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Orion Jul 2019
seething venom dripping from the edges of my torn panting lips
i am familiar with its acidic taste and i lick it off my teeth
as though it were as sweet as the poisoned prose you fed to me
i am not a creature born of rage
but oh
if i did not thrive on the fact that i was so undeniably right

would i?

you know all too well that i would hunt down and bite the tongue from the man who did you wrong
but you would be terrified to know that i would watch his gurgling demise with triumph

do not misunderstand:

i would spit my prize and his blood into your gaping, screaming mouth
pin you down and tower over you
with my fangs bared so close to your throat
that i could nearly taste the heartbeat and the blood in your veins

drool spilling off of my chin and burning your skin
the smell of your singed flesh and your fear and my pride

r a b b i t


i will forcibly eradicate the thought that i was too delicate from your mind--
you have been scared of me this entire time
too scared to drop me, to displease me
too scared to face the fact that i was a wolf living in a cracked eggshell
and that you took sick delight in pushing clay into crevasses that i was trying to escape from;

you held me like a sickly pup at arm’s length
not knowing what to do when i outgrew the cage you picked out for me
when the hackles started to bristle like goosebumps across my back
when hooded eyelids turned golden and

you should have been afraid of the fangs
that hid behind anxious words and knowing glances
instead of the stuttering and the overwhelmed mumbling;

you love monsters until

i am as quick to think as i am to wrap my hands around your throat;
i knew i knew i  k n e w
and you
ignored ignored i g n o r e d;

and now i weigh upon your ribcage
and you ***** the heart you tried to find upon your ***-stained shirt
regurgitated words never meant for me splashing onto my clawed fingertips

and i see nothing but my own mistakes reflected in your wide, unblinking eyes--
i forgot how beautiful my terrible form looked when i see it in the whites of someone’s eyes--
and what a shame i forgot for so long!

you never learned a thing,
did you?

you smell of **** and stink of many men’s claim on you
you have no regard for your own wellbeing
letting yourself get caught so painfully easily by any man holding lures of lustful pretty words

you give your heart to any man who promises to make you beg for more but
do you know how easy it would be to get you to beg
with a knife held to your throat?

if you want to die,
it will not be at my hands;
those  are to be soiled by my own sins and
not those of a



r a b b i t.

you are unworthy of being my prey
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Is violence
the intention
and action
to harm other people?

Is the target of violence
joyful and happy?
Ask someone who's been robbed at knifepoint?
Ask a wife who’s being bashed by her husband?
Ask a child who’s being beaten-up by a bully?

Is the doer of violence
joyful and happy?
Ask a person barking toxic speech?
Ask a mother who’s beating her child?
Ask a robber confined in prison for many years?
Syreena Phelps Jul 2019
It's about time I write about him
Him who tried to steal all of my strength
But took my weaknesses
Him who bruised me where clothes could hide and skin could cover
Him who ****** compassion out of each vein that runs beneath my flesh
Him who kicked motivation out of the insides of my cheeks, barely missing my teeth
Him who tossed me at the wall so hard the noise will echo into my grave
Him who would drive me off the road while I am walking
Him whose clenched fists kissed me more than he did
Him who would say the words "I love you" like he was screaming "I'm just trying to keep you!"
Him who'd tell me he's always hated when women have red hair only after I told him that's my favourite colour on me
Him who only cared about his favourite colour on me
Him who said he'd give me a home but gave me a cage, a place to sleep but gave me a space to cry, a place to live but an atmosphere that made me want to die
Him who strived to convince life to leave my dark brown eyes
Him who tried so hard to steal all of my strength
But in the end, I left him with my weaknesses.
It's probably sloppy. I wrote this really fast in one sitting and am deciding maybe I should post it before I decide to edit it. Enjoy.
Big Virge Jul 2019
Why Do We Have MOUTHS ... ?
If We ... Cannot Talk ... !?!
While ...
Those Who Should ... SHUT IT .... !!!!!
Are Building ... A FORT ...
That's Simply ... Upsetting ... !!!
FREEDOM of Thought ...
and Simple ... EXPRESSION ... ?!?
Good Old ... Mr. Clarke ...
Has Made A ... Suggestion ...
Say The ... WRONG THING ...
and He'll Start The PROCESSION ...
To ... Heathrow Airport ... !!!!!
If Something ... You've Thought ...
INCITES .... TERRORIST Sorts ... !!!!!
It's STRAIGHT On A Plane ...
NO Judgement ... In Court ... ?!?
This IS ...  
An ... Infringement ...
On God's Greatest Blessing ...  
The Gift of EXPRESSION ... !!!!!!!
And .......
One's Right To ... Question ...
He CLAIMS ....
Can Be ... " Indirect " ...
and This is ... Because of ...
... TERRORIST Sects ... !!!!!
But The ... " BNP " ...
Has Done This For YEARS ... !?!
But Black Peoples FEARS ...
Just Fell On ... "Deaf Ears" ... !!!!!!
That's Why ... Neville Lawrence ...
Has Shed ... MANY TEARS ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Something You ... SAY ...
Can Make A Man ... SWAY ...

To Do The ... WRONG Thing ...
Like .... London Bombing ..... !!!!!
So ...
WHY Do THEY Say ...
The Things That THEY DO ... ?!?
Are THEY ABOVE ... Judgement ... ?!?
I'll Leave That ... To You ...  
It's OKAY ... For HIM ...  
To ... AIR His Own Views ...
On Subjects Like ... TERROR ...
But Where Is ... ???
... HIS PROOF ... !?!
Of Course ...
Let Me ............. " Guess " ... ???
Look At ...
London's Tube ... !!!
But ...
WHY Would They Bomb ...
The ... INNOCENT Few ... ?!?
It's SAD ...
YES ... I Know ...
These Deaths Are A Blow ... !!!
But This Is A Time ...
To Let People ... SHOW ...
The Things ON THEIR MIND ...
BEFORE ... RocKInG The Boat ... !!!
The Boat's Been ... uNSTeAdY ...
Since The ... " Dawn of Time " .................................................................­..........
So .....
Why Is It ... NOW ... ?
We May Have To ... " Sign " ...  
Instead of ... EXPRESSING ...
A Viewpoint ... In RHYME ...
What's He AFRAID of ... ?!?
INSIGHT For ... "weak minds" ...  
I Guess It's Because ... ?
Just Like The ... SUNSHINE ...
It's Something That ... "creeps" ...
THROUGH ... " IKEA Blinds " ... !!!!!
See ...
Rhymes I ... " Design " ...
Give SIGHT To ... " The Blind ......................................
Ever ... PREACHING ... !!!
What's Wrong or What's Right ...
My Hand's ... Want To Write ...
NOT ... Get In Fist Fights ... !!!
Or ... INCITE A Brother To ...  
Make A ... DEVICE ... !!!!!
That KILLS Those Around ME ... !?!
Or THOSE ...
I DON'T ... Like ... !!!
They'll Get Their COMEUPPANCE ... !!!
When It Is ... THEIR TIME ... !!!!!
But ...
When You ... DENY US ...
The Rights ... "YOU POSSESS" ...
You Shouldn't COMPLAIN ... !!!
When People ... DISTRESS ...
The Lifestyle ... YOU LEAD ...
With ... TERROR Type Deeds ...  
It Seems ... THE EMPIRE ...
IS ....................................... STRIKING BACK ... !!!!!
But Check Out ...  
... The Movie ...
You'll SUFFER ...  
.... ATTACKS .... !!!!!!
cos' Some ... WILL NOT Take ...
YOUR ... "LIE FILLED Attacks" ... !!!

They ...
DON'T KNOW ... " The Facts " ....
But YOU ... Mr. Clarke ...
MUST THINK You're A ... " GOD " ... !?!
To ... KEEP ON Suggesting ...
"It's THAT Muslim Lot !"
What About ... " FAWKES " ... ?!?
THAT ... " Plot " ... ?!?
Oh ...
HE WAS ... " A Muslim " ... !!!
Of Course ... I FORGOT ... !!!?!!!
I Want To ... EXPRESS ...
I Want To Feel ... BLESSED ...
So ...
TELL The ... " Police " ...
I'm NOT A ... " Suspect " ... !!!!!
That JUST ... ISN'T Me ... !!!!!
Your Judgements Are ... "weak" ... !!!
The Judgements You're Making ...
Are ...................
IN NEED of ......... " Sleep " ......... !!!
NOT Just ... For Now ...
But ..... ETERNITY ..... !!!!!!!
Just Like The Way ......
You're USING ... Police ...
To Do ... What They WANT ...
To ... People Like ... ME ... !!!!  
I Work ... EVERYDAY ...
While MP's Make HAY ...  
I'm SICK of ... The BILLS ...
I'm Having To PAY ... !!!!!!!
When ...
Travel ... IN TOWN ...
Is CLEARLY ... Unsafe ... !!!!!!!!!
We Pay ... SO MUCH TAX ... !!!!!!!
For YOU To ...................... " Sit back " ..................................
and TALK About .... BOMBS ....
But ...
Where Are ... YOUR FACTS ... ???
I'm NOT A ... School Teacher ...
I'm NOT HERE To ... " Teach " ... !!!
I'll Say It ... AGAIN ...
But DON'T ... Preach ... !!!
But ...

For My ... PROTECTION ...
I'll Make An ... EXCEPTION ... !!!
I'm PREACHING To ..... YOU .... !!!!!
It REALLY AIN'T Cool ...
To Start This ... PROCESSION ... !!!
cos' ...  "Social Depression" ...
Can Lead To ... AGGRESSION ...
And ......

That's What You'll Get ...  
If You ... "RESTRICT" ...
..... " Expression " .....
At the time, The Home Secretary, A certain Charles Clarke, was basically being ridiculous, as were the government and most people regarding the horrific events surrounding the bombing, so I figured i'd try to poetically write a letter of sorts to see why expression had become a target as well as Muslims.
ALesiach Jul 2019
We live in fear,
frightened it's clear.
We live in hate,
don't leave it to late.

A world in turmoil,
we slave and toil,
moments of violence,
breathing defiance.

Clock is ticking,
act without thinking,
live with regret,
never to forget.

ALesiach © 01/07/2017
Effie Rose Jul 2019
The night sky is blue.
Amaranthine - endless
The mosaic trail left upon my satin skin.
The tinge caressing my eyes,
Which have seen
The devil himself
And yet dare not expose the azure brutality
Enveloped in your venomous cradle.

The waves are blue.
An exhausting struggle I brave
Desperate to subsist
As you seek to drag me
To the ocean floor -
Where I embrace my demise at your hands.

Blood flows blue
Yet pours red.
The colour you see each time I dare to pursue escape.
The colour you see
If I am to take too long in the bathroom.
If I am to have a quiet word with my friends
Without your contiguity
Looming like a cloud
Threatening a downpour congruent with my tears
As I beg them to liberate me
Yet say no such thing.

The lights projected from the ambulance
Pleading with traffic to manufacture a path
As I lay
Broken ribs and a broken heart.
Not the first assault and victim to more than yourself
But my forgiving nature
Assures that this is not the final beating.
As my skull is glued and the morphine streams through my veins
And the boys in
Delicately ask
“Did he do this, again?”
I nod,
Though the officer shakes his head,
His pen moving freely of his hand,
He acknowledges that tonight he will return to his wife,
He will have his meal and pray that his daughter is spared.
And I will return,
To the lair of the beast.

My eyes swollen.
My body imitating scaffolding; bones and skin housing the weary soul.
My hands shake as they struggle to grasp reality.
My cheeks stained by the violent, sempiternal flow of tears.
My ribs, forbidden from healing prior to the next wave of brutality,
Stood at an angle god himself could not manufacture.
My voice weak, desperate, pleading;
I beg no one to liberate me.
I, myself, choose to betray your corruption.
I tell my story, though it is not a tragedy.
I showcase, unforgiving - as you were,
The ‘love’ you enforced upon me.
The bloodthirsty way your soul adored mine.
The months of seemingly incalculable assault
Emotional torture
The autonomy you stole from me.
I want it back.
Instead it lies, at the bottom of your cobalt ocean.
Wrecked and never to be recovered.
Even in exposing you, and hand-delivering my message to you,
That you lost.
I do not regain the life you mercilessly devoured.

I must rebuild my own life.
Despite and in spite of you.
Though the blue I once knew was bruised and afraid.
The Sapphire I learn is of unwavering strength, kindness
And peace.
I forgive you,
Though I hope to God that you rot in a place where blue
Seems inviting.
'Blue' is a piece I created not so long ago; and it helped me to explore feelings and situations I could not at the time process or verbalise. I hope that 'Blue' can bring any survivors reading it some peace; as you realise you are not alone, your feelings of grief, helplessness and animosity are valid; and you will come out on top. I believe in you, I love you, and I'm proud you have walked away or are considering doing so. You deserve better than this.
Ray Jordan Jul 2019
Go and strike thou penniless moral,
Stake thou claims meant not for all!
Godspeak high unto White Tower,
Let men fear thou fear and glower!
Sake! forsake thou enemies color,
Nay! can one and be another!
Shroud thou friend betroth to violence:
Thy sleep in silence.

And go and spread the hate thou pray
To ***** the nerve thou canst portray!
And say thou words in fervent rage
To slay the dreams thou locked and caged!
“Bitter be thy pill thy wealth”,
And simper back thou rotter self!
Thou can ply on truth defiance:
Thy sleep in silence.
The question I must pose: are those who sleep in silence any better than those with tyranny in their hearts?
Alek Mielnikow Jul 2019
Heard from within the static
An erratic fracture falling flat
Calling all the innocent out
Calling all the innocent out

Found whimpering in dimpled corners
Unearthing a second coming
Calling all the innocent out
Calling all the innocent out

Calling all the innocent out

by Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
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