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“Honey, let me fix that -
You've got your perfidious smile buttoned up all wrong
I couldn't remove her lipstick from your shirt,
Unfortunately it's on your heartless sleeve

This is your last tie, don't cut this one as well
Refrain from wearing these pants again, just give it to her
Maybe that way she'll stay out of yours
And here's your socks, your feet has been cold for a while now

Put on your new shoes, I hope it fits,
Since you can't place yourself in my shoes
I wiped your glasses this morning,
Maybe that way your wandering eyes won't mistake her for me

Your integrity is in the last drawer of your wardrobe
It's been in there for a while now
Oh, and I see your watch is broken
Maybe that's why you don't have time for me

Don't forget your coat of sympathy on your way out
I put a bit of empathy in its pockets
There, now you're all dressed to succumb to sin
Have a lovely day, honey” ~ Demi.M Potts
For the adulters: Imagine you're on your way to work and your wife recites this poem.
Desired Dreamer Jan 2018
Your kiss was,
A gentle breeze;
Freezing flames of,
Her memories;
Her treachery...

Gelz Dec 2017
Have you ever felt
that somehow you slept
at the wrong side of the bed
found out that you bled
like somebody had put a knife
to scar you for dear life?

Oh, pretty please tell me
how the hell baby
did you manage to put a smile
telling everything but the truth while
looking into my eyes
filling me with lies?

Your words are candies
your actions are disease
what I give you is affection
but you brought me affliction
darling, you sound so sweet
when you left me in a heartbeat.
me again Nov 2017
it's treacherous, really
how far out of your way
you are willing to go
just to find someone who
is not me.

and for what?

for the adrenaline rush of
an ego boost (?)

and at the price of what?
the hem that has held
my heart together
is beginning to rip-
the seams are giving way
spilling out every
and all
of the things that i try
so hard to contain

at the price of my own
i forfeit my precious solitude,
only to be met with
the coldest
and emptiest of embraces.
slight looks of annoyance,
eyes averted quickly
at laughter
as if mad that someone
might hear me.

where do i get off
on burning the
ends of my nerves
so that your touch
does not make me

attempting to hold it all together,
as i can  be responsible for you
in life
but not ever
in death.
i'm so worn thin. why does my significant other wish to seek attention from other women in that way?
KateKarl Nov 2017
is there any such thing
as too much ink
too many pens
more paper
than the human heart can fill?

the heart does nothing
but pump the blood that is necessary
to fill my fingers
to move
to scrawl too much ink
with too many pens
on more paper
than such a treacherous ***** deserves.

but the heart will get its ink
if it has to bleed dry in order to fill
the pens that it thinks it should have
to defile more paper
than any forest should have to give.

the heart will have what it wants
and veins
be ******
Any critique is welcome, however harsh.
D Lowell Wilder Oct 2017
I took a knee to my right kidney and
kid you not –
it should not
have come to this.  
My daughter had asked me
to be careful
to set my protest distant
on the periphery.
I recognized two neighbors
and three teachers
from our school.
made me oblivious
to distance
drew me to them.
I’ve always been fascinated by ahahs
when you look at a picture
and first it’s two vases
and then two faces.
Why didn’t I see that before?
Ah!  Hah! To learn
pain that sudden
makes my legs collapse.
No control.
To see my neighbor run.
Scott Hamsun Jan 2017
We love having pets because they are helpless enough to know us as masters,
But we are frightened because we know they can slip away and become their own masters,
Oh the treachery of power,
The deceit of glory,
For I know,
And even you know,
Deep down,
That to contain the energy of a small animal makes you no master,
It grants no power,
The real power lies in the ability to release something that can destroy you,
And to conquer the thing that has the capacity to devour you.
Romali Arora Jan 2016
She was so strong
Yet so weak
Her head full of chaos
But afraid to speak
She looked like the moon
Calm and perfectly born
But who knew
Inside her, lay a storm
She longed for someone
Who’d put her volcanoes to rest
To anchor her emotions
During moments of unrest
She believed in no one, but herself
For everyone she trusted
Had given her their betrayal best
After all the treachery
She was left with nothing but pain
But all she longed for
Was to love and trust again!
She was betrayed by everyone she loved. Yet she longed to love again. For all she knew there were others like her, who were wounded and were afraid to love too. But as they say, love conquers all fears, here she was, waiting for someone who'd kiss her wounds and make her come alive again!
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