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Sharon Flynn Jul 2019
two parrots colored green and red
whispering secrets to one another
'another tall ship lured to Bad Man's Cove'

a tall ship with fierce Zuni pirates
who held Sir Frederick Castleman captive
all the pirates needed was a place
to dump their captive and claim their *****
a desolate place with little to recommend it

had a few moss-draped trees,
rocks and rills silently standing
in mute testimony to its isolation
They docked in the aquamarine waters
of lush tropical Deadman's Bay

herded Sir Frederick off the ship
bound in yards and yards of knotted ropes
a large rapier sword pointed at his back
he was gagged as well as bound
the parrots squawked loudly in protest

but the pirates left unfortunate Sir Frederick
to die alone on Bad Man's Cove shores
Entry in a contest with image prompt of a tall ship coming into the bay of a cove on a tropical island. The website has auto rank and it does not give out high points unless merited as professional. This poem was awarded a perfect  "10! "
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
a sea nymph with fan-like sparkling fins
perfect head lifted up in a straining gaze
at the sails of the galley ship moving away
while the waves tumbled over
into a sea-spray green foam
bubbled up with teacup lights
that lit up the ocean's tumultuous state

her handsome young mariner
was on her ravaged mermaid mind
notes escaped as her siren's call
wafted over glossy sea-glass seas,
ballads sung with unending yearning
he had fallen under her conjured spells
that glowed from within her rainbow eyes

fiery flames with purple streaks of lightening
spread out in orange wings over a dusky sky
while her long silver locks flew all about her head
would her captain see her lithe body laying across the rock?
remember sounds of a siren's wind-blown song,
come back to find her sea-green embrace one time more
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
dearest love of mine,

my heart is filled to overflowing
with every pastel shade of you
the blues and the aquas,
the roses and the lilacs
all combine to display a true canvas of art

everything about you creates a picture
you are my Monet art exhibit
hanging on a gallery wall
my blue ribbon prize, my winning entry
I could not have created a better portrait with my paints

words can define who we are as lovers
the word love has so many different colors
my adoration of you is many, many hued
like the deep red shades of our aphrodisiac of ardor
that will hold my attention past this life on earth

there is not enough time to express
what this potent experience of us is
our shades have intermingled and tangled together
as all that we are forms one strand of our woven design
we are much more than the sum of words and shades
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
three sister sorceresses
in the halo of a crescent Moon
a thin slice of circular light
highlighting three lithe figures
all dressed in long lavender gowns
three hands extended together
as a ball of flames grows
and magic incantations are uttered

O' Moon of strong wiles
send us three muscular men
so we can beguile them
with our dark voodoo bewitching
hypnotize them with ravishing hexes

beware you men of youth
for these three sisters will steal
your breath away from you
then toss away your lifeless bodies
sisters three with viper charms
are serpents who love soft flesh
have no qualms about using
your life forces to restore
their own youth and pulchritude
sometimes raving beauties hide
the evil witches that live deep inside
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
Dresden blue skies
with wispy clouds of white
whiffle across
an azure canopy
while long trails
of churning waterfalls
cascade down the walls
of a hidden paradise
where the bashful sun hides
behind green palm tree fronds
and bright fuchsia bushes

a little house is nestled
in the lush foliage surrounding
its pixie sparkle porch
inside a fragile fairy queen
rests her pixie head on a pillow
magic dots of fairy dust
illumine a water lily pond
as clear watered-drops skip between
Bishme dreams in happy sparkles
and dances across her sea
of crystalized fairytale wands
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
rise, moonbird, rise
let your silver moonbird eyes
scatter the lanterns of the stars
a lullaby sung in colorful galaxies
as the night goes on and on
the Moon itself rises so high
undoes its daylight fetters
wraps its tie-dye colors
in the softened embrace
of a moonbird's feathers

notes of arias in the night
ascend into a sacred hymn
sung by a moonbird's throaty
warbled sound
the Moon's bright face
instills a kiss of light
raises up romantic notes
in the heart of the moonbird's chest
his soliloquy sends yearning
to be held in the arms of God

pampered by
the surrounding planets
wake, moonbird, wake
claim your place in the night's canopy
crown your aqua breastplate
with a luminous star pin
that accents the heart glow inside
by your universal flights
to other sides of the world
and to the dark sands of red
that cover the shores of Mars
Inspired by the video by John Adorney - Waiting For  The Moon
Sharon Flynn Jun 2019
china cherry blossoms
adorn a silken kimono
pulled away from the shoulders
dropped in a puddle around her waist
her back exposed
with a fierce dragon tattoo
in inks of ochre red and black
Mai Lin waits obediently
at her master's beck and call
an aphrodisiac in the night
for a bed partner
with an urgent appetite
that must be appeased

the power of her long raven hair
flowing over her *******
set within him a fire he must quench
that pale skin of milky white
and the full lips drenched in red
hastened his wish to kiss in tandem
his eagerness to couple together
was heightened by her soft angel touches
on his heat-infused bronze skin
beneath satin sheets of light gold

he scales the fortress of her body
and causes her china walls
to crumble and come tumbling down
This was  written for a contest for a live blog radio program. It is more adult in nature but  not graphic just seductive.
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