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Gary 10h
Chill of a northern town —
rows of orange streetlights pour,
light on red brick walls.
showyoulove Dec 2024
There is a golden chain of love
That ties us all together
It unites us in one spirit and heart
Joined as sister and brother
Across the land, the sky, and sea
There is a chain by which we're bound
The world's most wondrous mystery
Is this love so deep and so frofound
Do to others what you would
Want to have done to you
This was the old law and fair
Now we take this command to new heights
When we love one another
As we have first been loved:
With a total, radical, sacrificial
Eternal, unconditional, unwavering
Make peace, not war. Make love, not hate.
Be kind, not callus. Be genuine, not fake.
This love that binds us breaks the chains
We wrap ourselves in of sin and shame
Though our differences seem great
They really become quite small
When we stop and think and wonder
At the love God has for us all
So, live your lives in this tapestry of gold
And reject not a proffered hand to hold
For we are all a link in this great chain of love
Connected to each other and God up above
showyoulove Dec 2024
At this moment Lord, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, a little irritable, a little restless. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't pleasant, and I don't know just why. So, Lord, I ask for peace. I ask that you make it go away for I know that you are able, but if it is not your will Lord, help me offer this up for the salvation of souls and that you would ease someone else's discomfort. I unite this moment to the moments when you were also distressed. I offer these prayers and this feeling not for myself, but for the many others who, at this very moment, are in far greater need of your comfort and peace than I.
Em MacKenzie Dec 2024
Empty pocket and empty plates;
safely locked it away still it dissipates,
a climber of corpses climbs high to something great,
and the rest of us are buried standing within this fate.

Life wouldn’t be tragic if it wasn’t also funny,
it seems to lose a lot of magic when you lose alot of money.
Life’s a ***** but isn’t she powerful?
It’s time to eat the rich because we weren’t born full.

The people’s scale is forever weighing
basic human rights against complete anarchy.
The right choice seems obvious to me, obviously,
but the indecision’s crazy with the lack of priorities.
A climber of corpses climbs high to heights we’ll never see,
I’d rather be a stone than those doing the stoning.

Life wouldn’t be tragic if it wasn’t also funny,
I think that I’ve had it with their vinegar disguised as honey.
I won’t make another stitch in their golden wool,
it’s time to eat the rich ‘cause we weren’t born full.

A bullet in the street shot from behind;
validated and woke up millions.
No retreat and not changing their minds;
vilified for targeting their billions.

If they really cared they’d ask if you could buy morality,
though typically they’d see if they could find it on sale.
The funniest part is that they could acquire it for free
but it’d be just like giving an atheist the Holy Grail.

Life wouldn’t be tragic if it wasn’t also funny,
it seems to lose a lot of magic when you lose alot of money.
Life’s a ***** but isn’t she powerful?
It’s time to eat the rich because we weren’t born full.

Life wouldn’t be tragic if it wasn’t also funny,
more bills; they stack it and the weather stays sunny.
Rock bottom in a ditch, dazed and in a lull
now it’s time eat the rich ‘cause we weren’t born full.
I think we all know how it feels right now.
A **** in my ribs,
It burns in an electric feel
unlike love.
Who kicked me in the chest?
The consistent prodding is nothing but
the opposite of what you advocate for.
How are you so blind?
How blindsided could one really be?
Not very.
Yet the wind has been taken from my sails,
and the humidity creeps in
to choke me.
showyoulove Nov 2024
Oh Lord my God, that I would disappear
That I could hide inside your heart
And be content to rest in your presence.
That I could be still and silent
That I could melt in the heat of your love.
You are hidden in the bread and wine,
Yet present all the same
And still, you reveal your heart
To those who humbly came.
May I imitate your life
As I try to reflect this love
And share your heart with others.
Increase Lord, until we are
Of one mind, one heart, one soul.
Until the two parts fade away
And the day I am finally whole.
Let me lay my head upon your breast
Where your heart speaks to me
And where I find perfect peace and rest.
Lord, that where you are, there I may also be.
If we could
walk together
hand and hand,
On one accord,
with the same
thoughts of Unity
As in oneness,
wholeness every
race, creed
or color Red,
Black, White,
Charcoal Black
Snow White,
Ivory, Olive
or whatever

By: Belinda Richmond
Date: 10/11/2022
If we only do this our world would be a better place!!!
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
The is basically what I'm saying
United we can do anything
Divided begins the ending
A foundation's crucial to a building
Especially to the occupants who'll later will be residing
This universal truth sits, underlying
A fundamental truth we're collectively ignoring
And it will continue eroding
'Till it's left us with nothing
And this "nothing" is deserving
No matter the wording
Listen to the message we're sending
We must ignore the extremest energy both sides are implementing
Take this with a grain of salt but know this isn't simple flavoring
I don't understand the debating
If you don't get it by now what's the use of explaining

My Dear Poet Feb 2024
I’m building a bridge
from my heart to yours
crossing over troubled water
my shore to your shores
one end to another
we’re stringing the sun
with the moon to the other
till the whole worlds been strung
so if our hearts ever dangle
and if you ever hope to jump
come hang on with your life
and I’ll hold you up
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2023
We are in a new age,
not everyone
coming together,
Under One,
but everyone
coming together,
As One.
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