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 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
He moves in silence
Shows white face
hides bare black hands behind back
holding back violence

voluminous moon passes over
illuminous satellite comes closer
and his face blurs
Lunacy brings out fears

Reveals black hands
Black likes guns
that he commands, ready to attack
and there is no where to run.
just a little ditty
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
i like you.
you represent a self destruction, an epitome of hate.
but i like your rises and falls, a mountain range.
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Thomas EG
I am but a few brittle bones
With a not-so-respectable amount of flesh
You have slowly become my skin
Clinging to this lost body
No sense of direction
No sense of emotion
Consuming me
Consume me
And now I cry through my teeth
As I lie from my eyes
All the while
Hiding behind
And beneath
Intimidation in a situation
Intimacy in simplicity
Cover me
No longer smother me
A moment's fresh air
Crisp as your gaze
Do no more harm
To these legs
To these arms
I've got a blue thumb
Botanist of disappointment
I gather crops
As my mood drops
But if my fingers could speak to you
If my lips could reach out and touch you
I wonder if they'd be as gentle
As my words and movements are now
Because my friends help me get by
And you
You make me feel as though my life
Is all one constant high
But there is nothing poetic
About the way that you
Dismiss my feelings
Yet don't dismiss yourself
You are a joke
Never straying afar
From your obsession
Or was it my depression?
We come to the end of yet another session
But I will see you before next week
**Oh how weak you are
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Rosie Dee
To me, you're like a rotten peach.
Once good, now bad-though you still looked fine on the outside.
Just a few marks here and there,
A scratch or two,
No harm done.
I was happy with you-happy to have you in my life.
You turned out to be ****-bitter and rotten on the inside.
Such a ****** disappointment
I found this old poem i wrote whilst clearing out my room today. Was one of the first poems i fully wrote that wasn't for a school assignment or anything like that. As you can tell, i was in a very bad mood when i wrote it and not very happy with someone haha. Anyway i'm aware it's very odd but i thought i would share it with y'all anyway.
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Thomas EG
I go out, for once.
You appear before me and reach instantly for my beloved treasure chest, but I am uncomfortable. No means no tonight, as does it every other night.
You do not step back.
Only the chairs' arms are willing to support me, so my own small hand reaches for your twelve o'clock and now it is you who must flee.
The candles' tongues lick you on your way out.
Are you happy now? Where's your horse and carriage babe?
By the way, you dropped your ******* shoe.
Hahahaha. Ha. Alcohol does good things to my brain. Good vibes.
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Intoxicate your feelings.
Leave yourself reeling
With the truth.
Don’t run in fear
Of the sobriety of pure thought.
For it is near.
But it is not something sought,
By you.
But rather something fought.
For how could one bear
Such truths.
Youths know no pain
And you make sure of it.
Drain your brain and hope the truth doesn’t remain.
Maybe it will be misplace and you will not have to face it.
So run, fight and drain.
Do whatever you can to avoid the truth.
And live that little bit longer?
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Coleen Jade
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Coleen Jade
Why do I try?
Why do I bother?
Why do I love you,
When you love another?

I'd give you the moon,
the stars and everything.
But you can't give back
an ounce of the same feeling.
 Mar 2015 Tim Buggy
Rosie Dee
Licks up the air around you,
Intakes it all,
Constricting your very thoughts, fears, feelings, pains until...
Everything goes black
In quite a dark mood right now. This poem probably wont make any sense to anyone-hell it doesn't even make sense to me. I don't even like it really i just figured i'd post something because it's been a while and i'm feelign a bit off right now, I just wrote what was in my head and..voile. Too lost in thoughts of the past. The past is a tricky subject i suppose. Heres to a better and happier poem next time aye?
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