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AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
I see you sleeping
but I hear you weeping, do you think you can fool me?
cuz I no what lurks in your heart, your everlasting heart.
I see confusion you deceived my heart.
Don't you run away, don't you know what you do to me
you broke my heart in two, you put my heart in to a glass jar.
I feel the fear sweating out of you, the end is near

Heart in a jar, you've gone too far.
My new solitary home has not even a soul, you put me down, down in to the ground.
I am bound, I am bound, I can't hear a sound., I am bound, I'm in the ground,
KA de Vallance Sep 2015
I hope you have another drink
I hope it tastes as sweet as you like them
I hope it burns just the right way
I hope it makes you warm inside
I hope it keeps you happy
I hope you have another drink
I hope it tastes like the last one
I hope it burns all the same
I hope it ignites a flame inside you
I hope it keeps you sane
I hope you have another drink
I hope it tastes like hell
I hope it seeps into your bloodstream and burns your whole body
I hope the fire inside consumes you
And I hope it doesn't keep you alive
Cordelia Rilo Sep 2015
When I fell I wasn't scared.

I let my arms throw themselves wildly in the air like you'd see in a film with Alice and the white rabbit.
I let my hair whip around my face,
slash it,
as the wind twirled me down the abyss.

I didn't cry and I didn't scream out.
I just closed my eyes and pressed,
drove forward.

It must have been two when you called because the neon "Miller Genuine Draft" sign had just gone off on 4th and Alamitos.
I remember picking my cell phone out of my pocket as I fell,
saw the blinking red light with your name glowing across it but I didn't pick up.
I could of, but I didn't because he was there and you weren't.

I licked the **** on the carpet and the car seats,
felt the lint and dog hair attach to my tongue just as I came in the abyss;
eyes rolling and body arching sensations of ecstasy ******* my insides.

The drop was like falling into a down comforter;

And one,
I was out.
Take a whiff of your death
As you spritz the liquid over your skin
The liquid that seeps in
You're not going to win

It intoxicates your idle mind
You'll do things you've never done
As it slowly eats into your bloodstream
You should never cross me

This little present will help me presently
Bringing your death to the present
As you collapse on the floor
Dead and reeking of regret
Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
[ ]
She sits at her seat,

Counting the time till the bell,

Every second, every minute,

Every hour as well,

Dreading to walk out of the class,

To open her locker,

To turn around, frightened,

And see the bullies that mock her,

That stuff her head in the toilet,

That say she is a *******,

That made her life hell,

That broke her, bit by bit,

But now she will show them,

To take some revenge,

To wait till the perfect time,

To show her true intent,

To fall out a window,

To hang on a rope,

To show them that she,

Is devoid of hope,

To put the gun to her head,

To twist off the lid,

To leave them a note,

"This is what you did."
Derekis Sep 2015
Standing in crimson flowers,
hands soaked in hatred,
what it seems like hours,
the anger has not faded.

Smell of bad cologne in the air.
Blood lust unable to bare.
No more moments to spare.
To find their addicting lair.

Running with speed and friction,
burning flowers quickly bloom,
bodies start piling in their tomb,
a sole ticket to destruction.

The heat of burning organs.
The music of screaming fortunes.
Ash hands and their contortions.
Faces sculpted in distortions.

There are bones in this zen garden.
Remainders of a hasty bargain,
for revenge, a heart, hardened.
and redemption it's last warden.

Speed created friction in my veins.
Happiness burned amidst the flames.
Now free from hate's chains.
Loneliness is what remains.
Jackeline Chacon Sep 2015
I can't stop crying
I feel like dying

At night is when I'm insane
So much **** in my brain

**** me now
**** me now

I know you hate me
Show me you do
Or else

I'll **** you,
I'll ******* **** you

You messed with my head
Can't stop thinking
All those things you said

**** me now
**** me now

You don't love me
Stab me through
End this pain
Or I'll get you

Right now I'm crying
But trust me babe
I'm not lying

I'll pierce your eyes
Slit you twice
I'll ****** you
A thousand times

**** me now
**** me now

You think were better off alone
Sad how little you know

You messed with the wrong chick
And it makes me sick
So ******* sick

Thought you knew me
You don't know what I can do
With all this love

With all this love and hate
For you
Just Me Sep 2015
War has begun no shots fired no blows draw blood

Instead words are exchanged

Her hearts broken
Her heart is broken

Have you heard the gossip

Friends now enemies...

Its come to this

Nobody knows how tight we were
But planted jealousy and whispers seem to push our end

Its what they planned...

I'll never be the same
You will never be the same

We broke one another's trust with belief of words never spoken

I sit here now
You sit there

We both speak battle words that scars us deep, and the pain that spills can't be cleaned

When we pass in the hall's it's cheesy and sad...

We both pause...

You look back,  and so do I
But you will never know for sure that it's an I'm sorry and neither will I

We clicked from the start, so open, so sweet
We both were smart
But that strength and stubbornness we valued in each other

Well that pride...

Its what broke us, because we are selfish

And you nor I did not know this

Its me or you who's right...

It's me

Both our heads held high


**** this

Your just a .......
Written from my teenage past.
Derekis Sep 2015
Summon eternal romance,
for we want to be in trance,
joined by the happenstance,
in this enchanting dance.

Our 'everlasting' love,
where did it go?

Don't despair
life ain't fair,
but its okay,
everyone knows.

Betrayal and lies..

The devil amidst us rises
concealed in various guises,
using her vile and clever deception,
destroying our love connection.

Desire and temptation.

A pitch and angry world taking its toll,
I feel anger and wrath, hope falling apart..

I can't feel..more..

Where is my soul?
Where is my heart?

Did she take it all?
Did she broke it all?

Putting on our social masks
we fall back to the normal tasks
of feeding on tragic memories
and our perpetual miseries.

Where's my life?
Where's the hope?

Brave songs on trembling swords,
panic with mere determined words,
its time for a royal dethrone,
my resolve as strong as stone.

Don't you dare despair,
although the fear is there,
my will is laid bare,
I will prevail.

Using her evil art,
I will reach my goal,
this will be my heart,
this will be my soul.

Gain it back,
take it back.

No matter what.
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