I'm a man of the night
I've been branded
My poetry serves no purpose to the world.
I've not been branded a hero,
I've'd seen how those all end:
Unquestionable statues of bronze or gold
or rather forgotten,
disposed after 2 weeks of fame after-death.
I want neither.
I'm no hero, no. I'm no gigantic bearded poet
Hemingway shot himself
I couldn't muster courage
or decandence.
I. made. to.
Shoulder to shoulder.
Serving my servers.
Out of love.
I carry. As they carry.
as I get. Carried.
As one shelters me this moment;
As other. Eloquent. Frightening. Dashing and Proud.
as she said;
titles are in fact...
july 22, 2017
3:27 a.m., Zibreiros