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Kvothe Apr 2020
A clipped voice,
slips noise-
the fray.

and shaky.
Bland, I know.
I hate to

in a storm,
normally deep.
I crack,
lacking wingspan.

Headcave retreat.
Feet save
my mouth.
Because the wrong
thing ran.
How public speaking feels
EP Robles Mar 2020
the mouthOFnoise eats the silence;
everywhere NOise!)turns my insides(
out/-of Tears i said to the mother
holding empty children's shoes

EyesofSorrow drowns her sight:
only to eternally see all horror
with sightless eyes that diligently
cry-/i once had a great Love that died

                      the Ghosts of
Antikythera's Cell Machines burn
the sharp edge of decaying reality;laboriously
the longest Legs of Time march forth as it
steps over my shortest Thoughts within the

:: 03.26.2020 ::
Tim Mar 2020
Talking empty words
Speaking to appease
Like life is some sort of show
Why isn’t this heresy?
Can’t we speak freely?
Ill have you know
Your thoughts
Are much better than something not.
When did the words lose their respect?
why do we have to fret
To speak our own
The boy who regularly does not
Speaking in depth is repressed
Angel Mar 2020
Please calm my racing heart.
Subside the blood rushing to my cheeks.

Silence the butterflies,
whose wings flap so violently in my stomach.

Holding my voice hostage,
I'd like to take it back
Sharmila Juliet Feb 2020
While speaking in the
Silence I painted myself
Full of loneliness.
Oskar Erikson Jan 2020
i am yet to place
a name to a face,
the ripples of your voice
in any of my module choices
you're a deciding factor
and i'm going through them all
digging through lecture capture.
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
And to think the word that left us

Was ever our own, ever ours, it becomes.

Words grip the iron teeth

What mawkish

We caress,

Projecting enmity

On false enemies.

The movement of the mouth

Makes no ideas

But the air speaks

To shut us up.

My breath

Smudged in writing

Lies dying

On a paper

And of this Dwindling

Fluid in escape,

Evaporating into the

Wind of our breath,

The breath of our word,

A word is not yet spoken,

For it forever dwindles.
Daniel Magner Jan 2020
a connector, a communicator,
abstract, not quite the real thing, just close,
just a sound to represent.
Do words fall short?
Almost always,
so why continue to speak?
Why seek connection through futile means?
Touch, a look, are much more accurate.

Time to shut eyes, reach out,
and communicate.
Daniel Magner 2020
My throat closes

Every single time

When I want to speak or let myself be heard, I close

I let others speak for me. In whistling tunes I found through the Tube or stories as told by those who live them

I find it is not my time to speak.

For only when I am utmost alone can I even utter a single sigh and still it displeases me of its occurrence

Perhaps voiceless to allow others the space they might need to be themselves. So why am I upset of it

Meek and meager
Never there when you need her
Your silence is louder than a train wreck.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Mastering the art
Speaking without thinking through
Skilled in hurrying
I always stick my foot in my mouth
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