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Sky Nov 2018
when I am far away from my body, I like to imagine that I am running in a field. The air is warm and gentle, the grass is tall and soft. The sun is warming the top of my head. And I am running. I have no place to get to, but I run like it’s the destination of a lifetime.

I run because that’s what I want to do. I run because that’s where I want to be.
Finding solace with troubling thoughts and feelings
Harri Nov 2018
I wish we could exist,
just you and I,
curled together
in a sound-proof bubble.
Nothing but breathing
your air
and kissing
your lips
and touching
your silk-soft skin.
I wish we could float,
unseen and untouched
though this world
full of judgement
and hate.
You are my peace,
my smile,
you are the moment
I close my eyes
and my mind stills
and empties.
The moment
when nothing else matters,
but the feel
and the smell
and the taste
of you.

I wish we could be,
just be.
Ankita Gupta Nov 2018
Let them run, wild in the fields

Your thoughts, they need to breath

They have been captivated

Captivated long in the maze

Of lost love and future that seem astray

Let them go to a place they know

Where they find solace

But don't loose sight, they tend to wander

Go to the places they still fonder

Guide them to come back to a place so safe

Green fields and everything but maze
Thinking about the thoughts
Madison Greene Nov 2018
every time somone has left
I've gotten a bit better at loving myself
there are lessons in the losses
and I've found solace in the vacancy beside me
I don't mean to refute my feelings
I still pray for someone to stay
but I won't let anyone feel as though they complete me
no one can disturb the peace I created in solitude
i remember the fifth day of the sixth month,
when i kissed your cold body,
it lay in that ebony black coffin,
and i kept quiet, despite knowing you loathed the color black.

back to the day i saw you helpless for the first time,
you fell while walking, you drooled, and you forgot faces.
but you always said, "the day i forget you, you is time"
i brushed the hair out of your face, and held back a tear.

when they said "few weeks more", i cupped your hands in mine.
i looked at them, they were frail and cold and soft,
twisted from the adversities you've faced.
this time, you tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

2 weeks later when i sat beside you, praying,
you asked who i was and why i was watching you sleep.
i ran out of the room, and screamed into a pillow.
it was time.

it was time; to let go of my muse
                                     of my home
                                      of my solace
it was time for the hardest part - goodbye.

today, as i stand near your grave, i smile
i place daisies and share a meal with your ethos.
you were an enigma of a women,
hallelujah, i say.
for my beloved grandmother, who i miss a lot.
Pauper of Prose Nov 2018
Amongst the broken ships
I see thy standing upon a sinking deck
No chains bound her in place
The glare of sunlight shields her face
Then swans and sparrows come in pairs
Settling upon her feet
Pecking and prodding with cooing sounds
Their music a masterful soothing score
That drowns out the brutish ocean’s roar
So that a new sea of melody floods the world
Then all these notes flow into the girl
Resting within her once rigid heart
Which has now become a sacred Ark
Krizhe Ming Oct 2018
You deserved to be loved
Even so much more
Than you can think of
You are worthy
Of tender care
Of profound affection

The world is just
Not that generous now
Kind of stingy
Making you feel insecure
And unwarranted affliction

But please believe
You deserved to be loved
More than enough
Soon you will see
This is the truth
Not just some consolation
Hopes this brings some comfort and hope.
Broken Arpeggio Sep 2018
There is a place that seeks
To help others connect
It is an assemblage of the four-legged kind
An area dedicated
Towards peace and contentment
Hoping to help the tangles of the mind unwind

First encounters may seem a bit foreign
Creating numerous "What-Ifs"
For a skeptic to fear
When given enough time,
All the doubts start to settle
Realizing there are never unwanted expectations here

Having no set rules
Invites a sense of relief
Allowing all to be present without panic
Unspoken conversations
And being free to "just be"
Gains trust without a loss of dynamic

This equine way of healing
Is something wonderful to behold
Where what is lost and impossible
Starts to find a way to miraculously happen
As a relationship grows, the rigid soul begins to flex
So the horrendous scars eventually fade and soften
OK Man...Therapy is hard enough; however, when an equine element is added, it can be downright weird as ****! That being said, if you let go of all the perfectionistic tendencies and fear of failure, healing can finally start to happen! All one has to do is simply "let go" and allow the help that everyone struggling deserves...Just be present and see what wonders can happen
when in the presence of a non-judgemental magnificent being!
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