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Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2019
I am sorry for the words I say
When feeling down and blue
I only shout that I hate your guts
When I see you hate mine too
I am sorry for taking for granted
The little things done each day
Making food to cheer me up
Asking twice if I am okay
I am sorry for hurting your feelings
With selfish careless actions
I do not realize how harmful I can be
Until I witness your pained reactions
I am sorry for making you worry
Not listening to your advice
Blaming your flawed genetics
For the reason I'm colder than ice
You deserve a much better daughter
Who takes time to care
Someone not only always honest
But who also wants you to share

We live to see
The day I once again make you proud
I strive to grow
And be what you always hoped

That day arrives I will
Keep giving you what I can
You will be there every
Step of the way accepting me
For the miserable mess I am
Once again trying to switch it up a bit
Lance McDonald Apr 2019
All the resentment
Such a tiring sentiment
I see no end to all of it

Why do you do this to yourself?

Babbling on to no end
No wonder they don’t want to be my friend.
It’s okay, it’s to be expected

There is no need for this

Walking together, alone

I am alone
It’s to be expected but…

You know the truth

Why do you do this to yourself?
There is no need for this
Because you know the truth

It’s okay to feel this way
You are not alone
It’s okay to feel this pain
You have others
It’s okay

Stand tall together
Walk together
A trip to the war inside my mind. I know I'm not alone but the thoughts will continue to haunt me to this day.
The Unsung Song Apr 2019
I looked into the eyes of a crying child.
I saw a longing look within this child's eyes.
This is the look of the world when,
all is lost.

I looked into the eyes of a crying woman.
I saw a soul fading into darkness.
This is the look of the world when,
hope is lost.

I looked into the eyes of a crying god.
I saw a master losing hope for this god's creation.
This is the look of a parent,
when their child dies.

I wish for a world where,
nothing is lost,
and nothing ever dies.

I wish for an existence where,
we can look into each other's eyes,
and we can lean in to a hug.
And instead of sobbing to ourselves alone in our bedroom,
we can sob into the shoulder's of one another.
Esther L Krenzin Mar 2019
I catch a glimpse of myself
in everything
a miniscule glimmer
a tinkling whisper that floats into
my consciousness
I see it in wild beasts
who flash a feral grin
I see it in the wind
as it tears across the trees
It is even in the sun
when it folds into the horizon
"Like calls to like"
Some say
and believe it to be true
Clenched fists
choked laughs
trembling lips
A ravaged piece of me contracts
at the aching heart I know
is within that beautiful exterior
Perhaps, deep down, our soul is sewn
of the same material
Perhaps there is a single stitch
that binds us together
And all it takes is a single
to cleave it in two.

-Esther L. Krenzin-
What brings us together?
What tears us apart?
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
A mental wrestle
Thinking about us back then/
what we are not now
There is a way my heart cringes
When you are not with me

My own thoughts scare me
They make me see you in everything

Let’s hold hands
Till we are lethargic;
When we become bad for each other
Caitlin Apr 2019
I love him.
Yeah, he's loud but its just who he is.
He's a Yankee,
and I'm a Belle.
I've learned to live with it.

I love him.

We set each other aflame
Sometimes with desire
sometimes with raging fire.
But its okay.
The heat is fine.

I love him.

My breath is heavy
and my inhale quick
Maybe a panic attack?
Maybe from ****.
We're back to yelling
the neighbors hear.
We're just passionate.
Its our dynamic?
Oh God, its our dynamic.

I love him.

He loves me.
Its why I'm shaking
and he's shaking
and we can't comfort the other
because the world would shatter
from the quaking.

I love him.

From over there though.
And I'm tired.
I'll take my pills
and beg him to take his.
And will be better in the morning.
I wake at 8.
He wakes at 10.
It'll be better in the morning.
Mental illness, especially when both people have it, in marriage is hard. Some days are harder than others.
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