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Michael Marchese Oct 2018
The underlings stare
In submissive awestruck
Subjugation in landmine-filled
Landfills, are stuck
In the trenches, the feces
The carcass-strewn muck
Where the vermin-spawn ****
As they're taught how to work
And to fend for themselves
Like the Fall of Dunkirk
As the imminent doomsday device overhead
Incapacitates them
As mere prey to a web
Of a global dominion
Ambition connection
Subconscious hive-mind
Buzzing out the objection
And phobia-spreading
Pandemic misanthropy
Greed in disguise
Subsidizing atrocity
Not for me,

I am
The justified treason
The reason the man-hunters
Close open season
The cease-fire peacekeeper
The water war's rising
An MIA runaway
AWOL defector
Still haunting the tombs of detente
Like a spectre
With what I assure
Mutually in the end
When I send go-aheads
On the ICBMs
And avenge the dependent expended
Caught in
This crossfire for-profit
Arms race it has been
Matt Sep 2014
Oh Henry
What a star you are!
You always loved to be at the center of attention

Your accomplishments in diplomacy are well known
You brokered the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
You effected detente with the Soviet Union
You opened up the way for Nixon in China
You negated the Communist threat in Chile

You said it yourself      
"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

You have admitted that mistakes were
"Quite possibly made"
By administrations in which you served.

You have questioned whether, 30 years after the event,
"Courts are the Appropriate means by which determination is made".

And Cambodia Henry?
You were complicit
In the illegal carpet bombing of neutral Cambodia
Which sowed the seeds for the murderous Pol *** regime

Pinochet was indicted for human rights violations

Diplomacy is a ***** business
You did what you thought needed to be done

You remain cold and secretive
Do you have any remorse or regret?

The old Russian proverb is wrong Henry
Time does not heal all wounds

There is blood on your hands
Desolated in the rhymes of my mind
Isolated by the thoughts left behind
Many wayward dreams fill my head like a book
Rip them out at the seams, not worth another look
It's time to forget the past
Finally move forward, at last

Consecrated in the folds of my dreams
Decimated by the tears and the screams
So much disappointment lodging in my brain
Am I human, and if so, am I insane?
It's time indeed, it's overdue
Gotta live for me and forget about you

Impacted by memories buried deep
Infatuated with thoughts, losing sleep
The time has come, to look ahead once more
Staying sober of you, not like before
I'm through with the history
Ready for a grander destiny

Deep damage from all your savior faire
Detente, forced by the au contraire
Perhaps this vessel sprang a leak
Clean up your mess, I ain't your freak
Dot your vowels and cross your "T"s
The time has come for your release

Imaginary thoughts of you, now gone in the wind
Revolutionary ideas, now ready to begin
Picking up your missing pieces, shattered around
Never lying to myself again, you brought me down
I fell, it's just the ugly truth
Never again will I fall for someone like you

Time has come and gone for us
No more unum, just e pleribus
Many moments and many tears
Seems like a waste of some good years
Time to part and heave a sigh
Time to say that last goodbye
Well...  That's like three collabs now with the genius known as Quin :)
Shari Forman Jul 2013
Just stop trying to be someone who you're not,
Because evidently, it hurts a lot.
Stop the staring and wishing to be someone that's not you,
All the unwanted thoughts passing through.
A head filled with endless wants and needs,
Desire for illusions, my helpless heart bleeds.
Stop all the complaining and fuss,
With all the fights, who’s to trust?
You are not inferior to any of thee,
But through those faded pupils, can you see?
Do you notice the world around you?
Or are you too oblivious, so lost, so blue?
Just get over your interrogating feelings of doubt,
Strive beyond your abilities; go all out.
Know what to expect from your actions,
Superior or inferior, the omnipotent fraction.
Simply love yourself and only you,
Forget the haters with nothing better to do.
Handle life's challenges in a way a unified manner,
Instead of debating who is tanner.
Live for the moment and appreciate all the love,
You have always received near and above.
Stop fooling with your mind,
Sobbing away till clearly blind.
Let yourself know we all think differently through everything,
That without you, it'd be lifeless; all the personality you bring.
We all have the power to try,
maybe then our minds won't die.
Try something riveting and new,
Something you are proud to call you.
Stop trying to love thee,
A fool, a coward you would be.
Love yourself above all,
But care for others and proudly stand tall.
Yes, I said love and not hate,
break past the open gate.
Express yourself for what you want,
Easing of tensions, by detente.
Stop all the excuses and lying,
The unreal attitude you have, the fake crying.
Trapped in portieres,
All the feelings of distrust, how unfair!
So let’s close the portieres of guilt,
And cover up with a nice, warm quilt.
A good night’s rest will do the trick,
For a poor one, who's psychologically sick.
It will help alleviate the pain,
To feel some comfort, once again.
Stop hurting yourself and feeling down,
That ashamed, guilty, timid frown.
You will learn to love,
And give those unjust feelings a great shove.
Go have fun and smile wide,
Because no matter what, when, where, why...
Everybody is on your side.
Francie Lynch Nov 2015
I have declared a detente
After negotiating a truce.
My head is a no-fly zone;
The bombadier chutes stay shut.
I sat at the table
With my privy council,
And we have signed an accord.
Peace in my time.
Peace in my mind.
Forget, to forgive;
Forgive, to forget.
It seeps unmeasurable,
Air borne as a nucleur summer.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Just stop trying to be someone who you're not,
Because evidently, it hurts a lot.
Stop the staring and wishing to be someone that's not you,
All the unwanted thoughts passing through.
A head filled with endless wants and needs,
Desire for illusions, my helpless heart bleeds.
Stop all the complaining and fuss,
With all the fights, who’s to trust?
You are not inferior to any of thee,
But through those faded pupils, can you see?
Do you notice the world around you?
Or are you too oblivious, so lost, so blue?
Just get over your interrogating feelings of doubt,
Strive beyond your abilities; go all out.
Know what to expect from your actions,
Superior or inferior, the omnipotent fraction.
Simply love yourself and only you,
Forget the haters with nothing better to do.
Handle life's challenges in a way a unified manner,
Instead of debating who is tanner.
Live for the moment and appreciate all the love,
You have always received near and above.
Stop fooling with your mind,
Sobbing away till clearly blind.
Let yourself know we all think differently through everything,
That without you, it'd be lifeless; all the personality you bring.
We all have the power to try,
maybe then our minds won't die.
Try something riveting and new,
Something you are proud to call you.
Stop trying to love thee,
A fool, a coward you would be.
Love yourself above all,
But care for others and proudly stand tall.
Yes, I said love and not hate,
break past the open gate.
Express yourself for what you want,
Easing of tensions, by detente.
Stop all the excuses and lying,
The unreal attitude you have, the fake crying.
Trapped in portieres,
All the feelings of distrust, how unfair!
So let’s close the portieres of guilt,
And cover up with a nice, warm quilt.
A good night’s rest will do the trick,
For a poor one, who's psychologically sick.
It will help alleviate the pain,
To feel some comfort, once again.
Stop hurting yourself and feeling down,
That ashamed, guilty, timid frown.
You will learn to love,
And give those unjust feelings a great shove.
Go have fun and smile wide,
Because no matter what, when, where, why...
Everybody is on your side.
¡Agua, no huyas de la sed, detente!
Detente, oh claro insomnio, en la llanura
de este sueño sin párpados que apura
el idioma febril de la corriente.
No el tierno simulacro que te miente,
entre rumores, viva; no, madura,
ama la sed esa tensión de hondura
con que saltó tu flecha de la fuente.
Detén, agua, tu prisa, porque en tanto
te ciegue el ojo y te estrangule el canto,
dictar debieras a la muerte zonas;
que por tu propia muerte concebida,
sólo me das la piel endurecida
¡oh movimiento, sierpe! que abandonas.
JR Rhine Jan 2016
When bed is a tomb,
and blankets are bricks,
and sunlight will burn,
but darkness won't fix
the absence of bloom.

My stomach does churn,
wide awake and still
eyes seeking a friend
to aid gaps and till--
Spores fraid to be ferns.

My aid apprehends--
His footsteps like breath--
The spirits who haunt,
puffing out his chest,
blows a mighty gale.

I had lain there fraught,
eyes shut in great fear,
til torments abate
and my hero near'd--
wreathed in my detente.

His walk, a great gait!
Air of triumph coasts.
A great quadruped,
eyes queerly his host,
I must stare and wait.

His hair, toe to head,
Ubiquitous coat!
Fur shines with a gleam,
his body the moat--
curls to my cold dread.

His presence, serene!
Utters not a word.
Cast demons repel
back into cold earth--
My mind is wiped clean.

And so it befell:

Silence of great sympathies.
Dogs can teach us how silence can be our greatest of sympathies.
Ottar Jun 2013
one dog spies another dog and begins to
fuss and growl while pulling,
               himself taller, with the leash now as straight
              as a stick. Two other small dogs hardly
notice him or each other as both make eye contact
with their owners; as one walks north and the other
                                                           ­               south.

one dog meets another dog on the sidewalk,
while owners
                  dogs circle the wagons on
                   leashes on an ever decreasing circle, the tangle of
                   is emphasized in the tangle of leashes.

They part ways, these aren't strays, next encounter is more
            one owner drops the leash of his loved pet and the cars
             **** by oblivious to the animal detente which has just been
                initiated, as they stand side by side and nose to the others' tail,
a peaceful
                    quiet greeting, as equals.  Accepted into the pack.

I watched as I was (s)trolling, wondering what my dog would make of this
trio of dog friends she hasn't even met yet... she would be made to sit
from a safe distance and then the wilful wire fox terrier of mine
would lunge
like she
was in the
Canadian tundra
at an annual
sledge pulling
with me the only
holding her back!  

So if we greeted one another like dogs,
no not that way...
what were you thinking?
Greet one another accepting the
the worst, to better appreciate the better,
and then work toward making the
encounter, the relationship, the future, the best!
not quite poetic .... quixotic?, nope
Leydis Aug 2017
Esto es un asalto.
Es un asalto de tus emociones,
Vengo a robarte un par de versos,
de esos que paralizan el tiempo,
que te llenan de deseo,
que te leen el corazón
que te hacen volar tu imaginación!

Vengo a robarte un par de besos
de esos mojaditos, suavecitos,
larguitos, tiernitos, y
apasionadamente riquísimos.
De esos besos que te enchinan la piel,
que doblan tu rodilla,
que encojen tu sensatez,
que derrumban murallas impertinentes,
que hacen que tu cuerpo entero
se vuelva en un hormiguero de cosquilla.

vengo a robarte el sueño
platicando sobre nuestra vida,
a desvelarnos mirando la luna,
nombrando una estrella a cada sentimiento,
no dormiremos leyéndonos versos de grandes poetas,
haremos de este amor todo una composición poética.

Vengo a seducirte con esta boca que se antoja de ti,
vengo a invadir cada espacio de tu cuerpo,
a colonizar tus sentimientos,
adueñarme de tus silencios,
abordar todos tus pensamientos.

No te acobardes y no tengas miedo,
es verdad que vengo asaltarte,
que estoy armada…..en puro deseo,
pero te juro…que saldrás de este asalto
muy bien beneficiado.
Of This Whelk Hooked Sluggish Autodidact

Nay, despite failing to make the grade,
     this bluesy well red, duff mute
     average white band hit,
     hard knock school alumnus
jack of all trades master of none bumped along

     *** hole cratered steep pitch
     while riding the bus
bullies skewered kosher me all, cannibalized
     carte blanche timid ego

     brandishing exacto knife
     threatening jugular, cuss
sing maniacally pulling out all stops
     going headstrong for this doofuss

Embracing premonition making me mincemeat
     vis a vis via, Atilla the *** plus
Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore
     after diet of worms

     as hors d'oeuvre hug guess
if given a choice, would prefer Loch Ness
monster, or the whale that swallowed Jonah,
     either t'would be a quite im press

heave feted feat, versus being poached,
      roasted, skewered burnt alive
perhaps sautéed to feed additionally,
     the Gothic (Jacks sin) five,
the latter adorned with

     Bandolier prototype, whence they would jive
to Vandals mess sigh ya,
     these last yet another contra band
     to play on command, or risk not being
     he gee beegee bing  a live

all thee above iterated blather spluttered
     as punishment against revive
ving human sacrifice by pence hoove lee donning
     a new jersey wordlessly trumpeting, and strive

ving assiduously as a one man lobbyist,
     and aye willingly negotiate
     to take more'n one wive

even though that would be big o' me decor,
thus a last minute reprieve given
     without axing por favor
and black keys handed over

     to Holy Roman Empire in ****
rubble ruins (over the Weeknd), thus brutish nasty,
     and short tempered surprisingly
     (boot not prematurely) ******* bon jour

foo fighters actually (grand
     aery an nah - did a three sixty)
     feting me guest of *** or,
boosting self esteem, the first time
     since being a kid in a candy store

which poetic digression
     did make quite a dee tour,
and bringing detente amidst marauding
     village people hoop reef furred war.
Journey of Days Nov 2017
...and the party continues
a conga line of ants
balance crumbs at jaunty angles
drunken cocktail waitresses
taking the scenic route across the kitchen bench
around the cooktop
skirting the kitchen sink where the spider and fly detente appears to continue
over the countertop
carefully avoiding the cockroaches playing five card draw
…. to the crack next to the door

summer in Sydney means the bugs move in
you can wipe spray clean vacuum
and they will all be back partying in your house again
the very next day
Sharon Flynn Mar 2019
We've settled into a nice, easy
truce. The fire has died.
Passion is a ***** word. It's easier
not to speak of love. That way
we don't miss it so much. Twenty
years have passed by in a blink.
Twenty years of oblivion, of détente.

Was it ever any different?
I can't remember. I've grown
accustomed to the malaise. Yet,
I want more. I need more. Wouldn't
it be nice to just be spontaneous,
just know an ounce of passion
about something.

I'm straining at the bit.
I want out. I am looking for an open
door; but I have to close this one first.
Put the dry past behind me.  
You'll be behind the door
called "Bad Memories."  I'll be walking
out the door called "Surprise."
Tom Waiting Aug 2020
To Destroy, First Build  (The Construction of Human Dissolution)

steely Ironies begin as the end nears, leather torn by fabric,
when humans begin the separation protocol, when first
we intend to dissolve, we need construct, *****., barriers

so true, good fences make good great enemies.
the invisible ones, freight train tracks running down the middle
of the bed, new lands of “his side, her side,” shut your light off!

he makes a joke, she don’t turn her head, maybe she, offers instead
a secret grimace, thinking inside too little late, bothering/thinking
go write your breakup poetry, that’ll keep you truly invested and

ocupado, lock door’d, why is my toothbrush in a moving van, that I didn’t hire, no destination home, notes passed via refrigerator door, what was  that “have children chatter?” months+words recent, huh?

just months ago, not confused, don’t touch his diet drink! man-o-man,
thank god we didn’t do a vaca drive up the West Coast, hanging with relatives in SF, LA not your town, you hate tinsel and pretense. BS.

arguing when we need to add gas, a wonderful double entendre, when was the end of detente, we abrogate the Treaty of Versailles, another place we won’t ever get to go-gether,
that just makes me sadly happier, and

I think; now I understand why he always booked us seats on airplanes separated  by the aisle, no head upon his shoulder, in my lap, holding hands needs disinfectant, social distancing solves many problems now,

need now, no asking how, to conceive destroy, imagine concrete:

first you must build, it’s how one does it, human dissolution requires work, malice aforethought, we both master builders, see yeah,  that’s a joke, a good one too...let’s laugh not together at us, our edifice crumbles
LVI Elapsed October 17th's Bore Witness
To A Girl Born With True Grit

Tuss ben big goo me newt to write
and how though trite
thine complex edifice immersed in spite
which doth nobody any good RIGHT
hence hie exerted effort
from within this quite

mindful sib bull ling to detach himself from his own plight
and fashion attempt (however feeble)
   to complete before this night
a communique (my apologies if thee cognition strikes thee
   with dumbfounded hard to comprehend patois),
   but perchance a mite

bit of the following - dashed off in a huff - epistle sheds light
on ceasing to ignore yourself (envious
   of yar fierce sticktowithiveness) scaling height
of apprehension (more insurmountable than  
   natural mountain peak, versus taking flight
and shuttering ye out of my humdrum life (orchestrated
   with mild sax and violins), yea not mooch to excite
but, this effort pressing fingers
   upon select keys eventually generated a byte
size message sent via FIOS fiber optic and mostly airtight.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tis with great difficulty birthday cheer proffered,
when psyche still stung
by lash of acrimouny, calumny, effrontery, finality rung
humility indelicacy,...zealotry
as if spoken with glee from your tongue.
unwise to sustain estrangement caws
each of us imperfect, aye kin attest mine past awash with flaws,

and admit crushing impact felt from others,
especially late Zison inlaws
but, now yearly occasion of your birth opportunistic
   despite being annexed by anxiety based on uncertain laws
sans human behavior, how ye might respond,
   me owning modest kudos buffer as oopahs

   to risk brokering a detente (which avoidance
   toward thee) undermines cumulative,
endearing hur rahs
visited times gone by,
   which recent past found me unstoppably gurgling
   invariably vibrating uvulas
(yes, ja probably forgot, this bro' born
   a mutant Ninja Turtle) xy awes,

   speaking severe nasal sounds,
   when exhalation boyhood memory draws
obvious twang – another ace in the hole for bullies –
   gnashing identityguard where gauze
superfluous, and those hurtful ingrates lobbed words,

   when they may as well swang fists at me upper and lower jaws,
though decades in the past, the imprimatur indeibly etched,
   yet stinging rebukes from maws
and faux paws trigger remembrance of things past
   (analogous to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -

in my case countless acromonious, denigrating, execrable names
contributed to Schizoid Personality Disorder –
though predisposition for sundry mental illness
most likely incsribed within mom and pop sic cull genes),
now greater  enlightenment reacting/responding to stress

comprehending my biology, chronology, ecology, geneaolgy
(fyi – Amelie paid consultant at for blueprint
denoting fabric housing jumbled, linkedin, nested past –
results surprisingly showed 1% Neanderthal
   comprise inherited) psychology,
thus explaining insatiable hunger for bananas,
and intermittant urge to swing from tree to tree,

whereby I willingly accept arboreal, corporeal,
   generallly less than ideal traits
which pro active overtures arrest
   (without a warrant), contest, assent everest
(albeit metaphorically) satisfactorily
   extending virtual olive branch (pitted)
recognize immutable imposibility to confront
   excrutciating bygone feelings,
this endeavor, a quest to test mine kempf zone, and endure

current flow of uneasiness (clammy
   and sweaty hands fostered by andiety),
yet exorcizing mailer demons critical
   to experience mindfullness, and requisite
to fast tract expeditious deliverence,
   whereat ye ought not be deprived

   (on account of dentures) DIDST OFTEN BESPEAK!
Steve Page Apr 2019
These are not ***** words,


These are European words.
UK Politics
You can keep your sun.
    My moon's on fire tonight.
    I'll keep my laughter and
    let you hold onto your pain.
    Pets will be our Waterloo.
    Live together apart again.
Paradoxical dichotomy greaves, gauntlets gamut catalyst abstracts.  Ostensible incursion inevitably irrefragable.  Execrating eventuation evocative expletives detente, diction's enunciation executant orotund sonorous.  Anticipate angary amentia, tercel theocracy.  Categorical imperative hubris, invertible investiture objectified manifest.  Capitol appreciation annuities equity.  Argufy philanthropic's panacea, incessant barratry's preterite renditions, retrospectively retroactive's vicarious recalcitrance, futurity's fatidic, oneiromancy's apotropaic.   Elan vital's apotheosis.  Virile fertility's fecundity, mesomerism's resilience estranged ensemble orchestration!!!........let us pray!!!
Vicarious recalcitrance retroactive!!!~
James Floss Sep 2018
A kitten sits
Between his paws
Mewling; little thing

He, stoic, sniffs
Gazing left and right
Guard dog on duty

Interspecies romance? No.
Cat and dog detente? No.
Beings caring? Yes.
James Floss Mar 2019
We have three or four cats
Two or three of them are black
Fred, the ginger, remains Fred

Without Boss Dog they seem lost
Alliances shift hour by hour
Minute by minute

Who gets the lap?
Right now, surprisingly,
Ms. Black is back

Miss Prissy Hissy
Lady Lucky herself
Prowls her kibble kingdom

Fred the Red with a "Rouwll!”
And a “Rouw!” and a “Prrrrrt…”
Makes his feelings known

Black in the box
Remains subtle queen
With a Lucky detente

Game is not over
Black blur in periphery
Three cats or four?
james nordlund May 2020
Few know, fewer heed this WWII lesson, if you're not taking
bullets you're making them, used to ****** in your stead, on
your steed.  Winning WWII by luck could've prevented WWIII.  
An eye for an eye, then, allowed the whole world to see.  
You see not-see scientists who were working on the atom bomb,
in a strike of sanity, decided that they weren't as criminally
insane as ******, that they must stop him from getting it
by any means.  They should commit high treason, half go East,
half West, determining a stalemate, detente amongst powers.  
Now it seems too late, that bi-polar axi of supposed powers
'use' of pandemic to subjugate the world to survival instead of
alival, exigency instead of humanity, has pulled the rug out ....

Sadly, everybody's 'going along to get along with the program',
the speed nearly blitzkreiging, of the extermination of mankind
to it's extinction.  Why, do you ask?  They've premeditatedly
murdered 8 billion with climate crisis and if most figure it out
the global oligarchy, republican and totalitarian conspiracies
(West, East, new world order, same as the old), the corporate
structure, institutions, gov'ts, tools of la machine, would be
facing the wrath of 7 billion souls, they might not fare well, no?  
The coronaing of human being is the rich dictated needed segue
to get US to be extinct with a whimper, instead.  You, illimitable
potential, indivisible as life, walking nature's balance, giving
back to her abundance, can abolish fossil fuel use, save us all.
If the global oligarchy doesn't have an exist strategy, the supposed 'Mars Colony', that's the only way they will be forced to save the Earth and humanity.  Thanx for all you All do; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
Aye pride myself
     being sui generis
     verb hose subject for a zoologist,
cuz webbed phalanges

     branch handsomely
     from mine feet and wrist,
where perforce great expectations,
     asper the next greatest (I SCREAM)

     scoop of the month intimated,
     conducted under top secret
     controlled laboratory conditions
     with yours truly (as the de facto

     par excellence)
     rodent named "Oliver twist"
Lady Dedlock key ping
     watchful eye within bleak house,

while Thomas Gradgrind
     feigns tubby bad company
     during these hard times
     temporarily all quietest

lull on the western front
     since Donald Trump
     detente foretold by a palmist,
whereby said President

     of the United States
     feeling as an optimist
met with Kim Jong-un,
     (cautiously side stepping morass,
     viz hit blind side dare devil hoodwinking,
     via awe shucks faux bully)

     suspending noninterventionist
impact unexpectedly witnessed leader
     of North Korea as multilateralist
     on historic June 12, 2018,

     summit minus linguist,
where fist pumping in Singapore
     for unilateral negotiations
     offloading nationalism

     weighing down
     figurative chest i.e. kist
by resplendent sun, where ma lounze
     sotto voce, somber solemnly
     sober ensemble re: joist

uniting this stately isolationist,
whose approximate
      ten stone heft easy to hoist
merely sustains purposelessness

     this poem without a gist
hence if Yukon spare one
     (or more cruxes) lemme be fist
in line, though first, aye
     would need to convince thee
     this scribe doth exist!
Jim Allen Apr 2019
Each time I read his nick

I remember our two countries

were in stalemate during my youth.

My government

wanted me to believe

that if we bested his to the moon

his citizens would forever be subjugated

to second rate status.

I knew but a little, certainly

one could not judge

with the equivalent of a space age

sporting event.

Now we are at it again,

suspicions well fed

by twenty-four hour

social media with nothing

but separatism on the brain.

Alex is my friend of choice,

neither he nor I selected the lands

reared within, enemies

do not care for one another

as brothers.

Be ****** the drama

of political intrigue,

I want more from our friendship

than the uneasy truce

of another era of detente.
For AV, a friend in Russia.
poetryaccident Apr 2019
If I were to list my top regret
it would point at myself
denouncing change that came too slow
by the speed and not the flow
while the seconds are cast away
the layers ask to be displayed

with quaint reference to comfort’s angst
deference is given to the mewling tongue
while determining identity
some parts were clear to see
hidden in the rapt desires
always there to speak its mind

that internal voice is locked away
announcing volumes only one will hear
while the world is ignorant
of this flow that souls dictate
cooperating with gender’s taunt
the outward kept in still detente

an arrangement that most approve
as the past becomes a lie
the shell seems to carry on
as the core is left to die
on the altar of frozen time
these choices become sorrow's life.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190426.
The poem “Top Regret Revisited” was inspired by some poem ideas I scribbled in the distant past.  The focus was on regrets associated with judgments of the self.
Eyen F Dec 2019
Gira la flor
-¡Tenue, exquisita flor!-
al son del pasar, de lo próximo y lo incierto,
al tacto del rincón eterno del ojo de Cronos
tu vestido nochebuena;
sus sangrientos espirales,
bombeando la vaporosa y gris arquitectura de tu ****,
marcando el límite -territorio-
señalando y ordenándome
sentir sino punzante y pedregosa impotencia;
ahogados en fuego llanto
gritamos yo y mi alma en silencio:
-Detente tu girar y date vuelta;
haz dos de tus girares, corazón;
dime, dime una vez más, con tu danzar;
recuérdame cual viejo frío y senil
el cómo te empecé yo a amar.

Y, delimitada mi clemencia, mi suspirar y mi poder
repetiste, con ignorancia, mi razón de lujo amar;
diste el bucle enamorado
recordando el ser de tus frías venas
recostándose en su verde esplendor;
tus contemplaciones, líneas de leer
del parentesco tuyo al griego guerrero
cuya espada y formidable escudo dorado
respondían con insolente vehemencia
a las plegarias del desdichado Héctor;
es tu intrigante idioglosia
tu secreto idioma tambaleante y curvilíneo;
la respuesta onírica, anhelada
bajo tu impetuoso y salvaje vestir nochebuena.

Códigos causantes
bañando el camisón de barroco secreto
de tu sucio y ominoso deseo;
poderíos inexistentes redactados con iris
en el más humano idioma;
la táctil y clara erección de tu registro
lubricado en el sadista idioma tuyo;
el tortuoso y cíclico tremor
de tu vestido nochebuena.
Lynne Mason Sep 2019
like virginie—
despentes, you know—
the null of detente
a wellspring of womanly violence.

mother purses her
lips at me: “be
a lady.” (but
how can i when
i’m angry?)

later: de-escalate
bruises with bare
skinfuls of ice.
i picked a fight with myself
and lost.
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces
(INF) Treaty nixed, asper (gasp) infinite
wisdom (quite unsettling) trumpeting  
commander in chief de facto gave green

light, thus signals fasttrack, sans arms
race activating Armageddon churning
noble nuclear warheads **** the (not
so petty) torpedoes full steam ahead,

ramping up military industrial (intelligence
- ha) complex edifice global security
compromised detente tipping point
needle weighs heavily - scale lean

triangulation ratchets dramatic
apocalyptic fear each man knucled
(woman child) arms themselves to
the teeth bombs away doth not leave

mushroom to wiggle free of doom,
the human race on track to extinction
since the commander in chief did
rescind checks and balances on rogue

nations, now issuing free (grab bag)
for all warmongering states to stock
on fire sale of various and sundry
weapons of mass destruction ushering

exponential possibility slight sabre
rattling altercations will kickstart
World War III, but no victors will
emerge cuz every square inch of planet

Earth will be snapping, crackling
and popping with radiation fostering
disintegration, incineration, obliteration...,
among civilization with minuscule probability

no child will be left behind, (nor anybody
else for that matter), yet one need
not be a brain scientist, nor rocket
surgeon to predict the end of the world

as we know it (REM) minding any weekly
reader of TIME magazine, or other
reputable news source (such as Howard
Stern), any moment could deliver every
thing each of us cherish to go to hell in

a handbasket of deplorables) predicated
on the isolationist (nationalistic) posture
our dear leader steers this ship (unwieldy
leviathan) of state into totally tubular
unswerving pulverization!
Third Eye Candy Jun 2020
I [ know ] what it’s like.
Indoors with an Outdoor Mind.
Fever blink sparrows in Calligraphy’s
Eponymous Wreck of droll Elan.
Outsized Inside,
As ripples in a quiver
may Be in Two Blazes
At Once.

While Love can be
Nowhere near You
When You


I have stopped singing in the usual way, now more concave and scattershot
With bare-bones clacking rough gibberish to the masses in discreet columns
of deployed madness… Cherub-Stung Pontiff of a Dirigible -
Swinging from an Aether Star
Hooked on hooks and crashing
Into something

I have too often the perks
of cerebral Detente
with my Impossible Oceans.
I Swim .... to soften the scales
of my deep fish

I Never Know
Cool Things.

Until I Burn.
KorbydAngyle Apr 2022
AI Composure

....12.1020200010.... es wa a swa awes awsy tanse thank tank eaves
redidle rebittle dooty fitty duty dizzy dessy dizzy chrisy pissy tizzy
sin sincere sinestrein singular sifty severance severe scissored scintilly suffy sense
epitome epa petty phone hepa gramophone jany detente detention fast fiery del uh gone
end the celebrated moment fearsome and true don't forget or bid on memories,,,
only where the west wind grows scales the mountain that looms 12.1020200010....
KorbydAngyle Dec 2021
What timely threshold taints the sunrise, yet
   soon should I find an evening?
No more the territory of all truth
than conniving chops of every feral militant dream...

Yet energy and activity, a vast proficiency,
   though embattled ensnare the owners of me
    with purpose and flair for the extreme

O moment too bold, yet forever in possession of transcendence
   true detente between the existent selves and the fantasy you

I am the sky
I am the sea
I am the reverberations of a deep deep blue.
Michael Marchese Dec 2020
Consigned to the trash heap
Of history stained
By your vain attempts to
Resurrect its blood shame
Assert claims
Of peremptory
Right to rule
Any law you see fit
Can’t admit
Your mistakes
And I’d stake any shred
Of what dignity’s LEFT
In this laughing stock mockery
By theft
You inherited,
Plundered your tax haven wealth
From the same people
You’re still depriving
Of health
Go to hell
Don’t return
You can burn all you want
With your fire and fury taunt,
Narcissist vaunt
Flaunting as the undaunted
Proud Boy’s commandant
Nonchalantly don cloaks
Of the ghosts
That still haunt
Like Levant false messiah’s  
Disguised as Mein Kampf
But of course it’s just China’s
New World worker’s comp
Weaponizing infectious
Investment detente
That’s the hoax,
That’s all folks,
Merely Putin’s savant
Useful idiot
Still stuffing snakes in the swamp
Hope you rot
Like, a lot
And forgotten in time
We remind ourselves why
You arrived on the scene
To steal one more show
American Dream
Elections are cute, but I prefer legit democracy

— The End —