady luck seemed to left me,
As I started to roll the dice.
I wanted to cheat,
And never say "goodbye."
I want to spend this eternal pleasure,
Of casting myself into isolation,
In this dark, humid, rotten room.
Sitting and embracing the cold body,
With innocence controlled like a marionette.
Strings were the darkness,
Puppet is the soul.
The forger is my mind,
Often forgetting to stitch the holes.
In this twisted poem you'll get lost,
By playing with the unknown.
A crumbling facade.
You might wonder what is the mistake?
Think again.
If it's not the forger,
Then it is the reader.
Let me indulge my twisted mind.
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I am not perfect.
I am nowhere near perfect.
I simply play the part,
But only for you.

I try to be the best.
I aim for perfection.
But like Cupid,
My marksmanship is poor.

I will always fail,
I will always be,
This same imperfect entity,
All that is yours.

If imperfection,
Is perfect to you,
Than I shall put down my bow,
And aim no more.

I am not a masterpiece,
I am a forgery,
Created by the perfect artist.

I apologize for my texture,
The flaws that give me away.
For to an expert,
I am nothing but a replica.

To an unlearned eye,
I may be something,
Born of the renaissance,
Yet I am nothing special.

I was born of this age.
An age where an artist's ideals,
Are formed from past works.
And I am nothing but a forgery.

Not a forgery of Da Vinci or Michelangelo,
But a forgery of these new age artists.
Only a forgery of an idea's idea.
Nothing more.
Not sure exactly what I was aiming for in this piece... I kind of went off on a tangent... but... yeah...
She is made up of words that not anyone can understand;
Her mind is a dictionary of sadness and heartache,
And her heart is a poetry book for the hopeless.
She is the prettiest song,
The perfect sonnet,
The most meaningful haiku,
And the longest novel.
It takes a while to read her,
Seconds to love her,
And a lifetime to forger her.
Michael R Burch May 2020
Song from Ælla: Under the Willow Tree, or, Minstrel's Song
by Thomas Chatterton, age 17 or younger
Modernization/Translation by Michael R. Burch


O! sing unto my roundelay,
O! drop the briny tear with me,
Dance no more at holy-day,
Like a running river be:
My love is dead,
Gone to his death-bed
All under the willow-tree.

Black his crown as the winter night,
White his flesh as the summer snow
Red his face as the morning light,
Cold he lies in the grave below:
My love is dead,  
Gone to his death-bed
All under the willow-tree.
Sweet his tongue as the throstle's note,
Quick in dance as thought can be,                      
Deft his tabor, cudgel stout;
O! he lies by the willow-tree!
My love is dead,
Gone to his death-bed
All under the willow-tree.

Hark! the raven ***** his wing
In the briar'd dell below;
Hark! the death-owl loud doth sing
To the nightmares, as they go:
My love is dead,
Gone to his death-bed
All under the willow-tree.

See! the white moon shines on high;
Whiter is my true-love's shroud:
Whiter than the morning sky,
Whiter than the evening cloud:
My love is dead,  
Gone to his death-bed          
All under the willow-tree.

Here upon my true-love's grave      
Shall the barren flowers be laid;
Not one holy saint to save
All the coldness of a maid:
My love is dead,  
Gone to his death-bed          
All under the willow-tree.

With my hands I'll frame the briars
Round his holy corpse to grow:
Elf and fairy, light your fires,
Here my body, stilled, shall go:
My love is dead,
Gone to his death-bed          
All under the willow-tree.

Come, with acorn-cup and thorn,
Drain my heart's red blood away;
Life and all its good I scorn,
Dance by night, or feast by day:
My love is dead,  
Gone to his death-bed          
All under the willow-tree.
Water witches, crowned with plaits,
Bear me to your lethal tide.
I die; I come; my true love waits.
Thus the damsel spoke, and died.

The song above is, in my opinion, competitive with Shakespeare's songs in his plays, and may be the best of Thomas Chatterton's Rowley poems. It seems rather obvious that this song was written in modern English, then "backdated." One wonders whether Chatterton wrote it in response to Shakespeare's "Under the Greenwood Tree." The greenwood tree or evergreen is a symbol of immortality. The "weeping willow" is a symbol of sorrow, and the greatest human sorrow is that of mortality and the separations caused by death. If Chatterton wrote his song as a refutation of Shakespeare's, I think he did a **** good job. But it's a splendid song in its own right.

William Blake is often considered to be the first English Romantic. Blake is the elder of the so-called “big six” of Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. I would add the great Scottish poet Robert Burns, making it a big seven. However, I believe Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley and Keats actually nominated an earlier poet as the first of their tribe: Thomas Chatterton. Unfortunately, Chatterton committed suicide in his teens, after being accused of literary fraud. What he did as a boy was astounding.

On this page, I prove that Thomas Chatterton could not possibly be guilty of the crime he was accused of:

Keywords/Tags: Chatterton, Romantic, Rowley, fraud, forger, forgery, roundelay, minstrel, song, Aella, willow
neth jones Mar 2022
The great gaudy flage is screamin' blood in the streets
                                          loose yawn of a gob on him
                                              all bombast n' swagger
he makes a barrage of nuisance
     channels through the public
         and scatters a juggler's performance spot
                  lobs away his change hat
then, roughly over the cobbles  
                                        he hoicks a resuscitation doll
         and stamps down a posing boot
                                                 on the 'defeated form'

an unprepared scoop of tourists
a pause for silence and begins a rant
a great performance
of well harassed combustion :

"i smear to god all the phalluses
      [he roars, all saliva]
i smug to god
             a full jug of uglies
tug on       [makes the hand gesture for male *******]
i **** off the forger
would slug it in the mug
                          if it ever did form a tissue oath
took a plug at some drunk straggler
called the baffled *** 'god-father'
            and spate spume on his fallen anatomy
[with one hand he indicates the mannequin at his heel]
       amen ******* !"

he bows
a long quiet
some people clap awkwardly
two police officers appear and hook him by the elbows
(it has been this show before)
poetryaccident May 2017
In the space of small
mere inches wide
lay beauty’s face
in portrait’s frame

with likeness true
copy imbued
with love’s imprint
last image’s grief

the final likeness
not my love
forger’s lament

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170504.
The poem “Forger’s Lament” was written against the prompt, “Small and Beautiful”.
Christopher Burk Sep 2016
Today I bathed in black water,
Rinsed with the sewage we call society, and dried off in governmental regulations.
You call yourselfs clean based on the record of your criminality and the color of your skin?
You use a plastic kind of soap the produces no clean but like a camera it captures and preserves what's inside.
So you can play bath time with your bubbles, pretending you own yourselves for a night, but after your bath comes bed time. You will wake up tomorrow and find your still owned by the government and, your soap was just plastic.
So you need to bathe again.
Don't forger to lather, rinse, and repeat.

Chris burk
Nickols Apr 2013
A forger is what they called you—
A man of many faces.
The dream is where I met you.
The dream is where I should have left you.

They warned me not to fall,
For falling in love with someone like you, is nothing but a game.
They hadn't warn me,
that falling for you could be so simple.

A crooked smile,
And a flash of baby blues.
And oh, great God—
Your mouth;
A sinful entrance it is, rolling on my name.

A Point Man is what they call me—
A man of many ideas.
The dream is where you met me.
The dream is where you should have left me.

Did they warn you of the danger of letting me in?
For falling in love with someone like me,
is nothing but a chance to win.
Had they warned you,
I’d already fallen for you?

You formed my soul into something  keen;
But yet, altogether malleable.
A pointed forgery,
A loaded dice, tumbling into the play—
Readying to steal your chips away.

Winning and losing all the while;
Truly believing, in our downward spiral
through the machine.

It was a shame, for it’s all in a dream.
Our dream within a dream.
Been watching a little too much Inception. I love that movie!! Love me some Arthur/Eamse.

© Victoria
Kelly Sims Apr 2019
My wife is gone and our baby is crying
Oh,lord, what shall I do ?
The fields lay fallow and
the hounds they  lay dying

All my sorrows split open anew
Sweet Angeline, I never seen a vision the likes of you
But now you are gone and I must carry on
To avenge you with plots on the brew
She was taken away by old  Simon Legree

Now my Angie is buried and the child that she carried
Remains with,shining with vigor
Why were you left behind when  her body was consigned to a ditch drain
is more  than I can figure

Now I've wailed my woes up and down the town
Not one good man will take him down
Though I sing his name nine times inside this song
I seen no reparations for his wrongs

So I studied up a plan to see him suffer
For the worst he done to me, I'd  show him rougher
I hoped with him to parlay
I crept down to Legrees place
The moon looked wicked full and livid
The frost lay on the barley
The wind made 'me away so the stalks bid play a tune both bright and vivid

The wind slashed me cruel with claws like a ghoul
Till my cheeks burned hot and red
To the servants door I knew well from before
I prowled like a thief and slipped in
My jaw tight-clenched
My guts were soon wrenched
By the stench of his black den of sin

I pressed firm to the wall and soon found the hall had opened up to Legrees great  chamber
The hearth lowly burned and  my heart made a great turn
See,ol' Simon had come there to slumber

Then I  trod without noise
Though I'd fumbled my poise
To a hatch in the floor of the room
I left the wrench to snore,in his chair
In his  lair, and sank deeper into the gloom
I closed the trap above my head
And,being a good Christian, said a prayer to quell my fear
The match I held between my teeth
I struck against my stubbled cheek
The spark shot up and gradually
I saw where I had fell
The hole was like a charnel hell house
Except that some were living among those poor unhappy girls
Those seven desperate, starving women
Four of them were breathing still
One was pregnant, one was deaf
The other two so near to death
They hardly held the strength to move clear

A sickening smell right out of hell
Exploded In my skull
It was human filth, and tears and guilt
I saw that death was so close
I realized that hell ain't a place
but a mindless, gnawing fear
I knew then that hell's where Simon
Legree ought to dwell
So I said, right then and there

Sisters, there will be deliverance
Tonight, there will be retribution
The man who has done you violence
Will here taste christ's  absolution
Now gather round, here's my solution :

I loosened their  bonds and their gags
And till dawn gathered the things for a purpose

I was terribly pleased once the steps had been greased and found we had rope to surplus

Next ,I Tommy flask of roosters blood and my mask
For I knew my turn at last, with my turn to unmask the devil atlas
Then I asked my friends to paint my skin with a ruby taint
Then bark and bray like demons at their revels
Our howl's were like a breeze bourne plague
An ungodly din,to make the ceiling sag
Like someone cooking crickets in a funnel

I can proudly tell you,sir
It weren't long before something stirred
And the door flew up,and a head peered in the tunnel

"LISTEN  up ,you bitchs!"
he roared " I need your yowling like grit in my eye!"

I noticed then he had eyes like mud
He went still for a spell and my heart gave an echoing thud

Then he hooted loud and slapped his thigh
"Master ",he said,
I said "yeah  "?
He said, "mister devil "
I said ,"I like your style "
He grinned "I ain't seen you in quite a while
He shouted to his slaves for a barrel of wine
Then stepped on the gangway and chattered on  in his head
For a long godawful minute I thought the ******* was dead
But before long he sat up and shook his porcine head

" I have a taste for mortal wine ",said I " My drink is for fine blood and burning turpentine "

"Now drop on your  knees and prove that you are loyal
There's no rest for the wicked, and the slacker reaps no spoils"

I had him fetch a drum pitch instead
"Tie this rope around your ankle
Make sure it's your left" I instructed
"Can't say I understand", he  instructed  " It ain't yours to ponder.
Now rest your worry wits and do as I  command you"!

And he did

" Now, will you kindly dangle from that aforesaid left ankle?"
And I saw his skin, and it was pale as a  lady's powder
I strung him up like a side of pork
Then I approached the young lady with a brush dripping pitch
I'm real glad she me here
For the first time in so many years Simon Legree felt the clutch of fear

When I saw to it that his skin was as dark as his heart,I lit another match a d he reared up with a start

"Do you ever recall speaking these words: (I asked him)
"******* never bruise . They're skin already black  enough. Their backs are lazy and their skin is tough. You can beat 'em all you want and they'd never show it"?

Simon Legree let out a low,ugly  growl. He wriggled, and he whimpered and he shook. " Thats right?you can beat 'em all you want and they'd never show it"?
"Some fool said the meek'll inherit. Though you wouldn't know it."
Then I set him ablaze. And sent the sucker down to hell. His screams were like a symphony, if art could aspire to torture. The women licked their lips and flashed their eyes and the swelter of the beat down on me tell I felt just like a forger.

An ear- rending, soul-bending shriek went up and he  went slack and still I bowed like a good blacksmith and tears wet my face. The spectacle was better than I'd hoped

And Simon Legree went down to the devil.
Down,Down, Down, Down.
With Simon Legree.
Did you ever hear about the bounds in the well of hell
Down to the devil.

You could say that Legrees is my life's great bane. But you know, it just wouldn't tear it. So pick yourself off that cold hard ground ,'cause some of us weren't made to grit and bear it!'

I hate him every bit you do.That back-breaking buzzard with eyes like a ferret!. If love will lead us blind and such. Known that I hate him yet as much. itch.My servants of help,will blacked  you, she's a good  faithful witch
Michael R Burch Jun 2020
An Excelente Balade of Charitie (“An Excellent Ballad of Charity”)
by Thomas Chatterton, age 17
modernization/translation by Michael R. Burch

As wroten bie the goode Prieste
Thomas Rowley 1464

In Virgynë the swelt'ring sun grew keen,
Then hot upon the meadows cast his ray;
The apple ruddied from its pallid green
And the fat pear did bend its leafy spray;
The pied goldfinches sang the livelong day;
'Twas now the pride, the manhood of the year,
And the ground was mantled in fine green cashmere.

The sun was gleaming in the bright mid-day,
Dead-still the air, and likewise the heavens blue,
When from the sea arose, in drear array,
A heap of clouds of sullen sable hue,
Which full and fast unto the woodlands drew,
Hiding at once the sun's fair festive face,
As the black tempest swelled and gathered up apace.

Beneath a holly tree, by a pathway's side,
Which did unto Saint Godwin's convent lead,
A hapless pilgrim moaning did abide.
Poor in his sight, ungentle in his ****,
Long brimful of the miseries of need,
Where from the hailstones could the beggar fly?
He had no shelter there, nor any convent nigh.

Look in his gloomy face; his sprite there scan;
How woebegone, how withered, dried-up, dead!
Haste to thy parsonage, accursèd man!
Haste to thy crypt, thy only restful bed.
Cold, as the clay which will grow on thy head,
Is Charity and Love among high elves;
Knights and Barons live for pleasure and themselves.

The gathered storm is ripe; the huge drops fall;
The sunburnt meadows smoke and drink the rain;
The coming aghastness makes the cattle pale;
And the full flocks are driving o'er the plain;
Dashed from the clouds, the waters float again;
The heavens gape; the yellow lightning flies;
And the hot fiery steam in the wide flamepot dies.

Hark! now the thunder's rattling, clamoring sound
Heaves slowly on, and then enswollen clangs,
Shakes the high spire, and lost, dispended, drown'd,
Still on the coward ear of terror hangs;
The winds are up; the lofty elm-tree swings;
Again the lightning―then the thunder pours,
And the full clouds are burst at once in stormy showers.

Spurring his palfrey o'er the watery plain,
The Abbot of Saint Godwin's convent came;
His chapournette was drenchèd with the rain,
And his pinched girdle met with enormous shame;
He cursing backwards gave his hymns the same;
The storm increasing, and he drew aside
With the poor alms-craver, near the holly tree to bide.

His cape was all of Lincoln-cloth so fine,
With a gold button fasten'd near his chin;
His ermine robe was edged with golden twine,
And his high-heeled shoes a Baron's might have been;
Full well it proved he considered cost no sin;
The trammels of the palfrey pleased his sight
For the horse-milliner loved rosy ribbons bright.

"An alms, Sir Priest!" the drooping pilgrim said,
"Oh, let me wait within your convent door,
Till the sun shineth high above our head,
And the loud tempest of the air is o'er;
Helpless and old am I, alas!, and poor;
No house, no friend, no money in my purse;
All that I call my own is this―my silver cross.

"Varlet," replied the Abbott, "cease your din;
This is no season alms and prayers to give;
My porter never lets a beggar in;
None touch my ring who in dishonor live."
And now the sun with the blackened clouds did strive,
And shed upon the ground his glaring ray;
The Abbot spurred his steed, and swiftly rode away.

Once more the sky grew black; the thunder rolled;
Fast running o'er the plain a priest was seen;
Not full of pride, not buttoned up in gold;
His cape and jape were gray, and also clean;
A Limitour he was, his order serene;
And from the pathway side he turned to see
Where the poor almer lay beneath the holly tree.

"An alms, Sir Priest!" the drooping pilgrim said,
"For sweet Saint Mary and your order's sake."
The Limitour then loosen'd his purse's thread,
And from it did a groat of silver take;
The needy pilgrim did for happiness shake.
"Here, take this silver, it may ease thy care;
"We are God's stewards all, naught of our own we bear."

"But ah! unhappy pilgrim, learn of me,
Scarce any give a rentroll to their Lord.
Here, take my cloak, as thou are bare, I see;
'Tis thine; the Saints will give me my reward."
He left the pilgrim, went his way abroad.
****** and happy Saints, in glory showered,
Let the mighty bend, or the good man be empowered!

TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: It is possible that some words used by Chatterton were his own coinages; some of them apparently cannot be found in medieval literature. In a few places I have used similar-sounding words that seem to not overly disturb the meaning of the poem. Keywords/Tags: Chatterton, Romantic, Rowley, fraud, forger, forgery, ballad, charity, alms, almer, varlet, beggar, pilgrim, storm, thunderstorm, tempest, holly, Abbot, Saint, Godwin, priest, Limitour
Richard Jan 2013
when you and i dance it is electric shock
and you are water and i am ice.
you conduct and share, spread like
wildfire heat and burn and
so don’t think i am nervous when you touch me
it is me
not you, never you
it is me who is too old and too frozen
to allow the free current to rumble through my skin.
it is a surprise,
a present,
when you let the warmth flash into my bones
but please remember that it is hard for me to hold
this gift
without dropping it.
humans have their half-hearts and
yours are so full
it’s been so long to remember heat
that sometimes i let the ice taste like
metal, like wood
like stolen promises and betrayed kisses
and then when you touch me
it is a surprise present
but one that i will take all too gladly
because i am selfish
and you have so much to give.
you are your mother and your father
and you are your own traveler
so let me come into your home
and make a mess of things
with my poor conductor heart.
i may never tell you i love you
but just know that it is not words that fail me
you would know i was lying if i said
i was anything other than a storyteller,
a wordsmith, a forger of weapons from syllables
and tongue against teeth and vocal chords,
but it is the surprise of electricity
that keeps my mouth fumbling.
let me marry you in forever ago
and now
because you are a surprise, a present,
and i have come to need you
in a way that i haven’t needed
and i cannot keep you in the box
of people i love
because they always come out broken
and i demand your circuitry, your
flow over me.
you must never break
because you torture yourself with
your own shock, your own pulse
and i cannot choose your fate;
that is yours to do with what you will,
but i can choose how to feel.
so maybe when the day comes
and the towers sing and i cry
i will cry not from the sadness of your leaving
but cry at the happiness of your staying
and the knowing that you and i
are the choosing ones
that have chosen electric-shock-pain
in the logic of you and i in union.
Sometimes I'm a poet
But most often
I'm an ordinary forger,
Torturing words
To fulfill my sadist desires,
Watching them cry out loud
Meaningless combinations
Purposely vague to seem intelligent.

I never played around
To see what could I do.
What could I've done?
What would I've done?
Would I change the world,
Be a tyrant advocate
Of reason, of equality, of mercy?
Would I at least understand
Why I keep my bed
Always facing the (shut) door?
Or I would be the same as I am
Running over and over
For something different
That never meant to be,
And find myself
From time to time wandering
What could I've done?
What would I've done?

We are shy to show
The little tiny mess we're made of,
Like a thief,
We hide what reveals us.

The orange night sky
Says more about my city
Than the heaven above it.
Orion Schwalm May 2012
There used to be a time...
                                         a time when we were certain
                                                         ­                              a time when we were used.
                                                                ­                                                                 ­      ...used by a forger.
So bright was the furnace we always returned to
                                                  brighter than we can even remember.
                                                       ­                                         it's hard to remember.
We would run in the field, because it was a field, made by us, for us, to run in.
                                             Some whiles we would stay home, and block out the world and it's cursed sun.
                                                            ­                                          brighter than was fair for us.
                                                             ­                                                                 ­  when we didn't want to be seen.
Again and again, we would be forged into new. Some new way, some new way of being the old way.
Again and again, we were here and there, so long as everyone called us by the same name.
We were forged into weapons. And we sewed distraught. We hurt,                       the ones who named us.

And now, our steel doesn't shine so hot. And the only thing left making us remember, that we're alive,
               is the rapid thuds of our heart pumping down against the cold tile floor, begging us to choose
                                                          ­begging us for a path to follow.
                                                         ­                         pleading to flow this hot blood somewhere it will make a difference.           Screaming that we don't need you, and we don't want you, and that we need not fight each other over thoughts about you anymore.

I was seven times certain who I was.
That I could forget you...

                                                   ­                                   We're back.
K Balachandran Feb 2012
i saw you crossing  roaring rivers and
climbing snow clad mountains,
taking long walks through prestine landscapes,
or loosing completely in  ecstatic rain dances,

when i sought you,
and after long last,
found you there,
where you were hiding in disguise,
like a refugee, whose passport was lost--

you were,
mostly eliminated,
like a map, eaten by hungry moths ,
vastly altered
by time, the great forger
hiding in my own attic,

drastically cut,
particularly at corners,
like a cake eaten by greedy cats,
totally sanitised,
clumsily cleaned,
shades of dark completely erased,
unknowing it's value, to create contrast
foolishly whitened,
throwing  sense of aesthetics,
on the way side.

I can see frills attached without any rhyme or reason,
specifics, misinerpreted in many unwanted places,
dark lines of interference, criss crossed,
killing the  pleasure of recollection.

And,  what is  the precious left over?
do i see anything significant at all?
your this avatar, i would have gladly
submitted to  Herr Alzeimer's

what i see before mind's eye is delicately positioned,
ambiguity has taken active control, effectively of  all details,
i stand aghast,
close my eyes
and try to answer
the question that arises:
"who exactly is this?
the memories reappearing as a ghost
to bring me  back to senses,
and make me come in  terms,
with what has passed for ever?"
The fine link of mind to pen.
As words form onto the page,
Spilling from every corners of your brain.
The moment pen touches paper,
You enter a twisted dimension.
Heavenly, and
Cheerful dimensions.

Words that collect themselves on pages,
Sometimes sending bone chilling messages to readers.
Even nice warm fussing feelings.
It moves people to great lengths.
To achieve things that are far from their minds.
It tears down walls of hatred,
And sends out waves of joy.

This art; Poetry.
Has withstood the test of time.
And will not hinder the slightest.
It is my Bible.
My Juliet.
My comfort on those dog days.
My second life line.

Is a state of mind,
That overwhelms even the strongest of wills.
You are the conductor of this orchestra of words.
Let your poetic symphony be heard.
Let it ripple through the hearts and minds.
Let it be the moon that sways the waters and the ill willed.

I will run through that grass filled dimension,
As the sun shines on to my face.
I will become the forger of sentences.
I will conduct the greatest classical score of words.
I will be eternally bound to this state of mind.
PSoM&AS; (will write the AS part sometime soon :D) is a small group that me and my friend started in college. Hopefully someday it will grow big, but right now I'm happy with what we do :) The last stanza is kinda our "pledge" to the group lol.
Joey McNamara Aug 2010
The feelings dead, just shout it out now
The feelings dead, just admit it, be proud
Open the doors, look inside, into our lives
Tell me whats there, is it cold and empty?

I've been standing up for so long
I've been sitting down for so long
I've been stuck right here for so long
Have you felt the same for so long?
It's all thats here, so far, so far

When I see a star, I think of times gone by
It felt so real, It felt so high
But you sink, sink, sink into the night
Never thinking to cast some light

I've been standing up for so long
I've been sitting down for so long
I've been stuck right here for so long
Have you felt the same for so long?
It's all thats here, so far, so far

When you struggle and when you twirl
I will always be here for you girl
I'll never let you fall, never let you fall
If you never forget, never forger me at all

I've been standing up for so long
I've been sitting down for so long
I've been stuck right here for so long
Have you felt the same for so long?
It's all thats here, so far, so far

Is there a happily ever after?
is there a world filled with laughter?
Or are our lives filled with hate
All our feelings left way too late

I've been standing up for so long
I've been sitting down for so long
I've been stuck right here for so long
Have you felt the same for so long?
It's all thats here, so far, so far

Oh,I've been standing up for so long
I've been sitting down for so long
I've been stuck right here for so long
Have you felt the same for so long?
It's all thats here, so far, so far
So far
Copyright Joey McNamara 2010
Maggie McLeod Nov 2011
Words come to my mind but I
record them, I
write them down;
I’m sick.
I’m sick and
worn down and
I’m simply
too sad to write.
But sometimes I have to
forget my self and
throw away my
I’m a
word forger first,
mentally ill second.

And still, I have
no motivation.
I need a
new muse, my
old one is just that:
suffering is not
important enough for me to go on
pitying and
pining and
But I’m scared.

What happens when I
throw that away?
Will the
poetry stop?
Will the
words stop
appearing in my mind?
I can see them;
I can see the
letters and the
spaces and the
They materialize in my
push their way to my
full attention.
They fit together like
puzzle pieces, the
beautiful, perfect letters organizing into these
amazing words, allowing me to
bend them and
shape them to my will.
I can’t risk losing that;
I love it to much.

So what will happen once I’ve found a
new muse?
Will it be
Will I have to
make the words myself, instead of my
subconscious giving them to me like
perfect little gifts?
I couldn’t do that;
I’m not creative enough.
I’m not
good enough at this art to
be able to do that.

I don’t
want to change.
I don’t
want to find anything new.
I don’t
want to lose this amazing little thing that I
found in me, the
one thing I know I’m
TRUELY good at.
I don’t want to lose the
only thing that keeps me sane.
À M. de Bonald.

Ainsi, quand parmi les tempêtes,
Au sommet brûlant du Sina,
Jadis le plus grand des prophètes
Gravait les tables de Juda ;
Pendant cet entretien sublime,
Un nuage couvrait la cime
Du mont inaccessible aux yeux,
Et, tremblant aux coups du tonnerre,
Juda, couché dans la poussière,
Vit ses lois descendre des cieux.

Ainsi des sophistes célèbres
Dissipant les fausses clartés,
Tu tires du sein des ténèbres
D'éblouissantes vérités.
Ce voile qui des lois premières
Couvrait les augustes mystères,
Se déchire et tombe à ta voix ;
Et tu suis ta route assurée,
Jusqu'à cette source sacrée
Où le monde a puisé ses lois.

Assis sur la base immuable
De l'éternelle vérité,
Tu vois d'un oeil inaltérable
Les phases de l'humanité.
Secoués de leurs gonds antiques,
Les empires, les républiques
S'écroulent en débris épars ;
Tu ris des terreurs où nous sommes :
Partout où nous voyons les hommes,
Un Dieu se montre à tes regards !

En vain par quelque faux système,
Un système faux est détruit ;
Par le désordre à l'ordre même,
L'univers moral est conduit.
Et comme autour d'un astre unique,
La terre, dans sa route oblique,
Décrit sa route dans les airs ;
Ainsi, par une loi plus belle,
Ainsi la justice éternelle
Est le pivot de l'univers !

Mais quoi ! tandis que le génie
Te ravit si **** de nos yeux,
Les lâches clameurs de l'envie
Te suivent jusque dans les cieux !
Crois-moi, dédaigne d'en descendre ;
Ne t'abaisse pas pour entendre
Ces bourdonnements détracteurs.
Poursuis ta sublime carrière,
Poursuis ; le mépris du vulgaire
Est l'apanage des grands coeurs.

Objet de ses amours frivoles,
Ne l'as-tu pas vu tour à tour
Se forger de frêles idoles
Qu'il adore et brise en un jour ?
N'as-tu pas vu son inconstance
De l'héréditaire croyance
Eteindre les sacrés flambeaux ?
Brûler ce qu'adoraient ses pères,
Et donner le nom de lumières
A l'épaisse nuit des tombeaux ?

Secouant ses antiques rênes,
Mais par d'autres tyrans flatté,
Tout meurtri du poids de ses chaînes,
L'entends-tu crier : Liberté ?
Dans ses sacrilèges caprices,
Le vois-tu, donnant à ses vices
Les noms de toutes les vertus ;
Traîner Socrate aux gémonies,
Pour faire, en des temples impies,
L'apothéose d'Anitus ?

Si pour caresser sa faiblesse,
Sous tes pinceaux adulateurs,
Tu parais du nom de sagesse
Les leçons de ses corrupteurs,
Tu verrais ses mains avilies,
Arrachant des palmes flétries
De quelque front déshonoré,
Les répandre sur ton passage.
Et, changeant la gloire en outrage,
T'offrir un triomphe abhorré !

Mais **** d'abandonner la lice
Où ta jeunesse a combattu,
Tu sais que l'estime du vice
Est un outrage à la vertu !
Tu t'honores de tant de haine,
Tu plains ces faibles coeurs qu'entraîne
Le cours de leur siècle égaré ;
Et seul contre le flot rapide,
Tu marches d'un pas intrépide
Au but que la gloire a montré !

Tel un torrent, fils de l'orage,
En roulant du sommet des monts,
S'il rencontre sur son passage
Un chêne, l'orgueil des vallons ;
Il s'irrite, il écume, il gronde,
Il presse des plis de son onde
L'arbre vainement menacé ;
Mais debout parmi les ruines,
Le chêne aux profondes racines
Demeure; et le fleuve a passé !

Toi donc, des mépris de ton âge
Sans être jamais rebuté,
Retrempe ton mâle courage
Dans les flots de l'adversité !
Pour cette lutte qui s'achève,
Que la vérité soit ton glaive,
La justice ton bouclier.
Va ! dédaigne d'autres armures ;
Et si tu reçois des blessures,
Nous les couvrirons de laurier !

Vois-tu dans la carrière antique,
Autour des coursiers et des chars,
Jaillir la poussière olympique
Qui les dérobe à nos regards ?
Dans sa course ainsi le génie,
Par les nuages de l'envie
Marche longtemps environné ;
Mais au terme de la carrière,
Des flots de l'indigne poussière
Il sort vainqueur et couronné.
While he was in the alchemical session with Valekiria with the ***** lushness in the veins of his beloved, he felt instantly the arrival of some mounts. Etréstles, goes out and looks around the store and makes sure that Alexander the Great's entourage was there. I brought him a letter. Etréstles alerts Mardiath and the others. As the General pulls out his Leonatus, he dismounts and approaches the tent where his chief commander Vernarth was. He sees him surrounded by probes, which were like branches inserted by his right pectoral and his main veins.

Alexander the Great says:

Khaire, "I wish you joy" my great Commander Vernarth ...!!. He raises his hands, clicking with his hands to scatter some tiny earrings, to grind them on his face, they were sent by the Falangists, paying homage to him. They were like pieces of the horse's leashes with gold fillets that they ripped with the hooves of the cavalry from the armor of the bruised containers. With the tips of his fingers up his face and his hands up he appealed the presence of Zeus, and then bowed.

The last time I saw your individual, we had alternated to see the enormous over-proportioned bravery that Vernarth imposed on the battle. Here you arranged your army so that we could face everywhere, forming a large rectangle that we could face attacks from anywhere. I saw millions of Arrows fall on our army, I paid attention to you, your Lord Vernarth, who went with your wounded right breastplate, also semi hanging your Hoplite breastplate. You had legs and shoulders with impostor arrows that did not detract you from continuing with the ****** ramming of the enemy infants who were incapable of you. You mounted Alikanto and with all the momentum in an act of extreme madness you ravaged the insistent enemy ranks. There was the last great moment that I could see about your great courage and bravery to decapitate the enemy troops. Today we have defeated and I will go after Darío after his flight, which is what the world did behind him who should never have dared against our alliance with our army.

Vernarth replies:
All plunged into the Dorus and Xiphos with their multiple ****** edges, like a new blood alliance that must provide us with a new life beyond our deaths. In the hand of the blacksmith forger will reside the new lands where we have to implement new expeditions.

Brisehal, my Dog of Lut, embarrassed his ambitions to tarnish our designs. Now on the plain there are signs of panic, that only He infused on the bodies unscathed by the Falangists, they are witnesses of our daring and of the wild rebellion that caused the flight of the Achaemenides. On the glory that I do not stop aspiring, I will go to my hopes of meeting my ancestors in paradise, I have to gratify my great brotherhood to the kingdom of creation that boils through the great chimneys of the universe separating the own faculties from the power of true love , that make us coexist with our arms and legs without it being anything clearer than the footprint of the shadows, more exceptional than the same that others must thank with love to represent under all the limits that exceed the upper limits.
Alexander the Great embraces him and honors him with his battalion. His comrade Hephaestion dispenses the liturgy and dedicates a war song chanted by one hundred Hoplites plus the inclusion of his figure on the Hellenic banner to always be part of the military emblem arc of all the Greek armies and the coming social class. The Liturgy begins for a great commander and a good soldier who inherited new lands. Not only because the greed of the enemies could not be hidden, but mainly because he worked the land, which was a school of virtue for the veteran, in which he acquired the qualities of vigilance, strength and justice that form the basis of the military spirit with honors.

Hoplites say: with the General's voice in unison Khaire !!, “We wish you joy”. Our lord Vernarth eternal life. He will never forget, and he will remain enrolled in this life and the other all this feat, as a great soldier and comrade, who will also be the father of our family, out of concern to preserve the freedom of all of us, who will now be ours in the good reason to fight.

Hephaestion proclaims: Same nation and age with my lord Alexander the Great. As a Macedonian aristocrat and a Macedonian general noble. I do not see another certainty when we know your greatest skill in all the works that will be sculpted in our monuments. Today we must before your divine figure, of our credit to compensate all those who will swallow history before the same people as their own bite. Aristotle will grant volumes to refer to Vernarth in his history as a contribution of Helenofilo hero and all the jargon involving the new and unpublished diet of the poetics of the Greek world.

In the third part of the noon, when a voluminous day the most underlined epithets of the homage to the greatest commander of Alexander the Great increased; all would leave to continue the investigation of Darío III. In the store were Mardiath and Etréstles faithfully accompanying them along with his wife Valekiria.

The Parapsychological session resumes:

While Vernarth was in the hands of the Medical Medium, they kept their narrations attentive, which his assistant recorded and took note of the most relevant. To know more about his incessant chronicles. Countless journalists and people in the field of information were already stationed there near the building, all shocked by the reputation that this unusual parapsychological event had taken, before the clinical, political, cultural and news media.

Ellipsis Vernarth in Berlin, Germany - April 16, 1945:

Vernarth was paying attention to Reichstag defenders April 16, 1945. As he walked between the cross-shootings of the Wehrmacht and Allied sides. He walked in between the Battle of Berlin, which was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. It began on April 16, 1945 after the start of a major Soviet Union offensive on the capital city of the Third *****, and ended on May 2, 1945, when German defenders surrendered in the city to the Red Army. That full ability allowed Vernarth to interrelate inter-war situations of a political / warlike nature, as for this stage that remained to be reported. Now it was already in Germany occupied by the Soviet army. And to be able to continue living intensely in this way the marks and vestiges of the bullets of heavy caliber, which would be of great historical boast for future civilizations and their socio-political criticism, which still follow these marks of bullets in all the generations of this great Nation.

"On January 12, 1945, the Red Army entered German territory during the Vistula-Oder offensive and advanced westward at great speed, up to forty kilometers a day, entering Eastern Prussia, Lower and Upper Silesia and Eastern Pomerania, to a stop sixty kilometers east of Berlin, on a German defensive line along the Oder River. When the offensive resumed, two Soviet fronts - army groups - attacked Berlin from positions to the east and south, while a third attacked German positions to the north of the city. The first preparations to defend the outskirts of Berlin began on March 20, when the newly appointed commander of Army Group Vistula, General Gotthard Heinrici, correctly anticipated that the bulk of Soviet troops would cross the Oder River. Before the start of the battle of Berlin, the Soviets managed to surround the city thanks to their victories in the battles of the Seelow and Halbe hills. On April 16, 1945, the First Belarusian Front led by Marshal of the Soviet Union Gueorgui Zhúkov began to bombard central Berlin, while the First Ukrainian Front led by Marshal Ivan Kónev, pushed south to the remains of the Army Group Center. The German defenders were led primarily by Helmuth Weidling, and consisted of exhausted, ill-equipped, and disorganized divisions of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, to which many joined. Thousands of Russian cannons bombed day and night, air control Russian was total, the avenues were at the expense of fanatical Waffen SS, totally Blocked ”.

Vernarth, was crossed by means of the Reichstag, and was parapet taking a German machine gun to harass Soviet soldiers, who only used it to protect himself, limiting that he was neutral. Then he disappeared into the hills and kept his distance, only seeing the immense fires that were trying to take over a dominated city. The Reichstag building was located in the already abandoned Tiergarten district, in the Mitte district of Berlin, the capital of Germany. Where he was just interned with the combatants, and in order not to be captured he served the side that received him unequivocally.

Thousands of Russian cannon bombed day and night, Russian air control was complete, the avenues were at the expense of Waffen SS fanatics and blocked. Vernarth was crossed by means of heavy transport vehicles and mortar and cannon bombs, until cornered in some skirmishes and colossal ruins. Where he manages to escape and heads to the Hotel Adlon, a great palace of kaiseres and authorities of the great bourgeoisie. Here he manages to reside and finally escape crossing borders without knowing, thinking about going to Munich and crossing other borders, perhaps disdain to join the allied side and serve as a spy.

To be continued, under edition
Alicia D Clarke Aug 2012
She wears an armor of secrets and stories.
Staying safe, toying with truth.
Forger of fact and fiction.
Protector of her thoughts, hers to own,to share or to keep.
The keeper of secrets. a safety net?
Sur un écueil battu par la vague plaintive,
Le nautonier de **** voit blanchir sur la rive
Un tombeau près du bord par les flots déposé ;
Le temps n'a pas encor bruni l'étroite pierre,
Et sous le vert tissu de la ronce et du lierre
On distingue... un sceptre brisé !

Ici gît... point de nom !... demandez à la terre !
Ce nom ? il est inscrit en sanglant caractère
Des bords du Tanaïs au sommet du Cédar,
Sur le bronze et le marbre, et sur le sein des braves,
Et jusque dans le cœur de ces troupeaux d'esclaves
Qu'il foulait tremblants sous son char.

Depuis ces deux grands noms qu'un siècle au siècle annonce,
Jamais nom qu'ici-bas toute langue prononce
Sur l'aile de la foudre aussi **** ne vola.
Jamais d'aucun mortel le pied qu'un souffle efface
N'imprima sur la terre une plus forte trace,
Et ce pied s'est arrêté là !...

Il est là !... sous trois pas un enfant le mesure !
Son ombre ne rend pas même un léger murmure !
Le pied d'un ennemi foule en paix son cercueil !
Sur ce front foudroyant le moucheron bourdonne,
Et son ombre n'entend que le bruit monotone
D'une vague contre un écueil !

Ne crains rien, cependant, ombre encore inquiète,
Que je vienne outrager ta majesté muette.
Non. La lyre aux tombeaux n'a jamais insulté.
La mort fut de tout temps l'asile de la gloire.
Rien ne doit jusqu'ici poursuivre une mémoire.
Rien !... excepté la vérité !

Ta tombe et ton berceau sont couverts d'un nuage,
Mais pareil à l'éclair tu sortis d'un orage !
Tu foudroyas le monde avant d'avoir un nom !
Tel ce Nil dont Memphis boit les vagues fécondes
Avant d'être nommé fait bouilloner ses ondes
Aux solitudes de Memnom.

Les dieux étaient tombés, les trônes étaient vides ;
La victoire te prit sur ses ailes rapides
D'un peuple de Brutus la gloire te fit roi !
Ce siècle, dont l'écume entraînait dans sa course
Les mœurs, les rois, les dieux... refoulé vers sa source,
Recula d'un pas devant toi !

Tu combattis l'erreur sans regarder le nombre ;
Pareil au fier Jacob tu luttas contre une ombre !
Le fantôme croula sous le poids d'un mortel !
Et, de tous ses grands noms profanateur sublime,
Tu jouas avec eux, comme la main du crime
Avec les vases de l'autel.

Ainsi, dans les accès d'un impuissant délire
Quand un siècle vieilli de ses mains se déchire
En jetant dans ses fers un cri de liberté,
Un héros tout à coup de la poudre s'élève,
Le frappe avec son sceptre... il s'éveille, et le rêve
Tombe devant la vérité !

Ah ! si rendant ce sceptre à ses mains légitimes,
Plaçant sur ton pavois de royales victimes,
Tes mains des saints bandeaux avaient lavé l'affront !
Soldat vengeur des rois, plus grand que ces rois même,
De quel divin parfum, de quel pur diadème
L'histoire aurait sacré ton front !

Gloire ! honneur! liberté ! ces mots que l'homme adore,
Retentissaient pour toi comme l'airain sonore
Dont un stupide écho répète au **** le son :
De cette langue en vain ton oreille frappée
Ne comprit ici-bas que le cri de l'épée,
Et le mâle accord du clairon !

Superbe, et dédaignant ce que la terre admire,
Tu ne demandais rien au monde, que l'empire !
Tu marchais !... tout obstacle était ton ennemi !
Ta volonté volait comme ce trait rapide
Qui va frapper le but où le regard le guide,
Même à travers un cœur ami !

Jamais, pour éclaircir ta royale tristesse,
La coupe des festins ne te versa l'ivresse ;
Tes yeux d'une autre pourpre aimaient à s'enivrer !
Comme un soldat debout qui veille sous les armes,
Tu vis de la beauté le sourire ou les larmes,
Sans sourire et sans soupirer !

Tu n'aimais que le bruit du fer, le cri d'alarmes !
L'éclat resplendissant de l'aube sur tes armes !
Et ta main ne flattait que ton léger coursier,
Quand les flots ondoyants de sa pâle crinière
Sillonnaient comme un vent la sanglante poussière,
Et que ses pieds brisaient l'acier !

Tu grandis sans plaisir, tu tombas sans murmure !
Rien d'humain ne battait sous ton épaisse armure :
Sans haine et sans amour, tu vivais pour penser :
Comme l'aigle régnant dans un ciel solitaire,
Tu n'avais qu'un regard pour mesurer la terre,
Et des serres pour l'embrasser !





S'élancer d'un seul bon au char de la victoire,
Foudroyer l'univers des splendeurs de sa gloire,
Fouler d'un même pied des tribuns et des rois ;
Forger un joug trempé dans l'amour et la haine,
Et faire frissonner sous le frein qui l'enchaîne
Un peuple échappé de ses lois !

Etre d'un siècle entier la pensée et la vie,
Emousser le poignard, décourager l'envie ;
Ebranler, raffermir l'univers incertain,
Aux sinistres clarté de ta foudre qui gronde
Vingt fois contre les dieux jouer le sort du monde,
Quel rêve ! et ce fut ton destin !...

Tu tombas cependant de ce sublime faîte !
Sur ce rocher désert jeté par la tempête,
Tu vis tes ennemis déchirer ton manteau !
Et le sort, ce seul dieu qu'adora ton audace,
Pour dernière faveur t'accorda cet espace
Entre le trône et le tombeau !

Oh ! qui m'aurait donné d'y sonder ta pensée,
Lorsque le souvenir de te grandeur passée
Venait, comme un remords, t'assaillir **** du bruit !
Et que, les bras croisés sur ta large poitrine,
Sur ton front chauve et nu, que la pensée incline,
L'horreur passait comme la nuit !

Tel qu'un pasteur debout sur la rive profonde
Voit son ombre de **** se prolonger sur l'onde
Et du fleuve orageux suivre en flottant le cours ;
Tel du sommet désert de ta grandeur suprême,
Dans l'ombre du passé te recherchant toi-même,
Tu rappelais tes anciens jours !

Ils passaient devant toi comme des flots sublimes
Dont l'oeil voit sur les mers étinceler les cimes,
Ton oreille écoutait leur bruit harmonieux !
Et, d'un reflet de gloire éclairant ton visage,
Chaque flot t'apportait une brillante image
Que tu suivais longtemps des yeux !

Là, sur un pont tremblant tu défiais la foudre !
Là, du désert sacré tu réveillais la poudre !
Ton coursier frissonnait dans les flots du Jourdain !
Là, tes pas abaissaient une cime escarpée !
Là, tu changeais en sceptre une invincible épée !
Ici... Mais quel effroi soudain ?

Pourquoi détournes-tu ta paupière éperdue ?
D'où vient cette pâleur sur ton front répandue ?
Qu'as-tu vu tout à coup dans l'horreur du passé ?
Est-ce d'une cité la ruine fumante ?
Ou du sang des humains quelque plaine écumante ?
Mais la gloire a tout effacé.

La gloire efface tout !... tout excepté le crime !
Mais son doigt me montrait le corps d'une victime ;
Un jeune homme! un héros, d'un sang pur inondé !
Le flot qui l'apportait, passait, passait, sans cesse ;
Et toujours en passant la vague vengeresse
Lui jetait le nom de Condé !...

Comme pour effacer une tache livide,
On voyait sur son front passer sa main rapide ;
Mais la trace du sang sous son doigt renaissait !
Et, comme un sceau frappé par une main suprême,
La goutte ineffaçable, ainsi qu'un diadème,
Le couronnait de son forfait !

C'est pour cela, tyran! que ta gloire ternie
Fera par ton forfait douter de ton génie !
Qu'une trace de sang suivra partout ton char !
Et que ton nom, jouet d'un éternel orage,
Sera par l'avenir ballotté d'âge en âge
Entre Marius et César !




Tu mourus cependant de la mort du vulgaire,
Ainsi qu'un moissonneur va chercher son salaire,
Et dort sur sa faucille avant d'être payé !
Tu ceignis en mourant ton glaive sur ta cuisse,
Et tu fus demander récompense ou justice
Au dieu qui t'avait envoyé !

On dit qu'aux derniers jours de sa longue agonie,
Devant l'éternité seul avec son génie,
Son regard vers le ciel parut se soulever !
Le signe rédempteur toucha son front farouche !...
Et même on entendit commencer sur sa bouche
Un nom !... qu'il n'osait achever !

Achève... C'est le dieu qui règne et qui couronne !
C'est le dieu qui punit ! c'est le dieu qui pardonne !
Pour les héros et nous il a des poids divers !
Parle-lui sans effroi ! lui seul peut te comprendre !
L'esclave et le tyran ont tous un compte à rendre,
L'un du sceptre, l'autre des fers !


Son cercueil est fermé ! Dieu l'a jugé ! Silence !
Son crime et ses exploits pèsent dans la balance :
Que des faibles mortels la main n'y touche plus !
Qui peut sonder, Seigneur, ta clémence infinie ?
Et vous, fléaux de Dieu ! qui sait si le génie
N'est pas une de vos vertus ?...
FireDream Oct 2013
They say I need to forget him

Forget his face
Forget his kiss
Forger his name
Forget the love that I once knew
Forget how close we once were
Forget how I memorized his walk
Forget how he used to talk

But how can I??
How can I forget him
I loved him....
I still do

But I remember he's with someone knew
I remember he had chosen her
I remember when I cried all night
I remember he's gone
I remember that he's probably
with her tonight in her arms
I remember he's gone......

From a picture that I have called "Forget Him"
leaving leaves
winter bare
aspen grey
oak black
elm ochre

gaw ground
trench & trunk
rotted root

forger's leafs
gild & guile
natures' fall
All my poetry explores the breaking of nature and humanity
Je suis l'esprit, vivant au sein des choses mortes.
Je sais forger les clefs quand on ferme les portes ;
Je fais vers le désert reculer le lion ;
Je m'appelle Bacchus, Noé, Deucalion ;
Je m'appelle Shakspeare, Annibal, César, Dante ;
Je suis le conquérant ; je tiens l'épée ardente,
Et j'entre, épouvantant l'ombre que je poursuis,
Dans toutes les terreurs et dans toutes les nuits.
Je suis Platon, je vois ; je suis Newton, je trouve.
Du hibou je fais naître Athène, et de la louve
Rome ; et l'aigle m'a dit : Toi, marche le premier !
J'ai Christ dans mon sépulcre et Job sur mon fumier.
Je vis ! dans mes deux mains je porte en équilibre
L'âme et la chair ; je suis l'homme, enfin maître et libre !
Je suis l'antique Adam ! j'aime, je sais, je sens ;
J'ai pris l'arbre de vie entre mes poings puissants ;
Joyeux, je le secoue au-dessus de ma tête,
Et, comme si j'étais le vent de la tempête,
J'agite ses rameaux d'oranges d'or chargés,
Et je crie : " Accourez, peuples ! prenez, mangez ! "
Et je fais sur leurs fronts tomber toutes les pommes ;
Car, science, pour moi, pour mes fils, pour les hommes,
Ta sève à flots descend des cieux pleins de bonté,
Car la Vie est ton fruit, racine Éternité !
Et tout germe, et tout croît, et, fournaise agrandie,
Comme en une forêt court le rouge incendie,
Le beau Progrès vermeil, l'oeil sur l'azur fixé,
Marche, et tout en marchant dévore le passé.
Je veux, tout obéit, la matière inflexible
Cède ; je suis égal presque au grand Invisible ;
Coteaux, je fais le vin comme lui fait le miel ;
Je lâche comme lui des globes dans le ciel.
Je me fais un palais de ce qui fut ma geôle ;
J'attache un fil vivant d'un pôle à l'autre pôle ;
Je fais voler l'esprit sur l'aile de l'éclair ;
Je tends l'arc de Nemrod, le divin arc de fer,
Et la flèche qui siffle et la flèche qui vole,
Et que j'envoie au bout du monde, est ma parole.
Je fais causer le Rhin, le Gange et l'Orégon
Comme trois voyageurs dans le même wagon.
La distance n'est plus. Du vieux géant Espace
J'ai fait un nain. Je vais, et, devant mon audace,
Les noirs titans jaloux lèvent leur front flétri ;
Prométhée, au Caucase enchaîné, pousse un cri,
Tout étonné de voir Franklin voler la foudre ;
Fulton, qu'un Jupiter eût mis jadis en poudre,
Monte Léviathan et traverse la mer ;
Galvani, calme, étreint la mort au rire amer ;
Volta prend dans ses mains le glaive de l'archange
Et le dissout ; le monde à ma voix tremble et change ;
Caïn meurt, l'avenir ressemble au jeune Abel ;
Je reconquiers Éden et j'achève Babel.
Rien sans moi. La nature ébauche ; je termine.
Terre, je suis ton roi.
b Aug 2017
(whistle).. chirp chirp,
I know the night has slipped away-
when i hear the birds words.
the room starts to illuminate-
the windows curtains, don't work.
i'm not ready for the suns harsh rays-
seeking darkness, the light hurts.
but a selfish horus starts his day-
the jays and i, suffer.
silently, not once a **** apology-
with no remorse,  the birds burn.

Always found it kinda funny, we assume birds are always singing-
melodies of fresh starts, new hope.
At dawn a roosters caw, signals new beginnings,
sounds more like they're hung from rope.
Maybe the cardinals hate the light, maybe they are screaming?
when that fireball in the sky flaunts his glow
maybe the ravens hope they are but dreaming,
Or maybe this time it won't show.

Can't wake up from this nightmare,
yes, this is all real.
sometimes the heat just can't be bared,
i know just how you feel.
it can be easy to get scared,
sometimes you cannot deal.
so yell to the demon in the air,
one day he may just kneel.

Gather the eagles, gather the hawks-
riot! revolution!
act against the evil, no time for squawk-
find it, resolution.
gather on the steeple, form solid as rock-
binded, may confuse him.
together you are lethal, invincible, this flock-
fly high.

Une pitié me prend quand à part moi je songe

À cette ambition terrible qui nous ronge

De faire parmi tous reluire notre nom,

De ne voir s'élever par-dessus nous personne,

D'avoir vivant encore le nimbe et la couronne,

D'être salué grand comme Gœthe ou Byron.

Les peintres jusqu'au soir courbés sur leurs palettes,

Les Amphions frappant leurs claviers, les poètes,

Tous les blêmes rêveurs, tous les croyants de l'art,

Dans ces noms éclatants et saints sur tous les autres,

Prennent un nom pour Dieu, dont ils se font apôtres,

Un de vos noms, Shakespeare, Michel-Ange ou Mozart  !

C'est là le grand souci qui tous, tant que nous sommes,

Dans cet âge mauvais, austères jeunes hommes,

Nous fait le teint livide et nous cave les yeux ;

La passion du beau nous tient et nous tourmente,

La sève sans issue au fond de nous fermente,

Et de ceux d'aujourd'hui bien peu deviendront vieux.

De ces frêles enfants, la terreur de leur mère,

Qui s'épuisent en vain à suivre leur chimère,

Combien déjà sont morts ! Combien encore mourront !

Combien au beau moment, gloire, ô froide statue,

Gloire que nous aimons et dont l'amour nous tue,

Pâles, sur ton épaule ont incliné le front !

Ah ! chercher sans trouver et suer sur un livre,

Travailler, oublier d'être heureux et de vivre ;

Ne pas avoir une heure à dormir au soleil,

À courir dans les bois sans arrière-pensée ;

Gémir d'une minute au plaisir dépensée,

Et faner dans sa fleur son beau printemps vermeil ;

Jeter son âme au vent et semer sans qu'on sache

Si le grain sortira du sillon qui le cache,

Et si jamais l'été dorera le blé vert ;

Faire comme ces vieux qui vont plantant des arbres,

Entassant des trésors et rassemblant des marbres,

Sans songer qu'un tombeau sous leurs pieds est ouvert !

Et pourtant chacun n'a que sa vie en ce monde,

Et pourtant du cercueil la nuit est bien profonde ;

Ni lune, ni soleil : c'est un sommeil bien long ;

Le lit est dur et froid ; les larmes que l'on verse,

La terre les boit vite, et pas une ne perce,

Pour arriver à vous, le suaire et le plomb.

Dieu nous comble de biens ; notre mère Nature

Rit amoureusement à chaque créature ;

Le spectacle du ciel est admirable à voir ;

La nuit a des splendeurs qui n'ont pas de pareilles ;

Des vents tout parfumés nous chantent aux oreilles :

« Vivre est doux, et pour vivre il ne faut que vouloir. »

Pourquoi ne vouloir pas ? Pourquoi ? Pour que l'on dise,

Quand vous passez : « C'est lui ! » Pour que dans une église,

Saint-Denis, Westminster, sous un pavé noirci,

On vous couche à côté de rois que le ver mange,

N'ayant pour vous pleurer qu'une figure d'ange

Et cette inscription : « Un grand homme est ici. »

En vérité, c'est tout. - Ô néant ! Ô folie !

Vouloir qu'on se souvienne alors que tout oublie,

Vouloir l'éternité lorsque l'on n'a qu'un jour !

Rêver, chercher le beau, fonder une mémoire,

Et forger un par un les rayons de sa gloire,

Comme si tout cela valait un mot d'amour !
I pull at the signum underneath my solid black shirt
wondering why this time is so different
Ever since I could call him mine
I have done nothing but try
And not get anything in return
Why do you hurt so much?
Why do you want me to cry all of the time?
I have no more room for sadness or tears
Yet you make room
saying it is the last time
Promising never again
But when my life takes a wrong turn
you break a little more,
leaving the shards stuck inside
Left for me to pick up the pieces
Then you want to start all over
Like it never happened at all
Dear heart; why him?
You don’t just wake up one morning and stop loving somebody
love is forever
Why try to make me forger?
I write it all down
You can’t erase my mind!
You can’t make me forget
All the things I love about him
I wouldn't change a single thing
You can’t make him disappear!
Dear heart; why are you doing this to me?
Dear heart; why do I love him so much?
I forgot everything and you reminded me again
Will Twice saying.''Very Sorry'', remove all pain

Things that we did together, How did I forget ?
by repeating our vows will make me strong yet !

Few things last and Some things last a lifetime
But love like ours comes just once in a lifetime

But love like ours comes just once in a lifetime
Things that we did together, How did I forger ?

Will twice saying.''Very Sorry'' remove all pain
You do entertain, making me free from complain

Now what can be used to turn both of us to gain
You reminded me everything, God always are plain

Let us pray to be happy and free from all the pain
We will now pluck the flowers, only after the rain

We will now pluck the flowers, only after the rain
Old dirt will be washed and there's no stain remain

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Ami Mathur Jan 22
Assured pat by her on my back
Gives me slumber—the most awaited one for people like us, the young-gen pack.
Chubby cheeks, the ones I playfully wiggle,
Wrinkled yet strong hands, wisdom in her eyes, and a practical head.

She was the forger of the valiant's weapon,
A soothsayer and a storyteller.
From her, stress would always fumble.
She raised me to be the best I could.

I will call her my mother till my last quest,
Yes, I would.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
i sometimes take a walk to remind myself
that i still possess legs...
i have no curiosity
to chariot keeping up appearances:
after all...
a car does invoke
paying road tax...
and getting a yearly...
         m.o.t. check...
         driving a car implies:
you can be implored by
the police to be stopped-over
and have your driving licence
unlike... in some places...
where... the "lesser passport" /
identity card is invoked
for merely walking...
who's who...
into the petrol station...
a bottle of beer...
walking out: oh hell...
no bottle opener...
back into the petrol station
to buy a cigarette lighter...
the minor archimedes...
should i not enjoy having
legs that... can...
somehow behave autonomously?
that people want so much...
so much is to be achieved...
and then that marriage with
death: the inevitable bride...
to reach old age is somehow
the purpose these days...
to reach old age and to live
in fear...
   what a crowning achievement...
collision course with...
a "belief" in an after-life...
or the already suggested:
quest and... game over...
a car for...
driving through Upminster...
the teenager girls walking
around with teases of their
****-cheeks exposed...
and i am somehow:
"not" tempted?
    to what... execution of a narrative?
she will grow to be...
less gracious than...
an 18th century first edition...

it's one thing to walk through
a gallery of paintings...
after all: to paint is to have invested
in something...
words are cheap...
homogeneity of ink...
            baron square sold for
his elevated cubist reiteration
of the rhombus...
               transit art: sitting nicely
with some scrap-heap journalism...
today was: this! spectacular!
no different to the prior day!
no different to the day after!

           but the sun and earth...
the moon was slow...
there was this miraculous... buoyancy...

one could breathe awe and breath
it... because... even though there
were animate objects...
in the narrative... they... couldn't
be distinguished from the inanimate
objects... they... became...
so coherently... predictable...
fail-safe mechanisms...
truly: deus ex machina...

                  one can almost tease
a solipsism when...
and how the wind brushes tree branches...
how the sea froths and imitates
yards gained wave upon wave
for the shape of reiteration...
but there's "nothing" within it...
to prove a: ex nihil continued:
ad continuum:
               the thesaurus god...
a peacock of synonyms...
    the hebrews have... 72 substitute nouns...
the arabs have 99 minor allahs...
and "we"... well.. we have...
the omni- litany rubric...
which... is boring as ****...
              omnipresent i.e. telepathic
is the worst read scenario...

   at least... if given birth to a telepathy of god...
one would be more... courtesan...
when dealing with madmen...
impregnated with the "imagination
of sanity sages": the priests...

it's one thing to... spew the narrative...
sober... dictum: sane...
but another of an omnipresent...
boor... of a god...
and thesaurus rex: forger of a mona lisa...

if it is such an abhorrent word...
the arabs would tell you:
                 dog... as would... slayer ***
the stooges sing-along...
        make way! for the almighty:

the idea of "god" is most probably...
infantile... imbecile...
               terminology: schizoid: supreme
binding glue...
       which begs the question:
it's not really a thought of...
   but the obstructive nature that...
has no... real narrative purpose...

                       we could have so much
more than... the joy of exercising one's
legs when walking...
it is... mid-june... after all...
the nights are warm...
           the solistice is upon us...
and i can... walk my choice of streets
and find... hardly a wish for
confrontation with a brute
about to cout-knuckles...
or a hard-on thrill adventure with
a *****...

          there has to come a clearer
gratification from walking...
to use ones legs has to become
a central theme from therein...
        how... i don't have to...
ask for a ghost-limb effect...
   how... the legs can write their own...
paragraph of an hour...
so that... the brain can switch off...
for all the claustrophobia
of descartes' res cogitans:
     i counter... res vanus...

                  how a certain scent...
short-circuits my memory
and i enter a walk-through cinema...
or... after a worthy hour...
i sit... perched on a windowsill
on a folded leg...
and look at my... private library...

  a walk through a gallery...
  and... that sort of session strapped
to a windowsill...
a crow healing a broken wing...
to look at all the books...
read... being stacked up...
     it's unlike... walking into a bookshop...
and this feud of the eyes and the heart...
and the mind: the argument...
of having read...
the brothers karamazov...
but not having read... moby ****...
but somehow having ingested...
a cultural relativity of moby ****
through a different medium...
so... no... not ignorant of moby ****...
but... you have read the brothers karamavoz...
but you haven't read moby ****...

and that's... "somehow" a problem...
which would be hardly a problem...
if you were a PRO-per... a PROP'ah...
let's forget that the prefix:
uber beside: taxi-daddy-for-her-16-yer-old
princess oi oi! cabby! blah blah...

you know... it's a lot different...
walking into a bookshop...
surrounded by... books you haven't read...
and... amassing a private library:
romford town library can be shamed!
although... proud...
they did own thomas mann's
dr. faustus... which i did borrow...

                         a book... on par...
with anything heidegger ever would write
in either old age or youth...
beside... it's one thing to walk into
a bookshop and be...
"circumcised" k.o. with all the books
you having read...
and those nights staging a coup...
looking at your private collection...
and what you're read... of it...
              if you could ever see the size...
of the in-real-life... the size of...
philipp MALYAVIN's... peasant woman
dancing... late 1900s...

        well... it would be akin to...
standing before an altar of someone who
had a private library... of read books...
of mutilated books by reading...
books with creases like napkins...
          a private library not to boast
a fake intellect...
or to boast intellect therefore...
to "appear intelligent"...
   let's skip to... nurturing a double posit
of privacy... a cognitive labyrinth...
enough to enjoy a beer when walking
in the night...

        unlike going to a gallery and
appreciating all the paintings...
to look at... a stack of read books...
books... not worth discarding in a carboot sale...
a private library: notably...
in two tongues... and a third spare...
a stack of books read...

say... alone... the Sienkiewicz trilogy...
which is not the Tolkien trilogy...
i'm bored of people regurgitating....
as they would do... making videos...
citations of 1984 and brave new world...
yes yes... and what of... Zamyatin's we?  
subscript notes for:
pedophiles, pederasts and pedants...
or priests, prostitutes and psychiatrists...        
it's one thing... to go among paintings
in a gallery... without a mirror or glass...
and the ******* of space that a gallery confines
the painting to...
or a piece of paper and some caryons like
a child might...
but... eh!
    not going anywhere...
      a private library of books read...
   stacked like cans of baked beans
in a supermarket...
hey presto! no warhol!
     a different paternity of time invoked...
i have... 3 years apart... and roughly
a month from each of these 3 years...
           confined to... roughly...
the parameters of a box that could also
be used to... stack-up radios... etc.

     yes... it has become apparent...
this life is worthy of exhausting the narrative...
after all... so many things in this world:
do not have a fixation of narrative
as their prime concern for: ex nihil...

                      i have the cameo cinema of memory...
the blank stare and buddha-blind vector
of imagination...
               and that... ever...
more realistic currency of presently:
entertained consciousness... with not much
achieved... beside...
an argument contra Freud:
            what if i haven't been afforded
the luxury of dreams? interpret what?
    a hermann rorschach?
                       herr doktor KLEKS...
    kleggs... and various other alternatives...
antithesis chiral...
                             of note:
the lesser detail of any known theoretical
confine of organic chemistry.

— The End —