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C Mahood Jun 2018
She belonged to him, no other man,
So he said to her each day she left.
To sell the eggs and the dress she made,
To pull them from the line of the poor.

On the way to town each day she passed,
The rings of County Tipperary.
The ancient rings that live the wee folk,
Who dance in moonlight and trick us all.

That day she waited to see her kin,
But she left no gift to please the old.
So home she came with arms still heavy,
and a chest that weighed a cough so foul.  

“My Bridget” as he knelt by her bed,
Holding her hand as it shook with cold.
In the crack of the flame voices he heard
To hang him from his grief with despair.

The news he heard was of his father
Whom died the evening he felt alone.
Mr Cleary swore and slammed his fist.
“Midnight tonight or Bridget is lost!”

The men in village knew the tale,
Of the wee folk who cursed Bridget.
The woman in the Cleary home bed,
Was an echo of the wife he loved.

They held her down and asked her, her name,
She screamed and growled but did not reply,
Three times they asked and still she refused.
So tight the grips they beat her to sleep.

The morning arrived, Bridget awoke,
To her husband who looked upon her.
His eyes full of loss and fear as-well,
“my Bridget?” he asked “are they gone now?”

She smiled and agreed, she was alone,
So the priest came to deliver mass.
Mr Cleary agreed and drank from the cup
But he knew that his wife was not home.

He asked her again, three more times; “Speak,
Your name to me now, are you my wife?”
Each time she replied “It is I, Yes.”
Michael still knew his wife was away.

That evening men from the town arrived  
And took Bridget deep into the bog,
Where they bound her and lay her down flat,
As she screamed for her husband to help.

“It is I, It is me, Your sweet wife,
Believe me my husband I am here,
No faerie has seized my soul from me,
No witch has uttered a devil curse.”

Her mouth was covered and bound so tight
Her screams were made only with her eyes.
In front of the men, Michael asked her.
“Are you my wife? My Bridget Cleary?”

No voice or reply came from the girl.
Her body lay still in the bog land.
So onto a bed of wood she was placed,
And burned in the cold evening moon light.

The story was told through the village,
That Bridget had fled with another,
A man who bought all her eggs each week,
But not everyone believed this tale.

The priest of the village found Michael,
Praying blood, sweat and tears in the church.
He told him the fairies had taken,
The changeling they had placed there before.    

The priest told the men of the Garda
That ****** was rife in this village.
That men had taken a sick women
And burned her to death in the bog land.

Michael was guilty of Manslaughter
No conviction of ****** was passed
For the people believed his story,
The woman who burned was not his wife  

To this day the rings of Tipperary
Still grow foxglove and weeds in the cracks,
The Faerie mounds are feared like darkness
And steered clear of, by those who live near.

Even now it is heard in the school,
By the children who skip on the rope.
“Are you a witch, or are you a fairy,
Or are you the wife of Michael Cleary?”
Becky Littmann May 2014
Their mouth NEVER ******* seems to shut up & just stop
& **** snitches don't hesitate to quickly name drop
Twisting everything they'll hear
Creating lies & rumors like it is their career!
SO WATCH YOUR BACK, they are only a pretend friend
They're scary & **** identical when they're an impersonator
Nice & kind so they seem, turn away they'll be a backstabbing hater
NOBODY has time for all that ridiculous nonsense
Just attention seekers, without their usually faithful but now gone audience
Desperately trying to remain in the center of attention, cleary blind to the EXTREME  obvious!
You never really deserved to ever be forgiven
I'm done wasting my time & voice on someone who will NEVER listen
Ohhh yah a FYI, a friendship isn't a competition
But more like a dynamic duo always down for a random mission!
Oh well, no coming back now I'm not changing my decision!
To all those fake friends we have all had!
tangshunzi Jun 2014
Sarò onesto .L'autunno è la mia stagione preferita .E ** tempo per maglioni accogliente .buonissimo cacao caldo e curling dal fuoco per quasi tutto l'anno .Cioè .fino a quando io offro i miei occhi su un tropicale amore -fest come questo giorno cara catturato dai Jonas Peterson .Perché questo .amici miei .è un insieme capolavoro piena di sole contro la terra mozzafiato conosciuta come Fiji .e se ogni ultima immagine gloriosa non ti vuole mettere in valigia un po 'di infradito e prendere il primo volo fuori .non so cosa farà .Vedi tutto qui .

E un piccolo film magia Zoom Fiji ?Penso che lo faremo .Si prega di aggiornare il tuo

browserColorsSeasonsSpringSettingsGolf ResortStylesDestination Da Sposa.Sono cresciuto sognando di sposarsi su un'isola tropicale e Fiji era il posto perfetto per rendere questo sogno .Fiji occupa un posto speciale in entrambi i nostri cuori come Dave mi ha sorpreso proponendo e organizzato per volare verso Fiji il giorno successivo per una vacanza incredibile .Siamo entrambi innamorati amare la cultura delle Fiji abiti da sposa on line .il popolo delle Fiji sono così felice e cordiale e ci siamo sempre sentiti così benvenuti.Abbiamo deciso di fare l'Intercontinental Golf Resort \u0026 Spa sulla Coral Coast .un posto così bello .Volevamo un matrimonio intimo con amici e famiglia per condividere il nostro giorno speciale .Abbiamo voluto creare un'atmosfera divertente e rilassante dove i nostri ospiti possono rilassarsi e hanno una grande vacanza !Ciò che era speciale era di essere in grado di uscire con i nostri ospiti che portano al matrimonio .cocktail a bordo piscina .snorkelling sulla barriera corallina e grandi cene .La mia wedding planner Jane all'Intercontinental Golf Resort e Spa ha fatto il lavoro più sorprendente prendersi cura di tutto.Dave e io non dovevano preoccuparsi per una cosa !Come eravamo sposati all'estero ** ancora voluto mettere il mio tocco speciale al nostro matrimonio così ** avuto una

palla di abiti da sposa 2014 progettare i nostri inviti di nozze.Volevo solo qualcosa di casuale e divertente per riflettere la giornata .
erano così felici con quello che il villaggio fornito in termini di fiori e decorazioni .siamo stati fortunati nostra famiglia sono stati in grado di aiutare le decorazioni parlare etc oltre a Fiji .E 'stato importante per noi per i nostri ospiti di sperimentare alcuni la cultura delle Fiji così abbiamo incorporato ballerini Fiji e uno spettacolo di fuoco .tutti i nostri ospiti davvero apprezzato questo .è veramente fatto la notte così speciale .Abbiamo anche avuto serenaders giocare prima della cerimonia e durante l' ora del cocktail .** anche avuto il privilegio di essere scortato alla cappella da due guerrieri delle Fiji .Il nostro ricevimento si è tenuto presso la firma raffinato ristorante Intercontinentals Navo che si affaccia sulla laguna e l'isola di Navo .Dave e ** organizzato un cocktail speciale per tutti i nostri ospiti in arrivo .è stato un mojito di cocco .i nostri ospiti davvero apprezzato questo tocco speciale .** amato il mio bouquet di orchidee e la bella rosa zenzero damigelle mazzi di fiori .hanno legato perfettamente con i loro abiti Amsale .I ragazzi hanno ben sopportare il calore indossando abiti in calore !

Una cosa che era molto importante per me era il nostro fotografo di matrimoni .Avevo fatto la mia il mio cuore è stato impostato su Jonas Peterson .Non sono rimasto deluso .ha catturato il nostro giorno così bello .entrambi amiamo le nostre foto e li faremo amare sempre .** anche volato su un artista makeup incredibile da Sydney .Christina Chiaramente che era stato a Fiji molte volte quindi sapevo che ero in buone mani .Lei ha fatto un ottimo lavoro e siamo tutti sembrava così bello .il nostro trucco rimase tutto il giorno e la notte .** una squadra di provenienza dei capelli locale da Fiji .non sono rimasto deluso .sapevano esattamente quello che volevo e la loro conoscenza lavorando con i capelli al calore delle Fiji era incredibile !Abbiamo anche avuto il piacere di lavorare con Zoomfiji .hanno anche fatto un ottimo lavoro catturare il nostro giorno speciale .Ognuno è andato al di là di rendere il nostro giorno così incredibile .

Il personale era incredibile all'Intercontinental abiti da sposa 2014 e niente era troppo disturbo per loro .Hanno davvero fatto in modo che si cura di noi e abbiamo avuto il giorno avevamo sempre sognato !Vinaka !

Fotografo: Jonas Peterson | Abito da sposa: Spose di Beecroft | Cancelleria Wedding : Fave Paper Designs | Scarpe da sposa : peeptoe Scarpe | Abiti da sposa : Amsale | Makeup Artist : Christina Cleary | Capelli: Capelli N Mkp Perfezionista | Striscioni pubblicitari : Lullaby Mobiles| Pezzo di capelli della sposa : Kristi Bonnici Accessori da sposa | Abiti Girls ' : Silk \u0026 More | Località : Intercontinental Golf Resort \u0026 Spa FijiAmsale è un membro del nostro Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui
Fiji Wedding da Jonas Peterson_abiti da sposa corti
Elaenor Aisling Nov 2017
Come away O human child
to the waters and the wild
with a faerie hand in hand
for the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.

Your pretty face,
was all they found in the peat
with the hoarfrost over your mouth
and your burnt skin curled in ribbons.
This, and your black stockings
he couldn't bear to remove.

Did you see the wildness in his eyes
that night he brought the priest
for last rites?
Did his hands shake
as he mixed the herbs with *****
and threw them in your face,
telling you to come home?

was he jealous of the sixpence in your apron pocket
the pieces of you he could never own
and the independent streak
that ran through your sensuous hair.
The hot iron at your throat
the only jewel he cared to hold there,
the slow smoke rising like a chain
'round your neck.

did you stare at the frightening faerie child,
his changeling wings beating above you
as he called you by his own name.
Did you scold him in the name of his aos si mother
to watch his strange eyes flare
as you choked on the dry bread
he'd jammed down your throat.
You were never his Bridget
you were your own.

You were never the last witch.
We are still hunted
across deserts and into alleys
acid and fists destroy the magic
of our bewitching eyes.
Angry, they reach for the pieces of us they can never own
and burn our hearts on hearths
across continents.
The smoke rising from so many fires,
Italicized verse from W.B.Yeats “The Stolen Child”

Aos Si– Gaelic word for Irish Faries

The Story of Bridget Cleary, the “Last Witch Burned in Ireland” :
rachel Aug 2014
I laid down
He laid next to me.  
My face was in the pillow but I knew he was facing me.
I told him he was stupid
He told me I was more stupid
We battled like this
With raspy voices
Windpipes drenched in alcohol
The lingering aftermath of **** in his lungs
I could hear it in his voice.
That rasp was the most beautiful sound to me
In that moment and in every dream I've ever had of that moment.
I just never thought it would be him.

Our battle drifted off as he fell asleep
His last words were uttered in a raspy daze
"You're an idiot..."
And with that he put his arm around me, resting his hand on my arm.  
I felt warm
Cradled in the most complicated and innocent moment I've ever experienced.

I didn't fall asleep that night
Alex Heckman Sep 2018
I can see cleary the scene where we first met
I feel the warmth of your smile
I hear the glee in your voice
I am entangled in the thought of you
And when I saw you walk towards me
I felt as if the heavens blessed me with an angel
And When I saw you walk past me, I knew I was only in your path.
I am entangled in the thought of you, and why I am unwanted.
I hear the silence in your void, your words are never for me.
I feel the darkeness settle over me again, where it always is.
I can see clearly the scene where we last met.
Discarded. Forgotten. Unwelcome. Me.
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
Peace on your head,
I Love you.
We Love you.

No im not deaf
Place treble cleff
Im not the best but one day I hope to be the best that I can be. That we can be, be free. NO SEE we are one and of one blood you YOU HERE ME SON said we are one we ONE STAR the son  we need the blood I see the son  BLINDING EYES im fighting lies
inside my mind i hide the blind. Like playing poker but the river is only mine imtryin to find;
A doubtfull shadow in a drought over overexposure in a year boutes
ears and eyes can be numb
Steady ******* my thumb
Heres the truck and it runs
Spill my ill from this quill bleed a vision
Piledrive at the mill
Robots is Optomis drilled
Pills and pharmacists ****
Im just a kid when it comes to this
But poetry is this is
Hope you dont miss this
To do it thru it we **** hate
And Love is my median
No not a comedian
Just meditate
I see a dream and it's color blind
I said the gun is thiers and im right

but hold it tight.
I speak too boldy right.
Seams white is not the light?
Mold me and soul the frieght
hahha ^-^
                          **hahha love ya Brother
Just trying to flow with a fellow BElieVER. In poetry and the power of Love. (In poetrys artform)
Dorothy A Aug 2012
Looking upon Lake St. Clair
I saw it lying there today
In its watery grave
A large and lovely monarch butterfly
Its gossamer wings outstetched
As if it had gallently fought its death

And was determined to fly
Ascend to the air
To its temporary abode
Inbetween earth and sky
As far as its wings would take it
But it sadly did not succeed

On the one side, it was facing the lake
On the flipside, the open sky
I almost couldn't recognize it
As if it was a piece of junk floating along
But I eventually saw it cleary
This exquisite creature of noble name

And now I say that
Even this winged, airborne creature
Is bound to this earth
Like the rest of us
Who have not the gift of wings

And death is not just for suckers
The unfortunate who cannot hack it
For gravity must triumph in the end
And there is never a day
In which there ceases to be any death
Upon this mortal world

Many of us want to ward off its coming
As we bide our time
And try to outrun the inevitable
Hoping to outsmart the clock
Yet we are all creatures of this earth
Just as was this beautiful butterfly
Born to inhabitant this world
But never designed to stay

This isn't poetic license
In order to construct a clever poem
It truly happened to me
Making me stop and think
Out from a day in the ordinary
To ponder upon the brevity of life
With the instant reminder that

All magnificent things must die
there was a little water vole he had a big mishap
while walking down the riverbank he fell into a trap
a little metal cage that someone had set
hoping in his trap a watervole would get
he was trapped in side and began to cry
he was very sad he didnt want to die
suddenly a badger saw him in distress
and could see the vole was cleary in a mess
badger he was strong and he began to gnaw
chewing at the cage and opened up the door
the little vole got out badger saved the day
vole he thanked the badger as he swam away
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
Salem, O Salem what were you about?

It all started in 1692
It was dark, it was cold, a bit of snow still on the ground

People arrested for witchcraft and some sentenced to death
19 people that year took their final breath
People were drowned or killed with fire
some people even hung with rope or wire

Witch trials didn't just happen in Salem
They happened all over the world
The first is believed to be a woman named Angele Babin for *** with the devil
And the last Bridget Cleary whose crime was unclear
I wonder how many of these people confessed in fear

We are monsters of our own making
we cause fear and we ****
Those that do no longer do it for protection
they do it for the thrill

But their is no thrill in taking a life
there was wasn't then and there isn't now
how could you take a life, that is my question. HOW
Please leave feedback, personally I don't think this one is that good but I finished it so I thought I would post it.
there was a little water vole he had a big mishap
while walking down the riverbank he fell into a trap.

a little metal cage that was laid and set
hoping in his trap a watervole would get.

he was trapped in side and began to cry
he was very sad he didnt want to die.

suddenly a badger saw him in distress
and could see the vole was cleary in a mess.

badger he was strong and he began to gnaw
chewing at the cage and opened up the door.

the little vole got out badger saved the day
vole he thanked the badger as he swam away.
Poetic T Jan 2015
I look into the blackness speckles,
Glint upon the darkness
Fingers upon each
An arch, I release my tiniest of digits
Moving within my circled view
So much antique fragments
Of  incandescent  moments
I was peering in to
Within this short slice
"A point of time"
What was it, what was I,
It was a glance within
I had blinked for eternity,
And I have seen the universe
That resides within my sight.
"We are a universe"
With each movement time moves,
But even though past, it is still there,
For within each blink, a part of the universe
Is reflected, for us to glance upon and into.
Our eyes are a universe glanced within another we are an infinity upon sight.
S Smoothie Jan 2017
The days blur from one shade of gray to another
haphhazard heart only beats when the possibility of entering your atmosphere nears,
and even then, reality is quick to set in.
abandoned left to my own devices in matters concerning love
how easy it would be,
if it could leave you and nestle back into my heart again
ready to flutter off and settle on some other worthy occupation
bursting with colours like your eyes rivers of warmth like your smile
you walk through me as if I didn't exist
you build walls as you walk creating a maze around you
and yet, memories must linger, sparking  as you catch them in my eyes and smile into my soul, another torturous moment,
Perhaps, on purpose to check in with your prisoner.
Cleary, I have nothing but trophy status gathering dust.
An urn with the ashes of our love smoldering with no air
I wait for the last ember to burn off white
but that's the miracle of love,
it exists on nothing at all
and still stupidly, I design our reunion with not even a hope at all
and nothing to gain,  except living once again, lost in your eyes,
for a lighter shade of gray.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Sam Temple Jun 2016
Replaying what their saying praying they bring light to this white uptight insightful wannabe rapper
Cracking the code attacking the slackers taking wack swings trying to use the Clapper dressed dapper
Like Versace shoestrings singing like ODB making sure my breaths clean, it’s my upbringing two parent
Household got no gold but I make you mind blown rocking rhymes about frog and toad I’m road worn
And born weary love oregon’s rain, dreary love to read Beverly Cleary like Ramona wasn’t cheerleading
A future bare back ******* posing as a children’s reader more like a chicken head feeder yet sweeter
Cold toes in the morning gotta find a slipper pull up my cargo pants, can’t find the zipper feeling like
Jack Tripper …. its slipperier the ***** to attacking Iraq with most black troops a whole new set of roots
The truth is uncouth like jerking off in a telephone booth *** shooting on yellow pages gobs coating
Everyones names strangers in cages with rage faces and misplaced hate…******* ingrates –
Oh How I loveth thee
A quite quaint angel in my own eyes.
With dark and white broken wings.
Und'r ****** falls.

I shall waiteth, and comf'rt thee.
Liekth thee loveth thy beareth.
Until the endeth of p'riod.
A hoarse voice with angelic tone.
Haer like the colours of my chameleon.

The tend tender lips of loveth.
A smileth and mind of ambivalence.
I shall loveth with nay judgment.
A halo as bright as the mistress
Possesseth in humans death's-head.

The lukewarm blue chopt lips.
The sleep chamber the lady did lie upon.
H'r ilness, but I accepteth death.
I can kisseth with green valor breath.
The strength of a giant.
The nimbleness of a lilliputian fairy.
Thee can doth aught.

Yon can crustheth and slipeth.
Through the cracks of timeth.
Thee can beest fell'r joyous.
Liketh the visage of a monst'r
I loveth thee f'r who is't thou art.

Thee can beest the wild animal with scars.
mine own canine ears ope to hark.
Thee can has't warts liketh a toad.
A belly as big as the univ'rse.
I shalt beest a fath'r.
thee can has't barb'd wire on thy corse.
My chivalrous armour does not mind thy pain.

Thee believeth chivalry is gone.
Somewh're on the planet, 'r in the heavens above.
Sickl'd by the grim reap'rs ploy.
The apparition 'r man you love.
I'm the pap'r thee loveth at which hour thy depress'd
The smileth thee misseth.
I am thy sir'r knave at heart.
I'm the knight thee wanteth me to best.
The lasteth sir standing at the edge of the w'rld with thee.
Thy the only ***** I protecteth, and loveth f'rev'r.
I give you can seeth how I loveth thee.

This poem was written by Shane Michael Cleary at 12:42 2017 on June 30th.
"When we listen to whats right we're able to bring out the light in our lives, and whoever the person is we should listen to what they think.You give them a chance to climb the ladder to flip our switch.The brains power can stay on for good, or run out of power on the hour.There is nothing wrong about having inadequate knowledge and wisdom.In my opinion, knowledge and wisdom have no limit on the gauge, so we try to pacify and assuage a persons mind at any age.We perceive life, love, and knowledge as a learning curve.In my heart and mind;I believe we're all on the same team, but we all have a different style of playing and learning.We're out to win even if we sin, and I believe we have the generosity to recompense the women and men for their punctual attendance.We can do it through an arduous task by trial, we eventually have our name put on file.We are the unknown out there in the world with different faces, and different clothes ,but that is okay because we're all going to learn something different.We must always remember our friends, and family, and God knows, what we do from age one to ninety-three.We will learn knowledge and wisdom from age three, and through University.We will put everything we've learned into a blender, day after day so we always remember.Will begin to drink and think back even when we one-hundred years old.We begin to look back at what we ingested and digested, what w'eve invested.We take our proverbial smart pills at eleven O'clock.The days, months, and years have passed us by, and now we sit here like a proverbial cumbersome rock.All our knowledge and wisdom we have learned in our brains made us sane and insane had burned our life into ashes.We know everything we learned and earned throughout our lives is cremated by an unknown entity.The fame will burn in the flame with thee, you did the best you could since you we're three."

Written by Shane Micheal Cleary.
This  a poetic quote on knowledge and wisdom created by Shane Micheal Cleary on 26/06/2017.
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Wanting you dearly
Needing you cleary
Severely in love
Devin Ortiz May 2015
The words slide through me.
Disconnected lacking comprehension
Old times rush forward, focused
Shattering into mirrors of memories

Disbelief overwhelms me.
Questioning my every action
Tears stream down my face.
Every moment holding more weight.

We are fragile,
The world dies around us.
We fade into a foolish fantasy
Until the crippling pain of lose
Comes crashing home.

R.I.P. PJ Cleary
Go the mighty panthers
You are the best in Sydney
You beat south Sydney Rabbitohs
By 14 - 12
It was a top top match mate
I will celebrate every day
Congratulate Nathan cleary
For being the best on ground
Go the mighty panthers
Won the comp in 21
We really pushed and pushed and pushed
2 tries each mate
Panthers won in scoring more goals
We will get some champagne yeah
Everyone was happy
From the ground to mt druit
Partying all over
The road having fun
It was a shame last year
When the storm fucken beat em
But we had our second chance this year
And we won
Go the mighty panthers
We won we won we won
Everyone is partying
With goggles on eyes to stop the beer
Kickass mighty panthers
It was a great match
Go the mighty panthers
All the way
Big Virge Sep 2020
It’s Pretty Clear That I’m LETHAL... !!!
When It Comes To My CEREBRAL.... !!!

And How Its Applied...
When I’m Now Inclined...
To Sit Down And Write...
Rhymes Built For The WISE... !!!

My Cerebral... FLIES...
And Reaches Great Heights...
WITHOUT The Need...
For ******* Supplies... !!!

I Deal With The Green...
That's Grown NATURALLY... !?!
That Supplies Me With HIGHS...
That Then HEIGHTEN My Mind...

... Know What I Mean... ?!?

It Then... INSPIRES Me...
To Be Expressive On Themes...
That Poetically Deal...
With Our REALITY... !!!!!!!

So Indeed My Cerebral...
Flies High Like An Eagle... !!!

So Thats Right CLEARY Sees...
What We Call FALLACIES... !!!

Because of Glands PINEAL...
That See Right Through...
The Eye of A... NEEDLE... !!!

So That’s Right My Cerebral...
Is FAR From........ Feeble... !!!!!

And IGNORANT People... !!!

It’s Looking For Partners...
Like Those From Wakanda’...
With Names Like T’Challa...
Panthers Much SMARTER...
Than CERTAIN Forefathers...
Who Dealt With Slave Masters...

And Made Black Lives HARDER...
Than ANY White Charter...
Could Ever NOW DO...
And That Is THE TRUTH... !!!

If You Don’t Believe Me...
Check The History...
of The FIRST African Dude...
To Learn In ETON School... !!!

See My Cerebral Goes Farther...
Than... Marathon Markers...
It Goes WAY BEYOND Miles... !!!
And Rappers Whose Styles...
Profile What Is WILD... !!!

Because of Weak Minds...
That Are FAR From Refined...
And What Some Call... WISE...

These Days I Now Find...
My Cerebral’s Inclined...
To Give Berths...... EXTRA WIDE... !!!

To The The Type of Black Guys...
Who Are TOO FULL of PRIDE And Attitudes Like...
Supremacist Types Whose Skin Tone Is Light... !!!

That’s Right I Mean... WHITE... !!!
Because... Only A SUCKER... !!!
BelIeves That EVERY Brother...
SEES THEM As THEIR Brother... ?!?

And Those Words APPLY...
To ALL Creeds And Colours...
Within... Human Kind... !!!

That You Know EVERYTHING... !?!

But EVEN MORE Foolish...
To Let Your Mind SINK...
Into... DAMAGING Links...
Because They DON’T Think...
In The Way That YOU Think... ?!?

The Way That YOU Think...
And INDEED How You Live...

DEFINES Words Like THIS...
That’s Right HYPOCRITE... !!!

It’s Lyrics Like THIS...
That Prove That My Skin...
Is NOT What Defines...
The Depth of My Mind...

Because Like E Said...

The Rhymes That I Kick...
Come From MY CEREBELLUM... !!!
So Are Balanced And Levelled...

That’s Right... Like My Head...
And... Are Indeed LETHAL... !!!
Because They’re NOT Feeble... !!!

ILLEGAL... Deceitful...
Or Infected By EVIL...

Because They Are.....

........ “ CEREBRAL “........ !!!
Really not so sure what inspired this, however, I think the movie, Black Panther, had quite a large part, for some reason... as well as how I see my brand of thinking, at some level...
Cousin Mike more than a brother over years.
You had *** at 14. I kissed them made them cry.
Wyoming was roaming with eager wet tears.
You broke your heart and used ***** to die.
Jungdok Aug 2017
I am in sorrow
In the middle of grieving
The tears are constanly flowing
My heart is sinking

My brain lost its function
Internal organs? I cleary lost thought
How can this be?
Why didn't you choose me?

I'm losing the will to live
It's better to die
You are mt oxygen, my soul
It's better to die if you decline me

Too afraid to admit
I am a coward and this is cowardice
Became a prisoner of overthinking
Trying to escape this cell that i've lived in
ZACK GRAM Mar 2024
Year of truth
Im going to die after this
Puffy killed me
Like Michael Jackson
Whitney and Alieya
Im the Arpril 8th Red Heffer
Im King
Teleconesis Alien
**** a King I **** Gods
Hey Snoop you slipped
70% Black Music
Im paying 100 million per head
Lets go billion *******
Cleary im Albino
Cleary Im dna by a woman no man
I seen it all i warned you
Golden Age
Here Zack Come
Best build me a bunker
Im blood by Christ
I am alive
Last night i got shot
It bounced off
Ramen noodles
Wal Mart
An bottle Water cant free you
70% water 70% indicted
It now takes a real man to speak up
Im going to End All of You
Im prepared
Money is paper homie food should be money
Were hominids not on mars
You want rims
I want a God on Earth
Im here to die to save you
I will take out the trash
Me against all
**** it
Im barely breathing
World War means burn all books
Yet you still dig in the dirt
Its all of us
We are power
We are vision
We run the amujah
That means real hebrew on earth
God Rah
You tested my gangster
Now its my turn
I take back whats mine
Whats yours
An turn this ***** to smoke
Civil war is 100 years before gods return
Its 6 days 1 day of rest
Puff you speak names or cancel
Save me
Ask fif
Ask everyone
Media is a keyboard
Tell them Mike G
Tell them Tommy
From what i see
Russia killing skin heads
How you gonna impregnate a belief
7 billion people involved
70% top 100
World Peace thru my eyes
Or just simply DIE
cleary here isn't where i wanna be
let's fast forward time
so that i could have more of an idea
of what i'm supposed to accomplish
who i'm supposed to meet
what i need to go through
to truly reap what i sow
grab my shoulders and shake
maybe that'll help for the time being
but i guess for now
i'll feel the entropy violently increase
as each minute goes by
half these lines were thanks to the arctic monkeys, so thank you.
Brisbane bowling trip day 2

Today it was just a tenpin bowling day
My scores were 143 and 129 and 115
And I waited about an hour for my Mexican nachos
And I cheered on my team mates including my roommate Shane
And no, he isn’t Shane Warne, different kind of bowling dude
It was fun watching people bowl
I also saw tony parker, an old acquaintance at school
And when I got my Mexican nachos it was 4.00 pm
For lunch, I bowled with another bowler tony d
And after the last bowler left, we went back to the
Brisbane lions AFL club for dinner, I ordered a burger
Which I only ate a little bit because of my late lunch of nachos
We had numbers in the raffle there
And Ingrid said, what will we do with a tray of meat
I said, how about if we win a tray of meat
We could have a BBQ, but we lost, and then
We stayed at the club to watch the state of origin
And everybody was singing the national anthem
And the veronicas looked **** on the television
And when the game started we headed home and
I videoed a video of us going past the Brisbane Ferris wheel
Which is on Aaron Clayton YouTube channel Santa Claus profile
And we all listened to the footy cheering on the blues
And I went into my room to watch home and away and neighbours
With the state of origin on
The blues won 50-6
We are the cool blues
We won the match up in Townsville
Today my mate we never let them down
Cleary and the others too good for maroons
And then we went to bed
ZACK GRAM Aug 2024
Warm factory based clothing
Soon you turn the engine off
2 minutes hypothermia
The real zone
Sleep in snow
Drink glacier water
Institution particiation
No sail boats
Water between
Create to hate
Hide to die
Corporate responsibilty
No government
No coverage
Whos the 1 in charge
War never spoke
To cold to trench
Smoke each breath
Life an death
Put fear aside
In confirmation
For a bigger vision
Made plane
Tropical with super technology
Hidden from the vicious
Move borders deadly
Cure steadly
I took it 1st
Now its your turn
Prepare a house of all houses
Soon you count
Indefinitely Gods armys prepared
Equator to pole
Equation from death
Now safe forever
Take a peek into the wilderness
Are we really prepared
Im not
I see you daily
Cleary youre not either
Soon mcdonalds shutdown you a dead end
The end
Remember that cold front
When im outside
And your stuck in
We both dying to feed
Either way
Its ****** brilliant
A Poet Apr 2020
I am a listless romantic,
Still waiting for romance with a fairy tale ending.
Time is cruel, and vanity fades.
Still I sit and wait.

My looks now lack decadency and my fashion has fallen out of taste.
Time is cruel, and age grows.
Still I sit and wait.

Cleary romance is but whimsical dreams and one must not rush in haste.
But time does not forgive, time does not see the beauty in the personality
Time is restless, angry, vibrant and a toxic lover
It takes a piece by piece of me.
Yet still I sit and wait.

Never knew pleasure, never knew the human touch.
Cling to false hopes that society has not lost reasoning, discernment is for looks and not “me”
Little did I know I was a dreamer, love is false, love is fake, love is based on illusion and myth.
I did not know how to play the game, I was not born to love, I was not born to touch, I was only born to sit and wait.

Breath becomes still
Now he comes to me
In my sleep, maybe finally I can find that love
As still I wait. . .
arun kunjumon Feb 2020
With every option exhausted
You tried everything you know.
You saw a light and you lost it,
End of road, holding a rope
But there is still hope

He is moving,like a fire
Catching with you,holding you tight
You will see,he does miracles.
He is already moving.

There is no pain,that he doesnt know
He opened up my eyes,I can see cleary now
I take up my positions,opened up my hearts.
To give him glory,for he has redeemed me.

Stepping up for everything you called me,
The word of the lord,in my mouth
To bring about the change.
This wil be the best time in my life
And will never stop the love for you.

— The End —