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Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older ..
When our minds less frazzled.
Our emotions in check,
And our ways less ambiguous.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older ..
When I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me,
And our love isn't one of a ticking time bomb where we're constantly looking for an escape pod.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older
When I a not chaos to your thoughts and you are not poison to my heart.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older.
Everything we ever wanted but we were better off without each other.
If I painted a portrait of you
It would look like a silly sensation of shapes
A failed attempt to form eyes and lips into a memorable escape
But really I enlarged your eyes because in them you carry a star filled sky
Every simple feature I sketch I wish could be mine
Theres a masterpiece in every line
The curve of my lips
Gives you thousands of rays
That nothing else can give

The smile on your face
Gives me millions of reasons
To love and to live

You call me Sunshine
The one and only
Light of your day

I call you my Rain
The one that heals me
And takes my pain away.
She and He--
Always a beautiful story :)
I go where ever the wind blows, I keep running to where no one knows.

Everything is in chaos when I become part of the world, I have to find a way out because my logic is always being burned and curled,

sometimes when my head feels unwound I shred my skin then my mind feels unbound.
No one really stays around for long so Im trying to get used to life without sound until the day I'm gone.

There is no beast inside my cage only an animal incarcerated in rage,
like a demon from an endless age,
I learned to conjure myself from every dark place I know, like a story with an endless page. I live my life for myself and accept every experience until the end of my days.
Thanks to Kaitlin Floyd for helping refine the way I position my final draft.
the moon is round tonight
covered by the grayish elongated sky
it shimmers a little light
containing smokes to remember
As people busy on the streets,
buildings so tall,
along apartments, &
a convenience store,
moving cars from left to right.
But tonight
is just incredible,
long lasting,
beautiful, &
breath taking,

moon*  *to gape at night.
it happened awhile ago the moon shines so bright and it was so pretty *_*
Since when is good enough,
Good enough?
Minimum, easiest,
Thoughtless and rushed.

We're giving pennies
Wanting dollars in return
We expect the gold medal
Without effort, it's not earned

Giving enough
to get by, and no more
Yet expecting the best
From the rest of the world

Too focused on taking
To ever give
But a one-sided life
Is no way to live

Good enough is not good enough
Half effort won't yield a full life.
If you feel like you deserve all the best
You've got to give what you'd like.
Have you wondered that the greatest satisfaction comes from one's own deed to help needy people in the gravest situations.
Ishita|Rediscover Yourself|Satisfaction

The Fingers of the Light
Tapped soft upon the Town
With “I am great and cannot wait
So therefore let me in.”

“You’re soon,” the Town replied,
“My Faces are asleep—
But swear, and I will let you by,
You will not wake them up.”

The easy Guest complied
But once within the Town
The transport of His Countenance
Awakened Maid and Man

The Neighbor in the Pool
Upon His Hip elate
Made loud obeisance and the Gnat
Held up His Cup for Light.
let hands speak what mouths
   cannot prattle

                 let eyes dream what sleep
               renames with its tranquility

let love undo what
hate has wreaked and

                 let fingers saunter infinite
                 strides when feet sojourn

let this quiet bellow
a hundredfold of sound

                  and let soul dance when
                  we have departed,

enisled here underneath the
brow of a terminal day,
                  its numeral tasks unfold
                  in the night full of silences

and let the world feel the cold
of brookwater when we cannot swim—
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