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The uniVerse Jun 2020
masters of deception
taste your corruption
you take something perfect
and fill it with hate
tell me I’m wrong
that I don’t belong
that’s what you’re good at
twisting facts
to divide and conquer
fill them with fear
I’m not playing my part
I’m not white by design
I’m white by luck
and so I’m stuck
in a war over skin
where to begin
with stupidity
that stupid grin
can’t hide sin
I smell it on you
you stink
of fear and lies
they all rise
like a single hive
they all white
not with purity
but forcefully
trying to scrub
the world clean
till all that’s left
is what reflects
with a pinch of insanity
Written 29th July 2019
The uniVerse May 2020
Oh heavenly light that guides us
lead us through the night and disasters
and your healing bestow
upon the young and the old.
May your seeds of wisdom be planted
and the wishes of enlightenment granted
so that our eyes are opened to sight
so that we too may see the light.
"Now all the things that are being exposed are made evident by the light, for everything that is being made evident is light." - Ephesians 5:13
The uniVerse May 2020
I see your signature etched in their flesh
a cats tale for each of his lives
tell me who’s to be next
let me go sharpen my knives
I guess my skin is far too pale
for even just one of your tails
does not mean I’m a slave in my own right
just that my master is out of sight
but not out of mind
my taxes paid but still, he robs me blind
how can you compare one suffering to another?
- you can’t each due is fulfilled upon death
mine is an absent lover
and yours a pound of flesh.
The uniVerse Mar 2020
I would sleep for a thousand weeks
if those dreams of you I could keep
over and under I wander
my dreamland of wonder
where your beauty never fades
my nights I would never trade, for days
let us live amongst the stars
I would be content just to stare
at you, with you, us two
everything would appear new
from loves point of view
the hearts aperture
needs nothing more
if only the dreams of you to keep
I would lay down my pen
and my tongue no more speak
as your love is heaven sent
you bare the fragrance of heavens scent
I wear your perfume like a second skin
your stardust has become my lint
oh love, my star, my dream
let me keep
I close my eyes and sleep.
Just another poem about lost love.
The uniVerse Feb 2020
Come to me, my wayward child
take the time to laugh and smile
embrace every twisting turn
for life is a lesson you can learn
from experience your knowledge grows
don’t get hung up on the lows
for every dip that you may feel
will come a high just as real
find your heart within the silence
never lose sight of who the child is
as you may grow envious of age and power
but that allure is just a broken tower
built upon a sandy pit
all the glitter and gold please ignore
and focus on what’s been writ
by wiser men that came before.
The uniVerse Feb 2020
Still trying to fathom
the chasm
of reality and fiction
the distance between
the living dream
I've been lost for years
at most the spears
that hold me down
adorn my crown
a constant fixture
jewels of desire
the perfect picture
that’s seldom mired
by light of truth
a lazy excuse
to live like leeches
comfort creatures
from mouth to ***
no need to ask
what happened
why we’re weapons
of mass consumption
our function
to eat and breed
is all we need
from Eden we fled
not even the bread
of salvation
could quench our greed
so heavens door
remains shut
we’re out of luck
doomed to repeat the past
to remain within the vast
expansion between
reality and fiction
which some have christened
the living dream.
The uniVerse Oct 2019
Her voice was transcribed upon the wind
and carried towards my ears
in thought I had already sinned
but I'm the only one who hears.

I caught her smile as she approached
which stopped me in my tracks
I didn't know if it was mirage or hoax
I couldn't tell fiction from fact.

She offered me a greeting
I can't remember what I replied
all thoughts were now fleeting
as I was still tangled in her eyes.

She said her name was something
something that I don't recall
I'm sure I replied a dumb thing
if any of this happened at all.
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