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KaMe Mar 2015
The heart of a writer is a battle ground,
they break for the sake of breaking
because even despair has its calms.
The hands of a writer are tar black,
patched up with band aids and
agonizing pain. The eyes of a writer
is a clear ocean view, mixed with
madness and sadness and a soul
somewhere there too. The mind of a
writer is a garden of flowers,
embracing pretty words and seeking
simple wonders. The soles of a writer
are on their own, they take them to
places they have  never been before,
then trip and fall, creating their next
                                                story line.
-Ka.Me.// @herbrokenpoetri on IG
Writers unite // @herbrokenpoetri on IG and tumblr.
Writers do not suffer alone every well
We both picked up a pen to tell our love for each other
I am the only one who ran out of ink.
Melina Neruda Mar 2015
I remember trying to touch the moon, because it seemed more possible than you
Damaré M Mar 2015
I can't see it coming down my eye, so I gotta let the poem cry
My head held high, but my heart is in my stomach
My stance is sturdy, but I need to take a seat
A strong man who's afraid to show signs of being weak
Holding in all this emotion, is just making my eyes even more bleak
I'm usually good with coping with commotion, but as you get older the stakes get a little more steep
The stairs get a little bit closer
My eyes are dry so the stares got a little longer
Day dreaming all night
The fight is lingering around so I'm a loner
If I let it all out i'll be more resounding then a moaner, pounding an extensive *****

I can't see it coming down my eye
It almost spilled over this morning
The image in the mirror kept it from pouring
Reminded myself that self is the only help
But if I focus too much on that notion my eyes will begin to melt
So I show my back to that reflection
I'm hunched over in the house, but when I come out I suddenly get erected

I can't see it coming down my eye
But what can hurt if I eject it?
Why do I get the feeling that I'll be lessened?
But lemme teach you a lesson, that if it hurts don't be afraid to let the water works because your feelings will be disconnected

So I gotta let the poem cry
Each word is woeful
I can't see it coming down my eye
My iris is blessed, but my fingers is in distress
All this written whimpering I'm doing my fingers are twisted signaling the west

I can't see it coming through my vision, coming through my lenses, through my ocular instruments

So I gotta let the poem whine, the poem sob, my ink pen form salinity globs
I am no poet, yet I write poems.
I am no writer, yet I write stories.
I am no hippy, yet I believe in world peace.
I am no politician, yet I have my opinions.
I am no god, yet I create.
Jacqueline Anne Feb 2015
I dreamt about you last night
tripping in eyelid flutters,
drifting in bizarre slumbers
entranced by illusions of you.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

I dreamt about you last night
in my woozy sleeping arms held
you tight. In reverie we
left heartache behind to live.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

I dreamt about you last night.
Imaginary laughter,
chimerical and hazy
fantasies enchanting us.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

I dreamt about you last night,
told you everything will be
alright. Moments together
we will treasure forever.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

I dreamt about you last night,
and awoke in a gloomy dawn.
Wonder if you dreamt of me
knowing you do you love me.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

I dreamt about you last night
eternally keeping you in
my sight. Our eyes will meet one
day, embracing our faces love.

If only our dreams were true.
Wishes, dreams, at night with you.
Dreaming wishes to come true.
Just so that I can see you.

Wishing to see you,
dreaming of you.
Loving you forever.

©Jacqui Slade
AMcQ Feb 2015
Down in the depths of a wilderness;
the derangement of **** and of wisp.
A creature is arched in a hunker
over bundled leaves; golden and crisp.

Its' blistered hands riddled with splinters
Its' tired face blackened by dirt.
Its' glowing and warm disposition,
Worn pale by commotion and hurt.

It is wary from cold and from torment;
the dark of the forests damp chill.
But it scuffs at the bones as with tinder
igniting the marrow with skill.

Wiping its' brow with its' forearm
the creature desists with a gasp
Smoke trails up through the forest.
A spark has alighted at last.

The flame inhales fallen pine cones;
blazing up through the bramble and briar.
Excitement and fear harmonizing,
'till their voices can't sing any higher;

'till the heart is consumed by her fire.
Jacqueline Anne Feb 2015
I applaud
your intelligence!

flap flap
clap clap

when you
don't think
you think

flap flap
clap clap

or open your
******* mouth!

and disparage
and belittle
those with

a learning

But then maybe
It's you who is
as you don't
seem able to
between what
is right and wrong
what is cruel and kind

flap flap
clap clap

in your ignorance
you are blind
and your
intellectual mind
is a snob
of the worse kind

Looking down
from your high brow
because you
are so clever

I forget
Let's all applaud
and you can remark
(Out of context of course)
that they're all ******* retards

flap flap
clap clap

Well aren't you hard!
You bully when
you say

the dimwits
and the morons,
a drain of society
they should all be
put down.

Not somebody
you would choose
to be friends with
or if you did
it would be so you
take advantage of
an idiots good nature
and pure heart!

flap flap
clap clap

Or so you
could look good
in comparison
to them
and maybe it
would knock your
own IQ up
a number or two!

Your average ******
could teach you a
thing about numbers
if you asked them

And you wouldn't want
your own kids
with them
incase they catch it....

Catch what?....
the ability to be
to think outside
the box
to see feel and
and experience
the world and
people in a
unheard of way.
To smell colours
and taste words,
and your inability
to deviate from
anything other
than your narrow
little mind
really is absurd!

So let's all clap
and flap flap
flap flap flap
and maybe
shriek a bit too!

They are the true
the true misfits
the pure and
the truly blessed

They are
the ones
the people
who are
as you
would like
to be

flap flap
clap clap
You ignorant ****!

Autistically speaking

Who's the ****** now?

©Jacqui Slade
Jacqueline Anne Feb 2015
Wishing washy whimsy,
Hoping dreams aren't flimsy.
In cloud moons so ditzy.
Magic and creative,
Scatterbrained and native,
Impulsive, evasive.
Chasing rainbows always
Airhead bubbles. You stray
Light and fickle to play.

©Jacqui Slade
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