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Kenzee Rae May 2014
Too many times we fear the darkness.
While the girl in the corner continues helplessly crying,
Not a single soul stops to notice,
Not a single soul dares to share their light.
Darkness is simply without  light.
In this day and age, we get so caught up trying to find our light that we never stop to look around and see if anyone else has found their spark.
Why are we so selfish?
Is it too hard to walk a couple steps down your mighty ladder to give someone a hand up?
Will it hold you back to help the weakest link?
This world goes 'round when we all work together.
So, don't be afraid of the dark,
But rather, rush into it, full speed ahead.
Amanda Kyara May 2014
You say that me shutting you out is selfish
but lets talk about being selfish

Is it not selfish of you
to constantly demand me to
open up to you when I don't
want to talk about it?

Is it not selfish of you
to ask me to change my ways
just so that you don't have to
deal with my problems

Is it not selfish of you
to keep me here in misery
while I'm suffering and you
won't let me go

Is it not selfish of you
to ignore my problems
as if they were not important
and you don't care

So please don't call me selfish,
when in reality I should be calling you selfish
Jordan Alexandra May 2014
Should I be concerned
about the fact
that your feelings
mean nothing
to me?
I am actually hating eveyone lately.
Cake, the meat of culinary delights;
Icing, the sauce.

Cake, the main entree, the special of the night;
Icing, the decorative garnish.

Without Cake, Icing has no purpose
A clump, a blob, of meaningless goop.

1 spoonful of Icing alone and you're done.
Spread out amongst the firm surface of Cake though,
Icing becomes much more interesting, and much more fun.

I am the Cake.
You are the Icing.
Without me, the base, the entree, the meat
You, the sauce, the garnish and blob, don't matter

You can be the Icing to your own Cake or to another
But without me, you'll do nothing but rot teeth and smother

So, to enjoy you, Icing, to the absolute fullest
I must, first, combine the ingredients, stir and bake
Because it is vital, if one is to appreciate your sweet taste,
To properly prepare my foundation, the meat, your Cake.

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