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betterdays Apr 2014
my father died alone.
in a car by the side of a busy road.
a young couple,
returning from a day at the beach found him.
they thought he was asleep,
he had, had a massive stroke.

i went to his funeral.
as a stranger
and heard the eulogy,
of a man i barely knew.
we had been disparate
for over twenty years
and before that sporadic
at best.

i did not weep.

five weeks
and two days later after breakfast and feeding the cats.
i went to open the front door. to begin my days toil
my hand on the lock began to shake.

i broke,

i just broke.

and fell against the door in keening, sobbing, rending sorrow.
i slid headfirst down the white painted surface,
opening a cut against the doorbell.
collasped in on myself, huddled into a heaving heap,
pressed into the corner.

i cried pinktears.
all that day.

i stayed in that corner
staring, crying,
beyond thought,
beyond comfort.


beyond .. .

at that point in my life
i lived alone.
with the exception of my cats.
my misery, abject, so complete. so dark, so ink jetblack, so bereft of life, so remote from love so deep in repression, unlocked. so ferocious in attack, so outrageous in it's anger and sense of defeat had hold of me.

i had lost myself.

it is with pure hearted certainty.
i say these two furry little souls.
with plainitive crys of need and slinking warmth, curling heartbeats and insistent nudge of feline body.
saved my shattered, tattered, beaten soul that night.

i got up.
i fed my friends.
and then went to bed.
turned inward on myself
for two days more
this was my path.
cats fed.

i gave no thought to the outside.
to the phone calls,

my apathy bordering catatonic.
i was locked in chains in stygian hell,
inside my head.

they broke the lock.
my two samaritan friends
and found me
a weeping shell.
guarded by two hissing cats. shocked beyond words,
they instigated help for me .

this was my descent into clinical depression

my acsent
back out of the bomb crater, triggered by my fathers death, was arduous and long.

two days heavy sedation.
two weeks close observation 3months at a sanitorium
years of medication.
months and months of dedicated therapy.( i still occasionally do therapy.)

crawling over jagged glass feelings
and rusted tin memories.
that would lock my jaw and break my back.
through slime and muck and crap.

i would crawl,
mentally, forward
and then fall away.
it was, excruitingly, painful.
but also,

redeeming and liberating,
to fight my way up,
to open new doors.
to learn new ways
of thinking, seeing.

another 6 months,
a completed PhD
and an eventual move
of towns.
had me standing tall.

re-invented, restored more complete than before.

that is my history of depression

now eight years on:
i am no longer on medication.
(5years free weaned under Dr's supervision)
i met, married and had a child with the love of my life.
i have great career doing mostly what i love.

i am no hero, just a survivor.

i have a small ragged scar at my hairline,
a rememberance of less than betterdays.

i want no sympathy,
my life rocks.

i live life,
with love and gratitude,
in the forefront of my being,
each day an adventure.
some are blazingly good,
some mediocre
and some are bad.
but always,
tommorrow, is a chance of sunny.

i write this to encourage
those in the mental fight
with this disease.
to show that, there is a bright, enduring light.

and to thank those,
who guided me toward,
it friends, family, doctors,
and furry ones.
this work is now a couple of year, old. still doing fine.
Avijeet Das May 2015
Feminity for me
was discovering you
when I took you for a ride
on my bajaj discover
Charming for me
was talking to you
when you would call me
and I would call you
and we would talk
till 3:00am in the morning
Love for me is you
when I get blazingly angry
almost raging like a mad bull
and you calm me down
with your patience and grace
~ avijeet musafir das
Joe P Dec 2013
I want to be a writer.

I want to be a filmmaker.

I want to be invincible.

I want to see it all.

I want to look into your eyes and see something completely unexpected.

I want to dig my fingers through the dirt and discover some ancient secret.

I want to be famous.

I want to be completely unknown.

I want to be seen by you. Really seen.

I want to run my fingers across every inch of your naked body.

I want to run through every hill and valley.

I want to learn to live with the pain and in turn live with unfathomable grace.

I want to forgive.

I want to be forgiven.

I want to move forward with confidence and faith in all the uncertainty.

I want to look into the mirror and be at peace with what I see looking back at me.

I want to learn to live in the present.

I want to...

I want to take all these wants and forget them. I want to grab them and crush them with my bare hands. Let them ooze between my fingers and drip into a puddle on the cracked sidewalk. I want to watch these wants evaporate in the blazingly bright morning sun. Follow the frail ribbons of steam until they become undefined and indistinguishable from the puffs of white moving across the everything.
Lewis Hyden Dec 2018
Bright horizons rise up
Over the broad, soothing,
Pixelated mountains.
A parse in the code wakes
And shivers under the
Blazingly cold sun.

Drifting clouds, silvered with
Pixels, flowing like a
River of neon lights.
The data streams above,
Dreamy and nostalgic,
Like quiet afternoons

Inside, listening to the
Cool, pattering rain tap
Gently at the window.
Dark clouds outside, stirring
With a roll of thunder,
And a screen, the music

Chimes gently in your mind.
Hums, chords, thrums, and a quiet,
Beckoning warmth, waving
Back through the pixel clouds
Under the pixel sun.
The colours blend with

The sweet taste of cola.
Salty crisps, shaken, bagged
And popped open at lunch.
Fresh tuna sandwiches,
The click of a cassette tape.
Unwrapped magazines.

Old smells mingle on your
Cool tongue. Lavender oil,
Peppermints in Winter,
Strawberries and cream. You
Feel the pixels in your
Pockets, like loose change.

Those soft chimes return still
To the old windowsill
In the light breeze. Each leaf
Its own story, washed in
Streams of pixels, flowing
Timid through the sky.

A bird tweets. The dreams stir
And fade into the clouds.
Softly lit, glowing sun,
Bathed in warm nostalgia.
Nobody really goes
To Earth, anymore.
A poem about nostalgia.
The final poem in the Distant Dystopia anthology.

© Lewis Hyden, 2018
In a beautiful land,

Where there is meant to be verdant plains,

Anointed with blossoming bird cherries and daisies,

Remarkably fertile and lush,

Tainted with venom stains,

Leaving her soil sterile and depleted.

Beyond the plethora of satin valleys,

Below the large mound,

Lies a lithe serpent,

Supinely resting above two boulders,

Plaguing what should be a tenderly elegant land.

Legends speak of a panacea,

In the form of a magical elixir,

Created by a majestic fairy,

Powerful enough to make the rocky terrain,

Morph into a gentle and fecund prairie.

Prayers to the Goddesses are chanted,

Yet no answers are given,

No growth has been noticed,

From the hundreds of seeds that have been planted.

The inhabitants of the land,

Grow jaded,

As the beauty of the area has faded,

So the potion of a witch is implemented,

As the words are muttered of ancient spells,

To save the land where the serpent dwells.

The rough and jagged edges begin,

To transform into softness and beautiful curves,

And it seems the land has been stripped of its sin,

Yet the Spell could not vanquish the serpent,

The acrid taste of venom lingers,

Disgracing the sacred valley.

The land's beauty returns,

Exuding an alluring aroma,

Enticing the humans to once again reside,

Within her realm,

As eye-opening conviction blazingly burns,

But no potion is artful enough,

To purge the prairie of the serpent's presence,

Nor its pride!
Yasmeen Khan May 2013
Windy is the day and cordial are clouds
Drifting through the sky in the month of May
The sun hides behind the dark shroud

Blazingly hot been the noon but as
Crawls it away the blues of heaven
Dimmed and wind plays like a carefree lass

Soft summer skies send their showers
****** the rain-drops dance and drizzle
Pitter patter, plip plop songs of the hour

Freshen the heavens awash all dust and heat
Soon the sun gold-drenched smiles and winks
Gentle like a kiss the air blows nippy and sweet

Me with myself swaying with summer zephyr
Sleepy thoughts drift away with woolly packs
Inner desires replenished by Mother Nature
Summer showers freshen up the atmosphere and spirits cool down.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
It was early sunday morning
The sun was shining blazingly in the sky
As I saw you passing by
You gave me butterflies, I won’t lie
Your impeccable innate beauty and your courteous smile made me shy
After a while, by chance
We swapped a glance
I could neither think nor blink
But just wonder, how pretty you glimpsed in pink!
Earl Jane Nov 2015

Your loving embrace,
Is the beatific sunshine,
That gleam blazingly,
After lachrymose dark times,
You've given me hope.

It is my refuge,
In moments of turbulence,
That gives me console,
When I tremble in great fear,
Your embrace provides safety.

It's a euphony,
A sweet calming resonance,
That wraps all over,
Caressing my soul with bliss,
Dressing me with perfect peace.

It's crème de la crème,
Lullaby for my slumber,
Warmth when I shiver,
A guidance to my lost trail,
Pure intimacy of love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I love you Brandon,,,, <3 longing for your embrace, HAAAA!! love you most!! :p :p
My favorite tanka again :v loolll..
snarkysparkles Dec 2015
Compared to the universe full of stardust,
How small the spark is that lights a fire?
That keeps me up at night, that keeps us
Keeps us burning bright.
Kindling for a kinship, a friendship, a bond more
Infinitesimal than we are
Little ants,
More chemical, more toxic in smaller doses,
More blazingly erratic,
More universal than the stardust
That is us.
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
and i say the sun is callous
     for nothing ever shall be

as the delicate fronds splayed unerringly
before my hands. and i do place my vestige
in its thrall and as it is i am nothing compared
to the softness of its belly. so lay inlaid with
rouge splendor and indelible.

   beneath  and
under and my tongue
is the sprouted clavicles
an orchard of pleasure in verdance
     blazingly dim in the moon puddles
writhing     the    muscles of implacable sensation. go to the tiny hall

            and whisper

with Venus. she is grace and smooth and the sea muttering
with the loose wind. fashioned from naked blood.
aurora kastanias Feb 2018
My birth was an infinite hazard slowly
suddenly sparked by a singularity, dense,
blazingly intense, warm womb of everything
to be to become, pitch black smaller than a pea

induced to expand, quantum fluctuations,
give to acquire space, to grow, foreshadow my
future existence, forbearing the libertine conduct
of particles wooing, playing games of attraction

abiding by laws elegantly unwritten, striving
to unite yet at moments repelled, by forces
unfathomable, a dynamic courtship unaware,
unconscious drive of conscienceless creations.

When, an endless labour of spinning behaviour
engenders rarity, beguiling perfection, where,
a molten sphere dances around a fiery young star
at a demure distance to lose heat and hoard

water, become a sphere of stone, a cosmic
delivery room yielding conceptions, billions of species
born, lived and extinguished, primordial ancestors
evolving I was brought into existence. Who am I?
On birth
Joe P Jul 2013
There are moments.
Moments for those of us who care to look.
moments where
a piece of light hits a tree in a way
everything is going to be ok.

everything is in its right place.

There are times in life
when a torn leaf
scraping against the moon spit concrete
powered by nothing but the invisible breeze
tomorrow will be blazingly bright.

Hope that someone else will see and hear these tiny things
and know in their bones what they are:
they are god.

Time was when
the glorious sun
was blazingly
hovering over
our horizon,
shooting harvest
in booming guns
the festive skies,
ferocious thunder
the clapping seas
beatific glory.

Time was when
of wailing virgins
drenched us with
ravishing love,
with heaven choruses
in unison and earth
felicitating in

Now the sky is sky dry
Wet sky come to dry
away this dry dry sky

Our hope and help
will not be forlorn as
we drive through hail
and snow, halcyon
  bountiful days of
harvest'll come from
our Helper, the LORD.
Akvpoems Oct 2019
I've always loved the sunset
Just as I've always loved the day we first met

It could have been nicer
If we would be able to spend time with each other
I would not mind if the universe conspires
To make us cross our paths again and make me feel blazingly, once again inspired
Zac Shawhan Jul 2019
I awaken to a Light
burning so blazingly, beautifully bright.
Filling that ******, dreaded, destructive Darkness.
All with Himself and all with His likeness.

Enlightening every man and
illuminating the incredulous
This Light unravels and unfolds unending delight.
Hello to the after, good-bye to the night.
Jayne E Feb 2020

bright are January's skies
robust light poured
into antipodeal
azure blue
by slow moving
cotton ball cumulus
feeding into endless
cerulean horizons

the effulgent outer world
into my inner pnuema
and heat rushes in
melting to puddles of wanting
my intended precept
of cool headedness

the fires of missing you
so blazingly perfervid
they strike envy
into Olympus Mons
molten heart
scorching every
living thing in vengeance

I am mapped internally
by embered markers
in all the hues of longing
which bleed in through
fevered *****

like a forest scorched
laid to barren hot dust
by racing bushfires
time hangs in the heat haze
begging for the quench
only found in your kiss
to soothe these
internal infernos

my eyes ache
through the dusty
miraged heat
to fix you
in my sightlines

only then
will these raging fires
be subdued


This is inspired by, and a direct 'bounce off' one of Crows poems here, 'Hibernal' (link below) that I absolutely loved.  Thank you Crow, for letting me take the liberty, of using yoir poem 'Hibernal' as a jumping off point for this one
Ayn Oct 2021
Stand up or crawl.
Seething pervasive emotion
Burning like an open wound.
Sores and pains erupt throughout
But life’s tenacity carries you forth.
Your mind is blazingly empty;
Save one thought: the end goal.
The pain threatens to corrupt you more,
But your burning strive fends off its toll.

There’s nothing left but the finale;
A desire so strong, nothing else remains.
A scream of intense vitality;
Silencing the waves; soothing the pains.
Travis Green Sep 2022
When I behold your heart and soul
You are the purest and most high-class magicalness
Immaculately radical and potent dopeness
Unconquerably ardent and exotic allure
Enthralling gaudy top dog
I fall in your pleasurable treasured majesty
Bursting with fiery magnetic wonder

Your magic touch makes my inner world erupt
Your certifiable striking star power rouses my entireness
Your taut, crash-hot, and yellow-***** frame
Your adventurous prodigious exquisiteness
Luscious dreamy chin, thick, top-shelf, and velvet beard
Savory sensational lips, flirtatious hazel eyes

You are my unutterably delightful and succulent soul food
Finger-lickin’ as buttery caramel sauce
My mind-blowing and tasty jamocha shake
My rich roasted hazelnut coffee
I crave your manfulness like a summery strawberry lemonade cake
So blazingly greatatious and swagnacious

Top-level finesse god, you are a stellar
And immersive domineering force
Your lips are an everlasting ecstatic paradise
Having considerable amounts of matchless and rapturous passion
Your electrifying spicy sight hypnotizes me
Makes me pine for our inner worlds to be intertwined
Confined to your time and space
Travis Green Sep 2022
Sheen supreme fiend
Creamy beaming dream king
Looking like a billion bucks
You are my lush clean-cut stud
So utterly luscious and untouchable
Delectable symmetrical flex
Blazingly brilliant intellect
The leanest and keenest machine
The meanest and steamiest spectacle

So masculine and masterful
So bold and glowing
Powerful, refined, and electrifying Romeo
Your hustle is unutterable
Your wicked and buoyantly adventurous muscle is
Extraordinarily sinuous and vigorous
Your masculinity is entrancing and ever-expanding

I long to fall into your exalted
And phenomenal man cave
Emanating with all-embracing
And ingratiating sensationalness
**** effervescent fragrance
I relish your massively jacked
And crackerjack attractiveness all around me

Sheerly fierce and superior lover boy
I deeply enjoy your thought-provoking
And intellectually refreshing allure
You are a timeless, treasured jewel
That forever glitters in the graceful
And visually stimulating art gallery
Of my mind, body, and soul
Travis Green May 2021
He was so tough like a robust boxer
Growing hotter like luscious lava
Drawing me to his blazingly
beaming adrenaline
Ravingly befuddled
Transuding mind-bending enchantment
Conceptualizing on nuzzling
Your lickable *******
Taste your navel
Swivel my fingers
Around your confidential continent
Gleam grandly within your masculinity
Look at me so appetizingly
With your autumn brown eyes
With your argent smile
Your untamed body
Awakening all my desires
Travis Green Apr 2022
His smoothness is a highly exhilarating enchantment
Streaming streamlined strength
Shimmering golden sensation
He pulls me into his mesmerizing mancave
Captures me in his deliciously superheated passion
His fiery excitable masculinity cripples me
Makes me sink deep into his liquid loving sweetness

His stillness is like the tranquil glassy seas
Like the vast, resplendent, and sun-kissed trees and leaves
He is a sparkling and tropic treasure
Immaculately unmappable, warm, and alluring
I want to feel his misty everlasting magicalness
His fresh, sensuous dazzlingness

Listen to him speak his astonishingly
Suave slang to my heart and soul
Electrify me all over, hold me imprisoned
In his sweet liquid lovingness
Strikingly bright-eyed, powerful, and tall mulatto
Exuberant, shrewd, and vigorous

I see prominent seamless stars in his expressive ebony eyes
He is so blazingly beauteous as an expansively dreamy flamingo
Remarkably blossoming lips
With bright, vivid hues like dragonfruit
He blooms boundlessly in my mind
He makes me eject perpetually inexpressible ecstasy
Sheer, blissful, and unquestionable perfection
Super sizzling electric immeasurableness
Travis Green Aug 2020
I love aesthetically sensualistic men,
elevated and blazingly fresh men,
a **** smile, profound pronouns,
astounding nouns, zestful, distinctive,
magnetic, competitive, complex, charismatic,
compassionate, open-minded, observant,
knowledgeable, and logical, harmonic hues
of delightful affection, their smooth flow,
their deep, equally smooth voice, modulated,
silvery, and soft-spoken.  Ambitious
and adventurous men.  Accomplished
and artistic men. Clean-shaven and bearded
men.  Innovative and inspirational men.
Sophisticated and spontaneous men.
Masculine and gallant men.  I celebrate
all amazing men, their groovy sweetness,
thrilling electricity, instrumentally metaphoric
shoulders and arms, and sweetly scented chests.
Men are so abundantly blessed and full
of heaven and smoothness, coolness
and lucidness, poetically intriguing,
a nouvelle novel of the greatest literature.
The cadence of their masculinity speaks to me,
so vulnerable in this moment, taking pleasure
in their warm and wondrously inviting escape,
their addictive and compelling song, divinely
delicious thighs and legs full of hard muscle
and nasty spitting lyrics.  I think of their great
power, how they intoxicate my mind
with their thought-provoking originality,
utterly buoyant, feeling so close in proximity
to their pleasing existence, every flawless
mural covered in priceless and reflective art,
their bodies a musicality of epic invitations
towards a destiny of limitless love languages.
I yearn to lay on their chests, feel their peacefulness
enter my cells, make me whole, make me forget
about the storms in my past, let their hands caress
me, hold me tighter, kiss me, make me miss it all
when they are so close to me, take me away
into their notorious nation, let me fall asleep
to their soothing voices whispering in my ear, so loved
and protected, invested in this fiery romance.
Travis Green Aug 2021
She may have your love
But she will never have your heart
The way I hold it near to mine
She can give you all the enchantment
She has stored in her vessel
But I know in my soul you
Will never be able to completely
Settle down with her

I will always be the one
You found pure contentedness in
Your nighttime charm
Who knew how to calm your heart
Your spark of light shining blazingly
Over your nation to create elevation

My adoration will forever navigate
With your existence to remind you
Of the infinite sereneness I possess
That no one else can ever give to you
I know you will think of me daily
Even when you call her your baby
Memories of my essence will sift
Through the air for you to stare above you
And know a part of me will
Perpetually stay with you
Travis Green Aug 2022
Shimmery creamy custard yellow flesh
Meatball brown, ball-shaped eyes
So blazingly enchanting and dreamlike
Delicious peach pink lips
Mad flashy swagger
Irresistible eatable machoness

How I long to devour you
Like luscious oreo brownies
Gape at your amorous greatness
Like tasty baked potatoes
Such a mean dream lover
I am mad crushing
On your lustful succulent seductiveness

Flaming unsurmountable enticingness
You are sweet suckin’ sauce
On my soft, moist tongue
Radiant, romantic freshness
Bold smoking equations
Extravagant with relishable fantastical pleasure

Thrilling **** boy
Unchartable radical rocker
Passionate poppin’ prodigy
You are my magical, morning, and digestible coffee
I dive into your spankingly satisfying arrangement
Of peerlessly domineering masculineness
Travis Green Jun 2022
When I look at you
Your keen, exquisite eyes
Take me into an abundant poetical lifetime
Where you inspire me
With your unfathomably profound mind

Your thrilling breathtaking beauty is fresh and energetic
Gloriously artistic and melodic
Your hypnotic flex radiates the grandest enchantment
A dazzling light glowing with supereminent dreams

When I think about our lips pressed together
Our flesh coalescing, our hands feeling one another
Like the rich, thick trees, leaves, and pleasant breeze
You give solace to my extravagantly beautiful world

Your dramatic and radiant smile
Your bold dope beard, your broad and charming chest
Everything about you is blissfully bomb
Your walk, your talk, your sauce, your suavity
The sparkle in your starry ecstatic world
So blazingly warm and wondrous
My shining delightful destiny
A kissable kinetic king, unmeasured, treasured royalty
Travis Green Jan 2023
I see your utter seductive loveliness
In my deepest dreams
Sheer crystal-clear rareness
Ardent sonorous hotness to my ears

You enrapture me like a marvelous starry night
Where the splendid lucent moonlight’s reflection
Dances upon the perfect surface
Of the pure, peaceful seas

I yearn to feel the blissful beating of your existence
Taste your luscious refreshing thugness
Jourrney through my veins
Hypnotic macho-quality Romeo

You sparkle like a flawless forest carpet
Brilliant magnificent sweetness
Magical satin majesty
You are the juiciest immune-boosting fruit
That arrests and refreshes my system

An insurmountable paradise found
Rich with delicious freshalicious exquisiteness
Firm with immersive masterful perfectness
The most chillin’ and thrilling hot boy of the season

So ripe and inviting, so biteable and delightable
Super-duper smoothness that moves me
So pleasing to be around like a flock of wondrous flamingos
You infuse me with your bright and breezy heat

I wish to breathe in your glistening and unyielding slickness
Digest your cleverly high-pressure and lekker swagger
Forever and a day, I ache to embrace
Your blazingly contagious and engaging vivaciousness
Gemini pen Jun 2020
Across the Stage

A Free verse Romance poem

I look up to those prying eyes
The emerald orb glimmers
When I glance across the stage,
The fire in them  blaze blazingly

I could get lost in them
Sitting at the edges,  right over the table
With Sazerac in the hand,  
Lost in romance blooming around

The face cap pull across the face
With Folds of Note in the pocket
Under the shades of the oak tree,
Watching the ship at the harbor

At night,  sitting on the green grass
Glancing up at sitting moon
Bathing in the snowy snow,
Then running away from the freezing cold

Your lips,  I could kiss all day
With my arms drape over your neck
And our body mold together,
What a romantic romance

©Pen of A True Gemini™
A stoic writer
Travis Green Dec 2021
Bedazzlement brims my body hotly
With your hands on my stomach, on my enchanted *******
On my velvety, voluptuous neck
Staring passionately at me
His radiantly ripped chest locked on my flesh
His intense breath softly blowing on titillating *******
He arouses my mind, flexes so sexily for me
He speaks deliciously explicit slang to me
That makes me persistently feel all over his skin

His muscles are an incredible place for my hands to stay clung to
His eyes are so sexually attractive
His smile draws me to the inner doors to his alluringness
He impresses me with his tight grip on my arms
His teeth travel down my throat, *******, and navel
I moan so strong as he takes charge
As his fingers circle mine, as his thunder rolls in
And releases breathtaking booms upon my being
Makes my cells dance desirously
Makes my senses swirl out of control
So shocked with thrilling tremors traversing through me

He is such a roaring beast, the greatest ****
World-shaking earthquake that captivates me amazingly
His drive is so unbelievably fire
He moves like a glamorous, glistening Mercedes
Accelerating amazement, so blazingly badass with his power
His body is like an ocean that envelops me
So profoundly in his waves, I’m trapped in a daze
Super drenched with wetness, his voice imbued
With erotical entrancement as he goes inside me
With his solidly sculpted *******, all night long
Drowning me deep into the astounding sounds of his bassline
He splashes so salaciously upon me, compels me
To lose my demeanor as I become meaner, nastier than ever
Telling you to do all the sexiest **** to my body
Travis Green Sep 2021
What I learned from you
Was the moment our eyes met
I was yearning to leap
Into your lushness

When I marveled at your
Meadow green eyes
Somehow, I found myself
Walking in a remarkably
Grand and serene forest
Of royal dreams

Theoretically, it was your
Light, bright pink lips
That had me peering
At a pink orchid
And blazingly beauteous
Flamingo in nature
Travis Green Jun 2020
He is the only destination that I want to reach,
a place of peaceful songs streaming in my vessel,
powerful rhymes, intergalactic beats blasting
upon the rings of Saturn, vivid patterns so blazingly
brilliant, everything I want to fall in love with and listen
to his fulfilling voice, all deep and rich, masculine fresh.
Dark eyes of the night, thick eyebrows so fine,
inundating my cells, his slow jams tantalizing my ribcage,
pumping monumental romance within me as I stare
at his boundless paradise, his absolute swag of incredible
depths, a breathtakingly beautiful man who made me
feel like I was steady freezing in time, coming back to his love.

— The End —