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Heather 6h
I remember it all
Down to the stretch of my shorts and the tie in my curls
The way you lingered; daring to get closer
As if a magnet drew us together
I thought; so that’s what fate feels like
But now I wonder if that’s how antelope feel as a lion closes in
If the tug in my gut was my body sensing your threat
I never was a good runner
Or maybe I knew you’d catch me regardless
But I remember it all
LinaM 16h
I’m running through the streets

I left part of me  in those sheets

I run home to you

Crashing like waves on the ocean’s shore

This city can’t contain me anymore

When they told me it’s not normal

How she made me feel this abnormal

How she played me like a fool

Just because I was too cool

And now I’m haunted by the memory of her

I never asked for this, why me?

Haunted by things I cannot see

My heart’s beating fast

My bones remember the past

Every inch of my body aches
In someone else's mind
preston 18h

The carnival is loud.
The voices rise in competition,
each one pulling for the crowd’s attention,
each one demanding to be seen,
to be known,
to be applauded.

But none of it lasts.

The bright lights will flicker,
the tents will come down,
the applause will fade.
And the ones who built their names
on the roar of the crowd
will be left alone with their silence.

You feel this, don’t you?

The moment after the rush,
when the thrill of being seen
is not enough to keep you full.
The moments between performances,
when you are left with yourself.
You have felt it.
And because you have felt it,
you cannot unfeel it.

That is the nature of truth.

It does not beg.
It does not force.
It simply remains,
waiting for you to turn toward it.

But not all will turn.

Some will sell the last of themselves
to the carnival,
to the barker’s voice,
to the fleeting thrill of attention.
Some will press their hands over their ears
until they no longer hear the call at all.
Some will attempt to crucify what unsettles them,
to keep the show running.

And yet, truth stands.

It does not chase.
It does not barter.
It does not make itself smaller
to be more easily held.

It remains,
whether you turn today,
or tomorrow,
or never at all.

For life does not demand.
It does not entertain.
It does not offer a show.

It simply waits.

And in time,
the waiting will be yours
to bear

i had
a slice of normality
the other day

it was
******* delicious
Eve 4d
an artist       before the poet
a thinker       before the artist
a dreamer       before the thinker
a child        before the dreamer
the trauma        before the child
the memories    before the trauma
and the mistake             before it all.

what do i have to build on?
Once upon a time,
A baby girl was born,
Covered in mirrors on her skin,
And everyone would scorn,

She wasn’t as stiff as,
A mirror from the west,
If you really knew her,
She’d always try her best,

Her skin was shattered on every side,
As shattered as her home,
Metaphorical or literally,
Inside Blue Trauma Dome,

She asked me “Why do they hate me,
What slur did I make them hear”,
I explained that it wasn’t her,
But the reflections that they fear,
Y'all it's my first time. Wish me luck!
Gideon 5d
The shadow in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my father.
He stands behind my mother’s chair like an advisor to the queen.
He does not poison her mind or plan treason against her throne.
Her tyranny extends to the invisible shackles on his long-broken mind.

The ghost in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my brother.
Though he has died, he never passed on to the better place he deserves.
His phantom lingers in my mind, trying to reach out and touch this plane.
He can’t feel the tender dew on the soft grass unless he uses my hands.

The witch in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my sister.
Though she has left the inner coven, she is still trapped under her oath.
Her spells of cord-cutting and separation can only do so much against it.
As her mistress sleeps, her work to free herself from her bond does not stop.

The monster in the mirror reminds me not of myself but of my mother.
She controls our movements like a puppet on a string, never stopping.
There is no freedom to reign over my or my family’s actions but hers.
Her little marionettes may never break free from the suffering they endure.
Gideon 5d
There is this feeling I’ve never felt.
Given one less card when cards were dealt.
A constant gambling poker game,
Not for money, nor for fame.
This **** was rigged at the start.
The lost feeling was love, joy in my heart.
It’s taught by some mothers but never mine.
I pity the souls who were raised in kind.
I love others; don’t be mistaken.
But it feels like love for myself was taken,
Away by my mother, or maybe God.
Either way, I think it’s rather odd.
The way I was treated. The way I was raised.
The way that, despite that, my mother was praised.
My dad, he’s alright, but I think he should
Stand up for himself, for his own good.
It’s not my fault, but I’m given credit,
For my parents’ emotional deficit.
Regardless of where my poker game started.
I hope I can win, when I’m departed.
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