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tamia Jul 2016
i always hear your whispers,
they are snakes that slither from my ears
and they travel down the same way
your breath would on my neck.

i remember looking out the window
and i could feel your gaze in the shivers down my spine
and i'd tell the stars about my desires,
i'd tell them about you.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2016
There is a snake.
Its many beautiful scales criss-cross over
my heart. I. I. I.
promised to never tell a soul
and hoped to die.

I'll be swallowed whole.

Boa-constricting inside my head
until the ink coloured poison drip drops till
i'm dead
Oskar Erikson Jun 2016
Solicited smiles
Send shivers.
Somewhat surprising!
Shouldn't snakes
Send slithers?
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Waiting in vengeful silence, for satisfaction.
On strike as if desperate miners,
Dark eyes, no smiles nor sentimental significance.
Night creatures hiding, in coiled coloured rings.
Passed away rodents.
Midnight meals, cold, unfeeling.
The serpents fed up.
Seven sated snakes, demonic,
Terribly terrific.
I've had the snakes bite me
For far too long
It feels like I'm their giant gong
You're tired of the same old lyrics used for every new song
So i'll save you the headache
I'm trying to be the one who stands out for goodness sakes
I'm looking for a way out of the sewer
Where the legless rule
And take advantage of the lone mule
Which is I
I need you to find a serum
Strong enough to diminish the Venom
Left inside me
After all these years
I can be the reflection of the tears
If only you do your part
If only you were kind enough
But i'm not entitled to anything
If it ends here, it ends here
So be it
Francie Lynch Apr 2016
I had a boss
When I worked,
A black-hearted sycophant
We'll call Bert.
There was no escaping
From this ****,
Unless Daddy'd sheathed
Before his squirt.
He was the smiling villain,
With a glad-handshake,
And a slap on the back:
One never knew of his scurrilous attacks
On reputation,
On self-esteem,
This viper slithered
In my Garden of Eden.
Richard III was referred to as one who smiles and is a villain.
Wilkes Arnold Apr 2016
One feverishly feigned embrace
And struck with hand, dagger graced
Though the votive venial
It precipitated the coup de grace

Ignorant stood captivated,
Discourse evaporated
As conspirators followed suit
Silence serenaded the orchestrated,
Symphony of treachery accentuated by sovereignty's strikes, resolute

Although he knew the fate awaited
And pain he could not substitute
The fight he would not forsake, and so suffered mute
Until his soul was devastated by the visage venerated...
The coda extricated,
"Et tu, Brute?"
I've been trying make this work
tell me what you think
GaryFairy Jan 2016
we keep them in cages
we want all of our friends to see
so we put them on stages
they should be out there running free

my friend on the table
won't stop scratching at the glass
I've chosen to disable
this animal's natural path
This isn't about domesticated pets. This is the reason I don't go to zoos. It is so sad to see that look in an animals eyes.
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