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Marsha Singh Jul 2018
if you asked,
I'd slide your shirt
down your shoulders;
I'd hold you. I'd heal you.
Christie, I feel you. I know you –
your nature, the real you. I'd kneel
here. I'd shield you. Christie, I need you.
A word game I played with myself. Sometimes, I just want to make something pretty.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2014
Sometimes, when you listen to their enounciation.
You realize, just how beautiful they speak in their British accent.

Every word expressively spoken.
That you're mermorized by each vocal.

Maggie Smith, the lady of class.
Cary Grant, the man of taste.
Oh, that British voice.

That you might chose , if  had you that choice.
Or seek ways to adapt them to yours.

Michael Redgrave/Michael Rennie/Vanessa Regraves
All of them had that lovable voice.

Then you notice the beautiful Julie Andrew.
Words spoke so you see the greatness of the phase.

Which we notice too in Richard Attenborough.
Who reminds many of Richard Burton?
Yes, the British accent.
You just got to love it

Similar to loving Honor Blackman when she speaks.
A great difference from Jacqueline Bissett.
Except written about them with great respect.
Who can't admire the British Accent?

Yes, there's the French.
And I'm not kicking it.
Then , there's Spanish.
Which has more trying to learn it.

But this is about the English and the various style of vocals.

Colin Barker and Prince Williams the Royals speaks so wonderful.
Just like, the man called Michael Caine.
I just have to mention Deborah Kerr.
That also goes for Joan Collin.

It's something about their style of speaking.
Maybe because you understand every spoken word.
Which is level toward the great Timothy Dalton.

And Samantha Eggar and **** Jagger.
Plus, the late David Niven.
And honorable mention to Julie Christie.

Jane Asher, Hugh Grant and several more.
Have you wishing to make their voices be yours.

Yes, the British Accent just so lovable.
And the greatest things about it.
You don't have to be famous to be adored.
El césped. Desde la tribuna es un tapete verde. Liso, regular,
aterciopelado, estimulante. Desde la tribuna quizá crean que,
con semejante alfombra, es imposible errar un gol y mucho menos errar
un pase. Los jugadores corren como sobre patines o como figuras de
ballet. Quien es derrumbado cae seguramente sobre un colchón de
plumas, y si se toma, doliéndose, un tobillo, es porque el gesto
forma parte de una pantomima mayor. Además, cobran mucho dinero
simplemente por divertirse, por abrazarse y treparse unos sobre otros
cuando el que queda bajo ese sudoroso conglomerado hizo el gol
decisivo. O no decisivo, es lo mismo. Lo bueno es treparse unos sobre
otros mientras los rivales regresan a sus puestos, taciturnos, amargos,
cabizbajos, cada uno con su barata soledad a cuestas. Desde la tribuna
es tan disfrutable el racimo humano de los vencedores como el drama
particular de cada vencido. Por supuesto, ciertos avispados
espectadores siempre saben cómo hacer la jugada maestra y no
acaban de explicarse, y sobre todo de explicarlo a sus vecinos, por
qué este o aquel jugador no logra hacerla. Y cuando el
árbitro sanciona el penal, el espectador avispado también
intuye hacia qué lado irá el tiro, y un segundo
después, cuando el balón brinca ya en las redes, no
alcanza a comprender cómo el golero no lo supo. O acaso
sí lo supo y con toda deliberación se arrojó al
otro palo, en un alarde de masoquismo o venalidad o estupidez
congénita. Desde la tribuna es tan fácil. Se conoce la
historia y la prehistoria. O sea que se poseen elementos suficientes
como para comparar la inexpugnable eficacia de aquel zaguero
olímpico con la torpeza del patadura actual, que no acierta
nunca y es esquivado una y mil veces. Recuerdo borroso de una
época en que había un centre-half y un centre-forward,
cada uno bien plantado en su comarca propia y capaz de distribuir el
juego en serio y no jugando a jugar, como ahora, ¿no? El
espectador veterano sabe que cuando el fútbol se
convirtió en balompié y la ball en pelota y el dribbling
en finta y el centre-half en volante y el centre-forward en alma en
pena, todo se vino abajo y ésa es la explicación de que
muchos lleven al estadio sus radios a transistores, ya que al menos
quienes relatan el partido ponen un poco de emoción en las
estupendas jugadas que imaginan. Bueno, para eso les pagan,
¿verdad? Para imaginar estupendas jugadas y está bien.
Por eso, cuando alguien ha hecho un gol y después de los abrazos
y pirámides humanas el juego se reanuda, el locutor
idóneo sigue colgado de la "o" de su gooooooool, que en realidad
es una jugada suya, subjetiva, personal, y no exactamente del delantero
que se limitó a empujar con la frente un centro que, entre todas
las otras, eligió su cabeza. Y cuando el locutor idóneo
llega por fin al desenlace de la "ele" final de su gooooooool privado,
ya el árbitro ha señalado un orsai que favorece,
¿por qué no?, al locatario.

Es bueno contemplar alguna vez la cancha desde aquí, desde lo
alto. Así al menos piensa Benjamín Ferrés,
veintitrés años, digamos delantero de un Club Chico,
alguien últimamente en alza según los cronistas
deportivos más estrictos, y que hoy, después de empatarle
al Club Grande y ducharse y cambiarse, no se fue del estadio con el
resto del equipo y prefirió quedarse a mirar, desde la tribuna
ya vacía (sólo quedan los cafeteros y heladeros y
vendedores de banderitas, que recogen sus bártulos o tal vez
hacen cuentas) aquel campo en el que estuvo corriendo durante noventa
minutos e incluso convirtió uno, el segundo, de los dos goles
que le otorgan al Club Chico eso que suele llamarse un punto de oro.
Sí, desde aquí arriba el césped es una alfombra,
casi un paño verde como el del casino, con la importante
diferencia de que allá los números son fijos,
permanentes, y aquí (él, por ejemplo, es el ocho) cambian
constantemente de lugar y además se repiten. A lo mejor con el
flaco Suárez (que lleva el once prendido en la espalda)
podrían ser una de las parejas negras. O no. Porque de ambos,
sólo el Flaco es oscurito.

Ahora se levanta un viento arisco y las gradas de cemento son
recorridas por vasos de plástico, hojas de diario, talones de
entradas, almohadillas, pelotas de papel. Remolinos casi fantasmales
dan la falsa impresión de que las gradas se mueven, giran,
bailotean, se sacuden por fin el sol de la tarde. Hay papeles que suben
las escaleras y otros que se precipitan al vacío. A
Benjamín (Benja, para la hinchada) le sube una bocanada de
desconsuelo, de extraña ansiedad al enfrentarse, ¿por
primera vez?, con la quimera de cemento en estado de pureza (o de
basura, que es casi lo mismo) y se le ocurre que el estadio
vacío, desolado, es como un esqueleto de multitud, un eco
fantasmal de esa misma muchedumbre cuando ruge o aplaude o insulta o
agita banderas. Se pregunta cómo se habrá visto su gol
desde aquí, desde esta tribuna generalmente ocupada por las
huestes del adversario. Para los de abajo en la tabla, el estadio
siempre es enemigo: miles y miles de voces que los acosan, los
persiguen, los hunden, porque generalmente el que juega aquí, el
permanente locatario, es uno de los Grandes, y los de abajo sólo
van al estadio cuando les toca enfrentarlos, y en esas ocasiones apenas
si acarrean, en el mejor de los casos, algunos cientos de
fanáticos del barrio, que, aunque se desgañitan y agitan
como locos su única y gastada bandera, en realidad no cuentan,
es imposible que tapen, desde su islote de alaridos, el gran rugido de
la hinchada mayor. Desde abajo se sabe que existen, claro, y eso es
bueno, y de vez en cuando, cuando se suspende el juego por
lesión o por cambio de jugadores, los del Club Chico van con la
mirada al encuentro de aquel rinconcito de tribuna donde su bandera
hace guiños en clave, señales secretas como las del
truco. Y ésta es la mejor anfetamina, porque los llena de
saludable euforia y además no aparece en los controles

Hoy empataron, no está mal, se dice Benja, el número
ocho. Y está mejor porque todos sus huesos están enteros,
a pesar de la alevosa zancadilla (esquivada sólo por
intuición) que le dedicaran en el toletole previo al primer gol,
dos segundos antes de que el Colorado empujara nuevamente la globa con
el empeine y la colocara, inalcanzable, junto al poste izquierdo.
Después de todo, la playa es mía. Desde hace quince
años la vengo adquiriendo en pequeñas cuotas. Cuotas de
sol y dunas. Todos esos prójimos, prójimas y projimitos
que se ven tendidos sobre las rocas o bajo las sombrillas o corriendo
tras una pelota de engañapichanga o jugando a la paleta en una
cancha marcada en la arena con líneas que al rato se borran,
todos esos otros, están en la playa gracias a que yo les permito
estar. Porque la playa es mía. Mío el horizonte con
toninas remotas y tres barquitos a vela. Míos los peces que
extraen mis pescadores con mis redes antiguas, remendadas. El aire
salitroso y los castillos de arena y las aguas vivas y las algas que ha
traído la penúltima ola. Todo es mío.
¿Qué sería de mí, el número ocho,
sin estas mañanas en que la playa me convence de que soy libre,
de que puedo abrazar esta roca, que es mi roca mujer o tal vez mi roca
madre, y estirarme sin otros límites que mi propio límite
o hasta que siento las tenazas del cangrejo barcino sobre mi dedo
gordo? Aquí soy número ocho sin llevarlo en la espalda.
Soy número ocho sencillamente porque es mi identidad. Un cura o
un teniente o un payaso no necesitan vestir sotana o uniforme o traje
de colores para ser cura o teniente o payaso. Soy número ocho
aunque no lo lleve dibujado en el lomo y aunque ningún botija se
arrime a pedirme autógrafos, porque sólo se piden
autógrafos a los de los Clubes Grandes. Y creo que siempre
seré de Club Chico, porque me gusta amargarles la fiesta, no a
los jugadores que después de todo son como nosotros, sólo
que con más suerte y más guita, ni siquiera a la hinchada
grande por más que nos insulte cuando hacemos un fau y festeje
ruidosamente cuando el otro nos propina un hachazo en la canilla. Me
gusta arruinarles la fiesta, sobre todo a los dirigentes, esos
industriales bien instalados en su cochazo, en su piso de la Rambla y
en su mondongo, señores cuya gimnasia sabatina o dominical
consiste en sentarse muy orondos, arriba en el palco oficial, y desde
ahí ver cómo allá abajo nos reventamos, nos
odiamos, nos derretimos en sudores, y cuando sus jugadores ganan,
condescienden a llegar al vestuario y a darles una palmadita en el
hombro, disimulando apenas el asco que les provoca aquella piel
todavía sudada, y en cambio, cuando sus jugadores pierden, se
van entonces directamente a su casa, esta vez por supuesto sin ocultar
el asco. En verdad, en verdad os digo que yo ignoro si hacen eso, pero
me lo imagino. Es decir, tengo que imaginarlo así, porque una
cosa son las instrucciones del entrenador, que por supuesto trato de
cumplir si no son demasiado absurdas, y otra cosa son las instrucciones
que yo me doy, verbigracia vamo vamo número ocho hay que aguarle
la fiesta a ese presidente cogotudo, jactancioso y mezquino, que viene
al estadio con sus tres o cuatro nenes que desde ya tienen caritas de
futuros presidentes cogotudos. Bueno, no sé ni siquiera si tiene
hijos, pero tengo que imaginarlo así porque soy el número
ocho, insustituible titular de un Club Chico y, ya que cobro poco,
tengo que inventarme recompensas compensatorias y de esas recompensas
inventadas la mejor es la posibilidad de aguarle la fiesta al cogotudo
presidente del Grande, a fin de que el lunes, cuando concurra a su
Banco o a su banca, pase también su vergüenza rica, su
vergüenza suntuosa, así como nosotros, los que andamos en
la segunda mitad de la tabla, sufrimos, cuando perdemos, nuestra
vergüenza pobre. Pero, claro, no es lo mismo, porque los Grandes
siempre tienen la obligación de ganar, y los Chicos, en cambio,
sólo tenemos la obligación de perder lo menos posible. Y
cuando no ganamos y volvemos al barrio, la gente no nos mira con
menosprecio sino con tristeza solidaria, en tanto que al presidente
cogotudo, cuando vuelve el lunes a su Banco o a su banca, la gente, si
bien a veces se atreve a decirle qué barbaridad doctor porque
ustedes merecieron ganar y además por varios goles, en realidad
está pensando te jodieron doctor qué salsa les dieron
esos petizos. Por eso a mí no me importa ser número ocho
titular y que no me pidan autógrafos aquí en la playa ni
en el cine ni en Dieciocho. Los partidos no se ganan con
autógrafos. Se ganan con goles y ésos los sé
hacer. Por ahora al menos. También es un consuelo que la playa
sea mía, y como mía pueda recorrerla descalzo, casi
desnudo, sintiendo el sol en la espalda y la brisa en los ojos, o
tendiéndome en las rocas pero de cara al mar, consciente de que
atrás dejo la ciudad que me espía o me protege,
según las horas y según mi ánimo, y adelante
está esa llanura líquida, infinita, que me lame, me
salpica, a veces me da vértigo y otras veces me brinda una
insólita paz, un extraño sosiego, tan extraño que
a veces me hace olvidar que soy número ocho.
Alejandra. Lo extraño había sido que Benja conociera sus
manos antes que su rostro, o mejor aún, que se enamorara de sus
manos antes que de su rostro. Él regresaba de San Pablo en un
vuelo de Pluna. El equipo se había trasladado para jugar dos
amistosos fuera de temporada, pero Benja sólo había
participado en el primero porque en una jugada tonta había
caído mal y el desgarramiento iba a necesitar por lo menos cinco
días de cuidado, así que el preparador físico
decidió mandarlo a Montevideo para que allí lo atendieran
mejor. De modo que volvía solo. A la media hora de vuelo se
levantó para ir al baño y cuando regresaba a su sitio
tuvo la impresión de ser mirado pero él no miró.
Simplemente se sentó y reinició la lectura de Agatha
Christie, que le proponía un enigma afilado, bienhumorado y
sutil como todos los suyos.

De pronto percibió que algo singular estaba ocurriendo. En el
respaldo que estaba frente a él apareció una mano de
mujer. Era una mano delgada, de dedos largos y finos, con uñas
cuidadas pero sin color. Una mano expresiva, o quizá que
expresaba algo, pero qué. A los dos o tres minutos hizo
irrupción la otra mano, que era complementaria pero no igual.
Cada mano tenía su carácter, aunque sin duda
compartían una inquietante identidad. Benja no pudo continuar su
lectura. Adiós enigma y adiós Agatha. Las manos se
movían con sobriedad, se rozaban a veces. Él
imaginó que lo llamaban sin llamarlo, que le contaban una
historia, que le ofrecían respuestas a interrogantes que
aún no había formulado; en fin, que querían ser
asidas. Y lo más preocupante era que él también
quería asirlas, con todos los riesgos que un acto así
podía implicar, verbigracia que la dueña de aquellas
manos llamara inmediatamente a la azafata, o se levantara, enfrentada a
su descaro, y le propinara una espléndida bofetada, con toda la
vergüenza, adicional y pública, que semejante castigo
podía provocar. Hasta llegó a concebir, como un destello,
un título, a sólo dos columnas (porque era número
ocho, pero sólo de un Club Chico): conocido futbolista uruguayo
abofeteado en pleno vuelo por dama que se defiende de agresión

Y sin embargo las manos hablaban. Sutiles, seductoras,
finísimas, dialogaban uña a uña, yema a yema, como
creando una espera, construyendo una expectativa. Y cuando fue ordenado
el ajuste de los cinturones de seguridad, desaparecieron para cumplir
la orden, pero de inmediato volvieron a poblar el respaldo y con ello a
convocar la ansiedad del número ocho, que por fin decidió
jugarse el todo por el todo y asumir el riesgo del ridículo, el
escándalo y el titular a dos columnas que acabaran con su
carrera deportiva. De modo que, tomada la difícil
decisión y tras ajustarse también él el
cinturón, avanzó su propia mano hacia los dedos
cautivantes, que en aquel preciso momento estaban juntos. Notó
un leve temblor, pero las manos no se replegaron. La suya
prolongó aquel extraño contacto por unos segundos, luego
se retiró. Sólo entonces las otras manos desaparecieron,
pero no pasó nada. No hubo llamada a la azafata ni bofetada.
Él respiró y quedó a la espera. Cuando el
avión comenzaba el descenso, una de las manos apareció de
nuevo y traía un papel, más bien un papelito, doblado en
dos. Benja lo recogió y lo abrió lentamente. Conteniendo
la respiración, leyó: 912437.

Se sintió eufórico, casi como cuando hacía un gol
sobre la hora y la hinchada del barrio vitoreaba su nombre y él
alzaba discretamente un brazo, nada más que para comunicar que
recibía y apreciaba aquel apoyo colectivo, aquel afecto, pero
los compañeros sabían que a él no le gustaba toda
esa parafernalia de abrazos, besos y palmaditas en el trasero, algo que
se había vuelto habitual en todas las canchas del mundo.
Así que cuando metía un gol sólo le tocaban un
brazo o le hacían desde lejos un gesto solidario. Pero ahora,
con aquel prometedor 912437 en el bolsillo, descendió del
avión como de un podio olímpico y diez minutos
después pudo mirar discretamente hacia la dueña de las
manos, que en ese instante abría su valija frente al funcionario
aduanero, y Benja comprobó que el rostro no desmerecía la
belleza y la seducción de las manos que lo habían enamorado.
Benja y Martín se encontraron como siempre en la pizzería
del sordo Bellini. Desde que ambos integraran el cuadrito juvenil de La
Estrella habían cultivado una amistad a prueba de balas y
también de codazos y zancadillas. Benja jugaba entonces de
zaguero y sin embargo había terminado en número ocho.
Martín, que en la adolescencia fuera puntero derecho, más
tarde (a raíz de una sustitución de emergencia, tras
lesiones sucesivas y en el mismo partido del golero titular y del
suplente) se había afincado y afirmado en el arco y hoy era uno
de los guardametas más cotizados y confiables de Primera A.

El sordo Bellini disfrutaba plenamente con la presencia de los dos
futbolistas. Él, que normalmente no atendía las mesas
sino que se instalaba en la caja con su gorra de capitán de
barco, cuando Martín y Benja aparecían, solos o
acompañados, de inmediato se arrimaba solícito a dejarles
el menú, a recoger los pedidos, a recomendarles tal o cual plato
y sobre todo a comentar las jugadas más notables o más
polémicas del último domingo.

Era algo así como el fan particular de Benja y Martín y
su caballito de batalla era hacerles bromas c
Reece Feb 2013
Purple velvet curtains mimicked purple proses of long dead authors
Auteurs and Anglophiles expressing desire, the desire for Desiree
and she danced, she danced.

Christie too, she danced, she danced
Kick, snare, kick kick, snare, she danced rhythmic hypnosis
Daddy watched from the bar, banal dance of the bandits

And Katzarina, baby in the back, dances for love
Fatherless child begging attention
Dance no more my dear soul, for you deserve more

Lecherous lounge acts, the men in ties
Order another round, girls gather around
Please me, dance for me, ****** and bashful
The purple velvet reminds them of mother

Cruel institutions that decay our psyche
Patriarchal pesticides in pasta and porridge
On the side of the mango, matriarchal monotony
Oh stop this pretentious pillaging of poor prostitutes
You are but a boy at the gates of existence, fear not, for the father and the mother shall hold your hand in the heavenly harem.
Dear sweet Katzarina, stay pure of heart for the motherland beckons and we shall lay between rocks of tumescent idols and leaf through pages of grass while our child sings songs of the sirens for Saint Petersburg.
Amanda Newby Dec 2016
Dear Self,

For you it is November 9th, 2016. Despite all odds, Donald Trump is president. Mike Pence, governor of your home state of Indiana, is his VP.

You are 17 right now. You were born into a world run by George W. Bush. You spent your whole childhood hearing your parents yelling at the tv, angry at the Texas governor in the White House.

You grew up in Obamanation. You saw months of “YES WE CAN” and “CHANGE” stickers going up, and a magnet your family still has get put onto your refrigerator. You heard your mother’s sigh of relief when Barack Obama was announced the 44th president. That was half your lifetime ago.

You spent the last year following the campaigns. You were not surprised by Hillary Clinton running again. You “felt the Bern” of the somewhat radical Independent candidate previously unknown to you, Bernie Sanders. You laughed off the wild reality tv star Donald Trump’s campaign.

Months went by. Bernie and Hillary were fighting hard leading up to the primaries. Republicans slowly started to drop out. Big names like Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and Chris Christie left the race. Bernie didn’t do good enough in the primaries, which was upsetting to most of your friends, your older brother, and your mom, who all voted for him. Ted Cruz fell off, defeated, in May.

It was down to Hillary and Trump.

You followed the comments made at their rallies. On their social media. You heard a lecture about the election from Josh Gillin of Politifact at Indiana University over the summer. You won an award for an opinion piece you wrote on Trump. As the election day grew closer, you watched every presidential debate. You analyzed them in class.

Last night, you stayed up until 4 A.M. to see the results of this election. You sat through excruciatingly slow interviews, political analysis, and different predictions. You couldn’t turn away from the blue and red maps, the aggressively American backgrounds, the anxious masses.

The tired tv hosts were right, it was a nail-biter.

As Trump gave his victory speech, you wept.

You wept for the months you spent wishing this wouldn’t happen. You wept for the 1920’s suffragettes, for the descendents of MLK and Cesar Chavez, for the Orlando victims. You wept for me. The people I joined. The people who will join me.

I am dead.

You learned in your final moments that homophobes look like normal people. They are not all rednecks with beer guts wearing ten-gallon hats. They are more elusive than that. They can be dressed smart. They can have friendly voices. Familiar names and faces.

A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend killed you. Someone you live near. You might have passed them in a car. In the mall. In the school hallways. It was someone that people you knew,  knew. You probably could’ve gotten their Twitter handle if you had heard their name before.

You were killed in a city that VP Pence had once stood in.

People tried to learn about your killer. Were they someone you knew? Someone who just went crazy? Someone who couldn’t handle who you held hands with?

You were too young, the local news anchors said. Your school administration said. Your mom said.

Mike Pence didn’t say anything at all.

Your friends didn’t say much. They cried. They withdrew. They wore baggier clothes. They bought switchblades. They washed “*****” and “ladyboy” off of your tombstone. They wondered about joining you, voluntarily and not.

The school newspaper’s headline: DEAD AT 17.

No one thought it would happen to you, except you. You stayed up late at night, imagining your funeral. The first thing you did in the morning was practice for your wake. Every time you left your house, you were a dead man walking.

No one  believed this more than you did.

The news anchors said it was just one of a string of murders. People said it was an isolated incident. Your friends said it was a hate crime. Your mom said it was the worst thing that  ever  happened to her.

There was no question that you were gone, even when they found you- chest jumping. There was only one thing to wonder: who was next?

Not an if, but a when.

I hope the when is  never.

All my love- to you and everyone else,

Patricia Valese Apr 2014
…For Now
the people I know are talking taxes, the price of heat, ******* food!

The people he serves
wipe their spoons on silk napkins, slap each others’ shoulders
take each others’ wineskins, corkscrews in their eyeballs,
walL sT. on their grins

The people I know get up in the morning, every morning,
everyday (in every possible way) to get to work,  
work all day, then come home tired,  a bit more afraid

The people he serves are out of his league
truly rich men with swash-buckle needs
avarice men with bundles of greed
to lay upon the stooges who desecrate the dream
who pick up the court jester and let him play lead…

we fund them both – the rich man and the clown
dress them up in emperor clothes, bow down
to their blows, we take it all and plead for parity,
wipe their smell from blistered hands
cuddle in cameraless work-cells
with a smartphone or a podcast jam

The people I know talk about the government
the inequality, the lopsided way it’s rigged,
the unfairness in squeezing every dime
tell each other things like – ‘chin-up’ ‘don’t give up’
‘nothing we can do about it anyway’

The people I know,
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2018
The wait has been long
Two weeks and counting
As everyday passes
You tell yourself to be patient
And do your work calmly
As though everything is all right
As the minutes turn to hours
Hours turn to days
And days turn to weeks
But still nothing happens
No message from your bank
No credit added to your account
Same old excuses given
Your resolve can no longer hold
Your steely focus falters
You make mistakes
That you would not have made
Even in your wildest dreams
Every hurdle looks insurmountable
The commute to office
Suddenly seems like a marathon
You lash out at strangers
Over matters as mundane
As your typing speed
At home, you drown yourself
In Agatha Christie's finest ****** mysteries
Forgetting that you have to sleep
Just reading and reading
To escape from the mad world around you
Till your eye muscles scream in protest
You clench your fists
Flex your muscles
And sharpen your teeth
As the devil awakens inside you
Ready to pounce on your master
And seek divine retribution
For making you wait so long
And denying you
What is rightfully yours
Fairly self-explanatory!
this sounds a bit Agatha Christie as if the 45 is out to get me and the 6 being an innocent bystander had a gander anyway.

Well whadaya know Cockney rhyming gets in on the show.

Goosey, Goosey
where's our Lucy did Desi get his bride?

Okey choke me Arbroath smokies,
I love a bit of fish
I wish
I wish
and then I pop
will wishing ever make me stop?

Going down to Chinatown
A west end luxury
Peeking at a Peking duck
Which will in turn, turn around to be
a chicken.
dan hinton Nov 2011
There are a lot of misconceptions about Uni
Such as we all live lives like the ones off Hollyoaks
And that in order to survive
You need to be three things:
A party-animal
And an iron liver.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Those things are all nice:
Much like a free side with your sub
Or a red-letter day.
They’re nice –
But they’re not necessarily vital.
It’s not vital you fall in love with the first person you meet
It’s not vital you get with someone within Freshers
Like it’s a race and you’re Lyford Christie.
It’s not vital that you down half a bottle of Jager
To prove to your flatmates you’re a god
It’s not necessary.
Some of my best friends
Are quiet
But they are good
And I wouldn’t want them any other way
When we come together we have nothing but fun.
Without alcohol
Without drugs
Without 2am walkins
I know...
What’s this world coming to?
B Young Feb 2015
Walking around Widener bookstore
   Brown bag 40oz in grip on the first floor
my life and future funneled life a twister whimsical whirlwind
down the hatch guzzle guzzle. Oh, Christie! How are you!? can you see I am a mess? I know Youtell my Chinese girlfriend from our study abroad you saw me a mess in the bookstore. SHe is now heartbroken in chongquing. see ah ha
later im just returning books to get dope money.

Oh, I see you are stocking that Stranger Camus
Langston Hughes
English 102
I drift in my own “end of summers night”
still dreamin’
still falllin’
   Dropping, stumbling, the house of German exchange professors
   Sequestered on speed *****
Welcome to Chester

Corpse exquisite
  the Bride resides in physics-compartmentalized-drawers
  hiding refuge from the storm

He was Alone

                             ( Most of the time he got weirded out easily)
softcomponent Nov 2013
the left side of every entrance tells me
a singer-songwrite about the fashion
in which you once entered a room..
glassing around your iris in false
-search for something to pretend
you are not paying attention to
me as much as you are to what
is in front of you because you care
so much.. beyond a comprehensible
dust-jacket mind-map lick-my-toes
and prove your


I kid, I kid, you love me, you
needn't prosthetic yourself into
a dark misogyny over there.
it's always strange to consider
how strangled you become in
flashy jackets bought forever
at a thrift-shop cash-register
and oh good ******* the
employee is no employee he's
a volunteer and he's been here
forever sweet mr. christie (avoiding
the obvious reference because Judaeo
-Christianity does not make



processing your purchase--
perhaps soon it'll be dollars
to counter. dollars have found

at my wake
SVL Jan 2018
It's about 6 months later,
And your name continues to roll off my tongue
Like desperate droplets of water that,
Had by chance, gracefully made it's journey through the canopy of a forest.

It's about 6 months later,
And I continue to be tantalized,
As I reminisce about the moments of your very first touch.
The steady beating of your heart,
As my head lay stolid against your warm bust.

It's about 6 months later,
And your name still feels like home, yet so far away from home.
So close that I can touch it with my heart, but
So far that I can't even reach it with my arm.

It's been roughly 6 months later,
And I'm still not quite over you.
Your poetic stained lips drew me in like a bee to a flower;
******* up every single drop of nectar I could,
Concocting pure honey out of our love for each of us to devour.

It's about 6 months later,
And I am still entangled within your love.
Without the slightest intention of breaking free;
In hopes that I'll be somehow trapped for all of eternity, but,
Then again I have to think.
"Is this really the best thing for me?"
"Is the distance now between our hearts too far out of reach?"

Because it's been about 6 months now,
And it seems like you've moved on...
It's funny because I thought we would be together
Till Michael Jackson decided to sing another song,
Till Perry Christie gets re-elected, or,
Till Donald trump likes black folks at all.
All 3 things simply impossible,
As the thought of me and you not together.

But, it's been about 6 months now, and,
I'm beginning to feel a little bit under the weather.
"Together forever?", my friends would ask.
"Did you not hear me?" I would say
"Together forever, but for real this time...I'm sure of it...Trust me,
I know what I'm"

It's about 6 months later,
And I wonder every day if the thought of me ever crosses your mind.
If you think about us laying down watching the starry night sky while you're on your high,
If you happen to laugh from time to time about our silly inside jokes.
Remember baby, sigh...sigh...sigh...todo.

I sometimes ponder as to if it was real or was it just another story that began with "once upon a time",
But I always seem to find myself missing your poetically inclined, open mind, ******* you're fine,
Please take up all my time,
My heart begins to beat faster and faster.
****, I hope this story ends with "Happily Ever After".

It's about 6 months later,
And I pray that 6 months from now,
You will be able to look into my eyes and remember me
As the girl who has the audacity to be beautiful
Even on days when everything around her is ugly.
The girl who correlates your name with angels of a heavenly choir Singing at the beautiful exodus of her flight into the heavens.
The girl who was not afraid to get up in front of an audience
Of people she did not know,
Not only to prove to you that she was worth it,
But to pour out of her heart the startling truth...
That it's about 6 months later, and I am still solely in love with you.
This is something that I wrote over a year ago after ruining a relationship. The situation is long over with, in the past, and has no correlation to the present, but I felt as though I should share. Thanks for reading <3
When the saints...go marching in
Oh when the saints go marching in
Oh how I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in

Of all the saints, I want to know
The ones who write, I'd love to meet
Oh how I'd love to meet all the authors
When the saints go down the street

E.A. Poe...even Thoreau
Hemmingway would be ok
Mailer and Andrew Taylor
I'd learn to drink like a sailor
when these saints come strolling in

The Writers Guild...I'd be fulfilled
Meeting writers long since dead
Just think of what I'm learning
All that knowledge in their heads

I'd love to know, I'd love to know
Is Bill Shakespeare who we think?
Christie, Austen and Dickens
This is where the whole plot thickens
When the saints go marching in

Is it the best, of all the books
Is the bible just a tale
Can you think of someone better
When Melville speaks about a whale

Capote sits, while Chaucer reads
Bronte knits while Stoker bleeds
Oh how I want to be in that number
When these saints go marching in

The list goes on, oh on and on
There's just so many who've passed on
It's a list that leads by example
When these saints go marching in

Oh when the saints go marching in
When the saints go marching in
How I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in
got the idea from watching the great Danny Kaye and Louis Armstrong sing Saints with musicians in the verse. It's weak, but, hell....I had some fun with it....I'm sure others can do more with other dead writers....I'd love to see your versions.
Lawrence Hall May 2022
Lawrence Hall

                Kenneth Branagh Attempts to ****** Agatha Christie

Mr. Branagh, we’re watching your reputation die
Garishly coloured in the worst CGI

In your first Poirot you made a formless mess -
It was the audience who died on the Orient Express

And then you continued without any style
And lost the plot on your sad cartoon Nile

Do whatever you want; have it your way
But we are sticking with David Suchet

For it is obvious to our great sorrow
That you are a flop as Hercule Poirot
David Ehrgott Jan 2016
Dear Gov. Chris Christie,

  Years ago, when the citizens of the state of New Jersey voted to
approved medicinal cannabis.  You stated that you weren't quite sure
you should allow this because of children.  And the treatment of curing children's cancers were then delayed, for about two years.  Just this Monday, you passed on signing a bill that would increase the age of tobacco use to the age of 21.  Were you not thinking of the safety and health concerns of the children then?  So, what you're saying is:  Hey kids!  If you want to catch cancer and die young then that is okay
because it is LEGAL.  But, if you want a natural remedy to cure your cancer.. well, you fill in the blank.  So, do you you really care about the health concerns of children?  Do you Governor Christie?  Do you?

Awaiting your prompt reply,

The Poet
RAJ NANDY Dec 2019
Dear Poet Friends, after a long break, I have composed a few lines as a very senior citizen and a lover of poetry. If you like the same, kindly Re-post this poem for wider circulation. Thanks and best wishes, - Raj Nandy of New Delhi.
It has been often been said that old age is that period of life,  
When all bad habits are given up on doctor’s advice,
And yet you don’t feel all that good while you survive!
Yet I do try to take some solace from Robert Browning’s poem
‘Rabbi Ben Ezra’ which says;-
‘’Grow old along with me!
  For the best is yet to be,
  The last of life, for which the first was made.’’

Despite my grey hairs and wrinkled face,
With creaking joints and scattered aches and pains,
‘’Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
  For every tatter in its mortal dress’’,
In thanks giving to the Lord and sings his praise;
As I recall WB Yeats’ ‘Sailing Byzantium’, - that
lovely poem from my college days.

As our biological clock continues to tick incessantly,
Getting older becomes compulsory.
But becoming Wiser in wrinkled years remains optional,
A choice our free will has the opportunity to make!
I recall what Agatha Christie had once said,
That an archaeologist is the best husband a woman can get,
For the older she gets, the more interested in her he
With due respect to our women whose age is impolite
not ask.
Here I recall what the Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Frost
had once said,
That a diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s
birthday and not her age.

I recall the observation of Sartre the famous French philosopher
who had said,
That more sand that escapes from the hourglass of our life,
The clearer we should see through it as a blessing of time!
It is true that we live in deeds, not in years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial, - as James Bailey had said.
I finally conclude by quoting the first stanza from ‘Beautiful Old Age’  by DH Lawrence;
‘’It ought to be lovely to be old
  To be full of the peace that comes of experience
  And wrinkled ripe fulfilment.’’
                                                   ­  -Raj Nandy of New Delhi.
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
A Cop Murdered an innocent man yesterday on Summit Ave.
no charges were filed

Hey fella did you hear?

what's that

Construction companies are creating housing
for 15,000 new residents in Hackensack, NJ

for who?

Chris Christie's mob buddies.

Chris Christie doesn't have any mob buddies. He doesn't
have any buddies at all. He just sits there on his fat ***
eating every ding **** in site.

Hey, the press said he lowered unemployment by seven per cent.

Don't believe the press.  The reason unemployment is so low is that the
seven per cent who Were on unemployment are now considered no
longer employable. And were moved off the list to social security.
Resulting in the change.

Hey, aren't the cops there crim.

Shhh, they're trying to get people to move here.

Have they tested the water yet.

They don't have to. Water is something you purchase off the shelf.



in hackensack

Not in Newark Bay where they haven't even looked yet.
In 1970 deadly levels of thorium were found in and around Hackensack, NJ
And you thought Flint, MI was bad. After a 40 year cleanup effort, they are still finding it in a town where the police rob the dying and disabled for kicks.
The air smelt of doom
Mystery hung in the room
No one was allowed to leave
Right on the job was Mr. Steve.
One by one they were called
He had them mauled
With questions often uncouth
But he had to get to the truth.
The smart as well as the shy
Had something for alibi
The tall and lean Mr. Brown
Said he was out of town
Ms. Percival said she wasn’t there
Had gone out to see a theater
Mr. Hubbard was stubbornly quiet
His face pale and ashen white
Ms. Christie who leant on a crutch
Was talking irrelevant too much.
Each one of them denied having heard
Any sound that could take them off guard
Tim the butler slept through the night
Janice heard nothing after putting out the light.
Mr. Steve fumed as his vexation grew
Knowing for sure not all said was true
The ****** has been committed by one of them
Who could it be in this hide-and-seek game?
Was the offence committed for material gain?
Who could benefit from these men and women?
Or could it be, more ghastly and strange,
The ****** was done as an act of revenge?
He couldn’t find flaws with any of alibi
There was no evidence to nail down the lie
He found it unsolvable, and that irked Mr. Steve
His reputation was at stake as a great detective.
Neeloo Neelpari Sep 2018
Many a times, when I am alone
I just find myself thinking of the fun
Collecting pouring water, drenching in the rain
Sailing my paper boats in the small drain
Catching frogs from puddles of water,
in matchboxes
And throwing them on young and old with giggles and smiles

Smearing the silver, golden color on my friends
Of the butterflies that we picked in the sunny garden
Feasting on dollops of homemade icecreams and chuskies (ice lollies)
Listening to stories of kings n demons by granny

How could I forget that fight with parents
To stay awake all night during summer or winter break
To watch uncountable movies on the rented video player
Or to read Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton in just one sitting

There was a different story all the time
for each of my tantrums and fantasies alike
And a unique reason for enjoying every season

Oh! How I wish I could have a time machine
To take me back to my childhood innocence
I really miss being a little kid O my Lord!
With no stress, worries or care in the world...!!!

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2016
and what a difference a clock brings, two clock stand
on a shelf already, both of them with dead batteries -
a third is brought in, and it ticks,
and it Tokajs - and up rise the zemplén
mountains where Attila was laid to rest...
and after a night of drinking -
the ticking clock gives out an energy:
that makes you wake up early,
the alarm is set 15 minutes prior noon,
but you wake up earlier than that:
a nervous energy surrounds the clock
like a bomb, you actually are the bomb,
going off early - otherwise?
what Sartre said about 3 p.m., that
the day is laid to rest by that time,
and if ever from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. in
the land of Noddy you dreamt a void
of pristine calm, then after 3 p.m.
the t.n.t. in you is wet, and there's no
spark, the ultimate existential angst -
as with any synthetic approach of creating
sleep, you are sometimes powerless to
the cure, hardly any analysis of the day's
dignified toils, in biblical jargon:
to live by the sweat of the brow -
some would claim this to be an aristocratic
pastoral - and it could very well be:
a decadent with a ***** room with whips
and handcuffs - but also a decadent with
a personal library... who would have thought
the two are so akin, even with their
seismic polarity. so on a day like this,
two coffees in, four cigarettes later,
a minor literary feat, as ever a poem -
with an approach of: get me out of these
straitjackets of conformity, according
to genres and proven techniques akin to
the sigma opus (or, oeuvre) of an Agatha
Christie... or as fellow men said: eat, ****, repeat...
the true art: how to find the eye of the storm,
the centre, away from the pulverising
strobe lighting of this realm: find me a straight
line off this ****** roundabout - if to infinity
then all the better: away from the re re re re
of res (the repetition of a thing) - be is summer,
be it spring, and the countless admirers of
such idle pursuits as said: shall i compare you
to a summer's day blah blah -
or start stiff, a corpse stiff in writing: mere
warm-up - then loosen the joints (conjunctions
prepositions et al.) and let us butter those
nouns - and change a few nouns into verbs
as already stated - a real ******* moment in
writing: haphazard here, unexplained mutations
here... let us return the same frenzied favour
that this hellish carousel imposed on us;
and as ever, a day that begins prior to 3 p.m.
will usually yield a daylight poem,
the sun is to bright, a vampire like myself
cannot stand the seemingly ultra-violet tinge
to things: a real phosphorescent sheen to all
things oily, whether my lipid skin, or the aloe
of leaves - then to the massive stumbling
block of the dictionary and all principles of
a priori entitled with that fiendish book -
as with every mind: algorithms never provide
the answers, if you haven't already experienced
the word said, by someone else.
so with a day prior to 3 p.m., you wake and wait
till the "natural crumbs in eyes after sleeping"
(rheum) dissolves - the radio is turned on,
the empty bottle of coca cola is ****** into and
the waiting for the alarm to ring - but it doesn't,
you're up already, and take up dietary reading
snippets of ivan bunin's memoir about
the civil war in Russia: cursed day (some could
say, one of the most enduring books concerned
with pleasurable reading while lying in bed,
flat out) - and this poem? all because of the
following snippet from a narrative:
            the Odessa Alarm is requesting information
about the fate of these missing people:
     Valya Zloy (zloi, i.e. evil, alter. in polish?
        zło, alter. in ~english? "zwo'h");
   Misha Mrachny (mrachnyi, i.e. gloomy, alter.
in polish? mroczny, alter in ~english?
             a dried out y, a hollowed out y,
                                   cz via ch, dependent
    of the exclusiveness of independent elocution);
  Furmanchika (furman, i.e. driver...
              an etymological mirror -
           a driver who transports goods using
    a horse and carriage, this is 1918, after all);
  Muravchika (muravei, i.e. ant, alter. in polish?
   mruwka - orthography as rigid aesthetics?
welcome to the army son... but it's actually mrówka,
    i call it personal preferences sometimes,
  not necessary rules, there's no limit to this anarchism,
and there's also another word: murawa (thick grass,
akin to earth, and ants burrowing) -
but you don't see ó at the beginning there, do you?
  the aesthete says: further in, mostly when
   congested with consonants, the alter. to what
the Chinese call: the great wall - or defence against
Mongolian invaders: doubled up with ideograms
that put the Egyptian ideograms to shame,
   is that necessary classification? owl pigeon palm,
less skeletal, then necessarily not ideograms:
hieroglyphics: it gets funnier when phonetic approximates
come across meaning approximates,
   you get ~etymological something or other,
e.g. mirror, you hear shouting: misnomer!
          and you're like: well, you have surd lettering
   and i have ~thedesiredword, so ~exact -
nonetheless, intricacies of a polymer with a benzene
ring at some point.
               i was lying though: this poem actually
came from a very English peculiarity -
name the word aunt, and how i'm sometimes
tongue tied on it: not ant when the English say
auntie - i.e. antee - or how the tongue is less
tied to a Sisyphus stone with the word augment:
so i guess i have to practice augmenting
the word aunt - so it sounds similarly good as
auntie - and that's the prickly feeling there,
a syringe on the tongue and less of a tongue-tie
but more a tongue-numbing - liked to a dentist's
request: open wide and say ah - not a - ah -
                     ah choo!               and many chopstick
dances later: the sound of pain, a shortened version
of aww (which is intended for babies and puppies,
but not all things small) - as in cute -
thus this au grapheme (no Latin variation akin to
æ or œ) - which is acute in comparison to
the two examples çited - ash and eðel / eθel -
                meaningful enough to drop a unit from
the couplet - as the English already do,
                            as explained already - ouch -
and many more theories can be revelled in -
   when looking for handwriting smoothness
of wave weaving stylistics - given now the hand
no longer writes, but the digits dent in grooves onto
    a much smoother surface (in terms of fluidity).
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2023
Let's say I am in love with Ms. B
Being a hypothetical situation, there is no need to use proper names
So, here it goes
Dear B,
You mean the world to me
For you, I am willing to do anything
That is, of course, anything ethical
You can rant all day as you like
I will listen, understand and empathise
I can be a shoulder for you to cry on
Your happiness, is all that matters to me
You lose your temper? that's fine
After all, it happens to me too
More frequently that you would imagine
You need some space?
Of course, I will give you space
I understand what it means
To be surrounded by people all the time
And thus end up losing the opportunity
To have some "me time"
After all, not only am I an introvert
I am also autistic
And too much talking often drains the hell outta me
Except when it comes to topics I am comfortable with
Such as trains, Harris Jayaraj music, food, Harry Potter
Agatha Christie ****** mysteries, cricket, tennis
And of course, anything to do with Aishwarya Lekshmi
Anyway, I will do my very best
To make our relationship work
I will always be there for you
Through good and bad times
Of course, that doesn't mean
That I will be overprotective
You must have your independence
I'm pretty sure you can take care of yourself
However, when it comes to a situation
Where you end up biting more than you can chew
You just have to say the word
And I will be at your side
You have a few male friends
With whom you are intimate?
That's completely okay with me
Of course, my best friend is a woman
You should be okay with that
Remember, it works both ways
Then, there is the sheer pain you have to go through
When it comes to having a baby
In order to avoid that, I am open for adoption
Or even test tube babies
Of course, only if you are okay with either option
Remember, I will always love you
Whether you are at your best
Or at your worst
However, I expect the same from you as well
As I mentioned earlier, I am autistic
Which means I am socially awkward
And also socially awkward
Though I come from a vegetarian family
I eat a lot of meat
Chicken, mutton, prawn, pork, beef
You name it, you have it
Of course, unfortunately not within the boundaries of my home
Also, my political views are often radical
For instance, I do not consider Kashmir as a part of India
And I am all for a radical redistribution of power
On the basis of class and caste
Such that the poor and the underprivileged get back what is theirs
In fact, what has been theirs for three thousand years
Also, though I was born a Hindu
I actually pray to Jesus
That is, I have been doing it for the last nine months
But I don't go to church
Nor do I follow any traditions or rituals
Jesus is simply a friend to me
I believe everything will work out eventually
If I place my faith in him
Finally, I am not interested in ***
Except as a means of reproduction
I need emotional and psychological intimacy
I will share everything with you
And I expect the same from you as well
If you are okay with all this
Then we can be a team
Until Death do us part
If you are not okay
Then maybe we can just be friends
If you are not comfortable with that as well
Then we are free
To go our own separate ways
On this note, let me end my musings
And return to reality
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Agatha Christie audiobook
drifts out across the dark room
all she can think of is of the one o' clock
shipping news, a swaying, seasick tune
calling to far off boats & sailors
adrift alone somewhere
thinking of their homes
a cold beer, she thinks will do
she would be writing
but no words come
she draws the duvet cover
closer round her shoulders
her lover's ghost
watches her silently
Robin Carretti May 2018
All-Ziggy in--- one
He's the dockers
Let's zoom in clickers- - -
The computer meets
Mr. hackers
Deleted all my cookie's
All we need is love and crackers
Am I bookedslightly jammed jar?
Just like Romeo huh? love-scarred?
So hurried ((Agatha Christie))

Overwhelmed worded
Overboard been thrown
Inside her mystery
drunks of the

Lippy all snappy
G-Q this isn't a
book quiz

I Quit Hippety-Dippetty
Hungry Hippos
Hop(scotch) drinkers
Queen hoarder of junk
ZZZZ Tiara with *****

Zillions got jealous
Charlie of the sea
tuna fish clunky
Where is the Pasta
So Sticky (Seashells),
Bowie bow-ties Z
Man of La Mancha
Like a muzzle puzzle
Mr. Mancini
Meet musical genius

((Ziggy Stardust Wish)

Ziggy zero 000-000

The zoo-keeper Mr. Bentley
So zealous fast food
jealous and devious
Mistress of the
Agatha got tedious
Jean Jeanie magician

Music notes and
  Stripey stars Bass
Her speakeasy pass

((Breakfast at Tiffany)).....**
The Auditor of the
Audry Zig Zag
Putting on the ritz
Hip Hop Hepburn
book narrowminded
Zachery? Broad-sworded
Ziggy Star Dust
David Bowie talent to trust
The ground
to Major Tummy Zonky
And Slinky got stepped on
Over her ring pinky

Zionist Benny and the Jets
Elton John pianist hits

Zoonotic Gin and tonic
zigzag Zebra
style purse
Where are her show
Polish up my poodles
The restaurant was cursed
Zagat rating
leash she went out
hypnotic ZZzzzz's
Queen buZzzzz Twiggy
Fame whose to
Zoe her macaroni
Twist and snout Grill

Cherry blossom
Shiba Uni
Was her best thrill
his zig-zag tongue
Ziggy playing rugby
She was stretched

((Ziggy Book like Gumby))

Zonked spaced out
the Zonka truck
Theatre Dig her Dorothy
red slippers

Ziggy Stardust
Disney Pixar Flippers
Totally Rad Toto
Zoe met Joey GoGo
Felt like Chop Suey
Agatha high drama
African Queen Jungle
Dr. Suess bald eagle boss
No ******* to twinkle
The bad day of
The ringing cheering ear

Martha my dear
Never beat Beatles
Jim Carey hell of a
sleigh rideTinnitus

At the Marilyn
Millionaire bar-hop
bus stop wiggles
Some snags fishnets
  Trump it up
everyone shut up_$$$
The *******

Zillion Price tags
on the plane
The Easter basket
Just Sunny she's over easy
eggs ramble

Ziggy Scandals
Odd-couple Oscar
Trumpets Tony Randal
Zip of the lip
Miss fuss ***
She needs her

Beach Boys Truffles
Sherry baby got poison
The bed end
(All Z) initial bookmarker
The end of her sleepwear
Her backpack bad crow
eye pack
and zigzagged---///---
Ozzy Oz land
Arrowsmith dead-on
nailed it, witch
A to Zzzz's H Harrods
Her London's hair
The rock (Fritz) That's
Showeyyy biz
He's the Mantra zestier
Zoological Mixed greens
Ziggy zig-zag salad

All wormy Planet
Humming and rhyming
Wiggly but not ugly
here's to all of
you Ziggy Huggy
Ziggy Stardust Bowie is the genius I saw him in concert but this is about a funny side to comedy Robins flight stay awake because of the ZZzzzz are coming

— The End —