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Lostling Feb 20
I could only watch
As the people that helped me out of my egg
Took flight
As my seniors that showed me how to walk
Spread their wings
As my friends who showed me that path to the skies
Left for the clouds
Now, as I watch over the baby birds,
I know that soon, I too will have to leave.
Faces leave like birds in the winter
Except sometimes they don't return

(Another passing out parade is coming up, and I dont know if I'll cry or celebrate at mine)
Edward Hynes Jan 2
"Birth, and copulation, and death.
That’s all the facts when you come to brass tacks:  
Birth, and copulation, and death.”*

But though he repeated them twice,
Those aren’t all the facts when you
 come to brass tacks,
Eliot left out a line:

Somewhere between copulation and death,
When you’re well along, but not near
  your last breath,
You find that the facts when you come to brass tacks are
Ice, ibuprofen and time,
My friend,
Ice, ibuprofen and time.


*T.S. Eliot, from Sweeney Agonistes.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
We all know that Christmas is commercialized
It is about business, profits and making money
So is Valentine's Day right now. Love is for sale
Hearts are on sale. Love is indeed materialized
Greed is at its best. Some lovers are very pale
Many seniors are obviously sad. That's not funny
Because it hurts to see so many loners
Who are not happy. They are in pain
Nobody buys them: flowers or chocolate
Valentine's Day is no longer for lovers
Yet, it is a very special to go on a date
With friends and to dream of having fun
Things have changed and are no longer the same
This is the truth and that's a ****** shame
Still, I'm wishing you: Happy Valentines's Day
Be safe! Blow kisses and don't get carried away.

Copyright © February 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
BEWARE seniors are targeted for demolition
They make it look like an accidental solution
First patient visits general doctor then you are asked to fill in tons of weird questionnaire asking specifically how many relatives are still that care about your well being
Upon filling up fraudulent medical required paperwork asking front desk for a copy of documents it's denied and any attempts to complain about the issue they make you into a crazy person with dementia and enter fraudulent
illness codes on file trashing medical records and patient healthy otherwise will be targeted.

If going for a simple UTI antibiotics
are denied and visits to dentist
patient made to wait until all patients have left
To inject poisons  into patients mouth.
Patient is often asked to submit to invasive tests
ordered by visiting unlicenced nurses
instead of doctors
Most general doctors never get involved
they allow the evil doer greedy ******* to do away with their evil deed for a cut in the fraudulent life insurance.
The patients family is usually victimized they lie divide and plot to ****** the loving sage wise relative that was made into a estranged.

Most crooked doctors patients have a list of life insurances fraudulent in nature which they renew and then extort the money from victimized
grown  next of kin .
Trashing the innocent elderly parent
even more to the eyes of patients grown kids
to  embarrass them.
Later years later the patient has been tortured infected on purpose during minor medical procedures
But all you crooks on *******
habitual drug user morons
crooks are not above the law
Publishing this awareness
that what happened to us
is happening
to your loved ones somewhere else 
in this amazing superpower heavenly USA
becoming a **** hole disgrace
called North America
with it's madness rampart
mass shootings
and covert greedy medical Neo Natzis
Abusing medicare Medicaid system
Pre meditating the killing maiming of elderly.
Now martial law continues
targeting senior population US citizens
in hospitals.

Define all this hell life going wrong
hate crimes against beautiful courageous
dodging bullet immigrants.
Like myself.
As to the evil greedy psychopath's
trashing me to the 11 winds to my family
beware I pray Psalm 109
**** murderers human trafficants
To the jealous Liz W and Henry R W
His ****** twisted girl friend
evil nurse sociopath sterile
haina with the fraudulent birth certificates
Some idiot bailed you out of ******* and you implicated me sold my child my life for your evil deeds and bad habits
Your evil doer now you're made public.
All of you are on the FBI list being
You will be cought imprisoned
with each crime you attempt
to commit
You will be made to pay.
My parents didn't birth me for you to ****** me pregnant and stalk me a fife time **** of of Earth in USA
Alexis K Jun 2020
I was so focused on the Ball.
I was always told to keep my eyes on the ball.
I was ready for it, I was more than ready.
The ball came to me fast, spinning in the air,
I held the bat tightly.

I was watching the ball so long.
It flew in the air, pride swelled within me.
It was an air-ball, gone in the wind.
I was finally achieving what everybody wanted.

I watched the ball so long that I didn't notice everybody had packed up and left.
I watched the ball so long,
I didn't see the virus coming my way,
I didn't see masks being put on right in front of my face.
I watched the ball so long,
I didn't know the game was over.
It hadn't even Started and yet we had lost.

I had watched the ball too long.
I missed everything else.
Alexis K Jun 2020
Freshman year:
"Creepy-Crusty Freshman"
We thought we had it together,
but everyone else knew.
We were just beginning,
We were separate, naive and secluded.

Sophomore year:
Forgotten students.
Not ready for college
Yet not a new baby to coddle,
We were simple floating and following the beaten path.

Junior Year:
Most stressful endeavors
ACTs, SATs, AP tests
Do good they said,
Prepare for senior year,
"It goes by fast"
So do this and do that, but don't do that.

Senior Year:
Apply for colleges!
Don't be late! Meet the deadlines!
We wanted it to go by fast and they said it would, and it did.
So fast that our last day was March 16th
Instead of May 22nd
We had no idea that we would never say a proper goodbye,
that we would never throw our caps to fly high,
that we would never dance to tacky music for the last time at our 'senior prom'
We had no idea what senior year would be.
But we now know what it was not.
It was not easy
not simple or complete,
straight-forward or whole,
Not ordinary and certainly not fair.

2020 Seniors did not get a senior year.
We did not get open houses for the masses,
Or graduation with peers from our classes.

In kindergarten we were told to stand tall and speak up, and chin up. Make friends because they'll be with you your whole school life. One day you will cross the stage with them.

But senior year we were told to be quiet, wear a mask. Stay inside, don't say goodbye, good luck on your own. You'll graduate alone.
Coming from a 2020 senior, this year has been rough on us and extremely weird. This is just to try and make it a little clearer for people who don't understand how it has affected seniors. I have personally seen adults attack seniors for sharing their emotions and to say that we were overreacting. But this is a global pandemic that has LITERALLY stripped us of our senior experiences. I had bought my prom dress before we knew we weren't coming back, i bought my cap and gown and was looking forward to walking the stage. Unable to do these things, it affects us.
Brent Kincaid Apr 2019

Once, the long ago and far away me
Could attract the eye and heart.
But without my watching it be so
I did not see my good looks depart.
I did not see the wrinkles arrive,
Nor the spots appear on my skin.
I did not note the muscles loosen
And the arms and legs go so thin.

I watched the blonde become silver
And the dark become so very light
But, I did not mind the stooping posture
As tiredness made it feel just right.
I felt my diet changing because
Some things no longer tempted
Others took their places every time
As the younger favorites were exempted.

But now I have glasses everywhere
And I turn the television up too loud
That the neighbors squeal to the landlord
And that does not make me proud.
For most of my life, I read incessantly
But now, never can read at night
Because I have to have a strong lamp
Or the lighting is not quite right.

And, oh the pills I must take now.
Some for morning and some for night.
I must take them in order, counting
So I know I keep the dosage just right.
Some are supplements, but some are for
That age that I have now achieved.
Yes, I am that old, and accept it mostly
Even though I find it hard to believe.

Brent Kincaid
Axel Mar 2019
one step ahead and they're finally done
one step ahead and they're finally gone
one step ahead and she is finally proud
one step ahead,one step ahead, one step ahead

one step ahead and the glass finally falls
one step ahead and the tears finally drop
one step ahead and the fingers finally touch
one step ahead and the shirt is finally black
one step ahead,one step ahead,one step ahead

with or without,skies or the clouds,
love or a fling,food or a drink;
they finally said and they finally did
they finally free in a count of three
they finally gone and this time it's gonna be so long
they finally clap and it feels like it's only one step
they finally grow as the wind blows
and they finally smile but they're gonna cry

one step ahead before the journey ends
one step ahead before the airplane lands
and one step ahead before the new level
and one step ahead before a boy turns into a man
and one step ahead before a girl turns into a woman
and one step ahead and they finally fly to the higher level of the sky.
goodbye seniors,even tho some of us may not miss y'all,there will be some that's gonna cry,and there will be some of us that's gonna miss your smiles.
thank you,for everything. May God will always bless u.
Micah G Nov 2018
Your room is this way
No ma’am it’s okay
Forget ya
Don’t forget those who have fallen to time. Stand with them and be kind.
Brent Kincaid Sep 2018
I’ve reached that age where I dodder
And when I forget becomes fodder
For impatience and often abuse.
I apologize but it’s seldom any use.
I have learned to smile and tip my hat
As I am now the oldster I once laughed at.
My face tells a story with every wrinkle
And it now takes me longer to ******.
I have to get up two or three times a night
Which means my kidneys aren’t working right.

Getting up from a chair is a three part thing
And I can’t do it without some moaning.
I’m very glad for a thing called remote control
Because it’s a saving grace for growing old.
I moved the coffee maker closer to my chair
So I don’t have to walk so far over there.
I’m thinking of swapping my end table in a smidge
To replace it with a my own personal mini-fridge.
That will save me even more trips over and back
By loading it with sodas and some clever snacks.

Now just in case some might think I’m *******,
I’m not, it’s just that my habits are now switching.
It another phase of living life, is all it means
Like switching to Sansabelt slacks instead of jeans.
I had plenty of fun when I was young and foolish
So, there is no sense of anyone getting ghoulish.
I’m full to the brim with carefully gathered memories
And a scant few of them could be called miseries.
Mostly I have been pretty much a happy kid
And now enjoy the wisdom from all I did.
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