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Blossom Apr 2017
I walk outside
pause- step
Oh geez,
Here come the bee's.
Sunlight streams
Blinding me
My head it screams.
Grab some shades
I'll wish and pray
For good old cloudy days.
Apoorv Shandilya Mar 2017
This world,
I tell you
is unapologetic.
******* hell,
Even garlic isn't free.
I'm running away
From my mistakes
I dont have to explain
Why I cant stay
I'm running away
From the tears I shed
The pain I felt when you left
I'm running away
And in the past you'll stay
Ali Qureshi Mar 2017
Everything that I write
I do not share it here
I think it's only fair
to post the ones to spare

© Ali Qureshi
I don't know why,
but, I do this!
Loud Falls Mar 2017
I ended things with Liliana,
but I don't know
It doesn't hurt,
Nor does it feel any better.
I've been so clustered and terrified of my own problems
I forgot how to feel,
how to be happy, or even sad.
Or was it sad to say our best moments consisted of petty laughs about my ***** leaving your ****** in pain,
or you laughing as you ******* while I drive 60 miles an hour
I really don't know
But we did say those stuff off and on.
You know like...
I love yous with smirks and I miss yous with hours delay of texting after
It's weird...
But I met this girl today
And she made me laugh...
I didn't think about ******* her once.
I just loved her smile.
And that simple moment made me feel I've wasted a while or two.
Either that or... I wanted to see you smile.
Like that atleast.
We both were so nonchalant towards a relationship... Why did we keep it going? I'm still confused.
Inside, is this thing about me, it has stolen my voice,
It's like ash has seeped into my lungs from an invisible fire fueled by hatred, it has broken my will to stand on two legs,  a gentle world slipped out from under the covers,
In my arms a purring cat that reminds me of the ocean waves crashing along the shore of a place I once felt at peace, it's frustrating to lose track of such wonderful  memories,
I feel insane, but I am calm and understand that this is just a phase, chapters on the moon are written in the clouds in day
I realized now, either this mind is too creative than what I think capable or my abilities have left me with only formal beginnings, so breaking the mold has not left me with many options,
Indeed sleep and food will provide healing when it seems fit, but for some reason I would better wish luck could do some providing, this hard effort has made me sick,
Indebted to silence, my rain check has finally been checked off, the papers folded and what's left of the ink is saved for my last breath.
Incurable, only by my diagnosis, and only a poet am I, not a doctor, this in lies the problem,
Indifferent about such touchy topics, resorting to backtracking my statements, fair enough?
Indecisive? so are the current topics of the new world conspiracy, such a soft melody replaying in the foreground, as my mind goes out the back.
it's been awhile Mr. Poe...
Kyle Land Mar 2017
There once was an
awkwardly boyish man who
liked to pick his nose,
especially in public.

One day the man, upon encountering
a monolith of residue, picked too hard
and scratched the inside of his nose, which
began to bleed.

For the entirety of his day, he smelled
the gooey metallic substance swell
throughout his nostrils and tighten
into a scab.
Toni Lane Feb 2017
Destroyed city scapes lifted from concrete prisons,
old white men in traditional Native-American headdress,
a broken sky with holes dropping satan-spawn...

Flowers turning to sickly people,
their petals becoming their bodies,
their stems becoming their eyes,
their pollen becoming polluting coughs.

Eyes crying infected blood,
teeth dripping sour milk,
stomachs shouting for more bread crust,
hands becoming stubs,
unable to grasp the meaning of life.

Noses expelling gastric juices,
legs becoming hairy arms,
hairy arms becoming the nostrils,
does becoming pointed talons,
clawing away at the filaments,
of flesh and bone.

There is always method
to my madness.
Regan Morse Feb 2017
At seven I heard the story of Peter Pan;

Growing up wasn't part of his plan.

I wish he'd fly through my window sill,

When the stars are bright and the lakes are still.

I would ask him to take me to Neverland,

Where growing up has always been banned,

And never planned.

I'd never have to hear my parents fight,

Everything would finally be alright.

He'd take me through the sky in one big leap,

Over rivers and through mountains steep.

Second star to the right.

Straight on till morning; through the night.

To Neverland.

I'd meet the infamous Tinkerbell,

I knew we'd get on well.

I’d hear her jibber-jabber,

Among the laughter.

I could see Mermaid Lagoon,

As we sink Captain Hook's platoon.

I can join the lost boys; form a family.

Away from the land of the ******; my ruthless reality.

Meet the brave Tiger-Lily,

We could be perfectly silly.

And meet the crocodile who tried to **** time, eating a clock.

Tick tock, tick tock.

I may be able to find a treasure trove.

Maybe I can make a home in a cozy cove.

Peter and I would be as thick as thieves,

I’d make him a crown of leaves.

We will live forever.

To age, we will never surrender.

To live will be an awfully big adventure.

Too far from Peter, I'd never venture.

All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust,

Or you might just combust.

You just have to believe

and you will never have to grieve

and no one would ever leave.

I'd never have to be strong.

I'd never have to care for long.

So let us begin the journey.

To Neverland.

My timeless eternity.

My fantasy.

My delightful daydream.

My bittersweet destiny.

My dreams of Neverland have yet to cease.

And I am already in my late teens.
I wrote this last year, for class and I suppose now's a good time as ever to post it.
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