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Feb 2016 · 1.8k
The Admirer
Wiser Feb 2016
He admired her from a far.
The way she parked in her shiny car.
Her smile lightened all around,
Even him, who usually wears a frown.

He couldn't help but stare.
Such a beauty by a look.
But he never dared.
He'd be a fish stuck on a hook.
Feb 2016 · 655
You tell me...
Wiser Feb 2016
You tell me how much you love me.
You whisper how much you need me.
You talk of how much you want me.

You tell me to be confident.
You whisper to trust you.
You talk of me dressing different.

I don't want something superficial.
I don't want to change.
I don't want you.
May 2015 · 622
Never Again
Wiser May 2015
I don't have feelings for you.
She lied.
I don't love you that way.
She lied.

She wanted him to love her.
He did.
She wanted to be safe with him.
She was.

She was hurt before.
Never again.
She wouldn't risk hurting again.
She didn't.
May 2015 · 599
My Terms
Wiser May 2015
I will **** myself.
I will end my life.
I didn't choose to be here.
But I will choose when I leave.
It could be in days,
I can feel it.
When I die,
It'll be on my terms.
how i feel about life
May 2015 · 6.5k
Shoe Love
Wiser May 2015
You are a pair of shoes.
It was love at first sight.
I wanted you.
I needed you.
I got you.
You fit perfect.
You looked perfect.
You were perfect.
A little while went by,
And I was breaking you in.
You were so comfortable.
But then you started to wear out.
You hurt me when i walked.
I couldn't be near you.
I need to let you go.
It was hard,
But it needed to be done.
this is a metaphor about a relationship being compared to a pair of shoes
May 2015 · 724
Let Me In
Wiser May 2015
I'm heartless.
I'm soulless
I'm careless.
You have a heart.
You have a soul.
You can care.
I used to love.
I used to believe.
I used to care.
Lets be in love.
Lets believe.
Lets care.
Lets spread the
the soulless,
and the careless.
Let me break you.
May 2015 · 594
Wiser May 2015

But never loved.
Apr 2015 · 783
Wiser Apr 2015
Apr 2015 · 482
Wiser Apr 2015
How can someone love theirself,
when no one loves them for being theirself?
Apr 2015 · 5.7k
The Raven
Wiser Apr 2015
On my shoulder,
a raven rest.
Her talons pierce my skin,
as I hold her weight.

No one sees the raven,
I hide her very well.
The raven can never fly away,
She is bound to me.

The raven wants to be seen,
Be heard.
She screeches beside my ear,
She drives away my sanity.

The raven has been with me,
For awhile now.
At first she was small,
And barely noticeable.

As time went on,
The raven grew.
Her size grew along with her strength,
And also her desperation.

The raven wants to be free.
She wants to fly away,
To some place else,
And leave me behind.

Why did the raven come?
Why can't the raven leave?
Is the raven even real?
Am I insane?

I am the raven.
She is me.
I am she.
The raven is me.
The raven is representing the internal conflict someone is having about being theirself and being who they really are.
Apr 2015 · 636
One Day
Wiser Apr 2015
I met you once
and I couldn't look away.
It was instant attraction
There was nothing to say.
We knew we would never see each other again
It would be our only day.
We bonded with our minds
Then soon with our hands.
We walk and rode rides
With the little time we had.
Soon we shared kisses
And then our tongues.
I was never was as comfortable
Then when I was in your arms.
I had to leave soon
Our time was running short.
The kisses grew stronger
Longing for hope.
I never met a guy like you
And I don't know what to do.
Even though it was only a day
It felt like I've known you every day.
The last kiss before we parted
Was so strong and full of passion.
And now I sit and think
Wondering if it was chance or destiny.
I was on a band trip in Disney and i met a guy and it was amazing but I don't know how to feel. comment.!!!
Dec 2014 · 468
What We Had.
Wiser Dec 2014
I think about every moment we shared.
The first touch.
The first kiss.
The first hold.
I remember almost crying because of you.
When you lied to me.
When you were in the hospital.
When you wouldn't look at me.
I remember when I figuerd it out.
I didn't need you.
You didn't want me.
We were simply using each other.
I still look back at you.
I don't want you back.
I don't regret what we had.
But, I don't miss what we had.
Nov 2014 · 645
The Girl in Love
Wiser Nov 2014
Every time I look into his eyes,
I get paralyzed.
Every time I feel his touch,
I lose my breath.
When I feel his lips on mine,
I want to cry.
When I think of him,
I just want to die.
Whenever I touch him,
look at him,
Feel him,
I don't want to forget him.
When I am with him,
I feel like a body,
His body,
As my mind floats elsewhere.
I don't understand how he makes me feel.
I don't care how he makes me feel.
I'm the girl I've always hated.
I'm the girl in love.

— The End —