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Gemini Feb 2019
I’ve made a few mistakes down the road
Some keep me up late at night
I didn’t think then they would make me lose control
And it hurts how much they impact my life

Back then I never thought how or why or when
this or that could come back to haunt me again
I was foolish and desperate and blind, I know now
And because of that, I have ****** up my life

Guilt, more guilt, it eats me alive
It doesn’t matter how young I was,
Not in a predator’s eyes
A mistake is a mistake and it will nail me to my grave

No coming back from that now
What will they say, what will they do,
is there a kind of escape I can hope for - am I doomed?  

Just let me live in peace, just let me scrape by
I’m terrified the life I haven’t lived is over,
I’m terrified I won’t find my light

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it twice
I’ll say it as many times as I need
I’m sorry, I apologize, I’ll get down on my knees
But please, oh please –

Don’t hold my adolescent sins against me
Lost Soul Feb 2019
RIP to the little girl that i let die
you left me so quickly
i never got the chance to say
i'm sorry i didn't fight for you more
i wanted to protect you
so i lock us behind my bedroom door
but as the days went by
i looked in the mirror
and saw you die a little more inside
the sobs grew louder
your voice grew hoarse
leaving your throat as dry as powder
.....then you stopped talking at all
the world would disappear
through your tears
as you stare at the wall
one day i woke up and you were no more
i screamed your name
but you never came
you died in the middle of this mental war
i'm sorry little girl i let die
you left so quickly
i'm sorry i never said
RIP to the little girl that lived inside me
Jayantee Khare Feb 2019
चर्चे हों कुरबानी के दुश्मन ललकारे घर में घुसकर
तो प्रेम दिवस की बातें करना कहानी सा लगता है

जब तिरंगे में लिपटकर वापिस आते वीर चवालिस
तब चॉकलेट और तोहफ़े लेना मनमानी सा लगता है

जब शहीदों की चिंताओं पे सौ सौ फूल बरसते हैं
तब ग़ुलाब की आस लगाना बेमानी सा लगता है

बारूदों की आग लगी जब झुलसे देश धमाकों से
मोमबत्तियों में दावत खाना क्या रूमानी सा लगता है

जब माँओं की गोद उजड़ती लावारिस हों नन्हे मुन्ने
मेहबूब की बाहों में छुप जाना नाफ़रमानी सा लगता है

जब हो जाये सीमाओं पे कितने निर्दोषों की कुर्बानी
तब बेमतलब के जलसों में भी वीरानी सा लगता है

चीत्कार हो वीरों का जब करना हो कुछ काम तूफ़ानी
तब चैन से सोना भी वतन से बेईमानी सा लगता है
Love my india
Spike Harper Feb 2019
The world is grey.
Well...slightly more so now.
The nerve endings have healed.
Yet the numbness has lingered.
I stumble on my own feet getting out of bed.
Is it that hard to believe I’m simply.
I get more lost with compass in hand.
Although I can tell you how to find north.
Theoretical knowledge always worked in school.
But my life mentor is absent.
What happens when there is no teacher in gym.
A bunch of kids wandering the grounds.
Some fighting.
More aimlessly wagging their tongues.
Trying to figure out the social heirarchy.
Then there is me.
Smoking a cig at the edge of the property.
Day dreaming of past events.
Even then I secluded myself.
Unknowingly laying the ground work for the next ten years.
Countless routines repeated with different faces and surroundings.
Sometimes even the words would transition into the other.
In those moments I was living faux dejavu.
Losing my mind to my own reflections shadow.
If only I had read the letter My past self had written to my future self telling present me to listen to the mistakes I already made.
Maybe things would have been different.
The possibilities is what destroys the intellegent mind.
Not pain.
It’s the “why”.
The only question that will truly have no answer if asked enough.
And I can’t seem to stop asking.
It’s strange. Not for the fact that i feel this way but because i don’t know any other way to be. I don’t consider it holding it in because it’s not a burden. My fathers memory will never be a burden to me. His that is a different story.
It ***** that we miss people like that. You think you’ve accepted that someone is out of your life, that you’ve grieved and it’s over, and then bam. One little thing, and you feel like you’ve lost that person all over again.
M. Karrington
Poppy Halafihi Jan 2019
This is the hardest part
I love you with all my heart
No matter what happens
we will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Letting go does not mean you are weak
It takes a lot of strength to fight all these weeks  
Lying in the bed
Anticipating what’s ahead
Holding on in pain
No more drinking champagne
suffering everyday
Not one single complaint
For all those migraines
Which will soon fly away

We close our eyes to cry
We close our eyes to pray
We close our eyes to laugh
We close our eyes to dream
The most beautiful things in life
Are not seen
But are felt by the heart
We will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Mum and dad are here
They have been waiting all these years
To embrace you, their little child
So don’t be scared
They are prepared
They will guide you the rest of the way
Everything will be ok

I love you with all my heart
We will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Coco 07
I wrote this poem The evening before she passed away.
I wanted her to feel at ease and know that everything was going to be ok.
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