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Let's take a mindful walk and reset our mindset.
That's what I'm gonna do now. ;)
Set upon a walk I did,
Through my hometown,
Silent in the cold.

And as I walked as I did,
I passed by such a mortal sight,
A garden dead,
Which once bloomed in twilight.

And shed a tear I did,
Yet of sadness not,
For I know new flowers will bloom again.
Inspired by classic poetry and it's grim takes of mortality.
Immortality Jan 23
felt heavier
than it had ever been.

I sense the future,
but lack the courage
to reveal.

A perfect moment,
to step,
into the storm.
One of my bucket-lists involve - to stand on the edge of a cliff and knowing the view is breathtaking, but at the same time, terrifying too....

until no one push me... hehe...
Adrianna Price Dec 2024
Come and take a walk with me
On a summer's eve so bright,
Smell the honeysuckle bloom
Beneath the fading light.
Tell me how you laugh and cry,
What stirs your heart, what makes you sigh,
Speak of dreams you hold inside,
And perhaps I'll share the ones I left behind.

Come and take a walk with me
Through autumn's fleeting glow,
Feel the crisp and cooling air
As time begins to slow.
Tell me all you hoped to be,
The things you sought so endlessly.
Let me show you what you'll learn,
Through every loss and twist and turn.

Come and take a walk with me
On winter's frozen ground,
We won’t be long—just take my hand,
No need to linger 'round.
Share your life in quiet tones,
No need to make a sound,
I’ll match your peace with calm my own.
Perhaps you'll glimpse beyond my gloom,
And see who hides within this room.

Come and take a walk with me
As spring begins to sing,
Tell me of the love you’ve found,
The joy your future brings.
Speak of family, wedding days,
The dreams you've shaped in tender ways.
I’ll listen close, with no disdain,
For the life I lost won’t cloud your gain.
And as you go, just softly say,
Remember me, my very own name, for you and I are always the same.
muizz Dec 2024
At this point in my life,
I realised that I often make the same mistakes,
It’s like I’m running in circle,
bound by an iron chain of mistakes.

I've tried, yet problems persist;
No tears or anger in my fist,
I can do it, no matter the start,
even with a broken heart.

I find myself treading through quicksand,
sinking deeper with every step.
But I’m not afraid to keep walking,
All I’m reaching is the vast sea of success.
Hi, this is my first time sharing my poem here, If you like my poem, you can read it more on my instagram highlight @muizzink_
Emma Dec 2024
Sharp winter branches,
blue-black bruises pierce the lake,
stillness cuts the air.
Winter walk.
I S A A C Nov 2024
fur lined coat
misspoke, words stuck in my throat
xoxo, written
let attraction become diminished
misspoke, memories mined for gold
xoxo, smitten
misspoke, your scent clinging to my clothes
xoxo, got to go
long walk home
Mrs Timetable Nov 2024
I want to walk
With this sky
It talks to me
Enveloping my heart
Giving me hope
By the time I'm free
It will be gone
And altogether
With it's darkness
Not speaking
In the quiet
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Tant que vous vivez, il faut vous divertir
Tant que vous respirez, il faut marcher, rire et courir
Soyez optimiste que possible, même lorsqu'il pleut
Quand il fait froid et qu'il neige, soyez content et heureux
Tirez toujours le meilleur parti de vos jours et de vos nuits
Carpe diem, combattez pour vos droits et profitez de la vie.

Tant que vous êtes debout, soyez courageux, spirituel et courtois
Tant que vous pensez, soyez juste, magnanime, humble et droit
La vie est pleine de surprises. Les êtres humains sont comme des fourmis
Qui travaillent très dur. À la fin, ils repartiront avec un pantalon
Un costume déchiré dans le dos, quelques sourires près du menton
Et un tas de gens qui pleurent s'ils sont honnêtes, sages et gentils.

Copyright © Août 2020, Hebert Logerie, tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
This poem is in French: Enjoy Yourselves And Carpe Diem
Heidi Franke Nov 2024
Are you of perfect
Circumference for
A captain in the sky
Voyaging vagabond at night 'til morn'

Walking under the
End of season elms and sycamores
The branches as oars in water
Tilling below shadows come, shadows go, as you stay steady
For I was the water in a rippling stream and you were a solitary sturdy force above
Emulating my gait and gaze

Light hanging with every branch
Into my water
As you lay your supermoon
Beam into our futures
Until you come  again
Leaving your soup of hope in Everything you touched
Even souls

Where will the future be at your return
With hate or love,
Or something in between as a sturdy captain should, be there once more for all the visitors below
Beseeching you for navigation
From on high to below
Altruistic by sight, your perfect shaped stone in the dark of night
Walking my dog at 4 AM under the supermoon Nov 2024 in North America. I envision a world without hate and corrupt vengeful misogynistic leaders. Spread loving kindness and make altruism your guide.
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