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Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2019
I already believe
You are the one

Now it's your turn
Genre: Romantic
Theme: When everything matters.
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2019
And when I see you

Everything aligns
The mood
The hope
The spirit
The energy
And many more
That can't be explained

That you are

And that is beautiful
Single reason
To believe

What you are
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Your Worth || You Are Enough
fray narte Sep 2019
When I meet the one, it won't feel like a
fairytale laureled with happy endings
walking out of a book and coming to life.
It won't be cherry-kisses and holding hands
while sky lanterns ascend from the ground.
When I meet the one, it won't be about that
"I know that they're the one" the moment our eyes meet;
it won't be it's-worth-writing-a-song-about kinda romantic.
When I meet the one, it won't at all be
about spark and fires
or skipping heartbeats
or slow-motions
or soul recognitions
or true love.

For meeting the one —
it's watching everything we had
collapse into a sinkhole of memories,
and down, down they go — each and every one we made.
Meeting the one —  it's walking away
and away and away, and risking a glance
at your fading silhouette
It's knowing you'll meet yours too,
and knowing it's not me.
Darling, it's coming to terms
with the thought that
the future we planned
is now reduced into a television blur
and spilled beers, drying up way too soon,
and in the end,
it might have been you.
It might have been me.
It might have been us.

And, that's all we'll ever be.
Jay M Sep 2019
He's got the sweetest eyes
Chocolate brown hair
Sweetest little smile
That lasts a while

I've got sad eyes
Brown hair
Weird little smile
That easily slips away...

Is it too much to ask
To just be thought of?
To feel the fondness
In return?
I guess the problem is;
I'm not the girl
Anyone would dream of.

- Jay M
September 18th, 2019
Greg Piegari Aug 2019
The love you share with me doesn’t go unnoticed. They see your glow and trust your heart. They’ve seen you struggle and they’ve seen you crumble.
They watched you heal and grow.
You aren’t afraid to let your heart love again and neither are they..... I just happen to be the lucky fool that crossed your path at the right time!
Christine Aug 2019
When I’m happy
You’re in sorrow.
And now you’re already happy,
I’m the one who’s in sorrow.
I’m not regretful, I’m just sad on how things turns this way. Why can’t we be happy at the same time? Even though we’re not together.
Emilio Aug 2019
I've been waiting for this moment
As when the moon meets the sun
As when I splashed new pigments
I have found the one
Ambika Jois Jun 2019
There are some
Who age too fast
To keep up
With the trend

There are some
Who say age
is nothing
But numbers

There are some
Who need numbers
To help them
Feel their worth

There are some
Whose numbers
Don't add up
Till the end

There are some
Then there are others...

There are some
Who like to wander
With thoughts
Loose in their minds

There are some
Who spend their lives
Thinking 'bout feelings
Of all kinds

There are some
Who believe that
It's too late to
Trust your heart

There are some
Who'll stand in your way
When they know
You'll make it safe

There are some
Then there are others...

There will always be
The one

There are some
Then there are others...
And there will always be
The one.
Was feeling a little blue a few days ago. Felt like it was too late to reach for my dreams. Felt like I was stuck in the same pickle for all my life. Someone told me it'll be told late. Heck, everyone has told me that. They told me it's too late to pursue to my dreams after a certain age. Something tells me if I'm stuck in this same pickle for all these years, I must still have a chance. If pickles last that long and time doesn't stop for that, then why would there be a limit for my possibilities?
Nicklaus Bailey Jun 2019
Words escape my mind
As our talks take the night
Is it laughter or your voice I crave?
Because after everything you gave
How can I still demand some more?
But the richest man without you is poor
And I know not every conversation is rainbows
I just think that after this we both know
That is Is more than a mistake
And maybe more of fate
Rain will hit my window
And wash away pain, although
Maybe its good I survived that hole
Maybe its good I found love can grow
And maybe this wolf finally found his moon
And baby tell me if this is all to soon
But Words escape my mind
As our talks take the night
Is it laughter or your voice I crave?
Because after everything you gave
How can I still demand some more?
But the richest man without you is poor
And I know not every conversation is rainbows
I just think that after this we both know
That is Is more than a mistake
And maybe more of fate
This is the easiest song I have ever wrote
Because though the words are mine to be spoke
Fate wrote our names down long ago
And despite every mile we know
That we waited our lives for the moments of peace at night
So if you don’t mind, I’ll call to speak until the waning night
Because Words escape my mind
As our talks take the night
Is it laughter or your voice I crave?
Because after everything you gave
How can I still demand some more?
But the richest man without you is poor
And I know not every conversation is rainbows
I just think that after this we both know
That is Is more than a mistake
And maybe more of fate
No words have ever been easier for me to voice
And I know this is all a choice
That comes with risks
But every second ticks
And I think how I am not in your arms
Baby it does me harm
Because Words escape my mind
As our talks take the night
Is it laughter or your voice I crave?
Because after everything you gave
How can I still demand some more?
But the richest man without you is poor
And I know not every conversation is rainbows
I just think that after this we both know
That is Is more than a mistake
And maybe more of fate
Butterfly May 2019
In my life there were a lot  of people who talks about my weight.
Like "You are to skinny!"
"I can literally see your ribs!"
Even people in my family.
Negative not in a lovely way with support.
My friends did the same thing.
But I found a person that loves just the way I am, classic right?
This beautiful person is about to text me, because she is actually worried.
Well this came out really wrong and I don't know how to fix it ,so yeah
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