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2.7k · Feb 2013
The Sparrow Feb 2013
Deeper still,
To deeper depths,
The deepest wounds,
Deep in thy flesh,
But deep within,
Thy deepest breach,
To deepest sin,
Doth grace still reach.
2.0k · Feb 2013
Cheeky Love
The Sparrow Feb 2013
You make my cheeks hurt.
Because when you walk into a room
I cant help but smile;
The kind of smile that hurts so bad
that you begin to cry
and you dont know whether the tears
are more from pain or joy.
The kind of smile that you feel
for hours after it ends
even if, by then,
you are frowning.
You make my cheeks hurt
because when you’re close to me
I cant help but kiss you.
The kind of kisses that hurts so bad
because they last for days
as they tingle your cheeks.
The kind of kisses that are so soft
you don’t know whether
they are kisses or just soft breath.
And worst of all
you make my cheeks hurt
because you make me blush
The kind of blush that is so hot
you swear you’ll have blisters.
And men aren’t suppose to blush.
1.1k · Feb 2013
The Somber Mood
The Sparrow Feb 2013
Im driving down the road tonight
and through the silhouette of the trees
the moon looks as lonely as I feel.
On the radio plays a song I use to love
and it reminds me of so many memories
the past always seems happier than the present.
But i know that this isn’t true;
I was just as lonely then as I am now.
I only romanticize these memories.
Everything seems romanticized
After all, I’ve learned there’s a dark lining
In every single silver cloud.
I do not know if I believe in love anymore.
If it does exist it is painful and hurts.
It is romanticized above all.
And tonight under the starless sky,
The world seems so broken,
And I feel like its biggest crack.
1.0k · Jan 2013
The War of Life and Death
The Sparrow Jan 2013
Deeper still,
on fields unkown,
a war is waged,
for a throne.
The throne that rules,
the hearts of men,
is prized by those,
unknown to him.
But no matter what,
The King will win,
birthing life,
or the death of him.
"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.”
905 · Dec 2017
Snow Globe World
The Sparrow Dec 2017
Deep breadth, breathe...
I try to find,
but its been lost,
for quite some time.
Snowflakes, fall...
in crispy air,
but not a breadth,
can I find there.
Tall boots, crunch...
the white below,
as four feet meet,
in foot-thick snow.
Dimples, melt...
into a smile,
as loose cheeks chatter
all the while.
Deep breadth, breathe...
Still not there.
But not because,
of frosty air.
Brown eyes, brown...
Now gaze in mine,
as snowflakes pause
in frozen time.
Deep breadth, breathe...
With ice-cold lips.
A snow globe world;
A snow globe kiss.
Deep breadth, breathe...
My glass life shook.
For now she gives,
the breadth she took.
731 · Feb 2013
Me & My Lady
The Sparrow Feb 2013
Me and my lady went sailing today,
we went sailing amongst the sea.
And lost ourselves in the foam and the surf,
just my lady, the ocean, and me.
As I sank into those deep blue eyes,
as deep and as blue as the sea,
No place on earth would I rather be,
than with my lady, the ocean, and me.
721 · Dec 2017
The Valley and The Vale
The Sparrow Dec 2017
I shall praise you for your mighty deeds,
for what your hands have wrought.
And though you may have slain me so,
your praise, I still have sought.
I shall sing to you when my sun has set,
when my darkest night is nigh.
And though my tears may not depart,
I’ll praise you whilst I cry.
And my enemy, he seeketh to
undo this grateful heart.
But through trials you give me greater praise,
than when I first did start.
With discipline you’ve lead a sheep,
who so often went astray.
Your rod and staff, they keepeth me,
so I’ll praise them all the day.
And, O that Valley, though deep and dark,
becomes my Vale of praise
For Christ, he blazed this road of woes
and guides me in his ways!
And if my soul shall ever lose
its praise amidst the night,
Sweet faith, small faith you giveth me
‘til faith shall be made sight.
For who has known such love to praise?
Who has such a one to thank?
He who knew no sin was sin for me;
Praise God, Praise God with thanks!
640 · Jan 2013
Sacred Hiding Place
The Sparrow Jan 2013
Deep within,
Far without.
In hidden place,
on highest mount.
Men have sinned,
but God has known.
Deeds are seen,
hearts are shown.
But one has turned
ancient gaze aside.
Provided haven
for men to hide.
The Great high priest.
Slaughtered lamb.
Mystery of God.
The hope of man.
In perfect blood,
transgressions hid.
Our shame is gone,
our chains undid.
635 · Jan 2013
The Great Physician
The Sparrow Jan 2013
I was wounded deep in pain
the day you came my way.
My chest was cut wide open
and bleeding all the way.
I was torn from limb to limb
choking on the air.
Screaming from the pain I felt,
with no one there to care.
What beast could have done this,
what horror came to thresh?
The monster’s name was guilt
and it gorged upon my flesh.
But quite and unexpected,
you did come my way.
You violently grabbed my heart,
and healed it all the way.
Your medicine was confession,
your bandage was grace.
Once wounds of guilt consumed me,
Now worship takes there place.
Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ, the great physician.
546 · Dec 2017
December 31st
The Sparrow Dec 2017
Tall buildings, black sky,
Across the asphalt river
parties roar.
Crisp winds blister through the
city block.
I inhale; smoke burns.
My nerves ease…

New Years Eve…

Let snow fall upon a weary heart.
Years come and go.
Ages pass with many breaths,
but what of these smoked filled
I fear, no joy for me…

Year of Jubilee…

Come, oh, blessed city, come.
When will ages cease to pass,
like the smoke upon my lips?
Then I will rejoice in a
New Year.
464 · Dec 2017
Under the Sun
The Sparrow Dec 2017
No comfort shall I ever find
in this, my empty home,
where lowly vessels are but cracked
and water never flows.
No hope here shall I ever place
in such a state as this,
where desires are but empty dreams
and love, a trader’s kiss.
No joy shall I ever seek
in such a shallow stream,
which cannot hold the swellings of
my heart and deepest dreams.
No life is there in such a place
that like the lilies fade.
There beauty is but for the day,
but dry in evening’s shade.
No longings shall I here esteem
O turn, return my heart,
for all I find under the sun
will soon, must soon depart.
410 · Dec 2017
Chorus Gratia
The Sparrow Dec 2017
Light steps commence at sun’s first ray,
And thus begins the dance today.
Your presence beckons me from sleep
In perfect step, I try to keep.
And though you lead me soft and slow,
Missteps, each, begin to show,
The little lie, the lustful glance,
Reveal the stumbles in our dance.
But though I trip with every fall
You keep me spinning through it all.
Behold my flaws! There is no trace!
For all are hid in perfect grace.
356 · Dec 2017
Seeds of Adam
The Sparrow Dec 2017
What cry is this from lonely field,
what blood upon the ground?
What hands are these that raise a stone
to strike a brother down?
Death has dawned upon the world,
through sin it came to pass.
Once living root, now deadened stump,
a wicked branch to cast.
God’s face is hid from Adam’s seed,
a cursed man is he,
to walk the Earth not knowing God,
too great to bear indeed!
How deep the plunge of man’s first fall,
that sons inherent sin!
With each new start, a stoney heart,
what hope is there for him?

What cry is this from Bethlehem,
what light in Galilee?
What hands are these that raise the dead
and cause the blind to see?
A hope has dawned upon the world,
a promise comes to pass.
A living shoot, from deadened stump,
a righteous branch at last.
God’s face is hid from Adam’s seed,
who bears the curse of sin.
He walked the Earth as God himself
and died, He died for men!
How high the cost of man’s first fall!
God’s son atones for sin,
and gives anew a fleshy heart,
to never die again.
335 · Dec 2017
The Sparrow Dec 2017
Through time, 
through space,
we travel,
my love and I.
I think
must envy
her eyes.
And Helios
is cold
compared to
her love.
And the worlds,
everything in them,
I would give
for her.
without her,
there is but
cold, dark, space.
For she is
the stars,
the sun,
and my universe.
297 · Dec 2017
Logos and Pneumatos
The Sparrow Dec 2017
I write you with WorD and BreadtH.
But all WordS are not the same
upon each lip that speaks,
for each one comes from unique lungs,
the finger print of every BreadtH.
They say that God BreatheD life
into that first man
who was created by the WorD.
And life is never so near
as when we BreathE.  
For WordS are the shape
that each life takes.
282 · Jan 2018
Momento Mori
The Sparrow Jan 2018
To all the Lords and lofty,
Who pile their treasures high.
To all you, well and healthy,
Remember, you too shall die.
To all the low and lonely,
Those, who beg and cry.
To all you, men of wasting,
Remember, you too shall die.
To all the wretched sinners,
Who steal and cheat and lie.
To all you, evil doers,
Remember, you too shall die.
To all with good intentions,
despite all you might try,
To all you, keepers of the law
Remember, you too shall die.
No matter birth or standing,
Despite what men may try.
All are equaled in their final days,
For each shall surely die.
But to those whom grace was gave,
Whose life is his hid on high.
They lay down their life to take it up,
To live is why they die.
272 · Dec 2017
Breakfast Morning
The Sparrow Dec 2017
The breaking day,
The cracking light,
The sun, a yolk,
in egg-shell white.
253 · Dec 2017
The Sparrow Dec 2017
One day slips into the next,
and rolls from in-between.
And stars, they pass
from East to West,
like waves within a dream.
Who can stop her dreaded march,
this maiden rued by all?
Her pace may seem
to vary so,
but “onward” is her call.

— The End —