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Matt Jun 2017
I hear you calling from within these walls,
but I've spent forever


clawing at the plaster to free you.
My hands overflow with expanding silence.
I cannot speak.

I lay with you night after night
separated by this wall of flesh that mimics my every breath
as you sing me to sleep with your haunting, your taunting melody.

is the most maddening rhythm.
the saddest cadence.

I want to share your secrets with the world.
Send your voice on the wind.
Hammer your heartbeat into the ground.



I will carve out my name
With one of the finer points of life.
An oldie from my archives.
Shanath Jun 2017
In this torturous silence
That has lasted weeks
And burnt the night down to ashes,
I could hear my heart beat.
Like tiny screams underwater,
Water rushing into the lungs.
I could hear my blood
Walking in my veins
Punching the walls,
Tearing them through
The order of the heart
And pour out everywhere
They could run in.
Outside I lay so still and quiet
My mother should be scared
Of me losing my voice
But she isn't.

I stopped talking at home
Long back,
When I would hear the shouts,
The blows to the doors.
I feel my screams
During my growing years
Consumed the needs for words.
So I lay and this silence
Isn't odd
So no one is afraid for me
But I am.

How else do you
Know a forest is burning
If you don't see the fire.
How else would you
Know the ocean flooding the shore
Unless you feel the waves.
But you don't.
For you are in your buildings,
Behind closed doors,
You don't know when it pours
Unless you walk out in the street.
You don't know the storms,
The tremors that could bring you down,
But in your barricaded homes
You don't.
So tell me how will anyone
Know I am dying
When they don't even see me here?
They don't.

But I can feel
The waves,
The rain,
The heat,
The water I am swallowing.
Because I am all of these
And no one anymore
Can see.

Don't worry you are not the block,
I am the one blocked.
In the silences that preceded
the on going one,
I used to stutter.
I ignored those as irrelevant mumbles
But these are the sentences
That in those stuttered words
were broke.
This block helped me decipher and join those.
Genevieve Jun 2017
Like two overstuffed pillows long forgotten in the attic
Slammed together in a great concussion of sound
All those particles of god knows what flying into the air,
We call them bunnies
because it's safer than acknowledging all the creepy crawlies now flying into our nostrils
I am shaking the dust off of these lobes in my head
Clearing out proverbial cobwebs
And beating bad habits with broomsticks
Like you would an old rug.

*Shake the dust off
And start writing again.
Tuffy Mutombo May 2017
I had something to write
But my mind couldn't let me write
It took away my right to write
It held me in prison
the guards were 26 letters I couldn’t put into words  
So in silence I sat, looking at these words with no meaning
My heart dying to define them
But my mind lacking the courage to write them
This writer’s block is a cancer
To which I can’t find an answer
As it happens just before I need to write these words
Stuck in an empty mind of a dead author
Want to advance but can’t go further    
I am a slave to these words and they are my master
Controlling me and forcing me to face my disaster
Until I find the words to write,
silence is what I will feed the minds of my readers
Xavier Quinn May 2017
They say that "You're your own worst critic."
In that case, I have it out for myself.

I say this because whenever I create something, whether it be poetry or fiction
I find every f̶l̶a̶w̶
Every e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶
Every m̶i̶s̶t̶a̶k̶e̶
Every word
And point it out
Showing myself the absolute m̶e̶a̶n̶i̶n̶g̶  nothingness they convey
Reminding myself that

All my work is a̶c̶c̶e̶p̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶  terrible
I a̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶r̶i̶t̶e̶r̶  am not good
I should c̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶  give up

And with that
The familiar feeling of doubt continues to crawl under my skin and through my head
Whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I type
As I look at the screen,
As I look at what I have accomplished:

I l̶o̶v̶e̶  hate it

I leave it be
Unfinished and hated
For d̶a̶y̶s̶
Months at a time
Until I come back
Remembering the words
Remembering the hatred

Mr. Hemingway had once said “You shouldn’t write if you can’t write.”
Brilliant man.
Brilliant writer.

People seem to enjoy my words and my writing
So the question arises:
"What if I can write, but am convinced that I can't?"
Should I still give up?
Should I force myself to write, as I am now
Hating every w̶o̶r̶d̶  flaw?
What should I do if the only force that stops me from writing freely
is my own self hatred?

The only option to combat this doubt
is to convince myself that I am g̶o̶o̶d̶


My own d̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶  worst critic.
**** you for being right.
For those who are familiar with "Writers Block" and/or depression, perhaps you can relate with me when it comes to creativity.
Thank you for taking the time to read my piece. It means the sea to me.
Have hope, and take care, my friend.

(UPDATE 8/12/17: Forgive me if you are reading this on a PC. I have only just now realized that the formatting only completely shows up on mobile.)
Isabelle May 2017

Stomach is empty
Emotion is empty
Mind is empty
Ink is empty
This poem is empty
Pressurize May 2017
I get in the impala
To go on a hunt
No, not for deer, moose, or duck
I hunt for things you haven't seen
These things are monsters, dark, and mean.

Traveling with an angel
Arsenal in the back
I'm hunting for demons
Their eyes a glossy black
I have to write a 16 line poem and this is all I got, it is about the show supernatural. If anyone could I need help.
riwa Apr 2017
i have experienced writer’s block before,
but not like this...
not when i’ve forgotten the meaning of every word that comes to mind,
every word except one: you

you are by far the worst thing that has happened to my poetry
because, before, i could write about my sadness,
about how the world was closing in on me,
but you stood in the way of that
almost as if you were saying 'no, darling, let me show you something new.'
so you showed me the world in a new light,
and suddenly it felt so big i did not know how to deal with it;
could not find the words to describe what i was feeling,
could not find the words.

in the weeks that we have been together,
my sadness became dormant.
sometimes it still erupts out of me;
the hot lava of my tears washing away any hope i had had left.
but even in those moments
you have been there,
there for the repercussion,
for the mending,
there for me.

Now all i can write about is you, you are the only thing that makes sense in my lines,
like, you belong there, you were made to be my inspiration.
around you, my verses and phrases dance, tangle themselves in your eyelashes,
curl themselves around your legs
a beautiful revelation of purpose.
until it doesn’t make sense anymore
and then i am stuck again
stuck in the spaces between the words that adore you so
but to them, i am a prisoner, forbidden from venturing out into the world of rhyme schemes and verses

this is what has been happening to me since you’ve left

and let me tell you,
the day you left i was
preparing myself for a novel
filled with wit and conversation
and joy
but now i can hardly find a single line
that doesn’t call out your name

*how could i ever forget about the way you hurt me
if you are all my writing remembers?
I kind of got the idea from one of Sarah Kay's poems.
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