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Dylan Jan 2021
Would a common canine not bore,
following our steps without explore.

How are humans holier than thou,
when free fields are left without plough.

History could be to blame,
likening me to men and women of fame.

For dogs aren’t seen as a whole,
a dog is a dog, no other pays its toll.

Humans go through life with persistence,
searching for excuses to existence.

But few will ever realize,
what a waste it is to immortalize.

Forget likens to men and women of fame,
that only keeps one within the frame.

Go live life as if in the wild,
nothing more is farther from mild.

Be as a horse, a dog, a mare,
all other creatures can compare.

As long as you don’t just follow me,
after it turns out my dreams were meant to be.

Be as a lion, a dog, a hair,
all other creatures can compare.

Just don’t look back into history,
expecting to find the lock that fits your key.
Thomas Patrick Jan 2021
My mind is disconnected
While my body feels I don't feel
A vessel for a journey
Occasionally stirred by touch
Or deep lostness in my eyes
Like looking at a flame
Dancing dangerously for fleeting moments
Alive as it exhausts itself
In continual asphyxiation

How deep thought can go
Beyond animalistic instinct
Cascading like a stream
Wandering an infinite universe
Yearning for understanding
Of some greater purpose
Wanting of some feeling
That is sensed beyond senses

Yet the mind degenerates
With the vessel to which it is tied
Like the flame extinguished
After only a moment
Just a grain of sand
Passing through an endless hourglass
Mimmi Jan 2021
Im scared of the people I see everyday
I’m afraid of a closed door
I never want to wonder, what would happen
If I even once, dared to knock

For what I have, are no broken bones
But I’ve always been crawling
I do have two lungs
But I still always have trouble breathing

This heartbeat of mine is staggering
When I make mistakes or do wrong by my own book
It tells me to bang my head through the wall
For wrong doings only deserve pain
Therefore I’m even scared of my own house
The people out there, how do they exist so calmly?
I’m a wreck as soon as I walk out the door

I can’t seem to explain - mostly because I don’t understand it myself

I didn’t mean to be so quiet
I didn’t mean to be so gone
I didn’t mean to be so scared
I didn’t mean to be so sad

If I could be easy to talk to, I would be
If I could forget my past, I would in a second
If I could not be so timid, I would
If I could understand, I would

If I could escape anxiety, i would probably be forever running.
I still struggle with depression episodes, I have daily anxiety and have for a long time suffered with social anxiety it almost took the best of me when I was between 14-17, If I hadn´t get the help I needed I would probably would have lost the fight...

Writing still helps and makes my brain a little less cluttery.
FS-30 Dec 2020
Mum would say,
‘Don’t wish your life away.
It’s always I can’t wait for this
And I need to hurry for that’,
And suddenly years have passed by
All in a flash.
I should have listened,
Time wasn’t mine to bide.
Life is not about the destination
but the glory of the ride.
FS-30 Dec 2020
You wanted me to be silver,
It quickly turned you cold.
If only you opened your eyes,
And saw I was solid gold.
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2020
You'd think by now
I'd have learned
Not to think
And I swear
I try
But sometimes in
Moments when you
Like I'M
There's no way to
Me from coming alive
Read the capitalised words again.
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
I need a dream to remind
There is someplace I should go
Future I should think about
Lately I don't know
An oldie I found browsing through my facebook memories
Ken Pepiton Nov 2020
was this here when I was born?
- is this the earth of 1948?

No, I don't think so, this is the realm of words
as thought in times of enfolding
olden forms to find the lies
they passed on as fair
to hold sacred, hidden in depths, radical
depths of debt due to double-minded
upright bi-pedal instability

balance, yeah, surf, as a porpoise,
ride the wave as a photon in a medium

divine grace or some other unreasonable
idea - as a passenger here we be
come and see I am this photon,
for it is far too small for me
to stand up on and see,
so I am this bit of light, the same bit
involved in Einstein's little think, so long ago,
speed of thought,
you caught up.

How so?
I don't know, but I've been told,
these winds of mere light
return to pick up points
passengers intending to convert,

to bubblers of *******' and moanin' 'bout
balance in life, slinking in the shadow,
of the inpenetralium,
mercurial bubble of ancient Phrygian
ways to obligate a fringe
into an intentional point of contact
for any who know the feeling,

virtue flowed from me,
who touched me?
Gnat straining, am I? Have you never been
the fly on a wall you imagined?

Have you, honestly, never seen the earth
from the moon?

Now, ask any truth you wish were proven,
"what lie is held as you, in me?
What lies are needed for truth to be known,
and the knowers made free? Truth tell,
do I know, or say I know, to pass the tests,
to be allowed to live alone and far away,
thinking why do men, wombed and un, lie?

- Liars prosper.
- Reality holds the story true, so
- the first twisted gift of knowing was
- the trick.
- Beguilement, surprise, peek-a-boo
weknow weknow weknow
I know,
each says, knowing we know, I am one of us,
alone aware you're there,
in the same story, from the same time,
measured in celestial predictate-ability,
to say where that star shall rise,

think what that knowing does.

Then to now in this bit of thought,
perhaps a pixel of truth.
Free, what's it worth.

Take a little think.
Nothing left to do, is freedom from what... exactly, don't lie... I say to my ******* muse.
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