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Melody Mann Mar 2021
A bundle of decisions and and actions,
A synergy of cause and effect,
The push and pull from the benevolent,
A wild and precious life lived.
Inspired by Mary Oliver
Melody Mann Mar 2021
I grow weary as I am separated from my beloved,
I yearn to transcend the known and discover the vast,
Restless wanders my soul in search of its origin,
To submerge in the current and be carried by the ocean of life,
To shed this exterior and unite with the superior,
I seek truth to end the feverish peril I quarrel.
Melody Mann Mar 2021
Internalized mayhem stirs within your being,
Storm clouds brewing in your mind's horizon,
A scatter of recollections and discoveries surface in your conscious,
You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts,
This banter hangs in the foreground of action as you contemplate your next steps,
Treacherous thoughts,
Disconnected mind,
Heart aflutter.
Inspired by Kahlil Gibran, this poem explores thought to speech
Melody Mann Mar 2021
Judge me by my acts not my words,
For the world may be filled with roses,
But I shall be his one and only unique rose,
My importance will reign above else now that he has watered and sheltered me in this glass globe,
The caterpillars he has killed and the butterflies he dismisses are acknowledged,
To the listening ears he lent and the hours we have spent,
To the silence shared and the agony of separation I bare,
I am his rose.
Inspired by The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Daivik Mar 2021
It was evening
I was sitting under a mango tree
When a cool breeze kissed me
A butterfly
Flew through the red and pink periwinkle

I heard the voice of cars
The sun was setting
Birds,returning home
And I felt tranquil
As if I had grown wiser

Though there were voices all over
I was submerged in the silence
Of solitude
For me
Time had become still
And I had become one with the moment
My class 8 collection shud I share more
feh Mar 2021
i hold a little rectangular prism
i tap a few little boxes. each is insignificant
on it’s own
swirling lines and choppy symbols
intermix and interact and interchange
gaps reside between them. why?
a b c d e f g h i j k
doesn’t it appear a little clearer,
a little easier,
a little more elegant?
why are we so afraid of spaces?
why are we so afraid of solitude?
we place such value on human connection, and yet we often fail to see the value of human separation when we read between the lines.
Melody Mann Mar 2021
Temporary is my existence on this planet I have mistaken as true,
For I am from beyond where my spirit flies free,
Celestial currents flow through melodiously within me,
As constellations hidden in my soul shine through my daily decree,
The wind whispers of limitations on my visitation rights as I fall to the illusion of security,
I am reminded by nature that I am not from here,
For I am from beyond where my spirit flies free.
Melody Mann Mar 2021
She who lives in accordance to nature unfolding is an entity who governs with equity,
Embracing the beauties of organic origins she preserves life's virtue,
Holistically embodying the spirit of now she carries an impartial tranquility,
Restoring balance towards fickle fabrications many are led to believe.
Melody Mann Mar 2021
Withered by time the rose wilts,
its beauty transitions to realization,
in awe of the formative manifestations,
petal by petal the colors fade into a rust red,
shedding its youth and accepting its maturation;
Melody Mann Mar 2021
Carry me once my feet give out,
When my will slips from my being and I lay frozen in life's meadow,
For my voice will silence and my thoughts will still,
I will reach serenity in your arms,
Carry me home,
Where formless is our identity and the current merges our souls.
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