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"Its very easy to put up with you, because your so damb wonderful."
I've never let words make up my worth,
what some people say, even if it hurts.
But, the way you speak makes me want to be,
to some how live up to the way you think of me.
I've fallen for your eyes, but they barley know me yet.
Don't these feelings you forget,
I'm in love tonight.
Your heart is what I want,
because mines yours to keep.
As long as you care,
I know I'm safe in your reach.
God I'm in love tonight.
With all these words that I write,
I value yours over mine.
So if these words you do forget,
I promise you I wont regret all the time that we have spent.
I've fallen for the look inside of your eyes,
I hope you find a home in mine.
I'm still falling for you yet,
God I'm in love tonight.
"Its very easy to put up with you because your so damb wonderful."
No I've never let words make up my worth,
But, I've fallen for the rest of my life,
I can see in your eyes.....
WOW, my first love poem.....Do you like it?....So yeah the ever so dark Andie, has fallen in love with someone...its scary to think that someone can effect me and my life so easily.....I just want to put it out their that this is not in any way me saying oh, now that I love someone even if they say im worthless I think I, if he ever did that yeah it would hurt but, I know its not only saying someone that I love who is not my mother, thinks that Im as wonderful as I think they are, and its going to make me open up more, wish me luck!
Ma Cherie Aug 2017
oh the overcasting
dreary weather
the sun just looks sooooo
oh damb you my sweet sweet sunshine
why'd ya hafta go away?

oh the sky
looking suspicious
ominous is my
dark and sunless sky
now tenebrous an so dull
as I often wonder why
as I find a sweet moment
in the a lull,
an clouds above are full,
so then you know that I
I must anticipate the cry,
....oh sigh...

we -
just plodding along
the clouds now form
in a flowing heavy floor
I hear stomping godly feet
an then the slamming of a door
boy it sure looks now so moody
an it's hard to just ignore

oh I say baby
it is like a leaden sky load
a heavy mess of pain in dear heaps
raining here now
on my dear sweet sweet abode
that man how he weeps an he weeps
he waters my garden now too
everywhere his loving
just seeps and it seeps
as his joy and his pain
it just reaps and it reaps,

oh back through the earth
an then back to the sea
as he pines after her
yes his sweetest Daphne,
oh his wonderful love
oh where you might be?

an but to be the God
of all that
sweet poetry
medicine and
I just don't know why he must cry
I guess it must be that **** night
because then he must wait again- ignite
looking for his lover Daphne
that she'll be in his sight
then making sweet love again
all will be alright

so as he burdens my deary sky
tho I shall not be depressed
I might hafta go an ask him why
is he is feelin so distressed
when to be the God of what I say everything
I'd say that man is blessed
but perhaps he don't remember
a memory repressed?

oh an it's a-comin dark again
in shadows falling quick
reluctantly he goes behind
but feeling low an thick
he needs so much to shine on
it's left him feeling sick

he needs your sweet waters deep,
to cry your nector
must be
he only wants to worship you lover
the way he is worshipped too,
you see,

he is a-cryin my sky
becuz my dear he's just
on your sweet sweet love again.

Ma Cherie @ 2017
I haven't done this in a while but I added some things and maybe too much not sure? Idk could be about passion? I wrote about Apollo idk its dreary here an this is what came out huh. Anyhoo he lusted after Daphne- apparently idk if they ever had *** tho lol. Love you all ❤❤❤
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I will slay the Beast
Eragon that damb fire breathing
Menace of a dragon
swatted with my unsheathed sword
I will Purge its bowels
and sanctify my words in iridescent glass ink
I'll shoot Stupid Cupid out of the sky with a sharp pointed arrow ball point pen
Take out the Man in the Moon
Eat a slice of humble pie
my favorite...can taste it now actually
when I left  in such a huff
Cut my hands off to spite my face
How am I ever going to write poetry now
Climb those Church walls that look like a castle...making a rope from crumpled paper
Maybe I can ask you to dance
I'm good at all kinds though a country waltz sure sounds dandy cowboy boots and tight fittin jeans Conway

or hang out somewhere in the great big city
make it BIG like Tom
Or carry out a Mission Impossible
we could end up back together
Stranger things have happened

I might have an apoplexy and end up in The Nut House
Should I commit Harry Carey and end up in prison
You want to hear truth
I'll tell you some truth
I don't know if you can handle this truth or not
I'll tell you it in perfect comedic timing,
in my dictation, in my phrasing ,
puddling of lines
and cleverly sounding rhyming
ya I'm a poet sure I am
I can chew on a few magic mushrooms smoke some *****
raise our social consciousness if it helps
Find a little more of my madness because  my madness
maybe even my sadness
to see the world a little more beautifully
look a little more than the guy looking at his feet as he walks down the street
I'll skip a rock across the ocean in rippling wonder with just flick of my pen
paint the mountains with such a crisp contrast they look like paper cutouts
and the clouds
alright... looks like Zeus is up there with his arms folded in anger
dark grey outlines his feet
thunder rolls from his belly
stomping around, crashing lighting
on tips the of billowing bright white golden fleeced
gauze drenched clouds
like the back of a newborn lamb
Don't you want to touch it

I might jump Johnny's pirate ship across the sky in the blackened
night navigating through the Stars
laughing menacingly
at the starlit tears guiding us
and at the ghostly fleets chasing
I will be the one looking back at you
in the mirror and show you what you  need to see
do I have the power of discernment?
No...just a poet
I guess I'm a poet after all
so send me your Peter Pan and Tinker Bell dreams
I'll dance with the little teapot and dip the Little Spoon
in the river  
with Aesop playing bagpipes to catch us some dinner
shoot straight at a carnival game
knock them all down
expert shot.
First try

I knew you'd Miss Me When I'm Gone
It's part of the poetic curse
my poetic curse
I'm just a poet

though my words will always be here for you to read.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Not about a guy for me...just saying.
This is kind of different started this last night just kept coming hope it's alright.
Allan Mzyece Jan 2017
Stranger danger, I am about to make all kinds of poets surrender... how? you wonder why? let me clarify :- let me amplify; my voice is sharper than a knife when I say I love Natalie
Adding a twist between different lives
i magnetise, form faster than they spread there lies
because i am possessed by Love demons
but to all Poets, i stand as a Villain; my messages stay hidden for someone with greater vision
you can't understand my cranium inside, i have a god's insight
I have been painting the future just to fall in love with the past
I miss them all! i miss my soul busked in the devil's mask
this is something that you will never outmatch! this is life vibrating a damb man's uvula
cute babies lubricating toys with saliva, while i am busy kissing a former lover in a world under, but above all you poets that slunder
Your words I plunder!
I am a first class writer
You can't bring me down
because I robbed you of your Crown!
I'm Leaving now
let this be a lesion
To all who think that words don't matter
How could you look her in the eyes say you love her
she knows you lie
why not come clean what's the point
all she wanted was for you to try
burry her in the finest silk
tell her she's beautiful before her make up begins to wilt
all she wanted was for something to be real
Now she's gone what will you say
to the mother that walks your way
You smile again but it biter sweet this time
When a daughter takes her own damb life
tell her she's pretty, take her out to eat, dance with her
let her stand on your feet
don't turn your back and pull out a flask
all she wanted was for something to last
I'll make this quick you wont have to stay
close your eyes and float away
go to her it will be ok
I **** myself so slowly
No cut's or burns thou on me
Its my heart the ones that's braking
now all I want is for my life god to be taking
All over what a few word
Maybe I could of pulled threw
but damb they hurt
Now I'm lying awake looking up at the stars
I'm starting to think about all the times I cried
I want to go back to heaven I don care if I die
But no you don't hear me ad make me go threw this
how can you do this
why do I have to go threw this?
Silent are the words that run threw my head but I don't care now
im already dead
Johnathan locke Mar 2017
You, who ignores his own kids.
You, who exudes hate like the sun gives out light.
You, their father, you who has made that title empty.
You, you who don't give us the respect and love we deserve,
You who violently ignore the fact that you have lost ours,
You who was once someone worth a damb,
Who is now nothing more than a fat pig.
You who has closed his eyes, ears, and heart to your entire family.
You who wouldn't even care, not even at my funeral.
You who abandoned me.
You, who finally deserves the title of my father.
Like my first father, the one who created me,
You don't care for me or my kin, we are invisible in your eyes.
You like my second father, who hates me and would love for me to stop existing.
You, who now inherits the accursed title,
You, my father.
I feel fragile at best
and at my worst I don't know why
god knows I have tried
But now I just don't want to feel anymore
I feel like am nothing to anyone
Im not saying that this is your fault
I don't want you to feel like it was
Once I was broken
but this is so much worse
I thought it would get better '
but damb it just hurts
Now  am broken and  don't know why
they ask me the questions
all I say is im fine
but that's not the truth I don't feel like I can tell them
I don't know why
why i feel broken..
God knows I've tried to forget
move on and forget all of it
but know I am alone
and my minds left to wander
I feel broken...I don't want to move on
so keep my words in this song
god knows I have tried to hard
but  don't want to feel what's in my heart
Johnathan locke Nov 2015
Just give up
What you seek you will not find
For you have made a mistake
My dear friend of mine

Put it in my room
And that will be the last of it you see
For I have a little brother
Living here with me.

God ******* Damb it
I want my stuff back
You don't know what happened
Ha, what brains do you think I lack?
Thomas Jun 2016
I walk around aimlessly,
"What have I done"
I wonder about,
"What am I now"
As I button my pants up,
"What will I say"
As I look at her,
"I hope she forgives me"
I try to clean up the blood,
"O dear god "
I'm crying as there's a knock at the door,
"Who is it"
I asked in rapid short breaths,
"It's the police, now open up"
I look around and see my escape,
"If you don't unlock this door we'll come in by force"
I run towards the window at full speed,
I trip over the body,
Ugh like this day can't get any worse,
I get back up and run towards the window,
I'm floating as the railing spins me tearing off limbs every stairwell I hit,
"I think he's jumped sir"
At least I won't have to see  her face again,
She smacks me as she stands across from me,
"You  look pretty dead there old lady"
Damb it I still can't get rid of her.
It's something's
Blazin chunky fire
My lyrics full of higher
Devotion got the notion
Of others coasting
Our tweets writings and meets
But they can't beat
Matter of fact we sweep
Up creeps like brooms
Sounds of doom once
My shells lets off the boom
And soon you'll be in yo tombs
Say I be that outcast
Built for everlast thats
Why i took apart
Of the industry got mini mes
Doing dirt for me
In my city
They feed well you can tell
By my million armed cartel
So watch what ya say
Cuz these boys don't play pay
Is looking nice
Like my women thick with
Glancing ice and entice
Spirits can you hear it

This is aint no hocus pocus
I only using focus
Like camera lens high definition
Can you see within
Pain dwellin' from the sorrow drillin'
Still lost in the land killin'
Minds and souls
Things used to be new now old
But my principles is old school
Never broke the golden rule
Do what others do unto you
Soon youll understand
What destiny lays in her hand
Man I'm just tryna get a reprimand
Well **** that
I'm tryna end the establishment
Where all my innocent brothers went
Past times lynched gravels slam
From the bench
Another ******* sentence
But I'm breaking silence
Bloods from the lambs
Like dominoes on uno I'll slams
These suckas til they fryin'
Like bacon eggs and ham got damb
Lil Gary Dec 2019
High moon. BY Lil Gary
It's a special night so I got her some
flowers but I popped the I love you
It's a date at our secret spot and the only
ones that know about it is us, everyone
at the trailer park, and maybe a
I illegally downloaded the song Nobody
cause we're rebels and it's our favorite
love making tune.
I left all my jokes in the house so I can  
be a serious buffoon.

I got some cheap beer, pillows, and a soft
Guess y'all can say Lil Gary's getting lucky
tonight so they'll be no need to yank it.
I had a little whisky but I was nervous and
excited so I already drank it.
You ever had a girl so fine everytime she
brings her **** *** close you
can't help but to spank it?
How much is she worth to me, well I'll just
say it's enough you could bank it.
It's getting late so I wonder if she's      
  having trouble with her old car and
  unable to crank it.

Hell I even spent 10 bucks at the dollar
store trying to make my back yard
look tropical because she really
love's Cancun.
Which is hard to do in a Texas trailer park
even if its the middle of June.
This ice cream is getting soft so I can
tell the neighbors no need to borrow
there spoon.
It's taking her forever (Slap) and damb the
mosquitos are biting so I hope she
(Slap) gets here real soon.
I told her *** to meet me behind my
trailer next to my shop I call Lil
Gary's saloon.
And don't be late I got to work in the
morning so be here before high
Freestyle Story Poemsics

— The End —