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purple heart May 2019
Some old;
Some less old;
Some brand new;
And the only one which was there since the beginning.

Could you be that light for me honey?
The one who is never replaced,
The one who stays forever,
The one who is there every night,
The one who never asks for anything,
And still shines endlessly expect some nights.
Those nights are terrible and I’m lost.
Could you be that?
Also a bit more?
Could you do that?

Will you say and really stay?
Will you wave and never say goodbye?
Will you understand me when I don’t want to be understood?
Will you sit outside by the door when I want to be left alone?
Will you set my plate even when I say I m not hungry just in case?
Will you be mine even when I am not being me?
Will you believe in me even when it’s not easy?
Will you do all this and still act like it’s nothing!
Will you be my lover forever?
‘Cause I would love to love you forever baby!
blackbiird Apr 2019
i put my hearts in a jar and placed them
on the shelf above my bed,
saving them for the One who deserves them.
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2019
Once in the lifetime
Everyone find

Leads towards the

The dream
The thought
The sunlight
The time
And, the life

All right
Genre: Experimental
Theme: The Chemistry
Rachiel Feb 2019
When he talks, she hears you.
When he laughs, she pictures you.
When he holds her, she feels you.
When he hugs her, she smells you.
When he kisses her, she wishes it is you.
It's unfair and unjust.
She likes one, but she loves the other.
Seems like the people switched positions,
"The one" and "the friend".
Mya Baertlein Jan 2019
One day
That’s all it takes
To know who is the one
For me, my mind knew from one day
My heart didn’t trust my mind at first
My body wanted it to be true
My heart hoped it wasn’t
But a couple more months it knew
My heart now hopes he is the one
He’s sweet, loving, caring and, gentle
And I’m happy
He is different then all the other guys
And he is mine and I don’t plan on letting go
My mind knew what the heart didn’t want to accept
Jack Dec 2018
******* in a car,
Screaming Matty’s lyrics,
An angel placed before me,
With a voice not meant for the ears
Of mere mortals like myself,
The chocolate ocean of her glistening eyes,
Swallow me whole in a Marinas gaze,
But for once I can reach the floor,
Able to stay afloat and no longer
Battered by titanic waves of chaos,
The sweet glow she resonates
Illuminating every dark corner of
My mind,
Once an inescapable void,
Now filled with the fruitful warmth of love,
For the person who surely came from above.

Before me stands a towering figure
One that is doubtlessly divine,
Her shadow consumes me,
But it’s warmth is surely a sign,
That she is the one that all the hurt was for,
And how I just want her to be mine,
A single tear seeps from my eye,
Graced by your beauty,
Unable to make a sound
Out of my corrupt lungs,
Speechless until I force the words out,
“You really are the one, aren’t you?”
Sammie Oct 2018
Love me like I am your only addiction,
that always keeps you on the edge
Love me so real like that romantic fiction,
that looks so much like a ledge!!
Love me like I am your lovely yet unfinished dream,
that makes you work hard to make it real
Love me so soft that only for you my heart scream,
that finally lets this broken soul heal!!
Love me like I am your entire world,
that is running up and down in pace
Love me like I am to be kept furled,
that would ******* out of my hiding place!
Crave for the love that keeps you off the edge always.
Find a love that is an adventure everyday!
For to love is to live!
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