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Maria Feb 1
You turned up suddenly in my life.
I wasn’t expected at all.
You was so determined and daring.
You hold me tightly in whole.

You understood what to do,
What I wanted and dreamed about.
Even though you knew me a bit,
You knew what I needed just now.

And unnoticed, in a half whisper,
You appeared beside me
As the rustle of leaves, the wind sound.
I don’t know how it could be.

It’s like you are on “Replay”
All day long till it’s dark.
When the night comes and I fall asleep,
You are with me stark!
Jennifer DeLong Apr 2021
Does it always go this way
I mean you suddenly text
outta the blue
after you threw our friendship away
You erased me , blocked me
Shattered me
Yet here you text
and I can't walk away
I can't ignore
I want to trust you
I want to believe you
feel sorry
or you actually realize
our meaning to each other
Who am , I kidding
**** here , I go again
don't you dare
play me !!!
it will be you hurting
this , I promise you !!
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏4/3/2021
beth haze Aug 2020
A part of me feels
like we weren’t supposed
to come across one another.
It’s like the breeze
made us crash into
each other’s arms
on that windy
afternoon in the
- force of nature.
Michael A Duff Jan 2020
She was my everything until she said I ment nothing to her
Like a passage in a dream remembered
Being that the best are forgotten and relearned like lessons from our past

She had scared my heart and that will last
Shes a stranger to me now just as she wanted it
Like an old book urning to be read but forbidden to be opened
Lonely thoughts of an emptied heart are all that's left
How sad is it to be broken and not repaired
She was my other half the one I was certain I was with for life no distraction no strife then all at once she closed her heart and never explained a thing.
Sally A Bayan Apr 2019

This afternoon gets warmer by the hour,
weird, sweaty, sere water,
not even a shy wind to blow a feather
an unwanted restrain....very much, a tether
senses seem numbed.....unaware,

clouds a flick of a finger,
a bolt of lightning.....then, roars the thunder
sweet energy cracks in a simple quiver

tap ruptures........rain pours
releasing scent of sweet petrichor
withered soil and rain unite
nourishing roses...yellow, pink, white
soul is sparked....instantly inspired

eyes and mind are drunk, yet, they concur
bulging with ideas and images without blur
all are energized by the miraculous rainwater

behind the wet bushes, an open mic unfolds,
frogs' croaks alternate with lizards' call...behold,
up the trees, crickets, katydids sing relentlessly
ahhh, a kind's a bit colder...finally

where sun dips, and beyond...amidst a cold
dark, a slam poetry session is live, where the bold
one's hiss, shriek, or sing in rules,
all do their thing at the same fools.

rain has stopped, folks are out, taking it easy
............mosquitoes are ever ready
this night.....could really be ****** :)


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    October 6, 2018---
...water or electric service interruptions are infuriating, esp. in the summer)
There is a sheep
Playing in the court
That is wide
He jumps happily
He feels funny
He sings loudly
But suddenly
He felt lonely
He goes immediately
To search for friendly
He walks shortly
He walks straightly
He walks  unlikely
Till he finds them
They are great
They are like him
Sheep and goats'
He invites them
They get hesitated
He says obviously
The court is wide
The plants are great
They are green
Who wants happy?
Must live there
Who wants heaven?
Must  go yonder
They look at faces
Why don't they go?
Why don't  they do"
The effort to get more
To make their life happy
They deal with themselves
with honest and funny
feeling at inner
with the sense of satisfy
of the sense of ready
to thank their God truly
They are all going happily
to live happily, you must feel it in yourself
trinity Mar 2018
i finally remembered what it was
to feel happy and content
instead of just "not sad"
the sun comes around more often
sticks around longer
it paints my world in colors more beautiful
than those it gives the sky because suddenly,
when my friends laugh , i can too
and i am loud again
and instead of walking, i skip
suddenly, instead of dreading the day,
i wake up to moments full of potential
and i worry less about every single thing i do
suddenly, being with people
is as invigorating as it used to be
once upon a time ago.
of course, the rain will come again
and the sun will leave with summer
and it is then, especially, that i will hurt again
but suddenly, i have hope.
story time! i've suffered from depression, and more recently, anxiety on and off for a few years. my parents can't afford to get an official diagnosis done, but in looking at my symptoms and consulting others, i think i may have seasonal affective disorder (or s.a.d.). of course, it's technically a self-diagnosis and i hate to be "that person", but this is just how i've been feeling the past few days as spring rolls around so i thought i'd explain about s.a.d. for some clarity.
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