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8.0k · May 2014
tesawor May 2014
If burden cannot be dispensed with,
Then burden shall be dealt with.
So evil I have become of late.
If only they knew the truth.
5.8k · May 2014
In moments...
tesawor Jul 2014
Do you still have time,
To slow down your life?
Or just stuck in go-go-go mode?

When last did you take the time,
To observe the stillness,
Of a tiny little planet,
At the centre of the universe?

Do it today.
1.1k · May 2014
tesawor May 2014
I am a parody, of a parody, of myself.
I packed myself into a little box,
And once I was done with that box,
I packed myself into an even smaller one.
Scared that if anyone were to discover me,
They would turn away in disgust.

But what have I become, for all my sins?
Just a parody, of a parody, of myself.
Living in a box too small to contain me.
With disgust I confess - I am no more.
885 · May 2014
It always speaks
tesawor May 2014
When you listen for the silence,
and the only thing you hear,
is the voice of the abyss.
tesawor May 2014
From all that is magickal within me,
From all that is divine within me,
The seeds of my soul, I now sow,
So that all of my dreams may grow.
608 · May 2017
In Memoriam
tesawor May 2017
So many of my brothers and sisters,
Didn't make it to the other side.
Butchered because of their beliefs,
By agents of the faith we decried.
342 · May 2014
12:23 a.m.
tesawor May 2014
Body flutters, fingers tremble, synapses fire.
Thoughts transcending through the ether.
All eyes opened all at once, to witness,
The coming of my own completion.

She whom I have locked away in darkness,
She whom I have protected from this world,
She whom I have nurtured since a child,
She whom I now need to become.

I walk through fire, without getting burned.
I create for myself, what I have earned.
I am your perfection, your reflection.
and I am now the keeper of this life.

— The End —