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loggi Jul 2017
I have a fear
A sense of doubt,
And I never wish
To let it out.

But in mind,
It haunts me so
Slithers about
In the darker groves.
And at moments
When I'm alone,
It sneaks on me
With its nasty hold.

It coils around my neck,
It scales the span
Of my body,
Pulling on me
Making me pale
And my body wobble.
Looks me in the eyes,
Hurts me till I cry,
I beg for relief
But I find myself
Escaping to a morbid sleep.

And before I die,
It lets me go.
Grins at me
And I know.
If I bury these things
Again it will show.
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Have I lost the touch
I was given from superior,
Do my views and likes replace
soul that is dripped in my ink,
Because as I write I feel
Every single line,
Like it's my first day at school,
My first love, heart break,
Backstabbers and enemies.

It fills up this empty ink
With fuel, fire and soul,
Designs and pictures
That I paint on paper
No matter how many people
Try stop this tide of words
I sew together with meaning
And life choices.

My emotions are drained
Onto the paper like a sponge,
Along with those tear drops
And for what is to remain
Whether it's good or not,
Everything I write
I feel with passion and pain.
I wrote this because I've had a lot of negative comments about poetry as a whole recently and it frustrated me haha!
Sarah Michelle Apr 2017
Traveller, scuba-diver
Sailor swearing wherever she goes
But never in front of a crowd
No, if you want to
apologize for something
you've said,
better find out where she's hiding.

Look where it's darkest,
but bring a flashlight;
she wears black
to hide from spiders and snakes.
Alyssa De Marzo Apr 2017
Snakes no longer hiss anymore
They greet you with a smile
and call you by your first name.
They say they love you and
They congratulate your successes
They hand you tissues while you cry
And if you're real unlucky...
the biggest snakes you've met
Are family
I don't want to wake up tomorrow
in a cozy nest*
the sect of snakes
did reside
with the chief asp
holding a strong

none would ever move
until he gave an okay
to defy his edicts they'd
be thrown out of the shay

an uncomfortable position
the servile vipers were in
each of them had disclosed
secrets to the overlord's ear tin

after a time the snug abode
imploded on the leader of the sect
the underlings obtained some smarts
*and wouldn't willingly genuflect
Even in the darkest times
Even in the most horrific of events
As they beat us; trying to ***** out our light
They are infuriated to find us standing strong
Against the crashing blows inflicted upon us

Our spirits roar with every hit; defiant
Yet our bodies; fragile and weak
Crumple to the ground
Yet this satisfies them not

Because what doesn't **** us
Makes us stronger
Because no matter how harsh
Our pain and humiliation may be
Our fire and hopes burn brighter
Helping us hold on
And tear of our chains

You can whip my body
But my soul and spirit are free
They belong to no one
And as long as I remain steadfast
You will never be able to push me down
With everything that's happening I'm driven to pessimistic thoughts
Martin Narrod Oct 2016
And let me down easy but do break my heart
Otherwise I'll never know if I should chase after y'all. And the longing comes nightly, the bourbon rings twice, every time I'm out living, y'all stop me from dying. But a man is worth pennies when his work is the dirt, and I've never known forgiveness I've only ever known hurt.

With my skin on the desert, my hands cut from the piste. If a man's responsible for fire, then it must be woman who's made the stream. Everything is an eyesore when plague cuts at your flock, and the shepherd is aching to be rid of his cloth, the end of evil corrupts it, the sheriff he breaks his own laws. They take all that they want, leave you to look up to the dust, you can't sustain the pains of heartache, you words shorter while you talk. So please take it away, the flat and the plains. And only fires concern them, water drowns for them and cries. I don't need no one to listen, no one to soften my eyes. I've been bit by the river, it's taken my breaths. Filled my chest full of water, brought my time to new depths. I saw the valley, and I saw the moors. I saw the valley, just tell me, will she be here tomorrow? I've seen the valley, and I've seen the moors, just please won't you tell me, will she be here tomorrow?
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