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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
What is this craving?
And where does it lead?
I was nothing...
bare witness inside of me.

An amalgamation of all that has been
and all that will ever be:

Waves of joy, gently washing over my body,
heartache, pulling me under, like an ocean current

A  harmony beckening for peace,
turbulent storms unleashing disaster

Laughter, an enduring friendship,
sadness, an unwelcomed thief in the night

Comfort, tenderly healing a wound,
pain, like the crack of a whip

The blessing of life entering the world,
a devouring ache, cast by the shadow of death

The sweet taste of desire,
and a wretched stench of apathy

Embraces, like the warmth of the sun,
aggression, a scorching burn

Courage, roaring within my soul,
fear,  shivers surging down my spine

Enchanting dreams, written in the stars,
a sky brimming of failure, waiting to downpour

Love, a heavenly paradise, thankful to be explored,
hate, fallen into the gutter, begging for forgiveness

Fragment upon fragment,
all that shines its light and all that creates darkness

You are LIFE
Hailey P Nov 2014
"I notmally like darker hair on girls,
But with you it's different," he says.

I've noticed.
I've seen the way you look at it,
When I'm playing with my hair,
As I'm twirling it around my fingers.

The look that you give.
It is the look of a dog,
When he's staring right at you
While you are eating something.

The look of wanting. Desire. Temptation.
And you want to play with it.
You desire my golden locks.
As if the colour had anything to do with your temptations.
From being told "I don't usually go for blondes"
DP Younginger Nov 2014
Somewhere down in the depths of everyone, there is a spinning plate,

The Devil holds his stick parallel to yours and watches as you sweat,

You rip the sticky bottom of the bottle off of the glue and stick your bucket out to catch the fall,

The Devil plants his loafers and casually crosses one leg over the other,

Sometimes you even change the channel and pray that the entertainment value fills your cup,

The Devil licks the sides of your ice cream cone and draws faces in your food,

You drop your *** into the bean bag cloud and strum the buttons on your controller,

The Devil places the headset on his burning head and boils your water as you sit in the corner of the room, ignoring the kitchen,

Someone passes by with a similar stride and you turn a single glance into the Vietnam War,

The Devil sinks into the sofa and picks the fuzzies off of his jammies.
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
a curse to bear not cross
the cross an honourable burden
dark the devil's request
the colour of night stained blood
a victim to vacuum
pull so powerful, force undeniable
the simple to set in motion
gears of demise

subtle scent the call to long lash glance
bare shoulders pressed to leather
shoes to ruby lips identical
she sits legs crossed lounging
feminine figure beckoning
submission to sin

ankles calves thighs
inviting flesh pedestals
slender stems intertwined
lengthy lines imagination's guide
pierce reality from shimmering dress
moonlit night emulating
styled mane twilight
a finger to **** parted lips
mouth's allure my
will to fight undoing

her seductive exhale, my own heartbeat
all I hear, drowning
the quiet sounds surrounding
this dark place of drink, my soul befitting

chin's subtle lift exposing neck
the crevasse of her chest
her hips, my hands
a fantasy felt as longing
my mind to consider
bodies pressed breast to breast
knee between knees
thigh ablaze with
seductive heat

that womanly soft unmistakable between us
through garment
communication's intention a display
conjured images of wonder
tips of my fingers begging
to seek covered truth

her palm my neck to articulate
lips caress ear
a mouth's promise invigorate
my hand in hers
stare over shoulder
by smile she leads me
feet following
praying, I search for my angel
to spare me this dance with the devil
CommonStory Nov 2014
For you to notice me

If you only knew

I mainly want to talk, but my human side lets off.
Images of my rough hands around your soft waist to let our souls mix and seep when our eyes meet.

To sweet delight of soft serve with every curve I follow

I only want to talk

Exchange another note of human emotions and social interactions

See we lack the capacity to physically understand

And leading you off isn't in my objective
I just get stiff with kisses on your neck
I can almost feel your hands on my back
Your legs tighten around my thighs

Endorphins rush when your back  curves and your chest touches mine
Temperatures rise, I can see all the signs

I still want to talk
Your interests interest me
Lets take a walk
If we stand still I'll examine your body
My heart will go lively
With electronic  sparks
I only want to talk
But when you laugh I get this shiver
A cold quivering
That you wouldn't notice

In an instance we are on the grass with a breeze blowing your hair
And I'm grabbing your ***
I don't want to move too fast
You then reach for me
A heavenly breath runs across my neck
I almost turn wild
A stone to the ocean
Oh how opposites attract

I just want to talk
However clever I might be how has your day been
Lets get deeper mentally
I'll exchange ****** innuendos lets see if you notice

I'm just a man in not trying to be a pervert
Then you smile and it takes awhile to adjust

My imagination turns rough
I envision us at a picnic a diamond in the rough
Shoes off and your happy
So I am too
You make to first move

Now I am excited and don't know what to do
You look at me
The eye contact  from green to brown
We stare then our lips touch
Our eyes close to love the moment
As these can't be seen
Emotions run rampant
And I suckle on your teet

But I just want to talk
A late night inspiration

© Matthew Marvier Donald
kiera Nov 2014
run your hand across my back
it feels rough I know
I've lived longer in my mind
than can be measured in years
still my body takes a toll

I try to smile when I see you at the end of the hall
but moving those neglected muscles
makes me shiver round my bones

take me down to that river near the cemetery
throw pebbles at my heart
and laugh with those sadistic eyes
how beautiful they are
I could never forget...

when I inevitably give in
reach back for your hand
and wrap your fingers in mine
you must know
I'm accepting flowers from the devil

the devil never lets go of his hold
Is this a song or a poem? I don't even know haha
Ariel Oct 2014
Im weak

Im weak against you
your smell, your smile.
The warmth it drives me wild
Your touch sets my body ablaze,
my mind goes in a dreamy haze.
I'm so amazed.
My **** little secret, so ***** so wild.
My hottest fantasy not for a child.
I look at you my mind blanks out.
The things I would do to you would make you scream and shout.
I'm weak against the temptation,
the disease I call your flesh.
You drive my body crazy there is no rest.
I'm weak.
-I'm weak against the temptation,
the disease I call your flesh.
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