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could you turn left?
could you turn right?

do you know?
the grow
fear was planted

at every side
what i do?

pray to the finder
who gets the creature

do not be proud
kneeled so down

asking for help
one thing

look inside
look and talk

save us my God
everything was under saving. but now all feared even from  their hands. so you must be clever
why does the world which is wide
becomes so narrow?
why do the eyes which see a ray
see only sallow?
why does the fresh air which spreads happy
brings sorrow?
you are the born to to grow and magnify
the wealth not make fewer?
we push the hate at every side
not prison it at outer hollow
let us spread the love at every sight
the world will be so major
let the love spread and you will see
Mayara Giorno May 2020
Straight lines

Some curves

Straight lines

get you there faster

Curved lines

show mistakes
show loopholes
show limbo

Every single one of
our lives

have always
will always

be curved.

We must learn to tread
with these mistakes

We must learn to find
these loopholes

We must be willing to be
in constant limbo
in constant darkness

in order to reach the greener side.
Opposite poles attract, that’s the fact
Why it have to be always me?
First move and sacrifice
First call and smiles
For once, I
Wanna be a receiver
Wanna experience all over
Or, Am I
Not enough for you
Not worth for you
All I want is a pinch of love, attention and time
Is it that hard or for you its a crime?
In love, there’s no talk about ‘deserve’
Be in my view and observe
Why it’s only me and always me?
Corrinne Shadow Apr 2020
My life's work is the wiggling leap
Of a soft little kitten, who lands in a heap.

My life's work is the hyper, swift lick
Of a rambunctious puppy who moves lightning quick.

My life's work is the smile of a friend,
Who I know will be with me till the bitter end.

My life's work is a high GPA;
Perseverance is how I got here today.

My life's work are these words that I write,
And the heartfelt confession, "you saved my life".

My life's work is nowhere near done.
I fell down, I got up, now I'm ready to run.
I volunteer at a place that helps people with mental issues (like National Suicide Hotline) and somebody told me that I saved their life. It really helped me pull myself back to a stabilized condition. Even though I still feel like **** and quarantine has been really hard, I'm pushing through it and appreciating the good that I do have
Maria Etre Mar 2020
Today I lost something I never had
and it hurt even more than when I did
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2020
Always by your slumbering form
Your sorrow and sheets
Presence itself is a miraculous gift
Next to your body I am complete
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