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zen Sep 2018
A dozen fellows draped in threadbare tread densely,

Profligating goons in obsidian gowns
gathered under rainbow
moonshine shaking bronze hands,
howling and ******,   in the shambles of the moon,  
rap'n and nod'n to the notes of midnight.
The mellow marines mourned over malice,
lionizing over lost ones,
many howled venerated, exalted in wonder
in  favor of their thrilling grace, and delight,
and brilliance, and might!
but some neighboring sticklers,
    behaved haughty and in disdain,  
of the crowdy Cavaliers bellowing echoes
signaling out
                 to the seers of the sea,
singing to the wands overwatching the wedding,
and ravens listened,
   roving like noble patrolsmen.

Traveleres and trainees at sea
   humble and bright
niave, and frieghtened
in traverse,
           volatile and toiling,
Lunatics, (laughing, laughing, laughhing,)
Rumaging through rain,
rallying and rableroused,
through towering halls of mohogony,
     hefty and wholesome were their hearts
though, beast of the woodsy edifice
were foul and benumb
scowling with contempt,
haste to devide and devised to hindrance.

Hence the heroes heed
   to the valleys of rose, and violet,
and strawberry fields of forever,
 seeking Saint Nicholas,
in the bustling Byzantium,
      in the murky shadows of doubt.
Harry clute Jul 2017
The devide of man has always loomed within history conflicts of interest have fueled the foundations of war and left mothers within the sorrows of tears for power is a beast that devours all who seek its embrace to only leave behind in the end other chapters of history to be examined by those left to indure the madness of mankind
I left the dust and tumble weeds
to be incomplete and moved
back east to where I was born

The trees crowded together
There was a change in the weather
I asked mom ,
"Is that rain?"

The people were crowded
With one thought and mind
Everything was designated
to be black or white

We caught catfish from
the Alabama River
Swam in pristine streams
full of soapstone

Then we moved again
Crossed Texas on our way west
Crossed the continental devide
Came to rest in Spokane

I sang God Bless America
while sitting on a fire hydrant
Looking at the purple
mountain's majesty

Then off again back east
Crossed Texas the third time
To Panama City , Florida
where we came to reside

There I learned
to abide by the tide
And that some things
you can't hide

Two and a half years
of bliss
Then we moved
once again

And again and again
and again and again
and again , again
again , again , again . . . .

All my travels
All my travails
I have found home
in the moment within me .
I havent slept in 3 days but how can I rest when I'm awake.. 3rd day that I've opened my eyes to my reflection and seen a brand new loosing my skin
:1st day... Confused running like the chicken and deer, a stick snaps like a car door opens and I'm paranoid that was the last thing I got to say to her..
Day 2: mathematics.. they just clicked I started going through years and days.. like did I just make that all up.. no way... Let's just they add up to the point I'm pacing thinking I need to veer center and Grey..
UnorthodoxMethods without any drugs,
People must think that I'm a ***** or assume im deep now with thugs.. but it's something I never felt before and I've started to notice it more and more .. it starts in the stomach with pain and then
gets me to over think till it bounces like thoughts of how to say I love you peacefully and also act the same way without taking advantage of each others lovely things..
Okay.. no more  games loki.. karma's set. Anubis around my neck with 5 points that all intersect .. and I'm sitting in the **** center of it.. I go through this.. i go through it again.. I drink coffee recheck and  ask a friend. I've lost myself a second or two now and then and even asked for help from the others who play clueless but I think they are it's protection.. Raphael will slaughter any who touch .. then I found another stepping stone.. remembered Ancients love the creation of lust..
But no surprise .. no-one came or responds. Lost between reality and conspiracy.  what now do I do to explain my therory.. I may write a book that will last past my history .. combine us as the king and use my middle name to handle me... But  with all this knowledge of how everyone has 2 find real in truth.. I got no proof biggie.. but if I was Tupac I too would need time to be blue.. **** the dog Kingsman, And beat your brother inches from life You English Man of Letters...
Even though.  Most aren't this clever..
Even though the red burns his eyes despised by ways I visiualized but quickly and swiftly im told too get over the sacrifice of 1 and then both will DNA and curve back in ..3 is Devine. energy can't escape it's exact rhythm and rhyme so let that sink in like quicksand  maybe this time ive just went to far.. just to elighn and see the heaven placed over your world  in a dementional aspect.. i catch glimpses of hell as well when I play with my own head and personal issues..
It's crazy too.. one quick white orb.. and a black Sillouette.. if I focus or look not showing I'm looking or dragging the obvious .. I can see invisible  beings that look like propane leaks...
Funny how I can even bring it back to my childhoods favorite game Halo.. they say only the elites can disappear.. but they been training me since I was baby bro..
Now I can just make a Jesus out of you???
The one thing I always wanted to do.. preach and podium Kennedy but I needed proof it was meant for me....and now i sound like another view.. but I am a prodigeys son to the father that's only 1.. he holy cause a ghost found the love in something so Devine it's Angel angelic moved .. after it was word I spoke it .. when they though they can't be moved.  I let it happen and  it gets crazier delving in my truths... Morphing into one until the ships go dim and give us the new human illusion we are hurling towards the son.. his April my circle July initiation .. I remember a straight stare and I heard him say welcome..then vibrations..but from there all I found was more human error .. I now made a,
or make this,
pact with the moon to protect the sun and watch over the children when it's cloudy and the spies can't see nothing..

I'm so negative on the fact  ... I'm that good that bad follows me to test my enlightenment and spine discs the vertabre holds tight so I am both sides of peace.. but i am to spiritual to change my persona and end up a violent genetic cell change to a beast.  last encounters weird... Grim, death.. last one to be met..3 years ago.. but last one left.. after 7 years my final test... Watch how I sacrifice my best friend for the knowledge i later regret ..
I'm the best wait... All the horseman think Im going to *** appeal there favorite guest.
His wife, his daughter.. maybe I should repent innocent and except I'm in it for what's next im no Martyr just a human getting it off his chest.. we are.. you know what i know.. yes. Yes.. quit saying the names of the people involved youve never met..
It's killing me like matrix.  
rejoining all that isn't when is .. is something I can only geuss..
Red or blue pill I'll just sit up and wake up cause I geussed.
leaving today though now I see he was death.. part of my awakening and now his and his fullfillment of quest.. hes the last horsemen but he holds his breathe there all waiting on my last event. that now 3 days of no rest phathom to true.. jan5th and my promise of laws I gift .. its just half the battle between the time I need to fix this mess.. I'm on my 9th life this is the last one I have to get.. I been telling myself this everyday since my head concussion and ***** when I realized the deer was dead. .. under a bridge.. memory rewind.. down the steps... This hallway is dark I can't find the floor ..oh wait... A door.. key pad.. 2 silent Marines and i mash the buttons... A unbalanced and static type of disfunction..
Picked up by the white coat man happy to see me again gazing into my eyes like he's surprised I found myself there again.. is this a dream or have I left... 12 with us as 1 , time of the 5 points they add up to as you 2..
112592.. that's me and you... 9+2 x 2 what is up is down so side to side is true too.. now at 47 I see the numbers never lie in truth.. April leo February and January too.. last one is the question... I geuss a random 1020 .. cause for some reason.. I feel it's the Law placed in front of me... 27 25 5.. is 77 and it all is something..
Just devide 3 laws.. and really it is.. do the math I'm not going gummy dummy no money ****** freaky deaky what the heck does this freak believe..??
don't or do forget about who leads the world ..
But in all truth it's a female age.. so as of today that's.. 6,9 and ask me... All together decided by double 7 is 33.4°.. How long does a coincidence repeat .. until it's arguablly no fallacy.??.. When in all reality.. evidence has proven immortality.. ya devide by 2.. and then ask daughter 2.. how old are you ..

BTW tell them I miss them too.. I heard the tears last night and I'm dieing without all of you too... 5 points
Jeremy Betts Apr 2020

There is nothing wrong with an opinion unless they are belted out as fact as you pivot and turn your back
With an attitude like "that's that, the earth is flat, **** a fact. Oh you have a rebuttal? **** that jack, ain't nobody got time for that and I've already adorn the dunce cap hat and have been programmed to see every opposing view as wack"
Then if you're questioned on any of that crap you over react cause that's the act, a one way ticket on an unfinished track
As a society that's where we are at, blindly led to a side and sat
You over retract at the meer thought of a different opinion like you've just seen a vampire bat
And that's the exact **** they both do, whether sitting far left or crowned with a MAGA hat

They're both one in the same just labeled with a different name, they all share the same shame
They all hold equal blame and should be held accountable for their reign of terror and for being the main source of pain
But they want you to aim your hate at the other side, they playing you, you're just the decks instruction card in a poker game
They claim to be for the people, they proclaim it outside the evil steeple in front of the sheeple that we're all equal in the same frame
At the same time they devide us into different secs and designate to each a new surname like an unwanted nickname
It's ******* insane if you think about it and to get your head around it only takes one tenth of a brain

We follow the hurd like a march of the obserd, making decisions not based on fact but rather based on what we heard
Never fact checking, no veting, just excepting like trusting Pinocchio as you watch his nose grow with every word
Like believing when they change the topic and say it's chocolate even when every shred of evidence proves it's a ****
" Look over there, in the sky, It's a plane, it's a keep focused over there, don't look over here, I've gotta get this story altered"
They make sure we're not anchored in reality to make distorting ours easy and the truth awkward
Buttered on both sides so no matter how we land they can say it was planned and preferred

Details erased, a false profit embraced, dividing the human race to the point we feel fixing it would be a waste (**** it, let it burn)
The haste in which it's done along with the questionable pace makes it hard to find that one place to begin and state our case
Gotta stake claim to the space between our ears even though that's not always a safe place
They dangle in our face a little taste of what we'll never achieve but will always chase
Don't even try to defend your case saying you'll keep us safe in this death race
'Cause the safety net you've put into place is looking more like mere silk lace
The ace up their sleeve is always a bold faced lie that can be traced back to this countries birth place

We can't seem to see through the fog and past the facade which is odd
See cause to me it's clear as day, even if the details are broad
We applaud mindlessly knowing we don't know what the **** is going on, both here or abroad
The entire system is flawed, it's a fraud, they run roughshod while claiming to walk with god
While you're chained to a tie-rod evil claims your thoughts like stealing an auction with a last minute nod
Then they perfect the show they put on, a conscience gone, a simple knowledge of right and wrong don't belong in their tainted pond
We can't even dream of a win cause you start at the finish of your scripted Iditarod
Then have the nerve to tell us we can't even begin until the ground is thawed

They check mate us with a pawn, almost like we're allowing it to go on
Somehow buying into new rules made on the spot, barely needing a reason
We've given up everything from our freedom to our rights as a human, it's all gone
Seriously, next time an election comes along notice all the mini billboards littering the neighbors lawn
The divide has literally reached our doorstep people. Are you that physically and mentally blind son?
Come on!!! You can't tell me that you don't see the line that's been drawn?
I know you do cause you constantly fight with anyone that comes along and stumbles into your vision with the wrong political pin on
Stating they're wrong and that you're  planted opinion is the right side to be on
But it's never as easy as being captain Kirk, a Klingon or Kahn, theres so much grey in this cauldron
And we've adopted this half wit lexicon and do shorthand in crayon so it's no wonder we're a blunder, seen as a country size *****

Like a circus freak show main attraction, we're always top marquee with evils higher echelon
How long can it go on with leaders so corrupt they can be bought with a mere coupon?
Get them the **** out of the White House and Pentagon, that entire pantheon of people that no longer belong
Our national bank is so overdrawn, moral compass a bygone,  basic human decency forgotten
Our core beliefs seems to be rotten, we've gotten so scared we leave the house in full Teflon
Prepared for battle but in the middle of the fight you just walk out of the octagon, you don't want to lose by decision
You'd rather forfeit any chance to be champion, to tired and confused to carry on
But to proud to admit we fell for the con that got us to set up our own crucifixion
And as we dangle until an eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation
You'll still use your last breath to support the liaison with corruption that deep down you knew was wrong all along

The pile of pine burned with ferocity
While fields of watermellon wore green in generosity

Jerimiah delivered rows of assiduous thoughts
Fertilized in decisions made years ago

Margaret was from Huntsville , working on a divinity degree
She was small , rode a bicycle , studying infinity
Timid , not unlike a titmouse in spring
Margaret had a sister named Judy

Jerimiah left for the mountains of Colorado
He took only his last name Johnson
He spent winters hibernating with the bears
He learned to have no fear and grew a long beard

Tennennessee is in Alabama , just south of Huntsville

A snowslide almost buried Jerimiah

Margaret moved to North Carolina
got married and that's all I know

Jerimiah made tracts in the snow . . . go
He sat above the devide looking down
Sometimes west when the sun went down
But mostly east under the full moon
Howling so forlornly the wolves cry

Margaret looks west every night
Then sheds one tear
Isaac Feb 2011
he was in the room
with a mop and a broom
the room was all clean
no dirt was to be seen
and he left the room
not to be seen
by his friends who would mock him
if he were to be seen in that scene
He had a safe in a safe
in the night he was beside it
so they wouldn't devide it
in the day he would clean it to make it sing
the clean would squeek
although it was meek
but it came too soon
because no one was awake
to hear the tunes it would make
the safe would squeek and squank
the tune it would make
as it sat by the lake
that was made from the water
from the dirt and the solder
that was once on the safe
that he cleaned off with haste
he wanted to sing
but the safe sung for him
he had his dream
but his safe stole it
and locked it up
inside it's safe
though it wasn't literal
it all was real
that the man had a dream
that the safe would steal
the man's name was Ben
he was the worst of his friends
because his friends were better than he was
he hated himself and the safe that would speak
because he cleaned it and made it squeek
he had a friend named Ben
the other Ben who was cool and gear
was a friend of the Ben who was full of fear
he would sing and he sung
as Ben cleaned and clun
and both Bens made music that was good
but Ben hated his
and Ben liked his
but both Bens liked Bens song
but one song squeeked
and as it did, it squank
and the song it did make
put both in a trance
but Ben one was not real
and Ben two was the seer
one was in the mind
while the other one cleaned
he wished Ben two was real
because he wanted a friend
and he wanted to hate
because he wanted a blame
for his lack of fame
because his song was great
but too early it came
because no one was awake
to hear the music it would make
All rights reserved by the Author.
Jeremy Betts Mar 2024
"I don't like this, I don't want to be here"
Well, add a "T" here or move on
The PURSUIT of happiness is the right they mention
Remember though, it's an emotion
And just like every other one
It too isn't healthy to always be on
A better life is the big con
Middle class gone
Devide and conquer worked to perfection
Mostly 'cause half the population
Can't do long division
Can't trust a single politician
Corruption now the backbone of religion
Founding fathers knew the importance of separation
But those who've cherry pick the bible from generation to generation
Now want the option too cherry pick the Constitution
It no longer matters what's right and wrong
Just belt out your fight song
If you don't like something go get your march on
Or hit the gong
Pretend your conviction is strong
And when your judgement comes along
There's nothing you can do but end up where you belong

Nick Moore Nov 2020
In their eyes, see the fears
facemask wrapped around the ears.

On their own, in the car
common sense removed so far.

So I'm spreading it far and wide
my face I do not hide.

Stay safe, for good health
Get to know thy self.

Stay at home
home is within,
Cannot go very far
wherever you go
there you are.
March has always been my bane
Tastes like steel and skin
The skies are just as cold
as the knife
twisting in my sin

I caught ahold of morning's sleet
You caught cold and died
Looking into the coffin's ward
You crossed
that great devide

The bottom of the red clay pit
gathered tears and falling rain
I never knew you long enough
to be dealt with so much pain

Bitter bites the chill when the ides of March arrive
Life felt cheap and nasty
under ***** dishwater skies

I kept hearing Eleanor Rigby
ricocheting off the wall
I just want to paint it black for those who had to run before they learned to crawl

No one was saved that day
No ! There was no one there at all
The old black men in yellow coats stood waiting for the call

I stood not far away
beneath the leafless tree
Watching the men with shovels in hand
Bury the last stop for memories

I found myself a muttering
Tinged and biter as the cold
It's good you died so young
before you died so old
Judypatooote Jul 2014
Time passes...
While sitting on the steps
Waiting for the water company
To come and turn off the water.
My old home.
The one I grew up in...
Mom and Dads place,
Then my sons place.
Now sold..
Everything removed
But the memories...
Hard to turn off the tears.
I look at the iron railing
My dad made,
With marks pounded in it .
A curled end, with little rings
Between every other rail.
At Christmas I would tip toe down
And peek through the rails
To see if Santa arrived yet.
Dad made a bar in the basement.
On the front of it still
Are My initials JK
He cut them out for me.
I can't remove them now,
Because he used wood glue
To fasten them to the bar.
There is a shelf to devide
The dining room and front room.
Growing up we had a large fish bowl
On two of the shelves.
Angel fish,
And guppies...
Now shelves are bare.
A lot of stories to be told,
Created in this old house.
Giving me a lot of great memories.
Leaving this house
Is like leaving my mom and dad
But I know they are
With me in my heart.
Thanks mom and dad
For giving me a great childhood.
Life changes,
As does the place to live...
Good bye
To my childhood home..
Pebbles Apr 2011
Sometimes you will see me walking corridors ahead
Unable to catch up
The hurrying  crowd will push by
Not understanding
Or knowing you even exist
I turn
You wave
I'm sorry
I need to feel free
To be grounded within this skin
I stretch
I moan
I long
And then I return
Back to fold in which I belong
Never worry that we are lost to each other
The ties are strong
And like blood
Poetry is our bond
The beauty
The honesty
The bravery to express who we really are
Creates forces which
Will never sleep
They ever beckon you home
To this madness
Houses change
Colours illuminate your face
And shadows are all we can see
At times things seem bleak
Then we notice that
For a while we will all congregate in the same halls
Because we are interconnected by threads
Of golden silk
Heaven illuminates our souls
And once again we shine
We know the hate
We know the love
We feel the pain
The misery
We council
We pass the brick
Which builds the bridge
We knock down walls which devide each other
We will always be
Just because thats the way
It was always meant to be

Feel, know and understand
Jay Jimenez Dec 2012
I was a lost puppy
looking for a warm blanket and a mommy
you wrap me in your arms
and tell me im your best
or even better then your last best
you've told that fib before
but your lips tell me sweet nothings
and your hair brushes on my shoulder
im your soldier
and your my mission
ill devide and conquer
and ill make you call my ****
the big monster
you fear
the big monster
you fear
There is that slow burn deep within
The heat that warps and so bends
The power that drives me mad
Upon which my love does hinge

I see you in my dreams
When I think it's not anything
Only to wake soaked in sweat
This is more than just a fling

I think about you through the day
This month of April , surely this May
I long to lay by your side
Kiss your lips and touch your face

Someday I will burn complete
From the ashes of your heat
I will rise and take your hand
And across this devide we will leap
Will you walk this way
Will you leave open the door
Will you be more than just the reasons
that you implore

When you look inside
When will you separate the appriations
When will you part and devide
all the suppositions

"I am this today
  I am that tomorrow
  I am anything as long
  as it doesn't cause me sorrow"

"I am as fickle as the sun
  I am sunshine , sometimes storm
  I am the moon's false reflection
  that falls upon the praise that you adorn"

So who is it that walks through the door
So whose mask will you wear today
So who will fall for your insidious lies
that you so disrespectfully diplay

What a way !
Dedicated to Donald Duck
Martin Rasmussen Apr 2010
Your words don't have sounds
that's why they cut so deep
like a scream in a lounge
when all are trying to sleep

You hover through the dark
insisting like crawling creep
but since your body gave a bark
you've made it hard for me to sleep

You're all that we wish we didn't see
but though the evil stole your voice
I look a you like a continental devide
and refuse to sleep
Mohd Arshad Aug 2019
You can devide the state
Thinking you're valiant and more powerful
But you cannot devide the love of even a single person with his land
And this is your biggest defeat
Bra-Tee Jun 2014
Let's promote the things that bind us, and let go of the things that devide us.
Unconditional love comes with unconditional appreciation.

#Faith should be tested, and love be expressed...
Geno Cattouse Sep 2014
Its 10:04 now with the trees rustling in the warm California night.

Words are seeking. Expression right now. Brothers and sisters of the word linked around the orb.

Continents devide us but daily and nightly we find.
We seek to speak our language to each we reach.

Vast  terrain devides
We strain make words speak our inner beauty or pain.
In our darkened abodes.
In our hours of angst ... broken hearts...words that bleed our needs.

Lonely word messenjah
Looking out to the stars
Where are you speak.

A gusty night as I watch dreams take flight and rise above rooftop here
Take heart.
Brothers in the word.
Sisters knit and weave your tales let them flow like nimble fingers shaping yarn.

I cant feel the Earth's spinning.
Talk to me .
We are unique. We seek to make magic in meter and verse.
Stars twinkle as never seen
A clear night sky revealed.
I am one with forever.
And my kin.
Let the words  
Carry you lightly and forever.
Antony Glaser Jul 2017
Croydon you're a ghost ship
boarding on the isle of ridiculousness
Erecting flats for millionaires
social housing a swept away issue.
Alas there's your North South devide
Can the Town planners rectify  the polarisation,
that's sees only Tory and Labour
with no third party mooring the agenda.
Liberal Democrats don't do to well in Croydon. I wonder why ?
(sorry its a bit long)

i wanna Jump, maybe i Could fly, atleast at this height ive already hit the sky, im sick of the drivebys, the drug flies, the beaming eyes, I'm sick of all this hussling, im sick of all the fuss im in, im sick of been who i am, so im sorry ma, n sorry pa, maybe now ill be a star, ill be up high, whats the change, u never noticed me anyways,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Look ma and look pa, dont u Understand who u are, my inspiration, my determination, been denied make my mind devide, ive got my good, and ive got my bad, u looked down when i was mad, id scare you, when i wasn't even bad, cuz u knew i was that sad, "i dont forget and i don't forgive", thats sometin u learn too live with, now it's something u have too deal with,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Walk a mile in my shoes and maybe you could see, what its like too be like me, gettin calls asking for deals, gettin fools waistin there meals, im dealing but cant provide my own oh so real, i feel like a peice of ****, I'm getting sick of living this, i just wanna shake your hand, but you've got venom on your gland, i wanna be the bigger man, ill walk away when I can, but if im tested here's my plan, pull my gun and end this fan.

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Look im not saying imma end this ****, i may be down, but when im down my lyric is up, my verses untouched, you wouldn't think of such, but im so much, ill fill your cup, saying all that but, i know my lyric can be misread, just cuz im spitting these bars so honestly, and i know i got haters everywhere, thats part of life and part of the rap game, the walk too fame, u laugh now, but i impove with each move.

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

Now look into my eyes and u may see my reality, i suffer, i cry, i hate my god dam life, but i awake and thank god for my blessing, i wake up with determination, i wake up with constent fustration, and i know it sounds weak, but im on my knees, fighting a fight i cant win, the blank paper, my very own trash bin, i download my ****, so i wake up hussling, and you all say too not get so personal, but ill end with a wallet full,

Im just living a dream to you it seems,
Im falling apart tearing at the seams,
Im breaking down im sorry world,
Today's the day i make you proud,

At the age of 16 im walking down the road of recovery, from *******, and drugs, been hooked on cannabis and fun, you have a family? I have none, you have hope, im looking for some, i found a shimmering light, something too aim for, the rap career, and i know the struggle, haters, feens, losein what you think you need, but take what i have, you will be Takein the clothes upon my back.
marc rios Mar 2019
Im a fool, crazy, and to whatever you decide

I love you and I want you

Can you do the same for me?

I think im breaking, broke, and broken

You teared me, devide me and destroyed me

Would you dare to come and stitch for me?

I can't believe im destined to like you

But believe it or not my heart beats for you

Im f*cked up and messed up for i am

                  hopelessly devoted to you.
I was there
staring at that cold wall
hoping that I
could have knocked it down
I could have reached you
touched you
felt your scarred skin
breathed your familiar scent
I could have sunk
in your astonishing silence
but this wall devide our souls

Leay Aug 2016
Lightly tread

Who of wonder
Darkness dread

A soul a drift
A soul a sunder

From an ash
a darkness plunder

How unseen to open eyes
A fleeting life
A dread demise

So Let it be to open eyes
That see a world beyond demise
Beyond the fleeting
Great devide

Beyond the futile
Great abide
Michael Luciano Dec 2020
Awakened lonley and blue
by a deceptively beautiful hue emanating deep from within the skies devide.
The horizion I eye, and think....
I find myself, Eyes wide to the sky
Where the perimeter it bends.
Flying high, wild inside. We tried,
But could never ever find the end.

So the Sony clock belched
out the seconds
It had been empty as another full day
The whipoorwill yelled
for Ubernation
while standing on his bones
of petrification
It seems dinosaurs never
really went away


How many times have I crossed the Mississippi ?
Only God will know now for sure
The same can be said of the continental devide
The land of summer snow
It's full of purple mountain majesty
It yaws at my imagination
Someday I will to go back for more


Some people say you either love of hate me
There is found no middle ground
That has me often wondering
about judgement day
As I will be surely standing down
Will Jesus look at me and say I know you , won't you kindly stick around

Halleluyah !
Harry clute Jul 2017
An explosive force gathers submitting an idea that poisons the moral foundations of mankind a purpose of destruction that feeds upon the the willing minds of the many a corruption of desingn to devide nations who struggle for unity
karin naude Sep 2017
We talk about marriage and children
I should be ecstatic
I find only fear and confusion
When my eyes fall upon you
I am complete happy and confident
The great devide of absence
Steals my confidence
Worsen by my gemini personality
Over thinking
over analizing
Constantly observing detail
Right or wrong
Two sides of a coin
Im drowning in my head
I cannot trust myself
My mind
My heart
My gut
They all lie to me
No one knows
The turmoil hidden in my jaws
Clenched teeth
Energetic laugh
Clowning jokes
No one knows
No one sees
Harry clute Jul 2017
One's quest lingers within one's own self a devide of will that holds of a greater degree of salvation for each must first see then react within a positive flow of responsibility to perform a service of impact that ripples of faith upon other doors of doubt
Harry clute Jul 2017
There is a devide that ears and eyes can no longer ignore a sense of mutine from those who oppose the ideas of change or new leadership that would make all responsible for actions that apply harm to the whole of society for good must prevail over evil must defend with honor but not stand weak in these times of uncertainty
Faizel Farzee Aug 2019
Can you not see that I'm fragile
My heart you own wholeheartedly
I declared this out loud
There is no space for another
your heart has a devide
I see it hourly, if only you knew
It slowly kills me inside
I wish I could just let go
Rip open your eyes
You are the cause of my sorrow
The cause of my demise
You are slowly breaking me
If you don't feel what I feel
Let's say our good by's
I cannot be the one to leave
As your love, I still need daily to breathe
So please, I beg of you
It's just me
That I want you to see
We went through so much
I just wish I could break free
But it looks like
I'll just continue to die in this union forever......
When emotions you have to live with silently
So the Sony clock belched
out the seconds
It had been empty as another full day
The whipoorwill yelled
for Ubernation
while standing on his bones
of petrification
It seems dinosaurs never
really went away


How many times have I crossed the Mississippi ?
Only God will know now for sure
The same can be said of the continental devide
The land of summer snow
It's full of purple mountain majesty
It yaws at my imagination
Someday I will to go back for more


Some people say you either love of hate me
There is found no middle ground
That has me often wondering
about judgement day
As I will be surely standing down
Will Jesus look at me and say I know you , won't you kindly stick around

Halleluyah !
Harry clute Jun 2017
As a whole we separate devide lean upon selfish lies swim in shallow waters cycle on rims without tires tell ourselves what we wispher inside the quiet of our minds is rightous to dismantle one another is to destroy what is most valuable of our souls what is most valuable to our surival
kinhanyon May 2020
Saw the line over shadow
Buy the gain bring the sorrow
People seems to be fair
Like someone used to be care

It was an arrow shouted
Devide wind blowed
Find soul between crash
Try breath thou unless

Whenever shadow step out
Thou always stronger to clout
As it write about
Whoever to be hold,
Thou always end cold ...
#liars #truth #unspoken #friends #unloved
You cannot devide by Zero
Think in the middle
it's its own Hero!
Sun gasm.
Some ashes
And some alize Hennessy
Makes magic
**** passion
Tugeye rugged stud with plastic
Paper making kites
Flying through traffic
Like prison communication
And radio static...
Imbuned with human immaculate
Like answers to
Match it....
Marilyn manson...
Tear at the fabric....
Misjudged in your image
I'm aware of the tactics
Celebrity fashion...
The ego of damaged...
We go.. slam off this canyon...
And ram into Odin...
Oh know than...
Don't panic just break out
The stash of the banook...
Dancing with astro
Make. With heavy foot
Planted in gas foot...
Like **** it our grass roots...
Sad its bad. And
We understand you....
There's a devide in the class room
While the school
Labels miss hashtules class room
A waste case of **** straps
Entitled brats who
Spew gas fumes...
After they exit the classroom
When the school district...
Makes more mistakes...
Than Freddy Krueger...
Evading insomniac hotel
Wifi password. Is
Going to pass soon....
We need gas like a bad mood....
I know its your land dude...
But starving us out...
Aint the answer...
If i was there I would ask you...
But I suppose it's just my view...
A welders seed...
And a thought of unity in the class room...
Overall I hate bitumen...
But better men...
Will eventually raise science
To new levels....
Like the waves and the bad moon.
face the fear takes one to cheer
out of a hero snare that you were chosen dear
envelope with a token of a smile still to kno the great while
devision for order come nearer to discover
shadows of nature the want and failure
bring sweet Autumn leaves
a grinder with ham & cheese
good day for dear order
come to discover

reaching down with no regret sorry that we have met
pillars of clouds in the universe above to help even the score
Bridget would go and William explode,
beneath the Elm the part of me to discover
shallow peak stand still & repeat.
promise in the window at night

the silence aged devide,
fruit of the vine..
spring fixtures of his great design
follow me through get a loose tooth
bank on the money capture gin with no money
very often you can breath start spreading its disease
Where do you stand.
Does your presence devide them
Do you lie
And decide. To not stand close holding on right
Beside them.
Uniting is difficult
Decide. Is everything you believe.
Is more than a line between
The people who
Remind you. Of hate. Or why.
Everything is always what you believe
Jez Nov 2024
In twisted labyrinths of thy mind
A melancholy boar desecrate, entwined
A prideful being calls himself the hein
Yet seeking consensus, but in vain

Hiking each mountain, with life's longing weight
Trying to seek answers in his twistest faith
Through darkness hide, and doubts reside
Questioning himself, and his heart's devide

In this expedition, he discovers a new path
A new joruney he sought, but with humble aftermath
Now modest and strengthened, his beliefs renew
Labyrinths starts to unwind and boars venue

A new life begins, a journey to behold.
Throughout the struggling mission, his tale unfolds
Seems like all have payed off, in this new found way
Now a completely other person, and calls himself  hypocrasy

— The End —