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Mister J Jul 2021
I'm tired.

A candle slowly melting
When the flames eat me away,
Burning brightly as I can,
Amidst the growing darkness.

I'm broken.

A flower blooming in winter
As the cold freezes me over,
Opening my arms to heaven
Amidst the harshest blizzards

I'm depleted.

A wanderer in the middle of nowhere
As the world grew bigger before me,
Trying to find my way home
Even when the world is against me.

Let me take my rest.
Let me sleep in the winter
Let me lie in the darkness
Let me make my home elsewhere
I'm simply human
Flawed and bruised
Lost and afraid
Trying to be the best that I could be
Even when everyone is against me.

Let me sleep
Let me rest
Amidst this unending storm
Let me surrender
To the waves and the wind
Let me find peace
Even when there is none
I'm simply human
And I'm tired.
Hello Guys.

Glad to be back.
It's been a while. I hope you're all doing great, amidst all of this carnage.

Rest if you need to. You and I, we're all human, and when things are tough, we need to rest.

Hope this could help. Happy reading!

Dave Robertson Jul 2021
Better than ****** Christmas
this six weeks that we continually justify
that stop our hands breaking,
the dying of hearts and minds

though in the middle
when we regain our human form
sometimes storms rage a bit
and we stand, clifftop howling
at an unknown moon

on return we’ll have lost friends, loves,
yet be reborn to care, to teach,
to take the slings and arrows again
from this pauper’s fortune
DCgirl Jul 2021
i really like shaking my feet]
loose of all the expectations i carry in my head
for myself and for you
Dave Robertson Jul 2021
Oh, my tired sisters and brothers
I know.
Each and every step and gesture
has hidden lead weights attached
and everything lifted now hurts

You are allowed the involuntary grunt
or voluntary tear as you stand,
all eyes and ears are itchy with

There is still a smile allowed
as long as we keep an end in sight
Miles Graves Jul 2021
intervals with irregular timing,
disquieting; I’m lost in imagining,
happy to be agitated but still, we despise it.

church bells that cruelly silence;
appliances and cold reminders,
our head’s filled with needles and thread.

a virtual walk in the real world,
we corrode as the people grow old;
we see the sky as we never could, now.
I recall a school trip that took place before I left high school. The entire time, I felt distant, as though I was aware of the transience of the world around me, and my soon to be responsibility - but also strangely calm. This entire account serves as a testament to my existence.
Hiwaga Jul 2021
Lately, I’ve been feeling a little light headed. No, I’m okay. I don’t have a condition or anything. I just feel like my world is slowly collapsing. Every time I try to fix things and somehow getting good, the universe will do a huge clap back and smack me in the face.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little useless. Just when I thought I’m doing an excellent job at work, it came to a point that they have to let me go because of personal issues and choices. “You’re good but...” There’s always a but. But should be my middle name in other lifetime. It suits me well.

Lately, I’ve been feeling very insecure. My girlfriend loves me, I know that. But sometimes I feel like she can’t express so much of a feeling like how she used to express it to her ex-girlfriend. When we started dating, I stalked my girlfriend for fun and I saw posts and letters and all that kind of crap how she loves her and how every single second is important when talking to her. She even right the call details in a ******* notebook with all the hearts and smileys and all cheesiness. Me, on the other hand, being mad at for being demanding for asking more phone calls. (she’s working milessss away, btw).

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little betrayed. My mother, who is supposed to keep me safe and warm based on the world’s rule, messed with my life. She placed me in a very difficult position and now people are hunting me away. My cousins, who are my very best friends as well, turned their backs on me because of what my mother did. They even back stab me during dinners that I’m not around. Referring to me as “she’s like her mom”

Lately, I’ve been feeling… Lost. I have nobody to turn to. I have nothing to do. I always tell myself to “Focus on what I can control. But now… I don’t have control about anything anymore.
JR Jul 2021
I only know how to walk with tears
To learn something else is my biggest fear
The slamming of doors is all I hear
Stories of heroes but none come here
Will anyone care when I can’t breathe air
Or will they stare and watch as the end is near
I only know how to walk with tears
Because life is maze made of fear

Alena Jun 2021
I'm tired
I'm tired of waking up everyday,
Getting up and trying to be staid,
Listening to some music and feeling nothing,
Like i lost all the things to feeling,
Staring into the celling so lazy,
And hiding of the think that I'm crazy,
But I'm and it so ******* scary,
Because I lost myself many years ago,
And I don't know where I want to go,
Or the person I want to be,
Or who I'm now in presently,
My body is my prison,
My death is the freedom,
I just want some time,
To rest or death of mine,
I'm tired,
I'm so ******* tired.
Lunar Jun 2021
When the darkness spreads and the screaming penetrates even my dreams
The seduction of empty space calls at me
It’s attraction is undeniable
My daydreaming naturally becoming more visual  
The flavour of death
An ecstasy like no other
My strongest and last ******
So many options but only one to be my sinful romance

Will it be:
My tanned yellow appearance if I take too much
The chalk outline if I take a nudge
The rose stained bath if I dig a bit more
My neck ornament when I hit the floor
The gruesome distance a burst pipeline will go
The sweating and shaking from a hypo
Or simply a collision with a glare of light
Or maybe the ground was never my right
And I would prefer the pull from my lungs’ weight
or the heat off my skin as it ablates

Or maybe you would prefer an accident
Maybe that will help you cover your names
Don’t worry I won’t leave a note
I’ll let your guilt engross you
And when it gets too much you can use your sorry excuses to help suit you
You can blame my unstable personality
My weak mental health
My poverty of speech
But at least you’ll think twice the next time you speak
This will be my sweet everlasting revenge
However for now my battle isn’t over. I just refuse to be taken to the enemy side. I would rather stab myself with own spear than have my soul be tainted.

When It’s do or die, I feel electrified
- Autumn Kings: Electrified
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