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Erenn Nov 2014
Aligned to unite
With others who lost their way
It’s a mess we perceived
To those in dismay
These lines create dreams 
For the broken
For the ones never spoken-
Of Love & Courage

Conjuring up notions of time
Structuring of desires preludes
To pursue what’s lost 
To preach and beseech truth
Faith denotes eternally
Surviving pain and deceit
What speaks only bleeds
To fabricate amity

Not fazed by power
But to denote greed
Greed of Love & Passion
Exhaling Hate & Deception
To succor the pillar of fate
To exist in this factual state

Your heart's a fragile thing. 
Everyone’s heart is. 
Don’t ever contaminate hatred
Contaminate love instead.
We're only humans. We're not perfect.
We come in different colours.
Don't hate on things/someone you don't know.
Don't erase a race/religion with intent of hate
Contaminate love instead.
Jo Nov 2014
Ah!  Another hero
Washed with bleach
Like the Son,
Who is only holy
When rinsed of his

I wear a white coat
That browns in sunlight -
It appears the moon and I
Will be good friends.

How deep must I scrub
To rid my pores of
The southeast Asian sun;
To wash my hair of Pacific salt?
(Even my mother painted herself
With a European brush).  

How can I know myself
When denied the magma
In my blood?  

It's of no fault of mine
That I've been stripped
Down to resemble a
Colonial caricature -

I've been taught
The victories
And learned
Medals are smelt
In white gold,
But mostly
I've been told
That mixtures separate
And I am mostly
Creme with a dash of coffee.  

A shame!  
Us beige babies must be
Assigned colors
As if palettes were for paintings
Not people -

My family tree has
Cane fields and apple orchards,
So don't act like
You're surprised
When I mention
White isn't the only
Color of my skin.
Some mixed race angst for you.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
More so,
race is the central
organizing principle in society

© Matthew Harlovic
I knew that "in(equal)ity" was going to spark controversy. It's just an observation, that's all. Let's not fight. Let's just be aware.
Kayla Alexia Nov 2014
There was a time and place where skin color did not matter
Race is only skin deep
It is not a feeling or something that matters
Not black enough
Not white enough
Asking god why no silky straight hair
Asking god why no short ***** curly hair
I am not my hair nor skin color
I am a child that has grown up into a world with labels
Constantly changing who I am by definition
Generations on top of generations are loving each other
Regardless of race
When it is finally time for us
To see the world end and destroy
Love will be love
No matter what race
The word mix wont be in play
Rather just recognized as people
Corinne Kahi Nov 2014
Slit my wrists,
I bleed red just like you
But you only see
My dark skin

My skin life,
these pores are my breath,

My skin comfort,
No one will hold me as tight as my skin,

My skin home,
I refuse to change it,

My skin me,
Let me love me
Someone told me I should try bleach my skin to look prettier,i was astonished!!I never had a problem with my black skin.So i wrote this
Joseph Esplana Oct 2014
If I should die tonight ill go out with my eyes wide opened,
Corrupted mind being cleansed from the joint im smokin' ,
Who are you to tell what a person's views should be,
I hope you don't birth kids into this insanity,
Fill your thoughts with false information,
money for wars while kids die from starvation,
I will never give in and I hate this place,
YOU are the ugly in this "human race"
I hate people. Especially people who brainwash their kids from the get go about religion, politics, etc.
Serenity Elliot Oct 2014
He stood up above the crowd
And yelled speech in hand
Nice and loud
Yoghurt covered, chocolate coated
We are all the same underneath

And the crowd cheered and gloated
Wait said one
I'm a raisin, not a nut
They all turned towards him and stared him down
And one by one their doors closed shut
Big Virge Oct 2014
EVERYDAY ... In this country ....
They're telling us ... LIES ... !!!!!
from Thatcher ... to ... Blair ....
To ... "Good Old" ... "HESELTINE" .....
So let me explain ....
why i've put this in rhyme ....
The army's had ... SECRETS ...
THEY ... "DON'T" ... talk about ... !!!
So read these words ... CLOSELY ... !!!
cos' now ... it's come ... " OUT " ... !!!
Policies on recruitment ....
were .... "STRICTLY" .... Defined ....
Black soldiers ... WEREN'T ... Welcome ... !!!!!
on ... "WHITE" .... Army Lines ...
They say it's been happening ...
But somehow ... i'm thinking ...
it's been ... "ALL THE TIME" ....
This to me though ... is ... COOL ... !!!
and is ... NO SURPRISE ... !!!!!
it's just .... POSITIVE PROOF ....
of the ... LIES ... they've disguised ... !!!!!
as a youthful ... PROUD BLACK ... !!!!!
I REMEMBER ..... THE HATRED ..... !!!
and .... Racial Attacks .... !!!
There was ... "NEVER" ... ANY BLACK
in the ... UNION JACK ... !!!!!
These ... UNCLE TOM ... Blacks ....
Should ... "REMEMBER" ... THAT ... !!!!
They like to suggest ....
Black people are ... "*****" ... !!!
Well, YES ... that is ... TRUE ...
"SOME" ... Black people ... ARE ... !!!
But it's ... WHITE GIRLS ... I see ....
who like ... "****" ...
Up Their ... **** ... !!!!!!
So ...........
for them .... to say ....
English people ... have ... " CLASS " ... !?!?!
is just ... "ONE MORE LIE" ....
and is truly .... A .... FARCE !!!!!!
Now this thing with ... "Armed Forces"
NOT wanting ... "us ... BLACKS" ... !!!!!
is ... "Cool with me !!!" ... but ... !!!???!!!
when ... MUSLIMS ... " ATTACK " ....
They'd better believe .....
They should ... COVER ...
Their Backs ... !!!!!
Cos' ... THE TRUTH ... is out now ...
and this ... I DO ... BACK ... !!!!
The Army ... SHOULD ...
...... " ETHNICALLY " ......
Cleanse OUT ... The Blacks .... !!!!!!!!!!
Oh they'll be ... ALRIGHT ... !!!
when their army's ... ALL WHITE ... !!!
So to those who hate ... ******* ...
have a read of ... The Words ...
in the ... FOLLOWING ... Verse ...
Go fight your own fights ... !!!!!
cos' Black people have died ....
"PROTECTING" ... YOU Whites ... !!!!!
who suggest that ... us ... BLACKS ....
Shouldn't have ... Civil Rights ... !!!!!!!
My feeling is that .....
whose family ... "SUFFERED" ...
from an ... English Law ... CON ... !!!
Film footage did show ....
Those White .... HOOLIGANS .... !!!!!!
were ... READY ... to ... **** ... !!!
Any Black ... and just ... Run ...!!!...
But when court time came ....
They were given ... FREEDOM ... !???!
Well ....
To Stephen's ... DAD ...
and to ... Stephen's ... MUM ...
I'm writing this verse ....
cos' the way it was ... Handled ...
was ... "TOTALLY" ... " WRONG " ... !!!!!!
See .... The BBC showed ....
How .... Police Training ... goes !!!
That ... " Racists " ... get recruited ... !!!
and ... "WELCOMED" ... to the ... FOLD ... !!!!!
But People ... Only Know ...
cos' the ... "HIDDEN CAM" ... Showed ...
that .... RACISM'S .... hidden ....
like ... "COVETED" ... Gold ....
and that's when ... THE RACISTS ...
be acting .... ALL BOLD .... !!!!!
But catch them ....
on ... Their Own ...
when their ... "BNP Buddies" ...
are sitting ... AT HOME ... !!!
In Black Company ....
They're in ... " THE DEADZONE " ... !!!!!
They Quickly ... Transform ...
into .... " ALI G ... mode " .... !!!
"I've got LOADS of Black friends ...
so ... what's happening bro !!!???!!!"
Meantime we are told ....
"EQUALITY" ..... is in sight .... !!!
Now I ... DON'T LIKE ... using
"EXPLETIVES" .... when I write ... !!! ...
But ... i've got to say ... THIS ...
"That ain't ... ******* RIGHT ... !!!!!"
So ...  i'm fighting ...
...... RACISM ......
These Days ......
when I ... WRITE ...
while Police just ... DELIGHT ...
in ... beating Black Folks ....
til they're .............
"BLACKER than ....
NIGHT" .... !!!!!
Can this really be right ... !!!?!!!
These ... RACIST ... whites .... ARE ....
OHhhhhhh ...... Soooo ..... POLITE ... !!!
But ...
Don't want to ... "INVITE" ...
A time or place ....
where ... BLACK and WHITE ...
Can ... Try to... "UNITE" ......
But .... it's okay now ....
cos' Blacks be acting like ... Whites ....
now they're in the ... " LIMELIGHT " ...
Every ******* ... is ... "BLINGING" ....
with ... Custom Made ... Jewellery ...
"Correction" ..... ofcourse ....
that line should say .... "ICE" ....
See ... we ... DON'T ... Talk About....
Our .... "HUMAN" .... BLACK LICE ... !?!?!?!
Those ... " KILLING " ... Their Brothers ....
just for a slice ....
.... of ....
" Uncle Sam's Pie " ......
Well ....
The same rules ... apply ... !!!
The U.S. .... just wants them ...
to ... lay down ... and ... DIE ... !!!
cos' they ... Like The ... " British " ...
are just ... " FULL OF LIES " .... !!!!!
The UK's what ... I know ...
but this ... " LIE " .... Titled Prose ....
just goes to show .....
whether ...  HERE or THERE ....
The same **** ... flows ... !!!!!!!!!
From the ... LIES ... that they feed ....
to ... THOSE TRUTHS ... still ...
.............  "UNTOLD" ................ ???????
But ... NOW ... we've been told ....
Will Blacks ... "BREAK THE MOULD ?"
Well .... Probably ... NOT ... !!!?!!!
cos' ... most now ... have ... SOLD ...
Their ... TRUE SELVES ... behind ...
cos' now ... they're ... refined ...
and are ... STUCK ... in a Bind ...
B'cos' ... what they've ... Believed ...
Now ... leaves them ... " BEHIND " ...
THAT ...  Rock and Hard Place ... !!!
with visions ... " MISPLACED " ...
without .... recognizing ....
"NEW PROBLEMS" .... we face ... !!!
cos' ... White Moguls ... now know ...
what makes ... "*******" ... Break ... !!!
A Nice ..... Fancy Car .....
and .... *** .... on a plate ... !!!!!!
So ... YES ... Some DUMB ...
........ " ******* !!!" ..........
have ... Quickly ... got ... A.I.D.S .... !!!!!
cos' of ****** ... they've been ...
.......... " Bedding !!! " ..........
by their ... New ... Fireplace ... !!!
whilst telling ..... "LIES" ..... !!!
to their ..... Wives ......
Maaaannn .........
That ... ****'s ... A DISGRACE ... !!!!!
See ... this is a ... Trait ...
that now makes me ... Irate ... !!!!!
Some White Girls be .... "ACTING" ...
like .... "Black men are ... GREAT" ... !!!
But .......
"CANNOT" ..... take them ....
back to .... "Daddy's Place" ... !!!?!!!
cos' ... The Truth ...
then comes ... OUT ... !!!
They'd get a ... SLAP ... !!!
in their ..... FACE ..... !!!!!!!!!
B'cos daddy's ... Not Happy ... !!!!!
with the thought of his daughter ...
as a lamb to ... "BLACK SLAUGHTER" ....
cos' ... sounds that she's making ....
Sounds like *** ...
is ... " Pure TORTURE !!!!! "
and that's when his ...
"Lies and Untruths"
get ........ "Found Out"  ... !!!
cos' now her ... Black Boyfriend ....
gets treated like ... "GOUT" ... !!!
See ... These ... are the ... "LIES" ...
We ... "DON'T" ... talk about ... !!!
But ... This is ... "THE TRUTH" ....
coming out of ... My Mouth ...
or ... if you're a ... Reader ...
Yes .... Out of ... MY HANDS ...
Just think about this ......
and you'll ..... "OVERSTAND" ... !!!
that ... LYING .... comes easy ... to ...
..... "TRUE" ..... Englishman ... !!!
But .... LYING .....
...... to me .....
I now ... "OVERSTAND" ... !!!
It's fed ... YES ... to ... Man ...
and ... YES ... to ... Woman ...
to keep us from being ....
" UNITED " .....
..... as ......
" PEOPLE " .....
These things ...
" I BELIEVE ! " ....
have always been ...
cos' if people .... "UNITE" ....
The Divisions .... would ....
............. " DIE " .................
and then ...
People Like ..... "YOU" ......
and ... People Like ... " I " ...
could ... finally see ...
"THE TRUTH" ....
From the ...
.... " LIES " ....
Peace y'all and Recognise !!!!!
Seems like the Brits aren't the only ones, but, they do like to tell some whoppers !!!!!
Tawanda Mulalu Oct 2014
I don't remember when I finally figured out
that racism is real. But when I was much younger,
I think I was somewhat uneasy with how
the white girls
were always the prettiest because
we saw them on TV,
having adventures
in pink dresses.

Of course one had to wonder
where one could see himself or herself
on a TV screen without being made
a secondary character; a black
I've recently become aware that my skin colour is kind of a Thing. And I should probably start thinking about what that Thing means. The point is, as much as many of us would like it to be, skin colour isn't Nothing and we can't all always just exclaim 'but we're all human beings!'
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